Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Hi Shirley - no, there will be no testing since he is on hospice care.

    Off to meet my friend, do a bit of shopping and hoping to learn a lot at this class.........we'll see. Should be fun.

  • lesutherl
    lesutherl Posts: 76 Member

    its been awhile but I am still hanging in there on a plateau but gradually going down.
    Its been a bad week for me One of my 16+ year old cats died on Monday One of the cuddlers I miss him fortunatley I have the others still
    Don't like this new format
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014


    good to see you back Sorry about your cat and you will get used to this If you hae any question just let Sandy know.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    edited October 2014
    smiley-happy093.gif Jake says "Thank you" for all the birthday wishes. We were out of town for four days including his birthday. He went out to dinner with a friend who has a birthday earlier in the week and I went out the same night with two women I haven't seen in awhile

    smiley-happy093.gifthe cog for editing shows up at the top right corner of your post for only an hour after you post and when you click on it, it will tell you how long you have to edit.

    B) I went for my eye exam Tuesday---it has been over two years--we went to a new place (a lot less expensive for new glasses than the last one)---the eye doctor was awesome----I broke my glasses months ago and didn't want to spend the money for new ones so I'd been wearing the previous ones so my eyesight was pretty lousy---my new glasses will be ready in about ten days and have frames with a tiny bit of purple

    :) Today I taught the intermediate line dance class---the regular instructor has gone to Maui for two weeks with her husband for their 40th anniversary. I spent an afternoon practicing the dances because it's different to be in the front of the room than it is to be dancing with the group. I was nervous but it went great. Tomorrow I'll teach my usual beginner class.

    My new computer and printer have arrived but the computer guy won't be here until tomorrow afternoon to get everything going.......then I should be able to keep in touch more.....without the computer to putter with while Jake and I watch TV, I've been riding the exercise bike a whole lot more and burning a lot more calories :):)

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * answer the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy could you send Chris the link to our new Discussion group she says she can only get on here By phone
    I would try to but I would probable send her the wrong one. I told her I would get you to send it to you in the news feed Where she is posting now.
    Thands Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Another day, a good one. More labs for Jim tomorrow. The doctor he saw today has changed his meds , lol! I have lots of notes that I took. She kept changing things, so now we are a bit confused but I think we should be able to figure out what meds to take, etc. We have a pharmacy here now.

    Laura, I'm sorry to hear that you lost one of your babies. It is hard, I know. Otherwise, I'm glad to see a post from you.

    Lin, I understand that they wont do tests etc., for your Dad now. Maybe the sleepiness is a blessing, a way to keep him calm and hopefully, in no pain. Tell us about essential oils. Id like to know the basics. For one thing, I was checking out the oils in a health food store, opening the samples for a sniff. They were awful. Not at all what I expected. Very strong. Is that normal? I haven't given them a second chance, lol.

    Shirley, I detect excitement in your post, am I right, grandmother? Lol. You will be busy, but let us hear from you when you have time. 2 hours away is not so bad, just takes a little more planning. How is Dave doing? His MRI is soon, I think.

    Marie, i may have to get out my can of pumpkin this weekend. You've inspired me.

    I did get the results from my MRI, the second one. I dont have a fracture in my mid back like they thought I had from xrays. The pain is treatable. The nerve block wore off today. I didnt know how it would feel, but after being pain free, it doesn't feel so great. I have an appointment for a week from now, and the doctor says they will give me the second block and injections for my knees. Then, look out, I may trot, for a few seconds! In the office complex with the doctor today, I saw a sign for an acupuncturist. I think id like to check it out.

    Barbie, welcome back! You were missed.

    see you all tomorrow

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014
    phoebe I am going to attempt another pumpkin muffin this morning cut the pumpkin down some and see if get a muffin or a pie wither way it will be good and low carb. there are tons of low carbs pumpkin recipes on the internet. Showing a two lb lost this morning after a good week on low carbs Now to try for another one. I can do it
    My blood reading was 95 this morning my average for the month was 130 Hope to get that down by the first of Nov.

