Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie you are so wise. You said Jim needed to go to the hospital, and that's where we ended up. Everything is ok for now So here's the story so far.

    When the doctor called last Friday, she had Jim stop taking two of his diabetes meds. This as you may recall, made his blood sugar readings skyrocket. Monday, yesterday, she set up two tests for today, and she took more blood for labs. She also prescribed an insulin pen to get his readings down while the other tests were being done. We had just gotten home, put the meds and groceries on the counters, Jim wasn't even in the house yet, when the doctor called. She said Jim's potassium was too high, 6.5, and he was in danger of a heart attack. He needed to go straight to the ER right now. So, I put the meds in the fridge, told JIm and off wee went. It was 6:15pm when we arrived. It was 1:30am when we got home. In between was more blood draws, and treatments, etc. and one frustrated man/baby!
    Today is two tests, fasting, drinking banana flavored chalk, and more man/baby antics.. lol although he acts that way mostly when it is just me in the room. He still complains, but he smiles when he tells the nurses. wow, this man does not like to be anywhere he does not want to be. But his reading is 287 today before his meds. still too high, but I believe he may find out more about that today, after they test his liver and kidneys

    Not able to comment, I will try to take my tablet and check in later today, a long day ahead, need to leave in about 30 minutes, so going to get a quick shower. The rest of this morning has gone to fiddling with a silly pet door! grrr!!

    take care all be safe


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Good luck Phoebe....hope they can fix Jim up and take away his cranky disease. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Best wishes Phoebe. So sorry to hear of the continuing medical issues. Hugs my friend.

    Lin who's sitting by my dad's bed as he slumbers
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello Friends,

    A very productive day. Got up early this morning and got groceries. Nothing in the house after being away.
    Then home and unpacked and started in the garden dumping all flowers, and pruning everything. Left the grass
    in the pots for Dave, too heavy for me. Took down all my chimes from the patio and pretty much done now.

    Now just finishing up laundry from yesterday and then I am done for the day. :)

    Sandy - We too are getting rain tomorrow. Our temps today are 76F its like summer.
    Lin- I hope all goes well with your Dad. How is his health lately?

    [/Phoebe]- Good luck with Jim's tests results. Dave has his doctor apt. on Thursday
    night for his MRI results.

    Ontario, Canada
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014
    My goodess Phoebe.I do hope they do get Jim stabilize and he follow the doctors orders. my heart ache for you and Jim. One day when I went to the doctor she told me her last patients blood sugar was over 500 and she sent him straight to the hospital.

    My doctor told me I could not go back on oral medications for it would be too hard on my Kidneys and my kidneys numbers are fine now and I do not want to mess them up. I certainly do not want to go on D Machines cant spell it but I think you know what I am saying

    I am sure They will get Jim back in shape. and if he has to take insulin so be it When there a way he will find a way to live with it. there is another door to open Not the end of the world yet.

    I am thinking of you always
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited October 2014
    Oh Phoebe, what a terrible day for you and your husband. Hope it all sorts itself out.

    Shirley - you've certainly been busy. Good for you.

    Sandy - I didn't get a chance to tell you that your me place looks and sounds very nice. Also what a benefit to have Daisy come and visit you lovely.

    We took our 5 yr old to kindergarten today and then out for lunch. He is fun, talks non stop and love to good around. Fun.

    Of course we saw the rest of the kids too. That is always fun.

    I'm catching up around the house, making myself gluten free buns right now.

    These are pictures our daughter sent us of their Thanksgiving without us. Our daughter Melanie invited our other daughter Melissa over for dinner. We weren't expected back until later so they didn't wait for us.


    Have a great day

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Very lovely family you have Jeri. Love all of the pictures Wish you took one of you buns I still have not made any bread yet. Did make a one minute flax meal muffin with a little Oat fiber and It gave the muffin such a delightful texture. Be my morning breakfast.
    you know I like the way they let us know when we have a new post in our group on Discussion group really nice/ Bright yellow notice. Yeah
    I been keeping an eye on it in case phoebe gives us another update. I know this is a terrible time for her.
    Jerry and I both got cold last night and had to grab more cover. I wonder if someone post on a page we hardly ever used it will show new post. Could someone post on one of the topic we seldom used or even a new topic So I can see. Would appreciate it.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    It put the joke page on top for me Marie, it said 229 new
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Wow, 229 new jokes, lol, jk!

    Marie , we are fine. I should have known that they would refer him to specialists. First thing in the morning, I'll try to get him in asap. The tests today were basically good results. No explanation why liver readings are high. Our goal is to get the morning reading below 200. Its 375 tonight. She was supposed to send a prescription to walmart for fast acting insulin, but didn't. We'll work on that too.

    Jeri, great photos of your family, the little ones at their own table are precious.

