Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Lin! A very Happy birthday to a most considerate friend. Throughout the years here on sneakers you are always the one who tries to give support, congratulations on events and achievements, you send wishes and hopes of healing during illness. Even now, your gardening and vegan lifestyle is a testament on many levels. Gentle kindness seems to be the operative description of our friend Lin. Have a happy peaceful day,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A sunshine and showers day but our morning walk was perfect timing so we didn’t get wet. My neighbour walked with us although more of a gallop as I think she forgets my age! Walking quickly up hill and talking at the same time with a cold wind in my face had me breathing heavily so just before we got to the top I said I’d have to stop to get my breath back. We found a flat rock to share with George and Betty and spent 5 minutes watching a rainbow expand in the sky before deciding we had better get back to the car before the next rain shower.
    The rest of my morning was spent doing housework before a relaxing home pedicure and after that, gardening. Hooray Patsy, I decided after your blocked drain situation, to look amongst the geraniums that grow in a flower bed below my washing line for the 2 missing socks. Success although both looking sorry for themselves and one in particular beyond saving because the plant had sent shoots through the cotton material! At least the thought of a blocked drain has gone.
    Received a letter from the hospital confirming no sign of cancer and after 5 years I’m now discharged! It also advised that the usual 3 yearly mammogram checks for all women over 45 will now finish at 70 because of a Covid backlog so any concerns I might have in the future will have to go to my GP since I’m 71. That’s fine with me so I kissed the letter, said thank you to anyone up there watching over me and filed it away!

    Also received an email from my dentist to tell me they have caught up with emergency treatments and are now working through check ups for people who think they have a problem. That leaves me at the back of the queue because I don’t fit either category and of course now our infection numbers are soaring again so who knows when, not that I fancy anyone getting up close at the moment!

    Sandy, I’m feeling desperately sad about your situation with Daisy and just hope someone in that household digs up some compassion from somewhere and lets you see her. Sending big hugs. 🥰

    An outside concert AND ice cream sounds like a great plan Bob. I hope you and Jean have a wonderful time.

    Is that a copper teapot Lin? What would that do to the flavour of a cuppa I wonder. 🥴
    I do hope you are enjoying your birthday and finding something special to eat... maybe put a candle in it and light!

    Brrr, I wasn’t going to light the fire this evening but the temperature is rapidly falling so why not!

    Time to cook an evening meal too.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Very, very pleased for you! Hope you celebrate along with our birthday girl. I shall eat a kit kat to celebrate with you both.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Congratulations Jackie. Great news❤️❤️👍🏻🙌🏻🤩
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Jackie, the teapot is described as silver soldered. Very little detail but not copper.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thanks so much Anne, enjoy that kit kat 😋. A small glass of cider and Norse bilberry juice for me!

    Lin too, many thanks. Silver? That teapot needs a good polish!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    I know, but that’s what it said. I don’t know, maybe it’s been through a lot. 🤔
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    A teapot with a tarnished reputation - well that's new, lol.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    <3Lin Happy Birthday

    :|Sandy so sorry to hear about Daisy's pain. I remember when you got her.

    :) It rained so hard this morning that Sasha and I quit our walk after only an hour. I put all my clothes in the dryer

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2020
    Wow, already midday but we’ve enjoyed a lovely walk, met other dog walkers to chat and laugh with and found a different route that had us climbing even higher, just when I thought I knew the moors inside and out.

    Once at the top of the hill we rested on a slab of granite that had some unusual markings carved into it before walking all the way back down again and back to the car. A cool wind that blew the cobwebs away as well as a headache I woke up with.

    Coffee is brewing and George is resting having chased the postman out of the garden.... embarrassing!🤭

    I’ll probably make the most of our sunshine and do more Autumn clearing outside as it’s sheltered from the wind, perhaps find more socks!

    Yes Anne and Lin, that poor tarnished teapot needs some TLC and elbow grease. 😬

    Have a great weekend everyone and stay safe.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Lovely photos JACKIE.
    Just a quick good morning from me because I want to start baking a bacon and egg pie for lunch. Believe me no one wants to know me when I bake! Flour everywhere. It takes me longer to clean up than actually make the pastry. Which brings back a memory. Our year class at school was considered to be the worst ever. I was considered a goody which meant of course bullying from the few hard cases who made us goodies lives miserable. We had a cookery class, we were all going to make bread. At the end of knead time our teacher was called out for some reason which meant all the baddies started to chuck their dough at all the goodies. This progressed to throwing their dough in the air and some of the dough stuck to the rafters. By the time the teacher came back there was a steady plop plop as rounds of dirty looking dough fell to the floor. One of the few times us goodies got our own back as the eight or nine baddies were marched off to the principals office. Ha, happy days!
    I enjoyed school on the whole, somewhat marred by forever retrieving ones beret from front gardens.

    Footnote: two of the real hard cases were expelled in my final years, the very best ever!

    Anne. 🎓🙃🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited September 2020
    Good morning everyone.

    First many thanks for all of your wonderful greetings yesterday. It did make the day a special one for me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Anne, I enjoyed your story and I can believe you were a nice girl who of course would be a target for the the rascally bad children. It is lovely to know that once in a while a bit of justice comes their way. Happy flour day! ☺️

    Jackie, oh my gosh, what wonderful photos. You live in an extraordinary place. The stones with the carvings are very interesting too although George and Betty do not seem a bit impressed. I am! I was out on my little deck this morning watering, uncovering the lettuce seedlings with fingers crossed that they can take the hot day ahead. The squirrel has not dug anything else up in the past day. 🤞🏻 Perhaps the fact that I regularly peer out the window has slowed him/her up. I picked a few more tomatoes and brought in a few more of the plastic clips that have been supporting the tomato plants. So I guess my gardening is done for the day.

