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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    edited October 2014
    Happy Monday!! :D Laundry day and later grocery shopping. Mondays are lazy days for me, I usually just like to stay home but I am out of food thanks to Bryanna and her friends. B) Babe puppy sat on Sunday and Daisy ended up limping so he took her to the vet this morning. She sprained her ankle and is on a pain med, if not better tomorrow they she will go on rymadyl. (spelling??) They hope she doesn't have to take the rymadyl because it could make her vomit with the prednisone she is already on. Just like our kids we take care of our furry pets. <3 Babe is complaining he is still feeling sick, although better today so I made a doctors appointment for him this afternoon to be safe rather than sorry. The Christening was great and got most of our holiday plans made since Lisa's parents will be in Florida for Thanksgiving. Rob, Lisa, Robby and I will spend Thanksgiving together and I took it upon myself to invite me and Bryanna to Sue's for Christmas Eve. o:) She said it was without question that we are invited, so I didn't feel that bad asking her. :p Since Sue will be back December 5 from Florida I am going to go visit my daughter in Florida for a week so I can see her new house. Sue will have to babysit that week all by herself, which is fine since I will be doing it by myself while she is gone. :D

    Marie, a smoothie with beans does not sound appetizing to me, but then again I am not a bean eater. :D

    Lin, I loved the cross on Robby as well, I hope it always reminds him of me, even if he doesn't wear it. <3

    Jackie, stay safe and keep George close so he isn't afraid. <3

    Barbie, I love Babe also but I love being by myself now that I am used to it. <3

    Phyllis, since I am so finicky when it comes to food, sorry to say I don't think I would like Egyptian food. Nothing personal but I prefer bland food to spicy or different food. <3 Since I also am not a big veggie person, although I am better than from when I was a kid, that is probably why it takes me longer to lose weight. Good luck with Dr. Oz. <3

    Gaylas, thanks for the advice but it is too late, they asked me when they were pregnant if I would sit for them and since I did for my son's daughter Bryanna I didn't feel right saying no. If it gets to be too much for me I will certainly lt them know. Her mother keeps telling them they need a back up plan and not to just rely on us grandma's, so at least she is working on them. :D Enjoy the Figure Skating Competition, I know how much you love skating. <3
    Try this to add to your favorites, it should show all the topics for the sneakers.

    Jeri, it must be the weather, I also had some bad days last week and could cry at the drop of a hat. When I went to my meeting others said the same thing. Our hormones must be out of whack. :p

    Time to jump in the shower before Fed X arrives with my baby equipment. Also need to get to Babe's for my check and do some grocery shopping.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I made some stewed okra today. It as delicious but it sure takes a long time to prepare. I also finished the little pieced quilt top that I have been working on. Picture to come later. Deciding if I will quilt or tie it. I don't have quilt frames so it is kind of difficulty to quilt but I managed to do it with embroider hoops on the last baby quilt I made a few weeks ago.

    I love beans too. I had fava beans for breakfast today with tomatoes and cucumbers. We buy the beans at the market. Soak them all night and then cook in the pressure cooker for 20 minutes and they are really good. WE have beans for breakfast about 4 -5 times a week.

    Well my eye sight is blurry tonight. Better give them a rest. OH AND GOOD NEWS!!! MY MOM GOT. TO GO HOME TO HER OWN HOUSE YESTERDAY! SHE was happy to SLEEP in her own BED after 2+ months in the hospital. Now she is waiting for the doctors to give the go ahead to get a new hip. MORE SURGERY but that will not be for a few weeks.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2014

    Hello Sneakers,

    Just finished reading all the posts and there were many!! Some lovely pictures from Sandy and Jeri and so cute. :DSandy the icon I was referring to is from another group I set up.
    Lin seems to be back to herself with all the cooking and visiting her Dad which I hope the next visit goes well. Phoebe still taking care of Jim and hope all goes well in that department.
    Marie is doing fantastic on the low carb diet and Gayla is back! Barbie is learning all the great things on her computer. I also told Dave I would like an Ipad and see if we can get a deal during the holidays. Once he retires he will be on the computer so much I won't be able to get one. :pPhyllis is cooking up a storm and making Egyptian food which I have never had. Jackie stay safe from that storm if it is heading your way.

