Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2020
    We had a brilliant walk this morning right across the moors in glorious sunshine but a breeze cool enough to excite George into thinking he was heading for his past life in the Himalayas! To top it all he found fox poo to roll in!!


    On the way back to the car park I met another dog walker I hadn’t seen since the start of lockdown so we ambled along catching up while our dogs ran together. Around the Hurlers I told her how the centre ring of stones seems to energise George so he runs his zoomies and she said she will lend me a book she has explaining the Ley Line that run through the circles and onwards to the other side of England. For anyone interested, and that may only be me, it’s called the St Michael‘s Ley and there are many of our Neolithic mounds and stone circles situated along its route. Fascinating how all those thousands of years ago people were able to work out geometric calculations within an inch. Sorry, probably being boring. Anne’s family history far more interesting although tragic.

    Also got talking to a visiting family with 2 rescued Pugs that were adorable so even Betty was in awe of them!

    I will return but must get my lawns cut as there is a threat of rain this evening.

    Love the retro teapot Lin... something rather cuddly about it!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited September 2020
    Woke up yesterday to birthday surprises and then lunch at Olive Garden (including a shot of “low-carb” Jack Daniels (lol). Strange how spread out my siblings and I were – my oldest sister would have been 86 this weekend and next week my younger sister turns 65. Here is a pic of a couple thank-you's I sent Jean.


    This morning was cooler than usual. And the next 3 days show below average temps in the lower 30’s. Brrrr…time to get out the parka.

    Sandy – you always amaze me on that recumbent bike – on my best day I couldn’t do an hour on it like you! As for the pic – it was a separate shot of just the “kids” with dad for his 80th birthday. My mom had passed away at age 57 when I was a teen in the 70’s. My parents were married 39 years – a real love story (I have the letters). The woman is stepmother. We all understood and were glad dad wasn’t alone. Dad had metastasized cancer – but never told anyone for 5 years (6 months B4 dying). He was a proud man and even lied when having surgery – saying it was for a “male problem.” Always said he didn’t want the pity and 7 kids acting anything but normal around him. Lots of stories.

    Smart move on the snow tires. I agree with the mechanic and your son. We are doing exactly the same on the flu shot – waiting until October…that is always what I read as well and that getting it too early can leave you more vulnerable toward the end of flu season.

    Patsy – We love family photos. I am always working on old ones and have tons hanging… For years, I had most in a box and then figured why not enjoy when I alive vs. waiting for survivors to go thru when we die and/or throw out. Lots of constant reminders of good times. While I have scanned most photos, the organization leaves much to be desired – John sounds awesome & eventually I must make it a priority. I do a lot of scanning for relatives / friends and that gives me great pleasure putting a smile on their faces.

    Sorry you are feeling like smoked sausage with red eyes and running mascara – as usual you paint a great picture in a readers head.

    Lin – As for who is who in the photo… from left to right (brother Ray age 79, sister Ellie died in her 60’s (heart), step-mom (deceased), dad at 80th bday (deceased), me, younger sister turns 65 next week, brother Tom (died in his sleep unexpectedly at age 61), sister Theresa deceased would have been 86 this weekend, sister Anne (age 72 now).

    AS for the gym – I do love it. Some days better than others – but it (along with initial quiet time w/ coffee) sets the tone for the day. You do sound like Jean. She actually brings food home from restaurants because she can’t finish – just plain crazy LOL. You then sound like me when it comes to chopping things up into a salad. Talk about busy – that is a tone of cards you have been working on!

    I did “zero” editing yesterday and want to finish the baby shoot photos for delivery next week… so off for now! Bob
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY BOB? WELL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and what a great start to the day, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member

    Sounds like a great celebration Bob.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Jackie, What is your closest point on this map? Or perhaps it isn’t good enough to show your location.


    Lin, the Curious

    P.S. making notecards today. Nice to have a good supply available to scribble on and send.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited September 2020
    Buzz and Barbie,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hi Bob,


    Congratulations, sounds like you had a great day!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It is already after lunch and I still have to clean the house. Laundry is almost done but my games distract me. lol It is a cool 60 degrees today but the sun is shining.

    Bob, how nice to read some children accept a second spouse after the death of the first one.
    Me, not so lucky. Even though my first marriage ended in divorce, my kids still wanted me to be happy and would never interfere with my decisions. I pulled up your pictures in a new window so I could follow who was who. Sorry about all the loss of your siblings. I have lost two out of the four of us and still miss them everyday. Very cute birthday pictures and such a wonderful wife. Good job Jean. (I added your birthday to our birthday page)

    Barbie, a good day of reading on this holiday????

    Lin, glad you have supplies for the notecards, maybe a stress free day??

    Jackie, love the picture of George but not happy for you and another bath. Beautiful pictures as usual and a great story.