    I have vegetables to clean now. I didn’t take care of that yesterday and I need ready to eat lettuce and carrots. The celery can wait a day. And oops, I forgot to get out sprouting seed. Need to get started in a new batch of sprouts.

    I flitted about yesterday from one thing to another. Here’s one thing I decided to do on the spur of the moment. This one I found on sale from the Barnes and Noble web site, just 300 pieces.


    Back later with a teapot. No, you thought you’d escaped? Nope. 😂🤣


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited September 2020
    Aha, back again. A lovely glass teapot. I have bees buzzing around the blooms of my zucchini plants.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    School was pretty bad at times LIN. Two of the better off parents sent their daughters to private boarding schools which upset me no end. My best friend Jane for one. The other the daughter of a business owner. I was the only girl in the class invited to her birthday parties. The first occasion I rode my bike to her large home the front door was opened by a maid in a black dress with a white frilly apron and cap. I walked onto the rug and promptly fell flat on my back because the wooden floor underneath was highly polished. Never forgot that! I was about 11 I think when we all left the safety of the village school for higher learning, uh!
    Teapot - I'm keeping away from bees!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    That could be Brady Lin except the mouse would be in his tummy and ducks oven ready in a Kitty bowl!!

    A pretty teapot but then as we know, I do love my bees! Allotment veggies steaming for my evening meal after lots of quiet gardening.... neighbours all out somewhere! :D
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited September 2020
    Happy Saturday!! :) It is a warm but hazy day. Babe called this morning and said Daisy is doing better and I asked if I was going to be able to see her. He said I hope so, so who knows what that means. :# Movie night tonight, I am hoping indoors so I can get home at a decent time. Sheets are done waiting to be put on bed and hopefully I get my hour of bike done.

    Anne, I am really sorry you got bullied in school, I on the other hand got bullied by whom I thought were friends in my neighborhood. Your friend's house sounds like a mansion and I think I have only seen a maid in the movies. lol

    Lin, not a teapot I would like but like Anne I do not like bees. (sorry Jackie) Cute puzzle though and now that Jackie has put Brady in the mix, it is kind of funny.

    Jackie, beautiful pictures and what a wonderful place to walk. George looks like he is protecting Betty from falling. Congratulations on the good news but I am curious with your country only requiring mammograms every three years. Here they suggest every year after 40 which I do faithfully as my mother had a mastectomy from breast cancer. She died 34 years later from colon cancer so I also get those every few years and hate with a passion.

    Barbie, you are like the mailman, who walks through any type of weather. lol

    Hope everyone else is doing well, but I must get moving. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cool partly cloudy morning after a big soaker of a rain last night and early morning. It is indeed autumn here in the PNW. After that awful wildfire summer, I glory in the rain. But.....not too much please!

    Our repair and maintain everything jobs continue. We might need a new hot water heater or some sort of pressure release valve thingy. There are times when I would just like to pack up a few necessities and call it quits here. John would not be comfortable anywhere else, however. In some masculine weird way, he seems to enjoy digging into some repair project. At his advanced age, he is pretty nimble. But he needs instant and constant supervision (me) to make sure he doesn’t do too much or work in an unsafe way. Up on a ladder in the rain as an example!

    Anne: when I was in St. Rita’s Elementary school, I was always in trouble. I didn’t bully anyone but I sure thought up some interesting ways to be mischievous. Like climbing a mulberry tree in the school yard and throwing the ripe berries on everyone including 2 nuns. I soiled their collars With ripe mulberry splats! I had to spend what seemed like a year in detention in the mother superior’s office. I admit now, that Trick was not a good idea.

    Jackie: the photos were breathtaking. The carvings on that rock seemed old as those rock circles. I have this image of interesting Celtic rituals by the light of the moon.

    Lin: John is not a cat person at all. It wasn’t helped by the fact that we had an old Tom cat that just caused one disaster after another. He brought so many dead and dying creatures into the house, he refused to use the cat box, no matter how clean we kept it. But he was magnificent. He lived in our son’s room. He was huge. He lived on whatever our son ate. Cat food was left untouched in his bowl. All our furniture had been used as claw sharpening devises. But he was, in a disturbing way, quite funny and totally uncivilized. He was the last cat we ever had and he lived to the ripe old age of 20. Even though he was pretty much a career criminal, we loved him and tried to work with him. In the end, he made the rules and we learned how to play his game.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited September 2020
    The problem with bullies is you are supposed to be intimidated by them and I wasn't. I thought they were daft. That attitude didn't help of course. However it was good grounding for later life.
    Oh, I like bees SANDY, just keeping my distance these days, lol. It's the only time I ever saw a maid in a frilly apron, but of course it was 70 years ago. Don't think they exist anymore.
    PS. You beat me again PATSY. You were anything but a bully! I mean real hardened girls who shoved, tripped one up, smoked cigarettes, and came from homes with numerous grubby siblings and hard faced mothers who gave THEM a slap around the ear every so often. Just a few around thank goodness. But, if one showed any sign of refinement, a love of poetry, soft with animals, cherished by ones parents, sticking up for weaker children, an immediate target. The two who got expelled at 13 were up to no good in the school shed. I'll leave that to your imagination except it involved boys from the local grammar school.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Fall just starting between me and Maria.