    On Saturday we went to the boat around 4:00pm and started to get some things unpacked that we bought in Annapolis for the boat. We had to be at the turkey dinner at 5:30 pm so we didn't have much time. Our dinner was great as usual with all the trimmings. We had dancing afterward to a live band. The couple that put on the dinners this year it was their last dinner to set up so another couple will take over next year.

    On Sunday we got up early and went out for breakfast with our friends. Then back to the boat to put all our things away and packed up so it can be hauled out soon. The frame and tarps still have to be put on. We were beat when we got home and ordered Chinese food for dinner. :)

    Its another cold day today and rain is on the way for today and tomorrow. I did get my hair cut this morning and I plan on making some soup and mini quiches.

    Enjoy the day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 Phyllis could you post some Egyptian food recipes I would love to try some. The stew okra sounds good.

    <3 Shirley you are so a social Sneakers with all of your activity. Sounds great. <3 your kitty cat pocking her head the blinds

    <3 Sandy Things will get square away with Bobby about the baby sitting. If you enjoy sitting do it if you don't tell them so and don/t feel about it For you are at least 20 year older now than you were with Bryanna

    One meal at a time


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014
    Had a very relaxing day today.

    my menu looks like this
    (*) breakfast flax muffin with 1 T. of heavy whipping cream [ lew carbs]
    (*) Lunch grilled chicken and cold slaw diet coke
    (*) Dinner Turkey burger steak with no carb BBq Sauce foil packet of green beans, carrots. Onions and mushrooms

    no fruit no carbs besides the flax muffin and it had more fiber than carbs and what was in my veggies.
    <3<3 and best of all no insulin shots. Will take my regular Lantus tonight

    I will eat very similar to this tomorrow and see how it will work out. I am on 20 units of Lantus it does not cause Low blood sugar and that is one of my biggest problems on fast acting insulin. now hope I can bring that down. that's is my goal.

    Phoebe tell Jim that he woke me up about this high readings of blood sugar. How ever Mine never got that high since they gave me a shot of steroids several years ago. and it got my blood sugar up to 450 . When I had to discontinue that treatment and learn to live with the back pain.

    If you all get tired of my rambling on just bypassed me

    But thanks goodness I have this group to post my most inter feelings
    Love you all



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,450 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif This has been a long day. Jake had an appointment with his cardiologist in Seattle. To get there, we drive for 90 minutes, park the car, walk onto the ferry, take a cab from the ferry to the doctor's office. In order to walk the dogs and get to the ferry on time, I got up at 2:30 this morning. The appointment went OK but the doctor scheduled a test for later in the afternoon, so we went to lunch and then came back for the test. We didn't get home until after 6 PM.

    smiley-excited001.gif Some good things about the day:
    *between dog walking, walking on the ferry, and walking downhill from the doctor's office to the ferry, I walked over 20,000 steps.
    *we had dim sum for lunch at the great Asian restaurant near the doctor's office and I ate mostly vegetables.

    smiley-computer004.gifMarie, the newest thing I learned on the computer was how to go back and forth between two documents and how to easily open the recent documents I've been working on

    smiley-computer002.gifThe cute new graphics are from http://www.freesmileys.org/

    smiley-love014.gif Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie I think I have been using that a long time. I click on the little grey box next to golden sneakers on the bar.On top of the page then open glitter graphic as usual pick out what I want and go back click on golden sneakers beside the little grey box. and it brings the sneakers up again and paste the graphic. But that is the only thing I used it far. To be honest the only thing I know to do. Alice taught me that a long time ago. Need to check with her to see what else to do with it.

