Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Interesting; I followed BARBIE's instructions perfectly and the picture came up on another website called vanilla forums! Thank you, luv, and this is Mike and his Honor Flight guardian, Dave, and they had a fabulous day. This was taken in front of the WW2 monument in Washington DC.
    We went to PBIA to meet and greet the planeload of WW2 veterans as it arrived, and I could not believe the crowds and special welcome from tots to elderly people, waving flags, balloons, and signs thanking these veterans from having saved the world from being overtaken by fascism! I think all were over 90, many quite infirm, but each one with a smile and trying to fight the tears! Emotions ran very high from this trip of a lifetime! I'll try to find one shot of a particular group of welcomers. At least I finally learned how to put photos in that beautiful Kindle Fire HDX Mike's son gave him last February!

    These were some of the service people in various uniforms, lined up where the veterans on the Honor Flight exited their plane. There were an estimated 3000 greeters!
    Please excuse my not commenting on all the posts I read today, enjoyable except for LIN, who has our support in her difficult period. Glad Jackie missed the hurricane, and loved seeing al your various pictures. I seem to have a problem finding mine once they go into the Photo program! Never figured folders or whatever it takes out, so once they're entered, it's a puzzle to locate them again. I'm certain the new system is better than having to go to Photo Bucket or other sites. Just this old dinosaur learning new techniques!
    Back when I'm thinking straight.
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Buss Mike looks so happy. I do believe he enjoy his trip. Thanks you for sharing. And Thanks Mike for serving his country. God bless Mike
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Buzz - thanks for sharing. Makes my heart swell with warmth.

    Phoebe - poor kitty.

    Lin - glad to hear the encouraging news about your Dad.

    Jackie - so nice to hear from you. I'm sure you find time to catch up with us eventually. Life gets in the way sometimes for sure.

    Oops, I hear Ed up. Got to run. Have a great day

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I see I misspelled your name early this morning. sorry buzz
    good hearing from our friend Jeri early this morning too.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning - Buzz---thanks for the happy smiling picture of Mike. Jeri---nice to see you for a while and hope you and Ed are feeling well. Phoebe - is your cat feeling better this morning? Glad you found some free classics on Roku. I watch those often or when I don't have Internet I am still watching the Waltons. I'm just through Season 2 and John Boy has graduated from high school and got a car. Chris - you just zip through your days and get so much accomplished----I wish I could say I do as much as you. Barbie - always on the go as well, dancing your way through life. Go Barbie! Marie - I'm glad you have your embroidery machine working again. I'm attaching a picture of that little scarf I finished from those partial skeins of yarn I purchased in the craft room of the quilt sale on Saturday. It goes nice with a jacket I have that I wear in the spring/fall.


    I'm doing some laundry, cleaning up a little bit, going to sort through paperwork again and then see what's up. I need a couple of things at the store but it could wait until tomorrow. I actually would like a nap I think.......!

    Hugs to all. Phyllis, Shirley, Diane, Gayla, Karen, too!!

    Lin in Central Iowa where it's still sunny today (yeah!!)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin your scarf goes well with that Jacket. Very pretty together.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, a perfect match! Very pretty, and you are a fast crocheter too.
    Okie still limps, going to vet.
    Buzz great photos, one thing ive learned about computers-it takes time to learn things and when you dont want to spend much time on the computer, it is hard to remember what to do. So glad for the big crowd!
    Grabbing a shower, then vet, and couple of places.

    have a great Monday

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    It's a great day here too Lin. It's supposed to be warmer tomorrow. :D

    BUZZ - Lovely pictures of Mike and all the activities. You must be so proud.

    Lin - Maybe sending pictures will lift your Dad's spirits. Also a very pretty
    scarf to go with the jacket.

    Phoebe- Sorry about Okie hopes he gets better.

    Marie - You still are having some warm temperatures. When does it finally get cooler?

    I had a nice long conversation with my friend Elli who is back in hospital. I hope to visit her tomorrow because I have a doctor's apt. across where she will be in Palliative care.

    Have a good evening.

    Ontario, Canada

    59F and getting dark and its only 6:20PM

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just came by to shut the computer off before the game start HI there Shirley.

    Lin you crocheting makes me want to get mine out. I just may make me a vest to keep warm by. If I can remember how. I never went by a pattern just measurements Night all
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Shirley, I like your sunny day flower.
    Marie, I used to get 'crochet fever ', but its gone.
    Lin, you are very busy, almond milk, from scratch, and all of your plan ahead meals. That takes lots of time. Do you keep any foods in your freezer?

