Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    heck I thought it was last Monday I will catch you Canadians tomorrow

    For now
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Well, I lost ten pounds just looking for this thread. That has to be a good thing. Came down with flu the 1st of October and now, 12 days later I am left with a nasty cough but everything has cleared up. Guess I'll be healthy enough to get a flu shot on Friday. Talk about closing the gate after the horse has gone missing.

    This new BB-type message format may take some time to get used to unless you've been on other Bulletin Boards on line but once you do, you will like it. You can do lots of fun things with BB Code. And you can drag and drop an image into the box above (page with the corner turned down) so no confusing code to remember. :D
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    edited October 2014
    And you CAN edit your text by clicking on the little "gear" in the upper right corner of your post.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Connie for the information But I am lost on the bbcode you mention. I know how to used it to get the glitter graphic. But do not know of any other used for it Can you give an example? you know I have been thru MO. and have to be shown
    That and the photo's gizmos is a wonderful add on to the forum. Long past overdo. Now us seniors can post pictures with ease.or have to figure out changes the host might make. The threw me for a loop everytime. now it is a breeze
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie sorry you have been sick :o
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yes Connie, I thought you might have had what Jim had. He was tested for the flu virus and it was negative. He had the symptoms like flu. and not so much his cough but wheezing. He got albuterol for that, it seems to be helping.

    Well, today we will see what can be done for Jim. the appt. is this afternoon. He got very upset when I told him yesterday that his high blood sugar readings(499 yesterday) would drop like a stone with one insulin injection. He said and then I won't have a job!! He said I'll just keep taking the pills. I said your liver and kidneys can't take that. I leave this in God's hands. He will guide us where Jim needs to be.

    I wen thru Jim's medications and removed the ones that the doctor said he needs to stop taking. If she keeps him off of those, do I really have no recourse but to throw them all away? Does anyone know of a way the meds can benefit someone else? Several bottles have not been opened. Mostly Metformin ER 500mg Tabs.

    Phyllis, I agree, her haircut is very pretty.. or is it a wig? Anyway, I like it. You look wonderful and happy, and I'm very glad about that.

    Lin, it must be a good feeling to know you can battle and be the victor over flu etc. without medications. Your immune system is a fighting machine!!

    Marie, what do you have planned this week? Jim wants to go back to work on Wednesday, but he says we'll wait to see what the doctor tells us today.

    I got some floor washing done but I'm waiting for Jim to wake before I vacuum or maybe I'll just do it anyway, lol.

    Sandy, I'm so glad Daisy settled down a bit, she feels safe with you after all, you are her Mom!!

    ok, better get moving.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    p.s. Happy Canada Thanksgiving Day
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Morning,

    Back from our trip. We ended up coming home early as I developed a UTI and I wanted to get back to the Canadian medical system where I didn't have to phone the insurance company each time I needed something.

    The forum is definitely different. I'm trying out a picture of me and my sister.


    Have a great day


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    OK but why do I have the little image below?
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Monday!! :D Monday is my wash day, memories of my childhood. <3 I managed to ride my bike last night and with the walking I did with Daisy I did lose a pound. Now if I can only keep this up and finally get down to my goal weight. B) I am trying to decide if I want to take a ride to a jeweler we use to buy Robby a Baptism gift. This jeweler gives us great deals so it is hard to buy jewelry anywhere else. I might wait until Wednesday since it is near where I go to bingo but I am also going to my nieces to get my hair colored that day. Decisions, decisions. ;)

    I hope all our Canadian friends have a wonderful Thanksgiving today. We are blessed in some sort of way even if sometimes we don't feel that way. <3

    Jeri, great picture of you and your sister. I too want to know what the little picture is under our posted one. I tried to delete it on one of mine but it wouldn't go away. :\ Sorry you have another infection, I hope it doesn't spoil your holiday. :'(

    Phoebe, good luck at the doctor, I do hope they can help Jim so he can continue driving but if not God has other plans. Did you google what to do with old meds? Somewhere I read where they take them but I can't remember where. Possibly the VA. I know I did an overload with pictures on Facebook with Daisy, but I was so happy to have her here with me without Babe. <3