    Sure hope they get your pain under control .

    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤
    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤
    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤
    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤
    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤
    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤
    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤
    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤

    All of the Sneakers
    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out ❤ YOU ARE THE BEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL
    hugs Buzz, Phyllis And to all I miss.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2014
    MARIE - You are one of the Beautiful Person's on this site as well as all of our Sneakers. Everyone is AWESOME!

    Good morning,

    A lazy morning. As you can see I put an icon on our group. It's our spinnaker from our boat. It's not a water cooler which I didn't have an icon for. I hope no one objects, I thought it looked pretty.

    A very blustery and rainy day. Good thing I did all that gardening and dumped all the flowers and now we are ready for winter. That bad word :p

    Dave got his MRI results and as I thought he has bulging discs in his back L4 and L5 and the nerve was affected
    so that is why he had weakness in his leg and hip. His strength is back due to our chiropractor. Our doctor
    said to keep going to the Chiropractor and he will make an appt. for a back specialist in two weeks. That
    apt will also take a long time to get. There are not many back specialists in our area. The doctor said we could
    cross the border and go to the States but we have no coverage over there. So he will have to wait. Our
    chiropractor will give him exercises to do and it will be a trial and error thing until he knows what works well for him.

    I talked to my daughter Kathy yesterday and she had her doctor apt and all is going well and normal. :D We also talked about a baby shower in the future and we will probably have it when the baby is born. Her MIL will be
    gone for the winter months so we want her there so we will postpone until then. I also will help her pack up
    her things before they move because she won't be able to do it all. It will be a busy time.

    Well I better get some breakfast and do my exercises. I did lose 3.4 lb. of Annapolis vacation weight and now
    to continue the journey and get back to my ticker weight. A work in progress. I will get Dave to bring my
    bike in the house soon and put it on the turbo trainer so I can add more exercise to my routine.

    Have a great day!


    Ontario, Canada
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member

    Although I am retired I still like Fridays.........!

    Shirley - you got a lot of good news yesterday. I am so glad your daughter is doing well and that DH is getting help from the chiropractor and that you lost some of your Annapolis weight gain. All great things!

    Marie - you are so kind and sweet----you are a great person and I am so glad you are my friend.

    Phoebe - I'll try to post something later about essential oils but they are VERY VERY strong and you dilute them with various carrier oils etc. to use them. I happen to love the scents when I go to the store and I have quite a collection of them. I am very interested now in making my own concoctions for things like breathing better rather than buying Vicks or making lip balm, etc.

    Barbie - I am so happy you are getting new glasses and that soon your new computer will be hooked up. Little by little right?

    Laura - welcome home! I am sorry about your dear friend. It is so difficult to lose a trusted companion. I hope you are doing okay.

    Sandy - hi, did you get any rest yesterday? I hope your day is going well.

    Hello to everyone I've missed. Hugs.......

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited October 2014
    Happy Friday!! :D Yippee! I lost 2.6 pounds and I am excited!! Not sure what I changed, but I ate at home more this week and did get some exercise in. Not enough exercise but it is a start. Babe and I are going to the movie today to see Gone, then we will probably get something to eat. I ordered all my baby equipment for when I start watching Robby on November 15th. A bed, an activity chair, a bottle warmer and a walker.
    They can supply the diapers, wipes and food. I just hope I can lift this big boy because he is already 20 pounds at 2 1/2 months. <3

    Shirley, would Dave consider surgery if recommended? I had a bulging disc and had surgery years ago and also had sciatic for which I also had surgery. Both helped immensely although I do have some arthritis in both my back and knees so damp weather is not my friend. Happy to hear your daughter's pregnancy is going well and I think having the baby shower after the baby is born is an excellent idea. Congratulations on the weight loss. <3 BTW, I don't see any icon where did you put it??

