Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    so much sickness going on Our topic. So sorry to hear all of it.
    phylis glad to hear your granddaughter is doing better. she has one more night in the hospital. to keep an eye on her. wish the little darling the best.

    Shirley you have all of my sympathy . I lost my best friend several years ago to cancer. And to this day I still miss her. She was my walking partner and best friend She always wanted to weigh less than me at that time I was able to keep it under 180 lbs. Well she came down with lung cancer and she lost lots of weight. went way below me then I got on insulin and it went up to 200 been there every since. We work at the same place too.. We both love craft and got along so good Together. She did not even smoke but her husband did and me too at that time. But Jerry and I both quit at the same time

    Kylee mother announce on facebook this morning that she is in a new relationship with some guy. I think Blaine is too but he has not made it public yet. Todays kids*********

    Phoebe I made me a chocolate pumpkin flax see muffin and was it ever good. Going to have to stop one day and figure up the calories and carb count on them. Have not ran across Lin yet today.

    tonight meal will be pork steak. pattie. I been buying round pork to make my patties. I can chew them better than pork chop Also been buying ground turkey. Cheaper than the other. Beef have gotten so high. funny gas came down beef went up So may be eating more beans. Did have a bowl at lunch

    can't eat beef too high!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Hello friends - home sweet home. Talk to you tomorrow. Too tired to talk!!!!

    Hugs. <3o:)<3

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Sandy - I'll have to try going back the next time I lose something. Yesterday, my device just hung there, then the text disappeared. Thanks for the tip.

    Phyllis Thanks for the update. Sounds like they definitely know how to deal with little ones and iv's. Continued good wishes.

    Buzz - no worry about anything. Just glad to hear from you.

    Shirley - so sorry about your good friend.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    My tablet is going crazy. It lost my post. Or i hit the back button on my tablet, and it went waaay back.
    No recovery for me. Instead of starting over, let me say that I have read the posts.

    Okie is okay. ; D he pulled his stitches out. Have to watch that.

    Another frustrating issue with treatment of my back pain. More tomorrow on that.
    Jim is getting better readings, and I hope he can get them a bit lower. We went to Longhorn after his dr appt. He had half of the baked potato, good for him. He is gaining weight. I guess it means heis well again. The dr said he tested negative for a bunch of vviruses , etc. He is to get lab work on Monday, then he can get his flu shot. We should be able to go back to work on Tuesday.

    See you tomorrow

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    edited October 2014

    I'll be wearing my pumpkin costume when I teach the line dance class this mornings.5ta5odz9pwyg.jpg
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phew, caught up on posts but as ever must now get outside. We have the warmest Hallowe'en on record so I have to make the most of it because there's so much still to do!

    Phoebe ~ Following Okie's story over the last few days of posts was like reading a sad book except the ending was a good one. Naughty Okie for pulling out his stitches... I take it he's not wearing a plastic collar. My Hebe hated it but I had to keep one on her for nearly 2 weeks after her eye operation and she's now bounced back to the happy little girl she's always been.

    Buzz ~ Wonderful photos of Mike and your description of the whole event. Of course we still don't know the half of what our servicemen went through but thank goodness we do at least let them know we haven't forgotten.

    Shirley ~ My heart is going out to you. <3 Losing a friend is as heartbreaking because they are afterall family too.

    Phyllis ~ It seems your granddaughter is getting the best care so I do hope she soon gets home again.

    Lyn, Sandy, Marie, Jeri, Barbie and all my good friends, I will find more time once winter arrives, to sit at the computer and keep up with you all regularly but am at least thinking of you.

    Off to trim hedges!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member

    Happy Friday!! :D It is a miserable day here with high winds and low temps. I feel so bad for the trick or treaters who will be out in this weather. :# I am taking Bryanna to court today to get the mess with her traffic ticket from the accident straightened out. She missed the driving school cut off, then lost her ticket so she missed her court date. Let's just hope they don't throw her in jail for being so irresponsible. :s

    Jackie, good to hear from you and glad you are still getting good weather.

    Barbie, cute costume. Seeing your graphic reminded me of something my friends asked.
    They wanted to know if I knew anyone who had standard poodles and puppy cut them and I said I thought you did. They wanted to know if you shaved their faces or left them furry and I couldn't remember. Can you post another pictures of your pups please???

