Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello, teapot time. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    “...this is a Doulton... NOT Royal Doulton, this is pre-Royal Doulton, this is Doulton Lambeth (London), it's moulded Stoneware and it has the Doulton Lambeth backstamp, as well as Doulton & Slater's Patent. The fact that it doesn't have 'England' anywhere that I can see dates this pot to pre-1891 and the Doulton & Slater's patent was introduced in 1886 for 'Special Items'...”


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Certainly looks bobbly or even pimply Lin!! Not my favourite colours but different!

    Busy Sunday and I've just sat and composed a strongly worded email to the conservatory company listing their past 10 months phone calls and broken promises ending with a threat to take the matter to Trading Standards.
    The sun is shining so I'll get into the garden for a couple of hours and pop back later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited September 2020
    Happy Sunday! :) Movie night was indoors so it was nice and comfortable. The movie was animated so the kids loved it and so did I. The heat is on again to take the chill out of the house but it is sunny and going to get warmer. I will have the usual Sunday zoom call with my family, ride the bike and visit Joe. Do you see a pattern??? I am sitting for volleyball tomorrow instead of Tuesday so my days will no doubt get mixed up. lol

    Jackie, I don't blame you for being more than upset witht the conservatory company. I hope you didn't give them any money for a deposit. I presume your trading standards are like our better business bureau. Have you heard from Buzz's friends, is Buzz okay?

    Lin, odd tea pot, but still pretty. What are your plans for the day??

    Bob, I loved your lunch from yesterday except for the peppers, not a fan. Have fun apple picking today and more birthday celebrations, you are a lucky man.

    Anne, I hope you are feeling better today, is the aleve helping??

    Hello to everyone else but time again is slipping away and I haven't eaten breakfast. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It turned out to be a pleasant afternoon so I pottered in my garden in between looking online for a couple of electric panel heaters for my downstairs rooms. I think I have found what I want and need and because they are a Norwegian design I have to imagine they know how to come up with the best way to keep warm with their cold climate but will sleep on my decision before buying tomorrow. We have cold weather arriving by the end of the week so I am making sure I'm ready!!
    Sandy, Like you, I was beginning to feel concern for Buzz because she hadn't posted for a few days but a phone call to her today found her feeling much better. No pain and she is walking with a frame so able to get to and from her bathroom or wherever else she wants to go. I got the impression moving back to her apartment will be too big a step so an offer of an assisted care package is on the cards. From her description it sounds like a great option because they will supply 3 meals a day and she can go wherever she wants, even enjoy meals in the dining area with friends. She is having problems with her computer and doesn't feel she can fix it herself but thinks once she moves into the new area she will find a techi genius to sort it out for her! She misses everyone on the Sneakers forum and sends lots of love.
    I can't remember if I sent you her phone number with her address so let me know if you would like it and I can message you. Enjoy your zoom, bike and Joe!

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunday, Sunday, so good to me! Yesterday I composed one of my long posts and oh my gosh! I did it again. I clicked “done” instead of post. Then, magically everything disappeared into the internet space universe. Nothing momentous in my post, but just hello and comments.

    Still reeling from the passing of RGB. She was a tiny powerhouse and intellect. Will there be more women like her to ever come again? Choosing the law as a way to make a difference is a steep upward climb. The potential is great, the tasks are arduous and require great risk taking. I looked into it once and realized I didn’t have the “juice” to complete the job...educational degrees!

    John is repainting the garage doors. A huge task. He has had to scrape old flaking paint off, then wash the wood with mold and mildew retardant. This hasn’t been an easy job, to say the least. He gets possessed and determined and .......cranky!

    Our apple harvest has been very late. Some orchards were burned. There are very few pickers available. Everyone is either fighting the fires or the migrant agriculture workers have been departed. Not sure about our other crops either...grape vines, berries, hazelnut trees, tulips, apples and pears?

    We are safe and our family is safe. Thank God! Now We must think positive and help in any way possible. We are to donate cash, household items, toys, bedding etc. through “community access.”

    Hazy smoky day. Slightly warm (70) it is actually a nice warm fall day, perfect for being outside in the sunshine. The air isn’t as bad as it was earlier but still not great, urging John to be cautious.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    P.s. I loved that tea pot. The texture, color, the unusual doodads on the handle, fascinating.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE. That was nice getting a positive message about BUZZ.

    I'm still getting the back ache but the Meds are helping enormously. No more health mishaps but the land line phone gave up the ghost today. It was pretty elderly. Mike rolled up so he, me and the Bean drove over to Canadian Tire and picked up a very nice land line package which is busy charging and I'll be able to use it, (or rather them, two phones), after 6am. With tax, $76. A lot cheaper than a mobile which cost around $600 - $700 or more in Canada.