    Marie, you are number one to receive the beautiful person award, thank you for sharing with us. Congratulations on your two pound loss!! :D I sent a message to Chris with the new link so hopefully she finds us. I couldn't find her on my home page, not sure why. B)

    Phoebe, good luck at the doctors today, soon things should be normal. Good to hear that you don't have a fracture in your back, what did they say it was?? Your shots sound like what I got for my sciatic. Shots in your knees as well, you will be running around in no time. :D

    Barbie, so good to hear from you, I didn't remember you went out of town. I hope Jake enjoyed his birthday as you did with your friend. Good news on the glasses as well, always good to save money. Today is the day for the new computer to be set up, I bet that will make you happy. :D

    Laura, so happy your found us and I am so sorry about your cat. It is so hard to lose our pets, they are like children to us. I don't think many of us like the new format, but we will get used to it eventually. ;)

    Lin, shopping, cooking, phone calls, meetings......busy as usual. :D

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sandy are you going to be a full time caregiver for Bobby? Yes he is a very big boy. More to love That's what I tell Jerry Marie <3<3<3
    One meal at a time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just did the icon this morning. It should be there in Groups. I wish I could get the INVITE off of there and
    put in JOIN. I am just not savy to this new format. :(

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Shirley, I don't see it , the icon.

    thank you Marie for the award.
    Lin, tks for letting me know that the oils are strong, i might try them again. I got a scent like citronella, to work on repelling bugs. It isn't too strong.

    Sandy, I hope you can lift Robby too! He will be tall like his dad! Will you have a stroller too? So you will be caring for him in your home? Hes going to be a happy boy♥♥

    Jim got his fasting labs done. He has taken his meds and ive recorded his blood sugar readings. He wants to go back to work. I say not until this under control. It is hard on the road. We have to get it worked out before the added stress of that. I think it is a blessing that it all happened while we were at home.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Phoebe - here's a *recipe* for bug repellent I found this morning.......

    Natural Insect Repellent Safety
    There are a few different formulations you can make for your natural insect repellent. These repellents involve diluting essential oils that the insects find distasteful or which confuses them. The oils don't mix with water, so you'll need to add them to other oils or to alcohol. It's important to use an oil or alcohol that is safe for your skin. Also, don't go overboard with the essential oils. The oils are potent and could cause skin irritation or another reaction if you use too much. If you are pregnant or nursing, do not apply an insect repellent, natural or otherwise, until after you've gotten it cleared by your physician.

    Natural Insect Repellent Ingredients
    Different insects are repelled by different chemicals, so you'll get a more effective repellent if you combine a few different insect-repelling natural oils. If you are making large amounts of insect repellent, a good rule of thumb is to mix the repellent so it's 5-10% essential oil, so mix 1 part essential oil with 10-20 parts carrier oil or alcohol. For a smaller batch use:
    • 10-25 drops (total) of essential oils
    • 2 tablespoons of a carrier oil or alcohol
    The essential oils that work well against biting insects (mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas) are:
    • cinnamon oil (mosquitoes)
    • lemon eucalyptus or regular eucalyptus oil (mosquitoes, ticks, and lice)
    • citronella oil (mosquitoes and biting flies)
    • castor oil (mosquitoes)
    • orange oil (fleas)
    • rose geranium (ticks and lice)
    Safe carrier oils and alcohols include:
    • olive oil
    • sunflower oil
    • any other cooking oil
    • witch hazel
    • vodka
    Natural Insect Repellent Recipe
    Mix the essential oil with the carrier oil or alcohol. Rub or spray the natural insect repellent onto skin or clothing, using care to avoid the sensitive eye area. You'll need to re-apply the natural product after about an hour or after swimming or exercise. Unused natural insect repellent may be stored in a dark bottle, away from heat or sunlight. If you wish, you may combine the oil with aloe vera gel to change the consistency of the product.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Thanks Lin. I like homemade remedies and I use a cleaner/disinfectant with rubbing alcohol.
    Back to work, housework. ;)
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Well I lost my post twice. Obviously having trouble with the new format.

    I'll try to remember some of what I tried to say.

