Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Jeri, you are so right about the candy. The grocery store had about four carts full of candy marked half off. I was not tempted for myself as far as eating it, but I had to REsist a good buy, lol.

    So here we go into winter again. At least we have good company here at the Sneakers.

    The photos are just adorable! Marie, those little red shoes Kylie is wearing are precious.

    Yes, it's cold enough. We didnt get snow at our house. There were photos on tv of higher elevations with a good dusting. Going to be below freezing tomorrow morning.
    Jim has been working on replacing old wood on the fireplace. He rented a big lift to get way up there. 7am this morning a lady at Home Depot called and wanted to make sure Jim knew about thestrong winds advisory, and that he sshouldn't use the lift today because it might tip over! So he hopes to finish tomorrow. There is no way I could go up in that thing! I get dizzy just looking up at the chimney!

    We had delicious vegetables tonight. Hope you've had a good day

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Here are a few pictures from Robby's First Halloween!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member

    Here are Brandy and Sasha....they don't get a puppy cut anymore....their faces and paws are shaved and the hair on their body kept short.

    smiley-happy093.gifTonight we went to the yearly Gratitude Dinner. About 300 people attended dinner followed by an inspirational speaker. We sat with a great group of people which was a really good thing since our table was called last to go through the food line. The committee buys several turkeys and hams to be cooked by volunteers and the rest of the food is potluck. Every year I cook a turkey. My potluck contribution was a double amount of cole slaw. I took my time going through the food line and chose wisely. My plan was to have one plate of food, no seconds, no dessert, and no foods that were things I don't normally eat. The speaker was great but he talked a little too long. We have turned out clocks back and will be in bed soon. smiley-sleep012.gifThe only reason I am still up this late is that I napped for 90 minutes this afternoon.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Marie, do you still happen to have that little story about the train ride that compared it to Ta persons life? I really liked it!
    So fun to see All the little and big people dressed up in the Halloween costumes. Thanks every who shared them.

    Barbie, the gratitude dinner sounds like a really nice celebration. It is good to stop and think of what we are grateful for rather than complaining and wanting everything else in the world that the Jones's have that we don't. Plus you dogs look so well behaved.

    Sandy, I just want to pinch all the little rolls of fat on your little grand son. What a darling little boy. Still trying to figure out what his parents were dresses up as.

    Phoebe and Jeri. All I can say is BUNDLE UP. Sounds like it is getting cold FAST.

    Lin, Good thing you were there to help your friend to the car. That bug does sound like a mean one. At least you go in some good visiting and a few shops before the bug bit.

    Shirley, How is your friend doing? Hope you have fun at the cottage.

    Jackie, I think your yard must be amazing. You are always trimming or fixing up something.

    Buzz, I never told you that I thought the pic of your husband was amazing. He looks like such a fine fellow and has such a kind face. Thanks for sharing that with us.

    Life is still great here for me in my retirement. I did some more sewing yesterday and today I think I will start to make a clock out of the shells that I collected at the beach last time I was there. I thought it would be fun to use the shells to write each number. Like one shell for # one and Two shells for # 2 etc. I have all sizes of shells and I thought it would be fun to see what I can do with them. So better get started on that little project. I swam this morning early and I crashed on the couch for a while after that so time to get up and MOVE around. ( LIKE BARBIE)


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member

    Time to get moving----it's warmer here today and the sun is out. The wind may toss us around a bit! Hugs to to church.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I don't know what time zone mfp is on.
    Lol, Jim woke this morning Early, and woke me too requesting coffee. My first thought was 'get it yourself '. But he is the one doing the work on the house so now we've had breakfast and coffee.
    Love the photos, Robbie will love these photos of his parents trick or treating too!

    Lin, somehow I missed your post but I read it and im sorry for your friend, that sounds like more than a virus. Maybe even a health issue. Hope she keeps that appt.

    Sunshine today, laundry and RE-packing our truck things.
    Today is my brothers birthday, he lives in KY. Will call him this afternoon.
    Phyllis, you made it to your swim first thing. I get sleepy when i stop moving, so i had better stop typing, coz it isnt enough movement!

    Marie, do you have any plans for your birthday this Friday? Jerry taking you out for dinner?

    Enjoy your day

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phyllis what train? no sorry my memory don't remember it it. I used to know how to go back and read my post, but since everything is change don't know how now.
    MFP lost my login record but talk to them and they restore it maybe one of the sneakers know how to track it down.

    Love that little Robby Halloween get up and his momma and daddy too.
    and all of Jeri grandkids too.
    And of course my little granddaughter Kylee

    Phoebe no plans that I know of. except Jerry and I will go out to eat.
    I was hungry about bed time last night and I had nothing to snack on So I mixed up some pumpkin and sour cream with 1 pkg. of splenda , vanilla and cinnamon. Was really pretty tasty and my blood sugar after eating that last night was 98 this morning and no extra insulin.. It was around 90 before I ate it. Its all about making the right choice.
    Proud of Jim just eating half of the carbs in that bake potatoes. Has he had any lows yet on that insulin. Is he still on it I still have a few. I read where they used to treat diabetic with just leaving off Carbs before insulin and oral Medication came about.