    Phoebe, you and Jeri seem to be having a problem with your tablets on MFP. I haven't done any posting on mine for a while so not sure if it will do the same. Sorry about the problems with your back, it sure is hard to get well isn't it? Glad Jim is getting better readings and tested negative for viruses, let's hope he is well enough for a flu shot.

    Jeri, looks like Phoebe is having the same problem, must be the tablets. Did you do the upgrade?

    Lin, hope you got some rest last night.

    Marie, does Kylee's mother now let your daughter and grandson see Kylee? Did they straighten that all out and think of Kylee??

    Buzz, the picture of Mike was great, I am so happy and so proud of him. I asked at the American Legion where I play bingo if anyone has ever been and they have and loved it.
    My friend like you said when they returned with the welcoming it was so emotional.
    What a great opportunity for Mike.

    Phyllis, glad to hear your granddaughter is improving and might go home. Always better to have an extra day to be sure she is doing well. Love the story of the IV, very smart idea.

    Have a great day and if your weather is like mine, stay warm.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I need to make some of these for my muffin round flax seeds and coconut flour & etc.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member

    Hope you have a great day!

    I've been running errands and making phone calls........more errands for this afternoon but at least I am getting a couple of things resolved. Yippee!

    I got some rest last night but will be looking forward to some more tonight!! ;)


    Lin in Cold and Blustery Central Iowa
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2014

    Going to visit my friend in the hospital today and then home for the trick or treaters.

    Leaving tomorrow morning for the cottage up North and closing it up for the winter. There will be snow and I have to bring my boots. ick!
    I will check in on the Newsfeed. I didn't get time to read all the posts but will do so at a later time.

    Enjoy your weekend.

    Ontario, Canada >:)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA


    I'm chilled! the temp is already dropping, and it Might snow a bit tomorrow. In the 30's I think tomorrow morning. I'm Not Ready!! Jim rented a whopper of a machine to lift him into the air so he can work on the high parts of the house. At least he won't be too hot!!

    Sandy, I have insurance thru work, thank goodness I didn't have to buy my own thru the healthcare marketplace.. I'm hearing a lot of bad things about how it is ruining family's finances. Jim does have medicare. He has the aarp supplements, and he pays nothing per month. I am not real happy with the mail order prescription service, but other than that, they are ok for now. I can always change it some other year. I was looking into one that will allow him to continue with the doctors he currently sees and get a lower premium. I think it is Humana. We do have Blue Cross/B Shield here as well.

    Re: my back.. skip all of this if you don't want to be bored. :neutral_face: I cant get the type of injection for my knees that the dr had planned. So, I thought, why cant they do my back att the next appt instead of my knees. I called, left a message for them and they called back, said.. no, because you don't have Time to get your back treatment preapproved!! I said they must bee awful slow, she said about 7 days.. I said I was there on Oct 24, you should have it by now. She said they haven't requested it yet!!!! I told her I thought they were some of my worst experiences to deal with at this facility, she said, it isn't our fault, it's your insurance co fault.. oh sure, the insurance company? I think there is a very lazy person working there. I know it's mean of me, but I am waiting until Monday to call and cancel my appt with them. It is for Tuesday, Nov. 4 at 1pm. I will call around 12noon on Monday to cancel. I will not let them treat my knees until they finish all treatments on my back. I wanted to be finished by 12/31.

    ok boring is over, I hope!!

    Jackie so glad to hear from you!! everyone please besafetodayand protect your pets tonight

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    good morning all., have a happy Halloween Today is spook day.

    Jerry and I been to the store. went to Kroger and found some good bargains Kroger brand of pumpkin was on sale 10 for $10.00 plan on eating lots of pumpkin flax muffins in the near future, their chicken broth on sale 2 for $1.00 bought 10 of those too.
    Got me some tangerines

    got a sweatshirt on phoebe. rather cold out side with that cold air Lin sent down to us. tomorrow it is going to be near freezing by in the morning

    I love my hair cut I got yesterday. Had a new girl to cut it.
    Be back Jerry trying to put a new ink in printer

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie just wanted to tell you. that you look so cute in your costume
    Love marie
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    edited November 2014


    Had lots of fun tonight watching all the kids come to the door. It was much warmer than usual so we had quite a few more than normal. Cute, cute, cute.

