Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    H isn't grumpy SANDY. When one objects to him doing whatever he wants, (my brand new fence is the next story) he just smiles vacantly and wanders off. I sometimes wonder if he is short on the old grey cells. We've never had a confrontation which is remarkable. He would test the patience of Mother Theresa, the Dalai Lama or me if it comes to that, lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited September 2020
    Good afternoon. I have spent the day with stamps, inks, papers and cleaning supplies. I have stamped some backgrounds, some images to color, and some things to color and cut out. I thought as long as I had things out, I might as well do some of the things I had wanted to try.

    I didn’t get to the library for my books since I burned up the day with my card stuff. They close for several hours during the day to clean so I would go now but they are closed.

    Jeri, I love everything you posted. You live in a marvelous area with stunning views which you capture so well. You are gorgeous! Even more than usual. ❤️ And Melanie with the kiddos. Superb. So nice to hear from you. If I had that type of scenery, I think I would camp all summer.

    Jackie, lovely photos from you as well. Although buzzards make me a bit nervous that something has come to an untimely end. The sky is beautiful. I laughed, good luck in keeping all the Paul’s separated. Maybe they need to be #1, #2, and #3? Just kidding. As long as you have gone so far on this project, I can see why you want to keep doing things the right way. Good for you. And I do not like the van parked so that you cannot see you. Rude.

    Anne, your neighbor does have quite the stuff on his side of the fence. On our Neighborhood posts, someone posted a photo of an anonymous letter left on his neighbor’s truck. The letter complained that he was junking up the neighborhood with all the stuff parked permanently on his lot, car, truck, camping trailer, and a work vehicle. That is a lot and I believe it is against city ordinance to keep any type of trailer/motor home/RV permanently parked at your house. And granted, the house has a 2-car garage, but just saying some neighbors don’t take this behavior well. I wouldn’t probably do anything as I wouldn’t want to fight with anyone. The guy across from me has turned in a violator to the city. This house is blocks away from here but he drove by it often and it irritated him. Oh my. Plant the flowers and pray the boat goes away next spring.

    Bob, yum, I love spaghetti squash but when I cook it, I do not stuff it, I dutifully pull all the strands of spaghetti out with a fork and top it with tomato sauce and Nutritional Yeast. Your meal looks lovely once again. Broccoli is a favorite of mine as well. I had to go back and look at the restored photos. Excellent work. I don’t see how you fixed the one that was missing so much of the original. Must have taken forever.

    Barbie, wahoo, another blanket! Do you keep track of the number of completed blankets each year? My friend never did check out the charities. She cut her arm and needed lots of stitches. She says it doesn’t hurt but I note she hasn’t started any new projects right now.

    Sandy, hello my friend. Riding a bike is something I have wanted to get back to but my bike needs a tune up and new tires. Couple that with my history of flat tires and accidents and I have decided riding on my own is likely too hazardous. 😂🤣😂

    Patsy, if only the air quality would improve, I would be less anxious for you two and Katie of course. Hoping for rain for your area. Go, go, go on your project. Are you enjoying it and is Katie helping you?

    Back to my stacks of stuff. I think all of the ink is set now.

    Hello Diane!

    Best wishes to everyone.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've just done an interesting quiz on telling where you originated by your accent. Mainly based on how you pronounce words or something like - do you use Autumn versus Fall etc. Guess what, it was absolutely spot on with me despite having left my birthplace 60 years ago. "You can always tell a Yorkshireman" etc etc and in my case the exact spot in Yorkshire! Remarkable!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Anne – I hear ya… we don’t volunteer like we did in the past… we do some. I cooked at a local hospice and we did a lot thru church…but many of the “old timers” have passed on and the church actually is now largely Sudanese and they simply aren’t into the things we did (Strawberry Festival, Plays, etc.) Things change – heck – look at 2020 LOL. Thanks for the wishes.

    Jackie – Your mention of neighbors struck a chord. Before downsizing, we lived in a neighborhood that was nice, but the neighbors were not the best…lets say phony and inconsiderate comes to mind. Although, they didn’t see themselves that way. Our current neighbors (for that dozen yrs) are WONDERFUL. On one side, an older woman from Macedonia (her husb passed a few yrs ago), across the street an African American couple and next to her an Asian family and on our other side a Sheriff. It’s like the UN. EVERYONE is friendly and takes care of their property etc. We feel very fortunate.