    I better get moving, have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin, if you trace the line right to left into Cornwall you will see The Hurlers which is where I walked this morning. It's less than 2 miles from home. My new friend Janet pointed out that the centre circle we were standing in was considered the female, the male is a little way away and not much left of it (!!) and a third on the other side is both male and female. In each direction, a few miles away are natural hills or mounds that I was aware have been considered mystical by Druids but I had never tied them together geographically from where we stood. St Michael's Ley Line runs between the female and male/female circles but then this map shows how it crosses with another ley line running north to south, this one the Michael Mary line, slap bang in the middle of the Hurlers.!

    They are easy to trace with a dowsing stick so I assume some sort of magnetic force runs through them. IF only George could talk he'd tell me!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Amazing Jackie! Thanks.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited September 2020
    I have been unpacking boxes. All of my potting soil arrived. Each bag in a separate box wrapped up in brown paper. Lots of use of the box cutter and now I have a nice stack of potting soil bags. Not enough for next spring but a start! A wasp chased me around for awhile. Luckily I did not get stung. What is wrong with them this year?

    I also brought in all my containers of garden stuff, animal repellent, fertilizer, rooting powder and more. I don’t want any of it to freeze in the garage this winter.

    Some note cards are pasted together. It is always nice to just have a simple card to pick up, add a note of hello and then send it off. Not great note cards but people do remark that it is nice to be remembered. That’s enough to keep me going.

    I took a puzzle break. 🤣🙂🙃


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! So much to celebrate this day.....

    Bob: a very happy but belated birthday! You bring such a great perspective to our group! We all treasure your additions to the posts. You are a stalwart and dedicated advocate of healthy eating and regular exercise, and you saved your own life! You show us all how important it is to put health ahead of everything. Thank you for rejoining the group. We will look forward to seeing your adventures this coming year. Walk and jog ON! The future is yours in health and good friendship.

    Buzz and Barbie: Happy Hashanah! I confess total ignorance about this interesting holiday. Wishing you the best!

    Rain today. Cleaner air, cooler temps, help with the wildfires. Our prayers are heard.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Rain today. Cleaner air, cooler temps, help with the wildfires. Our prayers are heard.

    Ahh Patsy, that brought a thankful tear to my eye for you, John and all of the State of Oregon. <3

    Our usual walk across the moors, broken up by a long chat with a man and his dog that I used to see during lockdown strolling the local roads. He is wonderfully political so has a lot to say about our current situation and this conversation ended with him saying we must have a middle class revolution and sort the extremists on both sides out.... just a bit tongue in cheek!!

    I managed to get the grass cut yesterday afternoon and I can see what looks like rain clouds drifting in off the Atlantic so it will be a housework afternoon. Not a bad thing because although I feel I can neglect certain areas with crumbling walls, that's only 2 rooms, the rest of the cottage needs some TLC.

    Bob, in my lost post a couple of days ago I mentioned what a great photo of you and your siblings that is and what a great idea to digitally tidy them up for future generations. My maternal grandmother left me her family photo album that includes pictures of great grandparents and uncles and aunts I never got to meet. It's currently with my older brother who after 75 years of no interest whatsoever in our family has become nostalgic and possibly regretful but it should be returned one day and I'll enjoy it once again.

    Lin, your latest jigsaw is wonderfully amusing. Do you buy them online because it's a size I could cope with right now surrounded by renovations?

    Anne, you would laugh at our latest government public announcements with a very serious voice played constantly on commercial radio..... "Hands, face, space" reminding the general public that must be considered 5 year olds, to wash hands, cover face and keep a distance! Of course those of us of a certain generation have immediately latched on to the party game hands, knees and bumpsadaisy so I laugh every time I hear it.... Silly British humour again! :D

    George rediscovered the fox poo this morning Sandy but thankfully it has now dried out in the sunshine so it didn't stick to him!! He spent the walk chasing dry sheep poo blowing in the wind and entertaining walkers passing by!

    Can't delay any longer so out with the vacuum cleaner and dusters.

    Take care everyone, stay safe and enjoy the weekend.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    A very sad morning with the passing yesterday of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Badger Ginsburg affectionately known as RBG. More unsettling times heaped on as the fight to replace her will surely boil over. It has already started within what, an hour, after the announcement? God help us.

    Back to my regular post. A teapot.

    Gibson and Sons. Produced sometime between 1912-1930.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Jackie, well your chat with the dog walker sounds interesting. I love sorting out the world in a one conversation. Of course all fantasy but very satisfying. ❤️

    George is an entertaining fellow. I am glad he found nothing fresh on your walk. No additional bath required. What does Betty think of his craziness?

    The tiny puzzles are made by Pomegranate. I find them online, Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Odyssey Puzzle Company and others. I search for them and for their size they are, to me, wildly expensive. But I like the images, they come in a hinged metal box (great storage), and the time commitment is low while the difficulty is good.

    Well, hands, face, space sounds like a nice children’s game. Easy to remember.

