Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) I was a fairly dutiful daughter while living at home before going to college so I studied ballet, tap, drama, violin, flute, and piano. They were all fine but none of them ignited a passion. It wasn't until I started line dancing at age 58 that I found what I was looking for.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    An image from Pinterest showing the type of gym suit we wore n the 1960’s. I think most schools had blue uniforms, we had someone who ordered a flamingo pink/orange horror. Hated them. Hated trying to wiggle out of that one piece mess. Lots of bad memories. The only lucky thing was we had no swimming pool.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well you gals looked a good deal more glamorous than us poor souls! LIN. Another bad memory. Sometimes the leg elastic in your bloomers snapped and then you spent the whole day with the knicker leg falling down and showing beneath your skirt. The shame. Talking of teachers one of them cuffed me around the ear for no apparent reason and then said "I had a dream about you B.......(last name of course) last night and it wasn't very pleasant either." Never did find out what she dreamt. She used to keep her handkerchief inside her knicker leg and would haul it out whilst teaching to blow her nose, and then shove it back. I think I must have shown my distaste to merit the cuff. Lol. It was wonderful to find the odd teacher who actually seemed to like you. Shakespeare said it best in his seven ages of man. "The whining schoolboy with his satchel and morning face creeping like snail unwillingly to school". Yep, that was me at times and especially if the leg elastic broke!
    Thanks for the memory!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Lin, those were the ones we wore in my high school, not the teacher on the left but the girls on the right. I think ours had elastic bottoms so we would fold them up into the elastic to try and make them look better. I am sure we probably got in trouble for doing that. I won't even go into detail on how I got out of swim or what I did to make me look bigger on top with that ugly swim suit. Yikes, no wonder I quit school but I did go back for my GED later in life. All's well that ends well.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    This was my 7th grade class in Catholic Grade School, can you find me?? lol

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    Nope, lol. But what a bunch of little angels. Our class, no photos in those years, looked more like St. Trinians the movie. (Dear old Alistair Simms was the headmistress in drag). Maybe the front row blonde? No. 8 from the left, number four in from the right.
    Good morning,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    You beat me Annsie. I am very bad at this but from the beautiful smile on that sweet girl, that was my pick also. Front row 4th from the right side of the photo. If not, you have to be one of the smiling girls. You have a lovely smile Sandy. ❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2021
    I’ll say the same, front row, 4th from right. You haven’t changed at all Sandy! 😆
    My school had moved on somewhat from Anne’s in their fashion choices but pink gingham summer dresses were certainly not in a modern style so I always felt frumpish!

    We’ve had some sunshine but it’s cold when clouds roll over. Did enjoy a relaxed local walk with mostly horse riders, cyclists and joggers keeping us company. I did have a smile when I noticed a property had 2 bicycles propped against a wall with ‘free’ signs on them. As I was returning a retired man I sometimes chat to walked up the road from his property, climbed on one and cycled home, and when I reached his property he was walking back out with his wife who was saying rather guardedly ‘where would we find level ground to ride?’ I’ve a feeling she wasn’t going to win that argument because he was striding back to the 2nd bike obviously happy as Larry!

    The hospital phoned me yesterday to advise I have 3 appointments next week. Monday a drive through Covid test, Tuesday the nuclear injection in my arm and Wednesday the operation to cut a larger incision just in case. I can certainly drive to the first 2 but not the operation because I’ll have a general anaesthetic so have booked a driver from the volunteer service I used when hips were replaced. At the moment my neighbours feel one of them will be able to collect me when it’s time to come home.

    The builders are cracking on and today set additional beams on the ceiling of the snug to support the old ones. I did inwardly sigh when told the granite lintels will be ready for collection 9-10 days because it means at least another 3 weeks living in my dust bowl! They have finished for the day so I feel a cup of tea coming on!

    I’m stocked up with groceries after a visit to a supermarket this afternoon. It became extremely busy while I was there but I managed to get into the queue ahead of the crowd! A huge box of PG Tips is now on show for the men but I forgot sugar as it’s something I rarely use and they are both 2 teaspoons per cup people!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    edited April 2021
    Happy Tuesday! :) You were all right ladies, that is me fourth from the right. See how conservative I was with the long skirt? lol Loved grade school, hate high school. I followed my sister who was really smart and the teachers would say why can't you be like your sister? I think I told the story of when I was in grade school and joined the choir. The nun asked me to just mouth the words which crushed my ego. Still can't carry a tune. lol
    Sitting today and at least the sun is out although only in 50's. Put in my grocery order for pickup tomorrow. Hopefully, Bryanna will join me for dinner as I got her favorites. Still not ready to go into Walmart to shop, besides this is so much more convenient and probably saves me money from buying things I really don't have on my list.
    It took me forever to balance my checkbook this morning only to find out it was my error. Lesson learned to always use a calculator.