    I ordered new glasses today. Hope I like them when I get them.

    I also got in 2 good walks. One before Ed even got up and the second one later in the day. Got in 11,576 steps. Pleased with that.

    Here's a picture of our grandkids at Halloween each taken by our daughters.

    Joshua and Lukas

    The Blair Kids

    Mary Jo and Sarah - LOOK MOM Candy

    See you all tomorrow.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cold this morning. My computer says 38 WOW but it fill good,

    blood sugar was 85 this morning.
    Lets not talk about my weight. I did have a gain. but believe it is water retention But blood sugar is fine and that is really what I am working on.

    The couple is moving in across the street early this morning. No one has move in next door yet. I believe the city is having a hard time passing inspection Something to do with the wiring of the electric system. Jerry is out bright and early putting his spooks up till next year.
    For breakfast this morning I am going to have pumpkin waffles out of my muffin mix. and a tangerine. Coffee.

    Alice went to her doctor yesterday and got. her blood sugar well under control AC1 reading is in the 6point. range. and lost 20 lbs. Very proud of her.

    Sandy Kylee does visit Blain 2 hours on Tues and get her every Weekend. Will see if anybody post a picture of her for Halloween and repost it.

    Did anybody get snow.? Phoebe heard it was going to get in northern GA. Sandy did You?
    Elie usually have the first snowstorm But have not seen anything of her on Facebook lately. Connie folks probable got some. up north.

    time to go get some warm clothes on and fix breakfast and have another cup of coffee

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Jeri love all of your grandkids pictures. they are so adorable.all of them
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Beautiful pictures of your darling grandchildren.........they are always cute but especially adorable with special clothing (like Halloween costumes). Big smiles..........


    I'm off and running this morning. A friend called and wants to get together for coffee this morning. Took me by surprise as she usually schedules a week or more in advance. So I'm off to meet her, then stop by home for a little while and then off to the birthday party. There's also a flea market, an auction and an open house at a home decorating store.........I think I'll not make it to even half of these interesting things!

    Really cold here this morning with lots of bright white frost. Putting on a warmer jacket and my gloves!!

    Hugs to all. (Marie - your blood sugar numbers are GREAT and Alice is doing wonderful. Phoebe, I wish you felt better--pain is so tiring. Darn (I think that's as strong as I can post here on MFP!)

    See you later.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happy Saturday!! :D Cold here too Marie, in the 30's. I already hate winter and it hasn't even begun. There was snow yesterday morning but I slept through it so didn't see any.
    I am going to take down my Halloween decorations today and pay some bills. Later I will go see Robby and his dad in their Halloween costumes that they are wearing to a meeting tonight. I have a present for Robby and would like pictures of his first Halloween. Babe is still not feeling great so he isn't going to Mass today which means I can go today or tomorrow so will see how my day goes. I made an appointment for Robby's 3 month picture on Tuesday. I did it for mine at 3, 6, 9 months a year old and every year after, so I asked Lisa if she would do the same and she was more than happy to do so. <3

    Lin, you have so many things you can do, I don't think you ever get bored. Have fun with your friend and whichever event you choose. <3 I am wearing my winter coat as well, I just hate being cold. :#

    Marie, Kylee's costume is adorable, she is so cute. <3 I also gained a pound this week and I think it was also water retention from too much salt. I lost it today but I don't change anything until Fridays. :p Tell Alice congratulations on her weight loss and good numbers. Your blood sugar was excellent and I agree your readings are what is important. <3

    Jeri, it boggles my mind that one daughter has all those children and so close in age, she must be a saint. o:) Your grandchildren are just adorable and so excited for Halloween, especially love the garbage can costume. LOL

    Phoebe, tell Jim to take it easy, he just got over a serious illness, but knowing men. I always forget how young you are Phoebe so of course you aren't on medicare. Did you check with Blue Cross/Blue Shield for Jims supplement?? Just curious. Humana is a good company and if they are cheaper go with them. <3 What the heck with your back, I think they dropped the ball and didn't even submit your approval. Might be time to change to a different doctor and staff that knows what the right hand is doing from the left. :s

    Shirley, still praying for your friend and hoping God will take her soon so she can be pain free. Be careful on the roads if snowing, the thought of that white stuff just makes me shudder. :#

    Have a wonderful day at least we woke up today so that is something to be grateful.