    Sandy – Thanks re: Grandkids…growing so fast. They have a a couple in-school days and then Zoom and also home schooling. My daughter is a long-time teacher so that is good, but now she has returned to a sched that is still being worked out. Fortunately her husband has been a great help and the there is a network of parents helping each other… with car pools vs. taking bus etc. So many people in all areas impacted by this virus… praying for 2021 to be better.

    Lin – I think I have come up with a 1000 ways to eat spaghetti squash since friend got me cooking it. I use it as my potato or real spaghetti replacement. Thanks on the restored photo comment. I just did another one today for Jean’s aunt… it was from 1925!

    On a side note (and I know I mentioned my fat clothes before) – BUT I had a great time this morning. Our JCP store is closing and today I picked up Levi’s on sale…. Size 33 W…. just a little smaller than my Size 60 W… As I once mentioned I kept only 1 pair of fat pants as a reminder and gave away everything else. Glad I have them. I don’t even remember being a 33 W in high school. It made my day!

    So I’ll close with a "last pic" of my old/new jeans – Bob


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow Bob! In this case you aren’t half the man you used to are twice as strong a man as you used to be! Well done, my friend. You remain a constant inspiration! As far as young marriage goes. John and I married right out of high school and then off to college to live in married student housing. We were extremely busy, full college load and both of us had part time jobs. Then BOOM! A baby! She was brought into the art department studio while I painted. I had a permanent play pen installed next to my easel. I think the paint fumes entered her brain. She painted and did art projects from the very beginning. Anyway, the reason we feel we did just fine as a young marriage was because we were consumed with our education, jobs, and raising our own little artists. Great times! Happy memories!

    John is repainting the garage doors. I am doing physical therapy exercises on my knee. Got to tell you...oooooph! Ughhhh! #$&@$$*#&! We each are involved in arduous activities.

    Rain is predicted tonight and tomorrow. Let it be so! Our Oregon needs some TLC. Also California and Washington state. Think rain and loving caring thoughts.

    Our neighbors are some distance away. But we are helpful when necessary but not intrusive. In fact there are neighbors that we have lived near for 30 years and I still am not sure of their name. We speak and wave. They checked on us when we had our big winds and during our big flood. One neighbor has lots of junk around but we just close our eyes as we drive by. They are sweet but very messy people. We are always invited to the neighborhood big loud BBQ parties, New Years parties, 4th of July fireworks parties. We laugh and politely never show up.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Bob, those are tiny jeans! My ex-husband as a starving college student wore 33s or 34s. Wow!

    Patsy, yeah, keep working on healing your knee.

    My eyes were tired so I did not go back to any card related activities.

    But, of course, there was a tiny puzzle. 🤣😂🤣


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited September 2020
    Up and messaging with my grocery shopper. But I just found this very unusual (to me anyway) teapot.

    Staffordshire red clay Jackfield teapots c1880's
    Note the high glaze finish and it is a hinged ceramic teapot.


    Photo of the set of teapots of the person who shared


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another lovely day although it did try to rain this morning without success. The car park on the moors was filling up with what looked like a production team about to make an advertisement or promotional video but we managed to walk away from them all for a peaceful walk. Home for a shower before my hospital appointment which went well. Not the usual hubbub in the main entrance as visitors are asked to only have one person at the most accompanying them and the specialist breast cancer floor was extremely quiet so all in all I wasn’t in the building more than 20 minutes. I will receive a letter in one to two weeks. One surprise was just how many people walking on the keep to the left system with signs everywhere chose to ignore it so walked straight at me and that was mostly medical staff! Too much on their minds perhaps.

    On the way out I purchased an M&S goats cheese and carrot chutney sandwich for a late lunch which I just enjoyed with a salted caramel kitkat bar bought at a petrol station so healthy eating out the window with some comfort food! 🤪

    Steaming hot outside so I will potter or maybe put the umbrella up on the deck and enjoy a cup of tea.

