Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Oh Anne, so glad this session is over but so sorry for the bad news about the broken root etc. I hope no infection develops. So 3 weeks to heal up? That doesn’t seem too long.

    Maybe you were dizzy from the numbing agent the dentist used. Rest up. The Bean will have to cope.

    With love

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    I went to post this in the morning and then my internet went out due to Comcast working on the lines:

    Happy Monday! We too, have chilly rainy weather, a good day to stay in. The other day I had my bedroom window open and didn't realize it was so windy so one of my slates in my blinds broke. I could take it apart and restring it all but it is such a pain that I just ordered a new blind from Walmart. Bryanna will pick it up for me sometime today and she will also change a bulb in my kitchen ceiling light that is much to heavy for me. I also ordered a threshold piece for my garage to keep the leaves, water and snow out of my garage. I did send the info to my landlord but he never responded so I will just do it myself. I have no patience.

    Lin, I am so chilly I put on my winter bathrobe. I didn't put on the heat but if it goes much lower I certainly will. The people I know with cats keep them indoors except for my ex husband who lets his go out for a few hours a day.

    Anne, good luck at the dentist, I hope it is a pain free experience. Jilly will be waiting to comfort you when you get home.

    Jackie, um what is the Beast of Bodmin Moor? I am glad the kittens are inside at night for their protection. I hate when I hear animals screaming outside, whether being attacked by a raccoon or two cats fighting. Luckily I haven't heard it for a long time.

    Patsy, I always say there is no rule that we have to keep busy everyday. It can always wait until tomorrow.

    Depending on weather I might not visit Joe today but if I do I am going to bring my portable heater to keep in his garage for the chilly days. I was bad yesterday and didn't ride my bike so I will for sure today. Have a great day everyone.

    Will be back tomorrow morning.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A gorgeous morning so out early for our walk. The grass was heavy with dew, another sign of Autumn, and an early mist hovered for awhile then drifted away so the sun kept me warm.

    I’m home making a jug of fresh coffee to take to the allotment where my neighbour and I plan a last harvest of whatever is left. On then to view the auction, especially a coffee table and once home a little DIY so a busy day.

    I hope you all wake up to sunshine that helps with the feeling of good to be alive. Anne, I’m sorry you had a traumatic dentist experience and hope a night’s sleep has done away with any wobbles that I wonder was low blood sugars or pressure. A nasty time in the chair would do that.

    Happy Tuesday
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks Jackie, I think it was the anaesthetic. All worth it for the welcome I got from Bean when I got home.
    Much cooler today and we had a good nights sleep. Everyone at the dentist looked like a group of robots shuffling around in their masks. I'm so glad I've had both teeth out now without lingering because just watching early morning news, loads more virus cases and the province premier saying we have just started the second wave. Activities curtailed again.
    We are having breakfast, sloppy weeteabix for me, alls well at the moment in the Anne household.
    Watch out for the Beast of Bodmin Moor.
    Anne, much happier.🙃🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hello, I am lingering this morning. Bit of a sore throat and earache. Boooo. Nothing compared to your dental trauma Anne.

    So lazy me is sharing a teapot.

    “ Teapot, 1842-48. France. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.”


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Looking forward to a wonderful rainy day and no hard-core plans. It was 73 degrees and a quiet ride to the gym at 4:45am. Had lunch (Shrimp, garlic/herb riced cauliflower, fresh green beans & squash) prepared by 7:30am and by 9am, the temp had dropped to 60 degrees with rain. Plan to read, watch TV, organize a bit and be lazy the rest of the day.


    Sandy – Reading your post from yesterday – looks like it is my turn at the same kind of day you had. Loved the our open window & breeze last night – but glad I didn’t end up with broken blinds like you. I agree on restring and would have re-ordered too.

    Jackie – Another amazing photo… I felt like I had just turned to the travel channel with a narrator describing the exact feel of dew on the grass and mist slowly drifting away to introduce the warming sun. Yes – great to be alive!

    Your post reminded me I am low on coffee, so I need to get cleaned up and head to the store – so I don’t have to go anywhere this afternoon – except to a comfortable couch or chair for some reading pleasure.

    Hope everyone has a stress-free day. Bob
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    <3Anne, so sorry to hear of your dental troubles. Best wishes for a good recovery.

    :) Often my definition of "productive" is riding my exercise bike while knitting and watching TV.