    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello All,

    Oh dear it is snowing outside. I guess it had to happen, but I'm not ready for it. But then I'd probably never be ready. LOL

    Marie - Thank you and what a darling Kylee is. So sweet.

    Lin - Thank you and it sounds like you have a fun day ahead of you.

    Sandy - Yes, isn't it amazing all those kids. And, the oldest Elizabeth wasn't in the picture as she is 14 now and doesn't go out. You've seen me post pictures of her before I know. Yes the kids were so excited about Halloween. Melanie FaceTimed us before they went out so we got to see them at their best. We also FaceTimed with our other daughter to see her boys as well. That was lots of fun. We'll all be happy to see the pictures as you get them. I LOVE little kids.

    We got up early this morning. Well, I made too much noise unloading the dishwasher and that caused Ed to get up too. Heavens we were heading out for breakfast just after 8:30 am and got home around 9:30am. I remember there was a Christmas Art and Craft sale not that far from us so we went down to it and bought a few things. We laughed as we were getting home around 11 am and often we aren't heading out until 10:45 or so. We often go to A&W for breakfast. A&W is different in Canada than the US. It has a great breakfast menu and lots of regulars (mostly seniors) go there for breakfast. The staff are very friendly and know all of us. It is one of those best kept secrets for seniors. Ed's Uncle used to go there for breakfast in Nova Scotia and we wondered why anyone would go to A&W to have breakfast but now we know. Lots of time I have my breakfast at home first then get a coffee there. We read the newspaper, do a crossword puzzle and visit. A nice start to the day.

    Tonight we are going to our oldest granddaughter's Calgary Girls Choir concert. It should be good as they are excellent. She belongs to the senior choir.

    I guess I'll head down to my treadmill and get in some walking. Too nasty to go out I'm afraid. My preference is always to walk outside but certainly not in the snow.

    Enjoy your day everyone and stay out of the leftover Halloween candy. LOL I don't have to worry, we had way more kids than expected and I can't eat any of it anyway. The advantages of allergies. LOL

    I'll check in tomorrow.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Tomorrow is our pastor's last Sunday as he is leaving to take care of his wife. I think I mentioned it took us all by surprise since he just announced it last Sunday. They expect a large crowd to attend to say their good-byes. I hope it's not all tears and sniffing all morning because I am sure I will join in.

    Meanwhile, today, coffee with my friend turned out a bit strange. Couldn't get any coffee at the coffee shop in B&N as they only made Pike's Place and I hate it. Really, a coffee place these days that only has one type of coffee? Anyway, we talked for a while and my friend wanted to go shopping so I said fine and we went to a number of stores that I do not purchase from but was fine with strolling around--Coach, Banana Republic, Talbots, etc. Anyway, all of a sudden she slowed down to a crawl and I had to help walk her to her car. She got feverish, sweaty and weak and started to wheeze a bit. She had a cold or something and then some type of bacterial infection (at least that's what she told me) and she is now going back to the doctor on Monday. She's been sick for 5 weeks and has had antibiotics but is not anywhere near 100%. That is one tough bug!

    Came home for some lunch and headed out to the birthday party and spent the rest of the day/early evening there. Lots of people I knew and stayed all through the speeches, the eats, the pictures, and the opening of the presents. It was a great turnout of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, friends, former co-workers, and church members. My friend was having a wonderful time and her family had decorated everything to perfection and had put out hundreds of pictures of her over her lifetime. It really was quite nice.

    I didn't get to any of the other events but that is fine. As I was driving over to the party I thought, duh, if I'd left earlier I might have stopped by to purchase my vinegar at the shop over on that side of town. But I didn't plan ahead so I'll need to do that some other day.

    Well, an extra hour of sleep tonight...........I've set a number of my clocks back already, the the thermostat and my home phone. Still have the cars to do, I think that's all since the computers and electronics will fall back on their own.

    I hope you had a great day. Talk to you soon.

    And Jeri - I refuse to even THINK about snow...........argh! Too early!

    Sandy - I hope your day went well. I saw your pictures on Facebook. Lovely!