    That is an unusual teapot Lin but weren’t those Victorians dour!! No wonder Art Deco designers followed on in the opposite direction with their bright colours.

    Incredible how many inches you’ve lost Bob, just amazing, well done. As Patsy so rightly said, you are an inspiration.

    I really do hope Patsy and John received some welcome rain last night. One of our news reporters sadly commented yesterday that Oregon always enjoyed a moist climate due to all the trees but no more with so many acres destroyed. I’ve a feeling though the spirit and determination will be there to plant saplings and rebuild.

    Keep a beady eye on Harry Anne! 🧐

    Hello Sandy, Jeri, Buzz, Barbie and Diane. I may have missed someone, sorry!

    Happy Tuesday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A mystery for you Sneakers to solve. Not only as the lilac bush gone, but both vehicles AND the boat.
    Gone fishing? Anne. 😇🐶❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    That's my scenic view by the way to the left. Here's the view to the right. Anne. 😇🐶❤️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited September 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) Another beautiful day which will be perfect for being with the kiddos. They are playing volleyball tomorrow night but Lisa's parents will be there since they are watching Charlie while the boys have their swim lesson. Lisa has some errands to run so asked I come today which is fine with me since I have an appointment tomorrow to have an oil change on my car and his advice on what Ford recommends.
    My anniversary came and went with no call from Babe which I admit hurt and will tell him when and if he does call today. I wonder if they gave him my card but there will be no more being sent. Sorry just venting but I am fine.

    Anne, so the boat sits in his front yard, is it in front of their garage?? If so they need to pave that area which of course he won't do. Let us know if the boat returns. Just came back to edit, is that also Harry's house?

    Jackie, I am glad all went well at the hospital and your got some comfort food to reward yourself. <3

    Lin, love those little puzzles, I think I could handle those. lol

    Patsy, my weather app says rain for you today so I hope it is right.

    Bob, like everyone else I am amazed with the size difference in those pants. You should be so proud of yourself and my guess would be you will never go back.

    Buzz and Jeri, hope all is well.

    I want to order groceries for pickup tomorrow so I have to eat and get moving.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It was a cold morning – 43 degrees at 5:30am and 39 degrees when I left the gym. Brrr… forecast is 69 by late afternoon. Tried to return soda bottles, but there was a line outside – so in the trunk they remain. LOL.

    Watched an interesting video “CAC Score? (Coronary Artery Calcium) Heart Attack Risk” posted yesterday…my score is pretty high so the results were what I expected (he gives a link to calculate – but you do need your numbers to fill it in.

    Just made my lunch and figured it was time for some broiled haddock.


    Lin – Interesting tea pot. Reminded me how quirky I can be, as I never use a mug/coffee cup that has a black interior….so weird. LOL

    Jackie – Jealous about the production filming etc. I always like to watch those people work. Sadly, every time a movie is filmed around here I don’t find out about it until it’s too late. Your comment about hospital restrictions, reminds me of all the difficulties and pain it can cause. Jean has a cousin we just found out is in the hospital with multiple issues… I won’t go into it all, but won’t be surprised if things don’t go well. I believe he is in his late 60’s. With regards to walking “directional signs” I have given up – doesn’t matter if it’s the grocery store or mall – so many people are completely oblivious.

    Sandy – Glad the day is starting off so grand for you and that you will have time with the kiddos. On the flip side, sorry you didn’t get that anniversary call…certainly entitled to your feelings / venting. As for the pants etc. LOL – yes – Never again! Happy grocery shopping!

    Have a great day! Bob
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, believe me the house looks TONS better than it did in the past. I was told by a town official that our town had three problem houses and the folks who bought next door to me owned one of them.
    Years ago, in an effort to block out the back yard mess Mark and I shared the cost of a 7ft high fence. The chap who erected it had barely climbed into his van when I caught the neighbour hammering nails all along it to hang his ladders and wheelbarrows etc. A just erected brand new fence which cost the earth! I've never had a neighbour like this one in the two countries I've lived in. By the way I lost the back yard privacy as well when he built a balcony on the back of a bedroom. The wife sits there and one day she informed me she could see into everyone's yard. Fortunately I'm lucky. I can hide behind the Apple tree if I need peace but not quiet when they play their music.
    Well, there are worse things aren't there. We live, believe it or not on rather a nice street and the 30 years I've lived here it's the only house that's always had a dirt, unpaved drive.