    Thank you for your concern for us, it means a lot. We decided not to mention this to anyone on facebook.

    im going to get some sleep. That er trip was exhausting. It was a good place to get sick! So many people unwell.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe so glad to hear from you. My doctor keep me in samples of my fast acting insulin. Last week she gave me 5 pens. Sure am glad for they are expensive even with my insurance.She never get Lantus so I do have to buy them But they are not as expensive. Glad he is under the doctor now. I know you are tired and Jim must be too. Try to get some rest. You are doing all you can. My blood sugar has got up to 300 when I get go on these binges. But can get it down with fast acting insulin The lows are more of my problems. But no more will I put my body thru that. hope Jim will watch his carbs real good.
    its bed time for me So I will say good night
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Phoebe, thank you. The little ones are a blast. The little girl, Mary Jo, is a Whirlwind. Boy does Joshua, in red have attitude. Lukas in glasses is so sweet and social. Sammy with the big grin talks just like an adult. LOL

    Glad things are somewhat in control. ER is an exhausting place for sure. Hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2014
    PHOEBE (and JIM, too), you are in our minds and hearts constantly, and only the best results are wished for you both! I will also say that Jim's behavior is pretty typical male/patient/husband!!! I tell Mike when he is so adorably sweet to everyone that he is a street angel, house witch!!! They just don't grow up emotionally, I think?!
    JERI, what a precious group of kids you have there!
    MARIE, you should have been a doctor!
    SANDY, in our community, we are one big family. When Mike thought he might have to miss his special HonorFlight trip to Washington on the 25th because he did not have a ride to the airport at 3:30 in the morning, first our new Chaplain said he would take him, and a dear younger lady said No, you are busy enough, I'll take him, and of course we declined, but with many grateful feelings. Luckily, yesterday, he got an early call from the man who will be his guardian on the entire trip, and he will come 40 miles south to pick Mike up and return him around midnight! We invited him to dinner, as he suggested the many Veterans living here might like to go to DC on another special charter flight. These honor flights are amazing for veterans of various wars. taking them, at no cost, to all the different memorials and the National Cemetery with a special luncheon included. Each veteran is accompanied by a volunteer "Guardian" for the entire day. Since guardians must be capable of walking long stretches, pushing a wheelchair if necessary, few wives qualify as guardians. Mike and I are so excited that he was chosen to go. But that many people volunteered to get up so very early was the most heartwarming experience for us! Getting old does have some advantages o:) ...
    LIN, somewhere there is a special place for a daughter like you. I can appreciate that it is not easy; but you are amazingly devoted. Bless you!
    SHIRLEY, I can just picture you pruning and pulling the plantings you enjoyed all summer. Autumn is beautifully bittersweet in my mind. Lovely color and then withdrawal!
    I do hope CONNIE has recovered and life is becoming more cheerful for her. I fear I have missed so many posts here and I hope I get used to the changes (which I'm not sure I understand!)

    Off to sleep, as I promised myself I would change my wayward ways!

    <3 Buzz
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello everyone....

    I was able to find my way here with little problem tonight. Nice when one can finally feel comfortable with the new program. Have yet to try the Glitter Graphics, but then it wasn't working well for me last time around either. Oh well. Plus I think we finally have about all of my computer issues resolved....finally.

    Sandy.... love your new place and you have done a wonderful job decorating it. Your pup seems very content being with his mom :) Hope Babe gets over his cold quickly.

    Phoebe.....Thinking about you and your dh health issues. So hard when they don't seem to understand the importance of eating correctly at this stage of their lives. Men can be so stubborn some times. May you be blessed with a lot of patience right now. We are thinking of you both.

    Marie.....Quilting again ? Cooler weather means we will find you having a love affair with your sewing machine, which is wonderful that you can still do this. It keeps your mind alert. Enjoy the Cowboys and don't forget to make a good pot of beans to go with it. Super Sunday meal I think. Do you use a Serger ?

    Shirley.....Happy Belated Thanksgiving. Sounds like you had a great trip to the boat show and game as well. Going thru boats has to be as much fun as going thru rvs for me. Amazing how nice some of these are. Time for us to buckle down with MFP now that the social activities are subsiding a bit. I know you can do this...

    Buzz.....Nice to hear from you when you have a break from your busy life. Don't forget to sleep LOL They say it is rather important you know. :) Glad your leg issues are improving.

    Jeri....Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you also. It sounds as if you enjoyed your most recent trip. I know you are getting away while you can cause mother nature has its way of keeping you home during the winter. Love seeing the recent photo of your family and all of your grandkids. You and your husband amaze me in how you can keep up with them all. The grandkids will have lots of happy memories spent with their grandma and grandpa. :)

    Lin.....Hope that you are starting to feel better and your "colors" have about faded out now. Do you ever slow down ? Glad that you are taking some time to yourself to enjoy a few activities besides all of your added responsibilities. A little at a time and you will be back to where you were before your fall. Hang in there...

    Phyllis.....Nice to see you pop in as it had been a while. is retirement going ? I agree....I would drive
    to the pool etc too rather than walk too for your own safety. Liked the quilt that you did.

    Jackie...... Time to jar up the honey yet ? Rats in the hen house could breed a lot of problems I would think. If it isn't one think it is another I am sure. I assume you got your trenches all dug, so your water issues should be better this year. I sure hope so anyway. Time for your weather changes shortly too.... Take care...

