Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Sandy I found Barbie squash recipes. But how will I find the recipes topics again if I want it?

    <3<3 Phoebe, Jim just got to stay on his toes and watch those nasty carbs. I am doing real good on controlling mine after all these years I think I seen the light. At last.........But don't pass no coconut cake in front of me But I do need to get Jerry take me to our little health food store to get some unsweetened shredded coconut to use in my flax muffin. Those flax muffin I look forward to I think I got my recipe down the way I like them pretty well. The pumpkin ones that is. I want to try banana out next.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif Buzz, my new computer doesn't really do anything that the old one didn't do except that now I can print remotely on the printer in the other room. Also this one has far more memory than the old one so I don't have to worry about having too much music or too many pictures.

    smiley-excited001.gif Lin, I'm sorry that your calls with your dad are so confusing and unsatisfying. You are a great daughter to keep showing up no matter what

    smiley-computer004.gifMarie, I've used glitter graphics for a long time, but the new smiley bouncy things are from

    smiley-computer002.gifShirley, to leave a message on someone's profile, look under the words "Recent Activity" and there is a box that says "Write Something".....I think you can do it only if the person is one of your friends.

    smiley-bounce009.gifPhyllis, that's a great quilt...thanks for sharing the picture.

    smiley-bounce009.gifChris, your schedule sounds makes sure that everything gets done

    smiley-bounce009.gifSandy, sorry to hear that Babe and Daisy still have health challenges

    smiley-bounce008.gifPhoebe, we would be lost without our microwave....when we moved from our old house, we bought a microwave and had it plugged in before we moved in

    smiley-bounce008.gifMy friend who was supposed to come over today, called and cancelled. Her husband who has refused to go to the doctor for years was recently diagnosed with cancer in several parts of his body and they are faced with many doctor visits and tests. She is taking life one day at a time and is very scared.

    smiley-love014.gif Barbie


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited October 2014
    Can't sleep
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Sorry Sandy. Hope you did get some rest. I was up early to drive up to see my dad. Stopped at the house first and now am at the nursing home. His vitals are good but he's not hardly eating and wants to go to bed all the time. His color is good but he cannot stay awake long enough to get out even a word. Even my do it offering has been rejected. We are so incredibly powerless to help our loved ones. My heart broke as I saw them use the Hoyer lift to get him into bed. He is so weak.

    I hope you are all having a good day.....thinking of you.


    Lin in chilly Northern Iowa (today)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited October 2014
    I get a screen that says I don't have permission to post but when I finally got back here my message had posted three times. Hummmmmmmm.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited October 2014
    Duplicate post
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Lin, My hear at is with you today. It is so hard to watch parents go down hill. It is still fresh in my mind. Praying for you and hoping that you will be o.k. doing all the things you have to do today. Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phyllis how is the diabetic in your country eating the way you do. really sounds healthy. Look like lots of beans which love I did order me a far eastern cookbook for my e reader Thanks for your information
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited October 2014
    Happy Wednesday!! :D I just couldn't fall asleep last night, it was after 4AM when I last looked at the clock. Not sure if my mind was thinking of too many things or if the chili kept me awake. But why would chili keep me awake there is no caffeine in chili. I posted on Facebook that I was awake and so was Connie, we both a bad night. I am returning two of the baby products I bought from Amazon. I didn't see the weight limit correctly and these will be too small for Robby. I ordered another bouncer from Walmart that has a 35 pound weight limit and hope he slows down in gaining. B) Tonight is bingo, so I hope I can stay awake to play. :(

    I am way behind today so I have no time for personals. My cleaning girl come this afternoon and I like to be gone while she cleans.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Will attempt to make this chocolate flax muffin tonight Looks good
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Marie - looks yummy

    Lin - so sorry about your Dad. I thought it might have been you asking about my tests. Thanks.

    Sandy - I used to be so bad about sleeping at night. Now I just listen to an audible book and fall back asleep. Works good for me.

    Phyllis - so nice to see you back. You must be so happy to hear the good news about your mom. Thanks for your comment about my picture. I am so lucky as I have a wonderful family. Family has always been my #1 priority. Ed and I were just saying how fortunate we are. We love each other so much and get along so great. Others are not so fortunate - like my poor sister.

    Chris - glad you are back too

    Phoebe - I have a very small ham to cook. We find tiny ones. Eat for supper, then in a stir fry and it is done.

    Got to run, I think we plan to go to a show after lunch. We at also looking into getting new iPhones. It is time for sure.

    Have a great day. Hugs to all. Sorry I missed some of you but I am afraid to, lose my post. LOL every time I go back I screw things up. LOL


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    That's why I come here everyday because of all of you.

    MARIE - Those muffins look delicious.
    LIN - Sorry your Dad is not doing well, I hope you are preparing yourself.
    PHYLLIS - I would love to eat some of that Middle Eastern food, which don't get much
    of that around here. Your quilt is very cute.
    CHRIS - Your life seems to be very full with activity and family as it should.
    BARBIE - Thanks for the advice on leaving a message on a Profile. Just not used to this
    SANDY - I bet your chili tasted good, but sorry it kept you up.

    Had another day at yoga putting my body into pretzel positions but loving it. If this 65 year old body can do it anyone can. We did some stretches for your hands which I think I will do more. My hands have been so sore from my arthritis lately as many of you can relate. Anyway, it helps you get flexible. :D

    I went to visit my MIL after class and now just finished ironing, yes I still do it. :p I will not miss Dave's work shirts and pants when he retires. :)

    Another crappy day with no sun and rain.