    Just did it

    Nice walk . sounds like you had a wonderful day.
  • Hi all, took a break. Lazy me. See you all tomorrow, or today!, Phoebe
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, what name did I give you? Think I'm "losing it"? I DO fall asleep when I come too late at night, as it is right now. Nice hearing from GAYLA again. And poor JACKIE! we used to get those hurricanes, and I wonder if patterns are changing with the weather changes? Sure are some weird things happening out there!
    My vein treatments are almost finished, and the legs no longer bleed, so it was worth it! I just seem to run out of time constantly, and that is something I'm not happy about! SANDY'S Robby is adorable, and so are JERI's little one. LIN, have you figured out that restlessness? Sorry you live so far, too! PHOEBE, hope everything works out well for darling dimples and her dear husband. SHIRLEY usually keeps pretty busy despite boating season being over. PHYLLIS, your foods and life seem so exotic to me! Glad you're back! BARBIE, what does your new computer do that the old one couldn't? Your graphics are adorably frenetic! I know exactly what you mean about looking forward to time for yourself. I'm looking forward to Mike's HonorFlight to D.C. Saturday, as it will give me my first free time in ages! I'm really concerned about leaving him by himself during he day, as he's become very forgetful, ...about time, place, and you name it! He can't talk about emotions, but I suspect he's somewhat frightened. I guess I am, too!
    Getting sleepy and big day ahead tomorrow.
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Les all go to Lin tea party and have a day out with all the girls Lets2219558xy5a2x28bc.gif
    go to her profile and honor her for her support
    Lin link to her profile page. Lets all gather around her and have a nice tea party with lin Sorry chould not get a link for her can someone else
    linder4866. I am heading over her way now see you there
    Hugs marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    edited October 2014
    That is so sweet Marie...........


    Let's all sip some tea (well, if you like it). I hope everyone has a wonderful day. It is sunny today--my favorite kind of weather. I need to get some paperwork faxed today and I don't have a land line so will be heading out to hunt for a public fax machine although I hate to have to do this since my social security number is on it. Oh well.

    I'll be packing up today to visit my dad tomorrow. I never know now what to say about how he's doing because it changes so much not only from day to day but from morning to afternoon. I will take him some new t-shirts (undershirts) and a doughnut (although I don't know if he'll be able or interested in eating one).

    I am restless because everything is so unsettled and rather than calling me all the time he just mumbles on the phone now and I cannot figure out what he wants and neither can staff. He has them call me but no one knows why. I told him I will visit tomorrow but I don't know if he understood me.

    Phoebe, we all need a day (or more) off from time to time. Barbie, always so energetic and you accomplish so much each day. Buzz, glad your treatments are helping you and I agree---time always evaporates each day. Shirley, I hope the sun shines soon! Phyllis - such good news about your mother. Wahoo!! That is super. Sandy - how is Daisy doing now? Marie - where do you find such great pictures. I love the dog with the flying ears.

    Well, time to drink that tea before it gets cold.

    Hugs to all.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member



    Marie - I went to Lin's profile but not sure how to leave a message there.

    Another cloudy and rainy day. It isn't doing much for my mood. I have been doing terrible with my calorie intake and not tracking all my food lately. Too much snacking, must be the weather. I have to get myself back on track.
    Exercise is still humming along but I have to get a handle on the calories. :s

    Today will be exercising with Leslie S. and then doing some cleaning. I should burn off some of those nasty
    calories. :)

    Lin - I am joining your tea party, but not sure how to give you a message there. So I will say I hope your day
    is productive and you are feeling marvelous despite all that is going on in your life. We love you here at Sneakers and hope you continue bringing your sunshine here.

    Ontario, Canada <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    morning again. Lin by your dad wanting to call you. that means he knows he has a wonderful daughter who loves him. bear with your sweet dad. you are so lucky to still have him around. hugs friend Marie
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Here is the pic of the little baby quilt top that I put together. It was a lot of sewing putting all those little squares together and then little ones in between each group of squares on the frames. I made a little pillow too for decoration for the little baby bed that this will go in some day.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Just finished our dinner ( home made lentil soup with lemon ) It was pretty easy to make, Just browned some garlic and onions first then added a chopped up tomato and a couple carrots and some orange lentils. I cooked them all together with some water and spices like cumin, salt and pepper and then when it was cooked I blended up most of it, reserved a bit of the lentils so that it had some texture to it and then stirred it all together. Squeezed some fresh lemon juice on top when we ate it. MARIE I thought you would enjoy hearing the recipe since you asked me to post some of my recipes. When I made Stewed Okra, what takes so long to do is cut off the little stems because I don't just cut them straight across. I kind of trim around the top of each pod so it looks a little pointed on the top. Next time I make it I will take a picture of what I mean because that probably doesn't make sense. Anyway I also brown onions and garlic first, then add freshly ground up tomatoes with the onions and let them simmer a while and last I add the okra pieces and let them stew for about 30 minutes until tender. Of course I add salt and pepper to taste.