    Lin my you sure are a traveling girl. How was your dad after your trip up there several days
    Sorry to hear your friend got sick on your outing. ago? hope you don't catch her bug.

    Hugs Marie


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2014
    This afternoon I was digging beetroot and red cabbage ready for pickling and picked the last of our sweetcorn but think the hens will probably end up with that because it's a little past its best. Sunshine and showers and very mild so a delightful time pottering on my own! My days seem to revolve around dog walking and I can see why Barbie sets off so early in the morning. Loving the frisky poodles photo and jealous you can get them groomed to look so neat and tidy. The groomer visited George on Thursday but what with all his wriggling and squirming he's still got a few untidy ends!

    Great Hallowe'en photos of all the kiddies and not so kiddies!!

    Happy Sunday everyone, especially those now enjoying snow.... brrr hasn't winter come round quickly, although thankfully I'm still enjoying balmy days!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Not sure if this is the right one but here is a version of Life is like a train ride.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member

    Happy Sunday!! :D Chilly but sunny, so I am grateful. <3 Other than a video call with my family I have no special plans for today. I will go to Walgreen's for some photos I had made and possibly to Walmart to get a storage thing for Robby's diapers and supplies. I believe Lisa starts work on the 17th so my life will change as of that day. My sleeping in will come to an end and waking at 6:00 will be my new norm. Oh well, he is certainly worth it and I am actually looking forward to having him. For November I will sit 5 days a week, when Lisa's mom returns we will divide the time except for when I go to Florida for a week to see my daughter's new house. Her mom will be home until the end of January and then I am back to 5 days a week unless Lisa finds someone to help me. Let's just hope he is a good baby and behaves for grandma. :D I am just grateful that I am in good health and am as active as I am. :D

    Jackie, it is great that your weather is co operating with your outdoor activities. I am sure George is thrilled to have you walk him everyday, I know Daisy loves it but is still recovering from that sprained ankle so is unable to walk at this time. :'(

    Marie, your little worm is so cute, he made me smile. I used to love to answer the door on Halloween, just to see the tiny ones in their costumes. I missed that this year but when Robby is walking, I will be out there with him trick or treating. :D

    Phoebe, because I knew I had an extra hour I stayed up an extra hour, didn't make much sense but a lot of what I do doesn't. :D Back to work, I bet you would rather stay home but bills have to be paid. :p

    Lin, I hate wind as much as snow, I should live in a tropical climate. B)

    Phyllis, my son, I think was some sort of knight, my dil a puppy and Robby was a little bear.
    Someone stated that if Robby keeps gaining the way he is, next year he could be a sumo wrestler. I think I agree. I just hope he slows down because it is hard to find a walker/jumper to fit his weight. The one I bought is up to 30 pounds but I am not putting it together to see how much he weighs in two weeks. Right now he is 21 pounds but he can't gain a pound a week, can he???? :p

    Barbie, thanks for the pictures, they look beautiful. I still think if a person wanted they could cut their faces with a puppy cut, don't you agree??? The gratitude dinner sounds wonderful, I am glad you and Jake enjoyed it together. <3

    Going to catch up on my games and then enjoy this beautiful Sunday, I hope you do the same.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Marie, there is a days logged in reset tool................

    Check this link when logged in to your account and you should be able to click on the tool and specify # of days you say are right....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    edited November 2014
    smiley-happy110.gif I loved the train true

    smiley-excited001.gifAlso loved all the photos of grandchildren dressed for Halloween....since we don't get trick-or-treaters here we don't see kids dressed up

    smiley-bounce009.gif Today I made soup with the turkey carcasses I got to bring home from the gratitude dinner. I boiled bones in the morning, then pulled the meat off and discarded the bones and put the broth in the refrigerator while I went off on a 90 minute walk on the Olympic Discovery trail with a good friend. Then I simmered veggies in the broth and tomorrow we'll have soup for lunch....I'll freeze the rest to eat another time.

    smiley-bounce009.gifPhyllis, gratitude is an important principle in my life. I write five or more things in a gratitude journal every helps me focus on the good in my life....right now I'm reading a book called "Gratitude and Trust".

    smiley-love014.gif Barbie


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sandy, thanks for the TRAIN link that you gave me. It was not the exact same one that Marie had posted a while back but I think it will work for what I need it for. I am writing a little talk to give in church and I can adapt this one to work for my purpose. THANKS.Phyllis
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Monday!! :D Swaying from my usual Monday schedule and will not be washing clothes today. I am taking Bryanna to court to get her ticket situation straightened out, she couldn't make it Friday so we postponed. Will do laundry tomorrow. :D

    Need to pay the bills I didn't get to yesterday, where does the time go each day???