    :) Our big adventure yesterday was going early to Home Depot to buy many bags of dirt for the garden and a bag of manure for the compost bin. I have tulips and iris to plant this week and next. A lot of the dirt went into the raised beds to prepare them for next year.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Many thanks Barbie. On the mend but on a much cooler day, taking it easy! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited September 2020
    Hello again, I am just going to work on cards today, return a book to the library and get a card in the mail. Oh and maybe check my online banking. Pretty quiet day.

    I spoke with Buzz yesterday afternoon. She will be back when she is able. She has several physical therapy sessions each day. Wow, exhausting! But she did say she is doing a bit better each day. That was good news.

    Barbie, happy planting. I tried to purchase more bags of potting soil but several places are sold out again online. I will get some by next year 😃

    Bob, a quiet day. Wahoo!

    Anne, may you heal quickly.

    Jackie, another nice morning. I hope you find lots of veggies on your last harvest for the year.

    Sandy, my heat is always on if the temperature drops to a certain level. But I still have to wear my hooded sweatshirt.

    Patsy, good morning, hoping all is well.

    Greetings to Buzz, Diane, and Jeri.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    edited September 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) I was freezing when I woke up so the heat is on at least for now. I got my blinds and was having an awful time trying to put the new head rail into the old brackets. I eve changed one of the brackets but still wouldn't hold. Finally I did only to find out I had put it on backwards thus causing all the problems. I only found out when I was going to attach the wand and realized it was backwards. (dumb blonde moment???)
    I am sitting earlier today as Lisa has some errands to run and then the last game of volleyball tonight. It will be chilly playing but their adrenaline will keep them warm.

    Barbie, good luck with the planting, you are such a hard worker.

    Bob, that shrimp dish looks delicious minus the cauliflower that disagrees with me. Lesson learned on the blinds and wind, next time just push the blinds up away from any hold back curtain brackets. Better yet, just use my floor fan. lol

    Lin, sorry you are not feeling up to par, take it easy today and rest.

    Anne, glad you are feeling better, hopefully with no pain. Did you by any chance have nitros with your extraction? So cute to read Jilly didn't want to go out with Mark and stay with you.
    That is love.

    Jackie, every time you post a picture with those open spaces I think of Ewok and how he would love to run. Of course we might never get him back because Huskies are runners, just ask Lin. The sun has finally come out, so we might have a pleasant day after all.

    I hope all is well with Patsy and John. Hello to Buzz and all who check in.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2020
    Sandy, here's an article about the beast of Bodmin moor! Our Smithy who put my new log burner in at the beginning of the year told me a few months ago that his partner had seen it in a field behind their cottage the night before and it was definitely as large as their Collie dog. The assumption in this area was that someone had wild cats illegally imported in to the country and when the law was changed banning such pets they let them run free rather than hand them into a zoo.

    Ewok would certainly love the open spaces here. I know someone with 2 Huskies that are rescued dogs and adorable. He walks them on the moors sometimes and they are incredibly quick at catching rabbits but also obedient! Another dog walker has a huge Malamute that plays with George when we meet. I'm sure its coat must take hours to brush because he looks like a giant fluff ball!

    Wow Bob, this cooler weather has you relaxing and I'm guessing it will be an absolute treat to catch up with reading and some tv.
    I love the changing scenery and feel of the ground under my feet on my morning dog walks so it's easy to wax lyrical sometimes although I could get carried away describing the baby mushrooms popping out from circles of cow poo or, as they were this afternoon, hundreds of what we call Daddy Longlegs appearing out of the grass from nowhere to stagger about as if drunk!! Oh yes, and I shouldn't forget the sheep with attitude that this afternoon walked towards me and the dogs rather than run away then stamped its front feet hard on the ground as if to say keep away or else. I moved quickly on with Betty at my heel and George made a wide arc of a diversion which made me laugh.

    Thanks for letting us know Buzz is still doing well Lin. She really is being so well cared for and the unit seems determined to ensure she will be safe to move on.
    Hugs to you Buzz if you read this. <3

    Delighted you are feeling ok Anne so hopefully no more visits to the dentist until the denture is made. I'm afraid the covid virus has come home to roost on our younger people after the parties and mass gatherings so many are now having to self isolate just as they were supposed to start classes at universities and colleges. My neighbour told me today she knows someone working on the vaccine at Oxford Uni that seems to be our best hope and he told her they are now testing on thousands all over the country and once they have followed the necessary protocols it should be ready to roll out early next years.