    Thought about you this morning JACKIE and I'm so glad you enjoyed comfort food!

    The foxes seem to have disappeared. Rounded up and moved on - I hope so! The wild life is flourishing again with chipmunks in the garden and squirrels abounding. Actually the chipmunks live in Hs wood pile just out of sight in the photo.

    Well no more moans from me! Even my back seems to be in recovery mode! It's a cool but beautiful day, the firemen aren't putting any fires out at H's house like the time we all stood outside shivering at one in the morning in the snow worrying about our much lower bungalow roofs. It was a DIY electrical fault, and lets face it without my neighbours life would be rather dull!!!

    Love to you all,
    Anne. 😇🐶❤️🕊

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited September 2020
    The boats back! And three burly men are trying to park it next to my fence. Watching with my beady eyes.
    PS. They are emptying liquid from the engine onto the dirt drive. Hope it's water!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Drat Anne, I was about to type that maybe your neighbours had moved out then read your last comment. You’re more polite than me because if my neighbours sat on a balcony and said they could see into every garden Including mine I would have to ask why on earth would they want to? Our homes are our little castles so we should be able to enjoy our privacy. Thanks for thinking of me but it was one of my less stressful trips to Plymouth. Lots of people still working from home and visitors would have been on the beaches! During the actual mammogram Lena the technologist had hiccups which had us laughing and she said I wouldn’t forget this visit, hopefully the last!

    Bob, the first production vehicle to arrive on site this morning was the caterer and by the time I returned from our walk everyone else had turned up and crowded round it. Good coffee no doubt with bacon baps! They had direction signs on the road for B-Tech and as I left were unloading a small 4 wheel machine that looked like a mini go cart and I heard someone say they would take it to the quarry. That’s where the buzzards are flying around and it’s an atmospheric place. It’s desperately sad that families can’t visit in hospitals, especially for the person that’s seriously unwell. It goes against human kindness. I love haddock and that plate of food is very attractive.... as ever!

    Sandy, I’m so sorry Babe didn’t contact you for your anniversary and understand how hurt you are feeling. The fact you question if he was given your card says you really know where the problem lies in that household but you know you can vent here whenever you want. ❤️ Live in the moment and enjoy your time with the kiddos.

    Feet up for the evening.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Yea! We have a gentle rain that will help with firefighting. It will not put out the fires but it will raise the humidity and up the flash point to help with hot spots. Our Oregon news is so awful and heartbreaking, I can hardly stand it. I do need to stay tuned for alerts and status reports. Sigh.....

    One thing about neighbors, no matter where, when an emergency is happening, most people rise to the occasion. Strangers helping strangers as well as family and friends. I’ve seen that over and over.
    Anne: I must take a photo of our messy neighbor’s place. If it were not so incredibly messy, it would be funny. They ascribe to the “never Put anything in the trash, just throw it out in the yard, in case they might need it later.” That day never seems to come.

    Jackie: well dear friend! What a relief. Even if your hospital appointments are expected to be normal, there is always that nagging little worry. Tells you once again how precious life is And gives one determination to not waste a moment.

    Lin: that is an interesting teapot. The color is strangely ominous for me. Coffee and tea time needs to be happy and cheerful. All in all, very interesting style of the times.

    Sandy: I will say that although your anniversary went un noticed by Babe, he is in a sad situation. It may be is own fault but it is hard to imagine why people do the things they do. He is really being held hostage by his own emotions. You are extremely lucky and strong. Don’t feel neglected, you have many people who love and enjoy your company.

    Bob: great looking lunch. Does your Jean eat the same lunch? John is such a picky eater and a terrible cook, I fix all the meals but with his likes and dislikes as my guide. I grew up mostly with my grandparents Who were great gardeners. They could grow anything and I loved all veggies. I had to introduce John to many veggies. He still views some with great suspicion.