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello friends - another day of dad drama. He fell out of his chair yesterday and was checked over by several nurses, then hospice came and checked him over as well. Very lucky (as far as I know) that he did not re-break that hip that was partially replaced. I talked to him for a little while and he was agitated and made virtually no sense. I don't know if he didn't realize he *couldn't* get up or if he was upset about something and just ignored the fact that he couldn't move on his own and struggled to get up and collapsed. All I know is he seems as if he will not be reasonable now. They can't restrain him, won't use an alarm on anyone now, and I don't know what other options are viable. I've put a call in to the supervisor.

    Meanwhile another upsetting factor for me is one friend who visits my dad. He goes over the line all the time---please note he is not a relative---just someone my dad did business with for a number of years. He questions my judgment all the time, he goes out to my dad's acreage and walks around out there, he looks through the dresser drawers when he visits my dad, he thinks my dad should go to a different nursing home and questions the nurses about everything when he visits, he lets my dad know that if he wants something he should insist on it and make the nurses just cope with it, he has asked how much money my dad has in his room, he thinks my dad should be belted into his chair and that he should never be in bed if he doesn't want to be in bed (if he is to weak to sit up and is asleep most of the time I don't think he should be in his chair)----well, look at yesterday! He asks for medical information on my dad all the time, he won't respect visiting hours, he says my dad would get better care if there weren't so many regulations and it's all Obama's fault (hello, the states are regulating the nursing homes here).............BUT my dad likes him, likes his visits (even when he gets mad that he goes through his drawers), and he will run up there and see my dad if there's an emergency. So, some good, some bad but I really wish he would try to keep my dad's safety and comfort in mind. Is this a guy thing? No rules, no regulations, no one telling you what to do, do whatever you want even if it's reckless?

    Rant over. Today I am doing some cleaning, running a few errands and then will be on the phone I would imagine..........

    Hugs to all................!! Busy bees all!!

    Lin in Cloudy Central Iowa

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin you do have problems with your dad. just cope with it the best you can. I can guarantee you their is no perfect nursing home. they all got there faults some worst than others. Some better.

    You was talking about you posting your frequent web sites. I do too and once they are star I right click on it and open up a folder and when I get another one I want to save in that folder I star it and left click and drag it to the folder I want and I can find things much easier. I have all of my embroidery links in one folder, food in another and so fort Going to have to break up some of my folders for they are getting too long.

    Sandy good luck in court with your granddaughter today.


  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Lin, I can't imagine the stress that you are going through with your dad. TO me SAFETY is first when you have someone in a nursing home or hospital. You have to trust the staff and in your case the visitors too that omen to see you dad. I can feel your frustration. I would be the same way. Like Marie says some nursing homes are better than others but they all have good and bad points. Just hang in there! Thank goodness you dad didn't break his hip again.

    Sandy, Thanks again for the other Train journey link. I read it too and it gave me a few more points to talk about. I have my talk about half way written so it really helped me. How did the court go? You are such a good grandma to be there for your grand kids.

    Barbie, I agree being grateful is something we should all concentrate on doing more. I also read today that giving compliments has the same positive affect as receiving cash. With both generosities activating the same area in the brain, called the stratum. And it says who doesn't feel awesome when they are handed a fat wad of money. So give compliments! And it said that those who are grateful experience less stress related health symptoms like head aches, stomach issues, chest pain and muscle aches and appetite problems it also deepens existing relationships. So no wonder you are in such great health!. Keep it up.

    Marie, I need to get organized like you and put all my different topics together in folders. I am still learning how to use this little "Surface " that my son gave me. It is like a notebook and smaller than my apple lap top was. But I had to give that back to school when I retired. So this surface is what I am trying to train myself to use. It is kind of like an I-pad. But there is a lot I still need to learn.
    Have a good day everyone. I am about to retire for the day. It has been a good day but kind of a lazy quiet one for me.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi all!

    Sandy, good luck, dont let them keep her! :\
    Lin, I think the man may be a bit twisted himself! . My aunt used to say, 'kill em with kindness'. I wonder if he would take anything if he found something he liked in the drawers? Otherwise, I hope you have a good day. You hardly mention your own health. I hope you are feeling better since the fall.
    Barbie, turkey soup, yum!
    Marie, you are absolutely right about the nursing homes! So many tales of poor treatment.
    Pretty day here. Time for lunch!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hey back from the store not very many carbs in my bags Walmart did not have the egg beaters that I used in my muffin Dang them But do have enough to last till Friday when we go to Kroger. Way past lunch do have some bean soup for lunch. We went to Walmart today for we have 90 % chance of rain tomorrow and 50 % chance Wednesday.

    I got my gloves I order to wear to kep me from bruising my left hand and to on my right one to wear on the computer. Nos to see if the help me.