    I'm hoping that after the electrician has visited on Thursday and I have my snug room as snug as it can be, I will relax a bit as I wait for walls to dry out. No news yet from Dave the sandblaster so I assume he is still working on his island retreat. Well actually it belongs to our National Trust having been donated to them by its previous millionnaire owner! Who wouldn't want an island if we had some spare cash?

    The trip to our allotment was fruitful and we came home with green beans, sweetcorn, courgettes, beetroot to be pickled and Fennel that my neighbour is going to preserve in jars. My visit to the auction was worthwhile if only to show me some items that looked interesting in photos were not in real life! There is a set of 6 Waterford Crystal wine glasses I like very much but only if they come up at a decent price. Also a smalll walnut coffee table so I may drop in to the auction tomorrow morning.
    I took the dogs with me in the car and then drove back to the moors to give them an afternoon run.
    Before going out I literally threw a bean casserole together in my slow cooker so I don't have to cook much this evening and have to say it smells delicious. Finishing my afternoon cuppa before a bit of housework.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers. Okay, today we have a very warm day. Not to my liking, I can tell you that. We have friends that love to winter in Quartzite AZ every year. Can’t get my head around that, the desert has no appeal for me.

    Tonite is the debates. This is such a strange event. Almost everyone has their mind made up on who they will vote for. This is in the nature of watching a mud fight or a slow train wreak. I wonder if any good can come of this. I must be into self abuse. I plan on watching. I don’t expect any new or startling political policy platforms. But we do live in interesting times.

    I have tried to call Buzz and things went horribly wrong. I must have copied her phone and address wrong. If any of you have a moment to spare, I would love to try to have a brief chat with her. Jackie kindly sent me her phone number and address but really I must have been trying to do things without My glasses. I ended up with wrong address and phone number. Would Any of you give me that info again? It might be best to email Me that info instead of putting it here. I am such a goof, I remember pulling up that info on my iPad and trying to make a call (without my glasses) I dialed a wrong number and now that entire contact info has disappeared.

    Sandy: good for you! I usually blunder along and do a very poor job on almost all repairs. John takes them over and usually starts over. However, both of us think it is a good idea that I keep trying. Law of averages is on my side. There are times when I actually succeed. Be bold! Be brave! Open the tool box and see what you can do. And you did it!

    Anne: I know that uncomfortable feeling while enduring dental procedures. I had an abscess years ago and it was a nasty time at my dentist. I never felt like myself. Talking and eating is scary. Remember the idea of a soothing warm tea bag on the gum after an extraction. This will be fixed soon. Thinking of you dear friend.

    Lin: Ho ho ho! I thought that tea pot was funny. Very very French and absurdly beautiful.
    Coffee and a fresh peach for breakfast.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Patsy and everyone, Buzz has had her old telephone number disconnected, the one she had in her apartment. She said there was no need to pay for that line since it has been months since she used it. So use the one that Jackie gave out.

    Maybe we shouldn’t give out phone numbers here? Jackie, would you email it to Patsy? If not, I will but I haven’t gotten rid of the old phone number so I find myself always hitting the wrong number the first time. 😂

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hi Patsy, I will email you Buzz’s current number and address.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Well I’ve Read all the posts and then managed to lose my reply. 😩. I am so good at that. I am typing on a very old iPad as my iPad Pro isn’t working. Waiting for a new model to come out. This iPad is painfully slow.

    Glad to hear about Buzz Hi Buzz. Sounds like we are all busy and making do. Sandy, Lin, Anne, Patsy, Bob, Diane and Jackie 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

    Going camping tomorrow afternoon. Should be lots of fun. Before I go here’s a picture from the twin’s 14th BD. We popped over to deliver a present. Had decided not to hug and only stay a short time. That lasted about 30 seconds. Lots of hugs and stayed 2 hrs. Love my family so much. Hope to see Melissa’s family on Sunday.


    Keep well everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I nearly got the dogs round the block for their walk before it rained but not quite! Just a few hundred meters from home a monsoon arrived so we were all soaked through by the time we got back. A rub down for the pooches while my waterproofs hang dripping in the garden room. Grey and dismal outside but today is going to be busy while I get the last few jobs completed so that the electrician can work quickly and I've made coffee but will get on between sips!

    A lovely photo Jeri of you and those gorgeous kids! Enjoy your camping trip.