    Fog drifting in, a rainy PNW kind of day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited September 2020
    Good evening. My eyes are so tired I don’t know how much I will write this evening. Busy day here. Grocery delivery. Picking cherry tomatoes and sorting out the ones that are splitting. Wow, lots of them are split now. Dragging out a small pot and a bag of soil to try to plant a bit of late lettuce.

    I made a trip to the library to pick up my hold items. I followed protocol and called the number for curbside pickup. They said they would have someone bring out my books in a little while. That turned out to be 20 minutes. That is more than a little while. I wonder how this will work I’m the winter? Not well!

    I have been caught up in making the Snarky Cat cards. I do not generally post any of my card creations now as I bombed this group with card after card. I have fun making them but I am not a professional so best to keep them between me and the person who receive them. But these cards just make me giggle so I am breaking my own rule. I did five designs, 2 cards each and they are all compete now. Only problem, who in this world is in the mood to receive one of these? People are kind of touchy.

    Okay, here’s one of them.


    I am working on adding a diecut to each of the Halloween cards and I made a quite lucky 13 of those. Have only finished adding the diecut to 4 or 5 of them so far.

    Then there is the stack of fall/thanksgiving cards. I am not certain what direction I want to go on finishing them. So I might switch to the starts of four birthday cards. I have many friends who love purple and that is the color theme. I am having fun working on all the cards so no new puzzles for now.

    Anne, your neighbors are a bit odd. It sounds like they may have purchased that boat as a fishing boat and it will come and go as they go on trips. I must say, the views are not scenic by any means. Flowers, birds and squirrels would be much preferable.

    Patsy, a bit of rain is welcome as any help is welcome. Poor Oregon, I have never heard of your state sustaining so much damage. Yes please, keep up on any alerts. And stay packed up!

    Jackie, fingers crossed for good results on today’s test. You do live in an interesting area. A production crew! I wonder what they are filming? Couldn’t you pick up a coffee and breakfast sandwich on your way home? 😂😂 I am happy that Violet is not raising a ruckus about the work on the house. That is good. (And your late lunch sounds delicious.)

    Bob, a cold morning indeed. How often are you going to the gym? We are having a blast of summer again with daytime temperatures in the 80’s. Yippee. Sunshine and summertime. Great combination. I will enjoy whatever we get for nice days. I was out sweeping leaves from my front sidewalk, a sure sign that I am kidding myself and fall is definitely arriving soon. Lovely lunch once again in that photo.

    Sandy, I hope you have had a very enjoyable day with the kiddos. If your weather was like ours, it was a superb day. Good luck on the grocery order! And it will be interesting to hear what you find out regarding needed services for your car when you go for that oil change. Sorry about Babe. 🥺

    Buzz, hello dear friend. ❤️❤️

    Waves to Barbie, Diane, and Jeri.

    Best wishes.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Love your card LIN. Glad I don't have any bubbles over MY head just now! Actually our mail is so dodgy I won't be mailing any cards for some time, birthday or Christmas unless I can hand deliver. Sad, but sign of the times. More later but wanted to mention that after Lins reminder.
    Couldn't believe my eyes just now, MFP spell check changed Lins name to aliens !!! Glad I caught it LIN!
    Anne. 😇🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Maybe I am an alien Anne. I am still mailing things even with the delivery problems. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Morning teapot(s)

    ‘Wedgwood jasperware teapots. 6, 4, and 2 cup‘


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just wanted to also mention that although sunny, our sky isn't blue. Sort of a hazy, yellowish, grey colour. Apparently caused by the west coast fires all those thousands of miles away. Remarkable. Too high to cause air quality problems and giving us a red sun in the evening.
    Our temperature climbs to 84 today before plummeting again.

    My touchiness has subsided as it always does after a couple of hours. I'm back to being a dear, sweet, sensitive soul ! 😇 Just can't keep it up, I'd make a rotten politician.

    My cousin in Australia is now in springtime and everyone's worried because the temperature is also 84 today. After last year's fires they wonder what summer will bring.

    Here the worry is virus cases steadily climbing now the children are back at school. Hey ho. I heard the border is now shut until November.

    I think I will become an ostrich and bury my head in the dry earth.

    Anne and Jilly the Bean. 🙃🐶❤️