    Connie where are you ? Sorry if I missed anyone, but I am think of you also.

    I spent 3 hrs this morning working in the backyard. Finally had some weather in the 70's making it delightful to be outside, so I took advantage of it. Suspect we may have a little bit of rain tomorrow am and more weather in the 70's the rest of the week. Looks like fall is on its way. Yes !!!

    In a few days lunch with the neighborhood women at a restaurant, which should be fun. We also attended a Newcomer Gathering recently where we were able to meet 3 other couples. Coincidentally one of them looked at our house we just sold. They had put an offer on it, but were delighted that we didn't choose them as they are now neighbors in our new community. Delightful people whom we hope to get to know better. Off with our travel trailer to our favorite campground next week for a few days. Supposed to rain they say now, but hey we can enjoy ourselves there as much as we can at home.

    Getting late, so I had better end for now. Think I need to make my font smaller LOL I know I am wordy, but this really makes it look at way. Until next time....

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2014

    wonder why my post is in blue instead of black?
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie, that BB Code hat you don't yet understand is actually html code. Which is how you get fancy letters and photos to post, they are in code that the computer can 'see'. So something to do with the photo probably caught your text into it, and the color happened to be blue. It could have been any color that the bb code had been set up for. I know that doesn't make sense either, lol.

    The doctor has called in Jim's fast acting insulin. I have been on the phones since 8am getting appts. for Jim. One today and one tomorrow. yay!! some of them were booked until December!!
    I also had a nagging feeling, and I'm glad I acted upon it. I went to the website of the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Alliance, I think that is the full name, anyway.. I found out that insulin dependents can apply for a waiver. That's the good news. The bad news is they can take up to 6 months to decide whether to approve it. The other bad news is the driver cannot drive commercially while he is waiting for the decision. Since it would involve our employer, there is no way he can 'sneak' around it and still drive, lol. So we have to talk all this thru, he doesn't want to apply.

    Now, I have printed a huge bunch of paperwork for new patients for One of the doctors he is visiting. The other one doesn't have online new patient forms. They are at the same office park, so I will pick those up today.

    I have to get some breakfast for us and wake Jim. He will be glad to know the insulin is at walmart waiting for him to pick it up. He will not be glad to know he has more doctor appts, lol

    take care everyone, hope to talk to you again later today, and reply to your posts.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited October 2014

    Hello my friends - it's me who's dragging around once again. I've been on a total whirlaway where it comes to my dad. They said he was doing better and better and indeed all of the jaundice disappeared, he was no longer wheezing, oxygen level was fine anytime they checked it, the fluid he was retaining all disappeared, he was eating 3X a day...........then they did a blood test and every value that was off the chart bad was back to normal. He was immediately removed from hospice. Hospice ended at midnight on Saturday. I had been there the day the bloodwork came back and knew they would remove him but at the same time I knew something wasn't that great with him---he kept falling asleep and was negative to everything and no one could get a smile from him and he could barely feed himself. Yesterday I went to a care conference to line up ongoing care for him without hospice and we signed the paperwork for that agreement. I went back to his room and he could not stay awake, he could not get out more than 2 words without sleeping again, he was asking me about his dog (one who died over 20 years ago), he thought it was nighttime, his limbs were jerking periodically, and he had apnea. I got a nurse to come in and finally they put him to bed. I flagged the social worker, she called hospice, they came out and after long conversations, phone calls and lots of paperwork, he is on hospice again. I was scared to leave as he was having such long periods of apnea but I left, got my haircut, drove home and arrived just in time for rush hour traffic (yeah----NOT). I got home and started to bring my things in the house and got a phone call from my dad mumbling that they made him sleep all night in his clothing. I was in shock. How could he be so improved that he was up and calling me just hours after he was barely breathing? So I never know if it's going to be a day of 12 to 25 phone calls or if it will be late afternoon or evening before he is looking for me. He only has one of my cell phone numbers and I put that on silent now if I really need to do something. Hospice and the nurses have the other number now.

    End of whining but I am tired and very confused. Thank the Lord--the social worker said she'd help me straighten out a doctor's bill I received----Medicare denied it because he was on hospice and she's very familiar with it and said if I sent her a copy she'd sort it out. She's certain they used the wrong CPT code. I think so too but I just am not up to calling and arguing with anyone right now. The farm liability insurance is also messed up and I need to address that but I need a couple of days before I start on it I think.

    Long long message. Wimpy Lin is just having a very difficult time coping with all my bumps in the road---

    Thanks for listening.

    Hugs to all. I need to get started on my errands for today but honestly I feel just too tired to get started.......

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Jeri - the pictures are wonderful! I hope you are feeling better now.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Phoebe - I do hope Jim's health improves and I totally understand keeping all of this off FB. It's wise.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Diane - glad you were able to get out and do some yardwork. Cooler weather for you does sound wonderful. Did you ever get enough rainfall to help out the drought situation?