    Patsy, yippee, some rain. Thank heavens. ❤️❤️ My friend in Portland was able to go back to the garden yesterday to harvest vegetables. She was happy. May things continue to improve. ❤️❤️

    Time to check on my tomatoes in their little pots.

    Best wishes.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Not much from me, but it might make you smile. Or not of course.

    Cheery man's voice on the phone, "hello! And how are you today?".

    Me "I'm not well at All. Who are you?".

    "Oh sorry about that. I am Peter ........ and I'm in your neighbourhood. I'm a Jehovah's Witness and I'd like to talk to you in the comfort of your home".

    Me, "I have sciatica and I am in a lot of pain so unless you are prepared to do the ironing and dusting while you talk, No thank you."

    I guess they don't go in for ironing beyond the pearly gates.

    Mark tells me this will last TWO WEEKS!. WHAT! That's a lifetime for me and Bean! No bumps a daisy here JACKIE!

    I think my Halo has slipped a bit. Back to
    🙃Anne and 🐶Bean.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited September 2020
    Happy Saturday! :) Was so chilly this morning I had to turn the heat on to take chill out of the house. Sheets are done waiting to be put back on bed. We are having movie night tonight but inside since it is going to be to cold to sit outside. I am happy about that as it means earlier time and I can get home early.

    Lin, very sad about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Badger Ginsburg. I pray that they will honor her last wishes and not appoint a new Supreme Court Justice until after a new president is installed. This is a real game changer and I hope and pray it turns out good.

    Anne, I actually thought your response was quite funny. Your halo didn't slip, you are still our nice and funny Anne. Unfortunately depending how bad your sciatica is, it could go longer than two weeks. My friend goes for shots to help hers which I also had but didn't help so I opted for the surgery to shave the bone off the nerve. My problem today is arthritis because of my "age".

    Jackie, having a young granddaughter I hear the song, Head, shoulders, knees and toes a lot so you made me laugh. George is one funny puppy, he makes me smile.

    Patsy, glad to hear that things are a little better in Oregon. Now I hope they continue to improve.

    Hello to Bob, Buzz, Jeri and Barbie and anyone else who checks in. We are having Portillo's hotdogs before the movie so I want to ride the bike for some extra calories. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Anne, Lin, Sandy, Jackie, – thanks for the Happy Birthday… it was fun!

    Sandy – It has been real cool here to… expected lows for 3 days in 30’s – but very beautiful during the day once the sun gets going. Your kids sound smart with regards to interference with the decisions of a parent.
    Losing a sibling is the tough. I especially miss my brother Tom…only a couple years older than me – he was my “big brother” and as a teen protected me on occasion. I wore his leather college jacket when I was in high school – just to be like him…etc. His death came out of the blue – went to bed and just didn’t wake up... In retirement, I thought it would be me hanging with him (lived in AZ) and my 2 bother-in-laws (one loved his Harley / Boat and the other loved NYC / Yankees) of several decades. As it turned out all 3 passed away in their 60’s. As the saying goes: 'If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.'

    Patsy – Dang… not sure I deserve all those kudos…but I would agree I think I have at least added some “quality” years to my life, as I could barely climb stairs. It may not cure the CAD and other heart issues – but I am enjoying so much more of life. I had planned to go horseback riding and sign-up for swim exercise – but this pandemic squashed that. I haven’t been on a horse in decades because of obesity (mine not the horse LOL). Very kind words indeed.

    Thanks for the reminder to wish Buzz and Barbie a Rosh Hashanah 2020!!!!

    Jackie – It is so strange how we don’t think those photographs of the past will someday be the sweet reminder of the future. Many family/friends have asked me to try and revive photos etc.

    Just today, a friend wrote asking: “…I was wondering…help me out…want to do a picture of my father in law and put it on a chair at my sons wedding….The only picture I have of him in the navy is this one from a year book…wondering if it could be blown up into an 8x10.” So that might be a challenge as the photo is real small on one page with 16 sailors.

    I find myself reminiscing a lot over old photographs and trying to recall dates and faces – something not noted on 90% of photos. Hope you get your photos returned one day. They do make for sweet reflective moments.

    Lin – yes, it is very sad when we lose someone like RBG. It doesn’t matter about politics etc. She was a person of accomplishment with regards to gender discrimination. I loved the friendship and mutual respect she had with Antonin Scalia. Upon hearing of her death – Scalia’s son, Christopher said: “I’m very sad to hear about the passing of my parents' good friend, and my father's wonderful colleague, Justice Ginsburg. May her memory be a blessing. I'd like to share a couple of passages that convey what she meant to my dad…”

    Looking forward to tomorrow – apple picking and birthday celebration. Should be fun! Bob

    I will end with a pic of todays lunch LOL -- Boneless Pork Chop- Grilled - Pork, Top Loin, spring mix baby, Balsamic spray, Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spray, cucumber, Spaghetti Squash, garlic &herbs riced cauliflower, Rao sauce, and pepper rings.