    Other than that after Mike headed home I watched a very old British movie which I thoroughly enjoyed. The Lavender Hill Mob.

    I'm on another page so can't remember what everyone else was up to and Patsy, the machine tells me is about to beat me to it.

    So thinking thoughts of afternoon tea, bye for now,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hello everyone. I am having a not-feeling- too great day. Did some laundry, sorted out a few card making embellishments that hit the trash, started to die cut something little pumpkins I stamped last week but I found it too tedious. Oh and I did attend church online.

    I am tired and have a stomach ache so I think I will actually take a nap.

    Sorry everyone. Hope to be peppier tomorrow. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Best wishes all round.


    Latest puzzle

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Love the jigsaw Lin. Brylcreem, The Lone Ranger and The Potato Head..... those were the days!!

    A glorious day, the sort that has one feeling all is right with the world although from the top of the moors first thing I spotted my political friend with his Labrador walking in another direction further down and soon after, with the air so still and nothing but a few birds to break the silence, I heard him holding court with another dog walker. Haha I thought, they will be listening to his plans for a middle class revolution whether they want to or not!!

    A phone message from the conservatory company was waiting on my answer machine when I returned asking me to call Annie but I'm letting her stew for a couple of hours because she was the lady who told me September delivery would be worst case scenario!

    Jobs to do outside so I will take my cup of coffe out there, sit in the shade of the umbrella and listen to young Mr Buzzard who is still shouting for his mum all this time on!

    Happy Monday........... Mamas and Papas Monday, Monday, so good to me!
    Back later.
    <3 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not much from me I'm afraid. Absolutely beautiful day, blue sky, leaves turning everything magical.

    I tried the new phone out this morning on poor old Michael getting ready for his day in the office.
    Works beautifully and so much lighter than the eons old phone.

    Wondering what to have for lunch which for me is dinner. I think salmon, pasta and veggies in a creamy sauce is what I fancy for a beautiful day.

    Then I might try a few tottering steps outside with Bean and me on the end of her leash. Getting better and I think I know what caused it. Shall keep it to myself though, definitely not tell the sons, and vow to behave myself now I'm no longer 21. It's finally sinking in!!!

    There's always one or two who tell their views to anyone who will listen JACKIE. It was called "verbal diarrhoea" at work.

    So glad PATSY is back with a safe day, BUZZ going into assisted living which will be safer for her as well. Sincerely hope LINs tummy has settled down, BOB leaping up and down at the gym and generally enjoying life, SANDY enjoying the grandkids and all of Sneakers seeming well and happy.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hello, feeling a bit better today. I have watered my plants and brought in tomatoes. My largest tomato that was getting close to picking had a big hole in it this morning. Looks like a bird had breakfast but I won’t be enjoying that tomato. I picked it and put it in the trash as I don’t want to attract bugs on the tomatoes still on the vine.

    I am going to make a trip to the post office to mail a check. Should have sent it last week but today is a lovely day for a little drive so I will enjoy it. Fall arrives tomorrow but I believe we are expecting a week of summer like weather. Fine with me. I prefer sunshine and warmth for now.

    I was a young sprout during the ‘50s so my memories are more the Hula Hoop, Slinky and the Lone Ranger as well as the advent of TV dinners. Many other things I learned later and of course there are reruns of TV shows like Ozzie and Harriet. I did have fun putting the puzzle together.

    Anne, I am glad you have a reliable phone now. Your lunch plan sounds delightful and your blue skies making for a fine Monday. We have sunshine but it is hazy so not brilliant skies. Take care with the Bean as you venture outside.

    Jackie, I hope you have set that company on their ear. You have been very patient and it has been a terrible year for scheduling things but this is ridiculous. They should have you at the top of the list. Have they done nothing since spring? Thanks for calling Buzz. You did give us the phone number but I have hesitated to call as I have a knack of calling people at the worst possible moment, always interrupting something important. And then I am embarrassed. It is good to receive an update.

    Patsy, so many people in need due to fire, floods, job loss, and illness. Having a way to donate goods is wonderful. I have been trying to find places to donate things but the regular places, Salvation Army, Goodwill, DAV etc. are not accepting donations. The library is not taking books either. They have stopped selling used books apparently. I tried to give away my inadvertently delivered grocery items and no one responded. A few months ago, I tried to give coloring books and crayons/colored pencils to the little girls down the street. They wouldn’t take them, they said they had enough. Maybe no one in my immediate area needs anything.