    Marie, each day seems to be getting a little easier with this new forum, although I still wish I could open a second window to respond instead of scrolling up. :#

    Connie, sorry to hear you have been so sick but hopefully you are on the mend. Nice to hear from you and sorry you lost the weight by being sick. Saw the picture of your grandsons, both handsome guys. <3 Hope that situation is better for all involved. <3

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sandy it is getting easier to navigate since Alice got all of my topics I post on in one folder.
    A frown, a smile, a laugh, can set the day's mood. Be yourself everyday and wake up with a smile on your face.
    I like this quote

    This is something to remember every morning.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Are you celebrating thanksgiving today jeri.? And Gayla"
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers

    I don't know if I like this format or not. :s I had to start a group myself for some of the ladies I have been chatting with at another thread. Now we are all back together again :) So confusing. I am not the greatest at the computer anyway.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian Friends.

    SANDY - Thanks for getting us started again. I hope Daisy can settle at your house and maybe having some
    of her toys and blanket like Phoebe said may help her want to stay more. Sorry Babe is sick too.

    PHOEBE- How is Jim doing? So sorry to hear he is sick with a virus but rest is the best recipe.

    JACKIE - Rats in the henhouse, if its not one thing its another. Glad you found us and are back again.

    JERI- Happy Thanksgiving and a lovely picture of you and your sister. You can tell she is your sister.

    MARIE - I am having the same problems as you trying to navigate around this site. Very confusing.

    DIANE & CONNIE - Glad you guys found us and we can continue to share our lives with each other.

    Well we had a nice weekend in Annapolis, Maryland for the weekend. We started out on Thursday morning
    and arrived 8 hours later. We were pretty tired. Our friends Paul & Nan came with us and they
    are avid boaters. We had a nice meal across the street from our hotel and pretty much went to bed
    after that.
    On Friday it was an all day boat show and if anyone has been there before it is very large and the
    boats are in the water for you to look at and can go onto to see the insides. We finished up around
    dinner time and had a nice dinner at the Chart House.

    It was a very busy weekend with the Boat Show plus the Army/Navy Football game on there too.
    We parked our car at the stadium lot and then shuttled to the Boat Show. Lots of cadets to see
    in their whites and navy blue uniforms. A very handsome bunch of guys.

    On Saturday we mostly did shopping at one of the Malls since it rained Friday and Saturday. We
    finished up our shopping in downtown Annapolis and had dinner at Phillips Crab House.
    Sunday morning we got up early and met for breakfast at the hotel and then started back home. Of
    course it was sunny and cool and a great drive home with lots of scenery to see and lots of colors.

    Today is Canadian Thanksgiving and I am doing laundry. My youngest daughter is with her in laws
    and my oldest daughter is busy with work and getting ready to go on her trip this week to Vancouver
    for work. So everyone was busy and my MIL and BIL went to the one of the nephews for turkey

    I had all intentions of cleaning up the gardens and throwing my flowers away but it is raining and
    everything is wet. Tomorrow is another day.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Yippee! Home from the dentist and am so relieved that for now I do not need any further dental work. They've been tracking a cracked tooth but there's been no change so I'll just keep going as is. They are most concerned that the veneer stays bonded to the broken tooth. I'll keep chewing my carrots on the other side of my mouth. There's a little chip in another tooth but they prefer to leave it alone (yep, that's also from the fall) and it looks like I'll have a permanent lump of scar tissue in my mouth where the tooth punctured the lip. With the pain around the eye socket and on one side of my chin they suspect I may have fractured bones but hey, doesn't hurt that much and it will heal up right? Also managed to make it through the appointment, asking only twice, for a break for a little cough. YEAH!