    I will check in later to see how you all are. Have seen about 3 minutes of your Presidential debate on our BBC news..... oh dear Patsy, if I was you I would have switched off and poured a large glass of wine!!

    Happy Wednesday. Take care.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Lovely children JERI.

    I watched a bit of the presidential "debate". DTs Mussolini like jaw stuck out, decided he's worse than I imagined and left them, or rather him, to it, bed being preferable!

    We've got rain today and I bet nothing but the "debate" being dissected on the news channels.

    Anne. 🙃🐶❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Good morning. I am off soon for a couple of errands. I need to close a bank account and they insist I must come to the bank rather than writing a check to close the account. (This after a lengthy conversation yesterday afternoon.). I said I will not come into the bank so we are supposedly going to struggle through everything via the drive up window. I see frustration potential here. This bank is my least favorite in a very long time.

    Jeri, I love that photo and hope you didn’t find my comment rude on Facebook. It is a lovely photo and everyone’s is so happy but those kids are really growing. ❤️❤️

    Jackie, oooh, getting soaked. Not one of my favorites. We have a sunny and windy day here. Supposedly first frost tomorrow evening. My zucchini plant is losing to white fly. Darn. I am going to cover one tomato plant with lots of good very green tomatoes. We will see. I know, I should just give up but I can be stubborn. Best wishes to be ready for the electrician tomorrow.

    Anne, I did not watch the debate. First I was captured in reading something and didn’t change the channel to one of those carrying the supposed debate. Second, I fell asleep while reading and apparently that was for the best. I would have had a stroke from the clips I have seen on the news. And I am avoiding the news as much as possible.

    Best wishes for everyone today.


    “ Smear glazed Wedgwood Caneware......19th century.”


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. I am up early, or rather I have been tossing and turning. I tried watching that insane (debate) performance. Embarrassing and terrifying at the same time. I had to stop watching because it was just too upsetting for me. As Anne said, this debacle will be dissected endlessly for days.

    On to a more positive subject. I called Buzz and we had a lovely visit. We both had plans to watch the debate. She was upbeat and determined to move to another quarters in two weeks time. As always she was charming and intelligent. Thank you Jackie, for her info. She calls us sneakers her internet family. I think of you all the same way. I have a very small family and our friends are diminishing alarmingly fast. In truth, often, a quick chat here is enough to keep me in smiles all day.

    We have an appointment to see our doctor for a yearly physical. This will be interesting. I will not allow certain tests because they must be done up close and personal. Hope it will be a short checkup kind of visit. I admit going to the doctor for a physical seems scary now. Will he gown up? Mask? Gloves? Maybe not. He is somewhat independent and stubborn.

    Need coffee and happy soothing music!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Chilly windy day so will wear a hat when I pick up my groceries. I also have a project in my garage that I hope I can do myself. I bought a Garage Door Bottom Threshold Seal Strip to keep the leaves, water and snow our of my garage since the concrete is all crumbling at the entrance. I did send the information to my landlord but he never answered so if I get it to work myself I will text him and tell him I am deducting it from my rent check.
    I had a good time with the kids yesterday, they were well behaved. Robby and I had a serious talk about the virus and he told me he hates this virus. I wish I had recorded it because it was so touching. We talked about how we couldn't do anything this summer and how it is bad for older people like his grandparents. He said he was happy he could keep busy with his MineCraft game and I told him how happy I was to be with him and his siblings. He said that is why you can only come here to keep safe along with his other grandparents, he said we are family. It was a special talk and I am so glad he was able to talk about his feelings. (He is 6)

    Patsy, I did watch most of it and it was an embarrassing debate for our Country. Trump does not know how to shut up or be polite and with his remark about the Proud Boys he really is ignorant. I am sorry if I offend any of you who might be Trump supporters but he really showed his colors last night. End of rant.

    Lin, I am sorry you have to go through so much trouble to close an account, you would think they would try to make it easy and able to do online.

    Jackie, sorry you got soaked but you seem to wear the right gear for rain. See my rant above about the debate. Ugh!! Most people I know just shut it off since it was just horrible. That is some story about the beast of Bodmin moor. Do you believe it??

    Jeri, great picture of you and the grands. They certainly are growing aren't they? I am always the shortest in our family photos as well except for the three young ones. Enjoy that camping trip.

    Bob, hope you enjoyed your day of rest.

    I will have to give Buzz a call as well, is there one time that is better than the next??

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time