    Sandy, glad you enjoyed the indoor movie night. Sounds like lots of fun. What was the food for the evening? Did they ever finish the work at your complex?

    Bob, looking forward to hearing of your weekend.

    Barbie, hello ❤️

    Hello Diane, Jeri and the rest of the Sneakers

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member

    “ Ellgreave whiteware with gilded floral design possibly 1950s. This qualifies as Wood & Sons since Harry Wood started the company and it operated as an associate company. “


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Like Lin, we are having a beautiful week filled with warmth and sunshine during the day and chilly at night for sleeping. I am sitting today for errands and volleyball so glad the weather is nice. One of Joe's neighbors was kind and put air in my regular bike's tires.
    Now all I have to do is get up the courage to ride it, although another of Joe's neighbors told me to get a helmet first. Maybe Lisa has one I can borrow before investing.

    Lin, they did do the power washing of our building and balconies which left lots of paint chips that fell off. I haven't heard anything about the painting or the floor boards so the wait continues. We had Portillo's for dinner movie night, do you have one in Iowa??

    Anne, I am not a mind reader but I think I also know what caused that bad back. I am glad you are feeling better and take it easy on those walks with Jilly. Also happy to hear the new phones work perfect, it is a good day for you.

    Jackie, I can't wait to hear what "Annie" has to say about your conservatory. Monday seems to be a good day for most of us today, I hope the rest of the Sneakers are also having a good day.

    Patsy, I am glad things are improving but sad about all the growth that was damaged. The important thing is that you and your family are all safe. Tell John to be careful with that garage, he is not a spring chicken anymore. lol

    Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hellooooooooooooo? We have a foggy chilly morning here. I have much to do but after a rough-and -off night, I will probably will not be as productive as I want to be.

    John finished the garage door painting etc. he gets impatient with this aging dilemma. He will get very determined about wanting to do everything he used to do. I worry about him because he has that sort of metabolism that has him very thin. He is a fierce skinny old dude! If he fell, it would be disastrous. It would brake every bone in his body. Soooo I worry and nag when he takes on these big projects.

    Isn’t today the equinox? aren't we to have the famous 12 and 12? And then it is officially fall.

    Jackie: stay safe my friend. I hear things are a bit dicey for you on the Covid. A coming lockdown? Stock up on everything. Including doggie food and chicken feed.

    Anne: so you were naughty and lifted a huge piece of furniture, alone! What are we to do with you? You sound like my dear John. You didn’t get the memo about being cautious about falling and lifting as we age. Be careful dear friend!

    Lin: doesn’t it feel like we are burdened with too much stuff? How do we recycle? Repurpose? Redistribute? Aaaaaaaaargh!

    Sandy: you be careful as well my friend. They say we never forget how to ride a bike or swim. I wonder, in my case. I used to ride bikes and I lived on my nervous horse. I fell or was bucked off more than you can count. My horse was a strange Appaloosa. Her spots were not distributed in an even way. She was attached to a small herd and didn’t like to leave them. My bike as a Schwin. It was red and it was a boys bike. Ouch! Back in the day, bikes were not user friendly! Also helmets? Never heard of them.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Every year we gather at Beak & Skiff Apple Orchard with family (mostly) and friends – we take a group photo every year at the same rock. Family would then head to Webster Pond to feed ducks etc. This year the pandemic cancelled everything. Pictures below are - last year with the usual apple picking group; this year - with a VERY downside apple picking "group"... and then our duck pond visit. Jean and I are sitting on “Don’s bench” – it was placed there in memory of my brother-in-law of 47 years, Don (age 67), went to be with his Lord on July 4, 2013 after a five year battle against disease and illness.


    Regardless – it was a gorgeous day and filled with love. So not too shabby after all.

    Lin – a unique tea pot for sure. I’d have to agree with Jackie re: colors but the rough looking exterior makes it more interesting. You asked about my weekend and thanks – as you can see from the photos it was a good time. The weather and time with my daughter & grandchildren made it all wonderful.

    Jackie – I hope your strong letter to the conservatory gets the action required. Sounds like a frustrating mess for sure.

    Sandy – You are definitely keeping yourself busy! Movies, Zoom, volleyball sitting, visiting and riding a bike – way to go! As for the heat – we had 3 days of lows in 30’s and had to turn it on ourselves just to get the chill out of the air. I still leave the bedroom window open a bit for cooler air when sleeping (of course, we are snug under a comforter. As you can see from the above, it was a great day and yes, I even managed to get a few presents :)

    Patsy – I feel your pain on clicking “done” vs “post.” Glad you and the family are safe. Wishing you and John health thru all of this… that repainting does sound like a bear of a job! Sorry about the apple harvest being late and damage to orchard.