    Little Okie broke his hip at the joint. He spends tonight and tomorrow night at the vet. He will have surgery tomorrow. Poor fella, he was hurting. We don't know how he did it. He is a energy ball, always running and jumping, he loves to race with us, and he always wins.

    Marie, ive had an idea. Remember that 'Impossibly Easy Pumpkin Pie ', the one with bisquick? Tonight i read a recipe for practically the same thing, except it was called pudding and it was baked in a crock pot. I was thinking that would be time consuming and how to make it quicker. So im going to try it in the microwave in a mug, and also baked in the oven. Maybe tomorrow, i hope to be at home to do laundry, etc.

    Jim had two readings under 200 today. Yay! 178 and 158. He celebrates by having a real coke at dinner, but it was from a fountain and was kinda flat. That reminds me, he needs to check it again.

    Take care,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    phoebe let me know about the pumpkin dish. I really like them bake instead of the microwave. Good for Jim. I used to be please with mine being in the 150. now my goal is 115 When does he go back in for lab. And how is his liver and kidneys. He really had a bad spell. Maybe he is on his way to recovery.
    Just got thru watching the cowboys lose there game So time to go join Jerry in bed.
    Hugs marie.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning
    today is grocer shopping.I am getting pretty good at this low carb shop pin, If I don't have it I can't eat it. Right I also going to look at their yarn to see if I want to crochet a vest Can't let Lin get ahead of me.

    Jerry says we have lots of pecans to pick up today in the yard. So that will keep me busy. Shelling them. My fingernails will be a mess tho, Getting them ready for the holidays

    someone was out taking pictures of Jerry spooks yesterday so I need to take some too. However he has not made any new ones so it will be the same as last year

    got to get a shower and get dress..



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Lost my Internet connection last night and this morning I've been on the go! Did a little house cleaning, a trip to Trader Joe's, have a batch of crackers in the oven, trying to cook a vegetable spaghetti squash in the slow cooker, called OnStar for a service renewal, talked to a friend about a birthday party on Saturday, and now sitting down to catch up.

    I saw a free pattern for a poncho from the local yarn shop BUT it is knitted not crocheted. It is so pretty I'd like to do that but we'll see.

    Phoebe - I am so sorry about your poor kitty. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I hope everything turns out okay.........darn. Oh, and I do have a little chest freezer in the basement but that's just for things like frozen fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, almond meal, and things like that. I really don't have any actual ready-to-eat food in there. I do buy prepared shelf stable soup from Dr. Fuhrman so I do have something to heat up whenever I don't have anything made and want something hot to eat. And I try to keep my refrigerator stock with lots of good things---ready to eat immediately! I don't know how you do it when you are travelling in the truck. I would find that to be pretty insurmountable given the way I eat.

    Marie - I will NEVER NEVER EVER catch up to you on crafted project talents. You are extraordinary.......I struggle. The wrist and thumb on the side I fell on in September are still very achy and stiff. Don't know if it will get better. Also my chin and eye socket and my lip ache everyday.....guess I'm a slow healer.

    Here's to you Marie! You crafty lady!!


    Hugs to everyone.

    Lin in Sunny but Somewhat Colder and Windier Central Iowa
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA

    vet called, Okie did great, he's on pain meds and just waking up.
    They'll call again later for another update.

    Marie, the pumpkin in a mug has been done already, here is the link. Scroll down to see a list of choices, including pumpkin.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Afternoon Sneakers,

    It was a sunny day and warm today but now the clouds have taken over and rain is on the way.

    I had a doctor apt check up this morning so I thought I would visit my friend Elli in the hospital and found she has taken a turn for the worst. Her daughter, sister and husband were there too. I just talked to her on the phone yesterday and we had a long conversation and she seemed good. She will be transported to another hospital for another Cat Scan to see if the cancer has spread. A very sad day :(

    We were planning on going up North to the cottage this weekend to close it up for the winter but we will see how she is doing if we go or not.

    Ontario, Canada
    75F and cloudy with rain on the way.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Running so behind, but wanted to say hello.
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member

    Shirley - I am so sorry about your friend's downward turn. {{{hugs}}}

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hugs for you Shirley, I know how hard it can be. Maybe she is tired of being strong, and just wants to rest a bit. Yes, this is our last warm day for a while. Rain and cooler temps. Wish i was more like Barbie, and didnt see the weather as an impediment. I keep trying to tell myself that it wont hurt to get wet, cold,hot sweaty or frozen, but I dont seem to believe me!

    dinner and more laundry

    take care,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Yes, Phoebe I agree with you. I think her fight is almost over. She has been through hell and back these past few years. Two knee replacements and colon cancer. o:) I think she just wants to sleep in peace now. o:) I will keep you posted.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We'll I am just checking to see if I can get on here