    Ontario, Canada (cloudy and rainy)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    here is the links I am getting my recipes from
    I used a plastic container I save from my bad days that have 2 servings of pie in it. Don't remember off hand which brand but it was not Edwards They have a nice container with a lid that I save just the right size for these muffinsIt was a coconut pie I do believe.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Thanks Marie, now that I have a microwave again, ill be trying a muffin, or three! Give me some time, I will work on getting the recipes on here, i think i can.

    Lin, i guess it sounds like he is preparing himself. It is like my late mother in law was near the end. She didnt want anything by mouth, and she mostly slept. She rallied once or twice, but a lesson learned was that I should not try to get her to take anything or drink anything unless she wanted it. It just upset her. So it is true what Shirley says, prepare yourself as best you can. Let us be here for you.

    chris, so glad you made it, we have missed you! Hope your winter will be king to you. Im glad your son is nearby now.

    Shirley, I look forward to being able to fall into routines, I hope to include pilates or yoga. That is a ways away.
    I went to the office to pay the insurance arrears. We have a lot of insurance, and a lot of premiums to pay. It ain't free! The insurance lady gave me papers to fill out for extended leave of absence. I have to read over them tonight. We go back to the doctor on Wednesday to get test results on Jims liver. He told us that he will gradually add each medication one at a time.

    Time to get back to the paperwork, Sandy, hope you sleep well tonight.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Good evening dear friends.
    I want to extend hugs and tell PHOEBE I wish we could help her get through all the paper work for insurances. I was overwhelmed by some of it, and mine was nothing in comparison.
    LIN, I know you know what's ahead, and we all are here to help support you through this period. No matter how prepared we are, somehow I was never prepared! <3
    SANDY, have you tried getting sleepy at your computer? It lulls me to sleep nightly!
    MARIE, PHYLLIS, SHIRLEY, BARBIE, JERI, and everyone else here, I just can't seem to find time to comment, but I think of each one of you always!
    Getting DH prepared for his HonorFlight Saturday. Met his Guardian at our dinner last night, and just adore him. He will be driving Mike to the airport in his red Corvette, which will be a first for Mike. Our new chaplain and his wife will be taking me to pick him up at the airport at night, when he returns from D.C. and though we know about it, Mike does not know there will be a welcoming crowd of about 3000 cheering people to greet the veterans as they leave the plane! We will be taken to the front row to greet Mike. I find it so exciting for him. David promised to take about 300 photos, so perhaps I will attempt posting a couple.
    I wish I could figure out how to use BARBIE'S new Emoticon site. I haven't downloaded it yet as it came with a Window's warning about not being registered, or some such thing.
    Must get to bed now, as I had an exhausting day. I just hope we don't have the heavy rains expected soon Saturday, when the Flight leaves! I need a day off!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I don't know too many diabetic people in this country but I know there are plenty of them out there. My brother in law is the only one that I know and I think he probably eats a lot of beans too. It is pretty much the morning meal for most of the country. I hope you enjoy your new cook book and find lots of good recipes.

    Sandy, sorry to hear you had a bad night for sleeping. I hate when that happens. We switched beds with my son. What I mean is the bed he used to sleep on when he was living at home before he married. It was great! It is also a bit bigger than the one that we had in our room. It was a big job moving the beds to other rooms but we managed and I got to clean under the beds really good so I was happy about that. Sure do get lots of dust bunnies living under the beds! LOL

    I Am eating some steamed cauliflower right now and it is pretty tasty. I have been organizing my spare room because I had all my junk that I brought from my classroom and dumped it in there in June. It is looking pretty organized now. But still have lots that I can do to get my organized piles organized even more!. SIGH..
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buzz good morning. Do hope Mike enjoy his trip But sort of wishing you were going with him. have a beautiful day.
    Good morning Sneakers

    This week has just flown by as all the others

    Chris do learn how to used our new way of posting pictures so easy you will love it.
    al in all I do like the new format. But there are a few things that bug me but not bad. Or maybe I do not understand it
    Phoebe how are things looking for you and Jim returning to work.? I know this is turning your world upside down. But it will somehow all work out for the best. In the morning I am going to post my weekly average, my 14 day average, my 30 day average on my blood sugar readings one of the best I have ever had, I should have said the BEST

    Had my first cup of coffee now time to make my breakfast of flax muffin with sugar free jam another cup of coffee I did read where these muffin has 2 grams of net carbs so getting a good start on a low carb diet this morning. will be making Barbie's butternut soup today. had broccoli soup last night and will have it for lunch with a muffin I am getting the hang of it but those scales are just moving too slow.
    Oh well one thing at a time
    Got my washing going

    One meal at a time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited October 2014

    Happy Thursday! :D My busy day with my meeting and errands. I am leading the meeting today and also speaking so I have to prepare. I feel much better today, got 8 hours of sleep. <3 I didn't win at bingo but went to confirm our plans for the casino trip on Sunday. Daisy and Babe are both feeling better so that is great. Robby loved the new rocker chair I bought him and will use at my house but for now his parents are using it.


    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Little Robby is adorable in his seat. o:)


    Ontario, Canada

    Sunny and cool high of 58F
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Cute as a baby doll I thought he was but closer look I think That is Robby a Proud grandma for sure