    Good Lord, it’s almost 3pm and I forgot to eat lunch…time to remedy that now. :D Bob

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Dear SANDY I once rode a bike EVERYWHERE not ever having owned a car and like you I am very tempted to get on the bike in our garage.
    However, I remember an old friend who decided to ride a bike again. Her tyre hit a loose pebble and down she went with disastrous results in the breakage department.
    And was it last year when Mike and I saw an old chap blown off his bike by the wind? He simply couldn't control it and we sat with him until the ambulance came. Broken hip.
    I'm going to behave myself for once and believe me I used to ride miles on my old bike. Please dear Sandy, please leave bike riding to the under sixties unless enormously fit and strong and if you are possibly over seventy, please don't even consider it. A tricycle might be a better idea!

    I think you and PATSY are very naughty to think I was carting furniture around. Tut tut girls.
    Oh and BOB, we visited our local apple orchard yearly as well, plus strawberry picking in the summer. Didn't think to take photos though. I think our local orchard is probably less commercial and more rural but they do sell wonderful farm baked apple pies and crumbles.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited September 2020
    I'm going to behave myself for once and believe me I used to ride miles on my old bike. Please dear Sandy, please leave bike riding to the under sixties unless enormously fit and strong and if you are possibly over seventy, please don't even consider it. A tricycle might be a better idea!

    I am way over 70 Anne, I am 78 and is that your nose growing??? :D
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well you might be over 70 Sandy love - you sure don't look it - and I'm over 80 but we both have one thing in common I think, our brains remain pretty youthful and in my case it simply can't quite believe it lives inside a body that can't keep up with it. There's so much I want to DO still! Like learning to fly alone in a glider! Mark had a go, but I couldn't afford for the two of us to take lessons. The brain is saying, well you can now! But forgetting I'd have trouble climbing into the darn plane !
    Hey ho,
    Anne. I LOVE your spirit Sandy.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The Autumn equinox is tomorrow Patsy and here it will be the astronomical start to Autumn so blow me, today wonderfully sunny and warm, tomorrow misty and cool. 🙁
    Yes, it looks as if we will be following France and Spain into a 2nd wave of the virus and I’m not at all surprised because so many young people ignored advice to socially distance and wear a mask so are now infected and spreading it to the more vulnerable. I’m hoping we don’t have another national lockdown because our numbers in Cornwall are still very low but I plan to stock up tomorrow with a few extras.

    Well, my email to the greenhouse company worked! I called them after lunch and found them very keen to do whatever I wanted and offered to deliver the greenhouse the week starting October 5th. Not this month then I said but that was ignored! Annie did tell me she had checked with the workshop which means it’s still not been built 10 months on but they confirmed they will complete it, deliver and erect it. It’s a shame it had to take a strong threatening sort of email because that’s not my nature but I also insisted I receive a written confirmation of this latest delivery promise and suddenly they can’t do enough for me! In retrospect I should have taken this route months ago but hopefully it will finally be here in my garden and I’ll grow some decent tomatoes next year!

    Lin, being 5 hours ahead I‘ve sometimes wondered if it’s going to be bad timing when I phone Buzz but she’s so delighted to receive a call and one time I got to chat with a member of staff who was helping her fix a hearing aid so that was interesting! I’m glad you’re feeling better and still picking tomatoes. I managed a handful of my tiny cherry tomatoes this afternoon growing in the conservatory that are deliciously sweet. Safe from pesky birds too!

    Lovely photos Bob from both years. Let’s hope 2021 we can all get back to some semblance of normality. I can see you having lots of fun putting your masked photos into some sort of album as a reminder of how your lives altered but what fun you still managed to have.

    Sandy, please don’t cycle anywhere without a helmet because if your roads and drivers are anything like ours, attention and consideration of others doesn’t seem to exist much anymore. We all have bright minds that operate at the same level as 40 years ago but as Anne says and Buzz said on the phone to me, the body is not keeping up. Take it steady lovey!

    I might say naughty girl Anne for moving furniture AGAIN, but I was climbing my ladder again last week and balancing with paint pot and brush in hands putting pressure on my new hips so of course I was wondering why they were aching! We all do it..... look at Patsy’s John in spite of being nagged!! None of us wants to be wrapped in cotton wool but do look after yourself.

    Nearly midnight and time for my bed so sadly I’ll go saying goodbye to another summer and a weird one at that! I’ll let the dogs out for their last break and see if the mist has drifted in yet.

    Nite, nite
    Jackie 😴