    I found a middle eastern cookbook today at a bookstore that I think I will buy for my daughter in law. She loves to cook. This book has pictures of every thing in it so it is fun to look through the book too and decide what's for dinner! I usually look for all my recipes online these days though. Sometimes they even show a video clip of how to make it. I am a visual learner!!!

    Lin, I agree with Marie, about your father. Be glad you have him around. But I aims urea he remembers you fondly even though it may not seem like it at times. My dad got really grumpy at the end with my mom and she felt bad many times and we had to remind her that he really loved her and didn't realize what he was saying or doing.

    Shirley You have such a fun group of boater friends. Seems like you are always off enjoying life with them.
    Barbie, That is a lot of walking for a day. I hope the weather was decent for you.
    Sandy, I wish my daughter was closer and I think I would volunteer to tend Fayrouz every day. I love that little girl. I may feel different if I actually had her day after day. But I sure do miss that little bundle of energy.
    Phoebe, You have your hands full taking care of your husband. I hope all keeps getting better and better.
    Buzz, My life just sounds exotic but in reality it isn't. It is just life as usual every day but I like my life.
    Jeri, I never told you that I like the pic of you and your sister that you posted a few days ago. You have such a happy smile and always surround by family. I am sure they love you.
    Better go this post is getting out of control.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Hi to my friends,
    I could not get on this site until today, I hope I will be able to find it again. Thanks Marie and Sandy.
    We have been busy, Mondays we work out and do laundry. Tuesdays we help out a little at Senior Citizens Center and have lunch there, we also invited friends from church to join us there too so its a wonderful day. On Wednesdays we work out and clean the house. On Thursdays I have a day with my daughter although this changes with her work schedule. Fridays we try to work out and have friends over for lunch or dinners. Saturday we pick up our son and grandson and they spend the weekend with us and we try new recipes. Last Sunday we made 3 different pestos with fresh herbs. Sundays are church, fellowship after, then make a special dinner for entire family. Then the week starts again with extras like, committe meetings, quilt meetings, church meetings etc.

    My day today will go like this
    Breakfast, yogurt and fiber one cereal with black coffee.
    Lunch, at the senior center ( will do some work there for 1 hr too).
    Then I will work on my granddaughters quilt that my daughter is suppose to be doing. Then work on a new table runner for me.
    Dinner, Asian Salad from Costco. Jello for dessert.
    Snacks will apples today, trying to do low carb

    Miss you
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :D Running to Babe's for my check and to visit him and Daisy for a short time. Daisy is still limping and Babe went to the doctor and has a sinus infection as well as respiratory infection. Of course he wouldn't go to the doctor last week when I asked him too.....MEN!!!! I have a few errands as I am going to the casino with friends Sunday through Tuesday. My friend Jen is coming tonight to watch Blacklist and I am going to make my homemade chili. It is on the bland side as I do not like it hot and spicy so I hope she likes it.

    I will try and get back later, glad to see Chris found us and Phyllis is staying with us.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    any ideal were out recipe topic is at. I was going to repost Phyllis recipes but can't find our recipe topic I was going to look up Barbie squash soup she post there too. I got me a bag of already cubed and peeled Butternut squash Just for that recipe. I guess I will try to find one on the internet
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    Marie I did a search and found the recipe topic...
  • Wow Sandy, thanks for finding the recipes, I thought they were lost forever!
    Today someone called from work to ask if we were coming back, lol. They actually just wanted our insurance money.
    Jim is craving baked ham. I dont really like it, but the sides will be good. I'll get that for tomorrow. I may make some cheese flautas tonight. Serve them with chili beans.
    our microwave quit, a new one delivers tomorrow. Funny how weve gotten used to having one.

    better turn on the oven.

    jim sugar is not controlled. 298 this morning. 347 this afternoon. Just have to keep at it.