    Sandy - how long will you be babysitting? Good loss.

    Marie - good loss too. I'll check out the link for oranges too. Thanks for the award. You deserve it yourself.

    Lin- quite the recipe. LOL

    Phoebe - good luck with dealing with a sick husband. I know what that's like. Haha

    Shirley - I didn't understand how you are logging in? I just go Community, then Groups. What are you doing. I'm definitely not an expert as I just lost 2 posts in a roll. Darn.

    Here's a picture of our youngest grandchild

    We spent day helping our daughter with the kids, babysitting for about 4 hrs while they went to gymnastics.

    See you tomorrow.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Don't know how to make my pictures smaller. Hmmm mm
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning jeri. I tried that easy orange peel and my orange was too tough did not work so I ate it the messy way.and it was good. a good orange.

    Your grandson is just adorable. is that an apple he id eating All of you grandkids are really so adorable I love the big piture

    Hey just around the corner

    We do not buy any candy for we do not get any kids in our neighborhood. any more. So it wont be temping me.
    The girl beside of us is having a yard sale Lots of car coming by

    I have decided to get me a menu work up and eat basically the same things every day
    this week it will be pumpkin
    flax seed muffin , coffee with 1 T of heavy whipping cream ( less carbs One cup before breakfast and one with my muffin
    Lunch 1/2 half or 1 Cup if I have added some veggies to it 1/2 c cole slaw , tea
    Dinner 4 to 6 oz of grilled hamburger, turkey or sausage more cole slaw Tea
    Snake ! apple or 1 orange. May half it and eat at different times of the day.

    My weight*** drop another pound
    My Blood sugar***78
    My blood pressure**** 103

    pretty good for me
    Sorry this is all about me
    Hugs to all

    Jackie fantastic. You been doing something right
    For you my dear Jackie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    edited October 2014
    Happy Saturday!! :D Chilly day again, still hoping for some Indian summer days but I might be dreaming. :p We went to see the movie Gone Girl and I liked it, strange movie but interesting. Lots of foul language and graphic sex scenes so not for the faint of heart. I didn't read the book but would like to since I am confused about the ending. Please don't give away anything to anyone who might want to see the movie. I am going to see Donna today, she calls me nearly everyday, now I know how Lin feels. I know she has complaints but Bryanna might go with me and hopefully we can keep her happy at least for a short time. :D<3 Babe and I will go to Mass at 5:00 and then out to dinner. <3

    Marie, love your Halloween graphic and like you I will not be buying candy. They have a party for the kids in the clubhouse so no door to door trick or treating, at least I don't think so. Planning a weekly menu is a good idea if you can follow it everyday. I am in and out too much to do that but good luck. I will be sitting for Robby starting November 15 and until Thanksgiving break I will be sitting 5 days a week. Lisa's mother will be in Florida for the month of November and will be back in December. She will then help until January when she goes back to Florida for three months. Hopefully, Lisa will find someone else to help me because I don't think I can handle 5 days for that long. It is hard for me to say no, so one day at a time. <3

    Jeri, I think if you lose a post you can hit your back button to find it again. I just did that when I posted on pound a week club and it worked. Your newest grandchild is beautiful and I think the only way to make a picture smaller is through your own photo program. I am worried about handling one grandchild and you take care of four or more at a time. I give you lots of credit. <3

    Lin, you are very much a natural person, do you buy anything from the store like some of us, referring to products?
    It is wonderful that you can make your own and you are saving the world in the process. <3

    Phoebe, I will be caring for Robby in my own home, for that many hours I will just feel more comfortable. That is why I bought my own baby equipment. I will use Lisa's stroller if needed but the only place to walk in the winter is in the mall. I will also use their car seat as I don't think he will be in that infant car seat too long as big as he is getting. Once he can go in a regular car seat I will probably buy my own. I agree with you that it is good that you were home with Jim's health issues. <3

    Shirley, still didn't find a new group or icon in the groups, so I must be confused, which is normal. :D

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time