    I am packing for a little trip tomorrow. There is a care conference for my dad and I've asked to have 3 items on the agenda and I trust we will get to all of them in the short item allocated. Later in the afternoon I have an appointment for a haircut and then hope to travel home tomorrow evening. Whoops, need to find out if I owe $$ to the guy who mows the grass at my dad's house. Better text him next.

    I have no experience with BBs so it's all new to me and I just don't have that much time to mess with it an as long as I can function here---it's okay for now.

    Marie - how are you feeling? Your legs okay now??

    Phoebe - I am sorry about Jim's problems but making big changes can be almost insurmountable to face. I feel bad for him maybe because often I shy away from the truth of a situation because I am overwhelmed by it. As far as his meds, I don't think anyone else can use them. We have dropoff locations here for Rx and other meds no longer needed----we have one at the police station not far from me. We also have days where you can just take your meds to certain locations for disposal. I know this doesn't help you much unless you can call your pharmacy and see where there's a dropoff location (if there is one).

    Jeri - welcome home but sorry you have health problems. Feel better soon. Love your picture. You and your sister are adorable.

    Connie - sorry you've been ill. Think you are well enough for the flu shot? I'm going without one again this year.

    Sandy - glad Daisy spent time with you. YEAH!!!! This new location is so good for you. Have a wonderful day my friend whatever you've decided to do.

    Best wishes to everyone. Better get that text sent before I forget.


    Lin in drippy Central Iowa

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014
    Phoebe do not want to scare you but if Jim blood sugar is almost 500 he needs to be in the hospital Call his Doctor right away. . he could go into a coma. But at least call his doctor. This is serious He must not get out on the road. by all means with those readings Do call his doctor
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2014
    My head is spinning and I still don't seem to have that little gear on top for editing! Happy to see Connie back and will try to print her instructions on using this new technology, and just hope this old brain will catch on! Busy with friend/neighbor whom we took to hospital yesterday, spent 5 hours in emergency and hope they can arrest his fibrillation so he can return home. No time now, but PHOEBE, I still say insulin shots don't make his diabetes Type 1. Type 2 is adult diabetes and Mike has it and is on insulin, too.
    Gotta run, though I wish I had time to chat. Happy CONNIE is feeling better; JERI, ugh to that UTI !!! Haven't had time to read more but eventually, I'll get back here!
    Well ...that gear just showed up after 20 minutes and much poking around!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin when you get as old as me everyday is a new pain. Today its been my right hand. A sharp pain hit every so often. But tomorrow it will be somewhere else.
    Have a safe trip,
    Yahoo block my email Can't try again till 12 hours. So will try in the morning Hope someone was not trying to hack me.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What do we do when we see a post we wont to save to read later for we have no place to bump it
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :D Raining again for the second day in a row with more rain tomorrow. :# I am expecting a delivery of an entry bench today so it is probably a good day to stay home. Donna called me at 9PM last night all frantic and wanted me to come to her last night. I couldn't understand what she was saying but if it were an emergency the nurses would call her kids. I told her I would come today but since it is so miserable outside I am not sure I am going to do that. Hopefully, her son is going to visit her today. I may change my mind if the delivery comes early but then again I would like to put it together once it arrives.

    Marie, maybe if you quote what you want to save it would at least be in your name. There are quite a few things we can't do like the old forum but there must be a reason they changed everything, just can't figure out why. B) Sorry for the aches and pains but I am younger than you and get them also. My knees don't like damp weather so much, but at least it isn't the pain I had before surgery.

    Buzz, you are a good friend to spend 5 hours in the ER with your friend, I hope he is better today. I think men in general just don't like to take good care of their health, they think they are indispensable. Babe always waits until he is too sick before calling the doctor. He said he is on the mend left with a head cold so no need to call the doctor. Frustrating. :(

    Lin, I hope you get the answers you want from the conference. Drive safely and feel good with the new haircut. <3

    Shirley, your trip sounds good except for the rain, but at least you were with friends you enjoy. It was probably a good thing that you didn't have to cook for Thanksgiving being tired and all and who needs all those calories.

    I hope your day is sunny and bright with or without the sun.

    One Day at a Time