    Take care,

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Sandy I found Barbie squash recipes. But how will I find the recipes topics again if I want it?

    <3<3 Phoebe, Jim just got to stay on his toes and watch those nasty carbs. I am doing real good on controlling mine after all these years I think I seen the light. At last.........But don't pass no coconut cake in front of me But I do need to get Jerry take me to our little health food store to get some unsweetened shredded coconut to use in my flax muffin. Those flax muffin I look forward to I think I got my recipe down the way I like them pretty well. The pumpkin ones that is. I want to try banana out next.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,450 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif Buzz, my new computer doesn't really do anything that the old one didn't do except that now I can print remotely on the printer in the other room. Also this one has far more memory than the old one so I don't have to worry about having too much music or too many pictures.

    smiley-excited001.gif Lin, I'm sorry that your calls with your dad are so confusing and unsatisfying. You are a great daughter to keep showing up no matter what

    smiley-computer004.gifMarie, I've used glitter graphics for a long time, but the new smiley bouncy things are from http://www.freesmileys.org

    smiley-computer002.gifShirley, to leave a message on someone's profile, look under the words "Recent Activity" and there is a box that says "Write Something".....I think you can do it only if the person is one of your friends.

    smiley-bounce009.gifPhyllis, that's a great quilt...thanks for sharing the picture.

    smiley-bounce009.gifChris, your schedule sounds great...it makes sure that everything gets done

    smiley-bounce009.gifSandy, sorry to hear that Babe and Daisy still have health challenges

    smiley-bounce008.gifPhoebe, we would be lost without our microwave....when we moved from our old house, we bought a microwave and had it plugged in before we moved in

    smiley-bounce008.gifMy friend who was supposed to come over today, called and cancelled. Her husband who has refused to go to the doctor for years was recently diagnosed with cancer in several parts of his body and they are faced with many doctor visits and tests. She is taking life one day at a time and is very scared.

    smiley-love014.gif Barbie


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    edited October 2014
    Can't sleep
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    Sorry Sandy. Hope you did get some rest. I was up early to drive up to see my dad. Stopped at the house first and now am at the nursing home. His vitals are good but he's not hardly eating and wants to go to bed all the time. His color is good but he cannot stay awake long enough to get out even a word. Even my do it offering has been rejected. We are so incredibly powerless to help our loved ones. My heart broke as I saw them use the Hoyer lift to get him into bed. He is so weak.

    I hope you are all having a good day.....thinking of you.


    Lin in chilly Northern Iowa (today)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    edited October 2014
    I get a screen that says I don't have permission to post but when I finally got back here my message had posted three times. Hummmmmmmm.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,543 Member
    edited October 2014
    Duplicate post
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Lin, My hear at is with you today. It is so hard to watch parents go down hill. It is still fresh in my mind. Praying for you and hoping that you will be o.k. doing all the things you have to do today. Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phyllis how is the diabetic in your country eating the way you do. really sounds healthy. Look like lots of beans which love I did order me a far eastern cookbook for my e reader Thanks for your information
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,448 Member
    edited October 2014
    Happy Wednesday!! :D I just couldn't fall asleep last night, it was after 4AM when I last looked at the clock. Not sure if my mind was thinking of too many things or if the chili kept me awake. But why would chili keep me awake there is no caffeine in chili. I posted on Facebook that I was awake and so was Connie, we both a bad night. I am returning two of the baby products I bought from Amazon. I didn't see the weight limit correctly and these will be too small for Robby. I ordered another bouncer from Walmart that has a 35 pound weight limit and hope he slows down in gaining. B) Tonight is bingo, so I hope I can stay awake to play. :(

    I am way behind today so I have no time for personals. My cleaning girl come this afternoon and I like to be gone while she cleans.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Will attempt to make this chocolate flax muffin tonight Looks good