    Jackie, quite a procedure you are going through, but I am sure all will be fine and they are being cautious which is good. Remodeling always takes twice as long as anticipated but will be worth it in the end and will be much safer for your health. It seems so odd to me to have men drink tea which I know is your custom in England but our construction guys would probably have a cold beer. lol

    Time is escaping me once again and I better get in the shower and get ready. Have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh JACKIE three days of procedure! Is the hospital in Plymouth? I'm so glad you've got such wonderful neighbours! They make up for the horrid ones.

    Meanwhile my neighbour came back but his boat didn't and he spent a lot of time putting a tarpaulin over a huge load in the back of his truck this morning. I don't think it was junk because he was carefully putting string around it to secure it by the time I noticed. He's gone and hours later not come back so probably "gone fishing".

    One thing about lockdown you are certainly more aware/nosy when something unusual happens.

    I think British men prefer drinking beer in pubs SANDY. They are probably not allowed to drink beer in houses for safety reasons. I believe British beer is much more potent than the beer over here which is really lager. Could be wrong of course. Jackie will have to put us straight on beer strength!

    Well I got the washing done and the groceries ordered and the lunch cooked and so ended my exciting day.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! The sun is smiling and we had coffee on the deck. I did my exercises out there also. But I didn’t take my weights out on the deck. I will need to do them sometime this afternoon or early tonight. Sort of out of schedule but I will work it out.

    I really had a huge giggle about Sandy’s grade school picture. I would have known her anywhere! There she was in the front row, pretty as a picture. Hair perfect. Her little tie was tied perfect. Her socks were perfectly folded and shoes clean and her feet poised in a perfectly straight fashion. Sweet smile and hands folded in her lap. Even as a little girl you were a pretty fashionista.
    A concept that is totally alien to me. I was and still remain a MESS!

    The musician’s wife has become our special project. Thus could get sticky if we don’t watch out. We feel sorry for her loss and will help all we can. We are sort of limited in our time and energy. I am very slow when I do anything. Dear John is energetic but he simply is not as strong as he used to be. I am constantly terrified he will fall or trip. He is on beyond clumsy, he is a walking disaster.

    Cleaning bedroom and washing comforter. Might call the steam rug cleaner people. How and how much is my main inquiry.
    46 on a 1,000 item list. Help I am drowning!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Builder's tea, also known as a builder’s brew, is a British English colloquial term for a strong cup of tea. It takes its name from the inexpensive tea commonly drunk by labourers taking a break. A builder's tea is typically brewed in a mug with the tea contained in a teabag (as opposed to loose leaves in a teapot), with a small amount of milk added after either stirring the tea or leaving it to stand and infuse. It is often taken with one or more teaspoons of white sugar, but this is optional.

    That’s as Wikipedia describes Dave’s favourite brew but Joe prefers a morning coffee, in fact I imagine if Costa Coffee was just round the corner he’d be ordering a Latte! Beer definitely out Sandy because as Anne mentioned, it’s a strong alcoholic drink so not only might there be a nasty accident with a power tool they’d be arrested as soon as they climbed into a vehicle to drive home!! 🥴

    A beautiful sunny and warmer morning so the pooches have been walked and I’m home enjoying coffee on the deck. A text message has come through reminding me I have a 4pm appointment on the 16th and please don’t miss it as not turning up costs the NHS. Panic! What appointment on the 16th? When I called them I was told it’s a pre op assessment over the phone rather than me having to travel to the hospital... thank goodness! 🤪
    Yes Anne, all 3 appointments in Plymouth although there are local Covid testing stations but what with everything going on to my cottage too, my shutters have come down so I’m in Sandy’s one day at a time zone. Mind you I nearly cracked when I came home from our walk to find the neighbours on the far end had a hen wandering in our parking area and when I suggested George might kill it if allowed to get close, I got a shrug of the shoulders! The bird ran along the path, over my gate into my garden and I found myself chasing it in circles while he and Betty sat in the locked garden room until enough was enough and I stomped back (at least that’s how I felt) and suggested they come and collect her before feathers fly. I fear I’m becoming more grumpy by the hour. 😡🤬

    At school I went out of my way to be untidy by rolling up sleeves or pulling my tie open so of course this rebel was always in trouble. I’m sure it was my way of pushing against my strict, rather cold home environment because it won me brownie points from friends. The rebel in me remains but I try to keep relatively tidy these days!!

    Coffee finished so time to finish weeding a bed I started yesterday.

    Have a healthy and safe Wednesday everyone ❤️
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Ha JACKIE, so you had a strict cold home as well as a child! Interesting. I was very lucky though, I had a wonderful dad (who spent a lot of time locked in his shed building model ships, steam engines etc), and two aunties who rescued me from time to time. Ancient history but some experiences as a child do affect our character.
    A lot going on here today but I hope to be back later.
    Foggy here but it promises to be a warmish day when it burns off.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,120 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hello. Sorry I didn’t write much yesterday and horrors, no teapot!

    I was filing paperwork online for a reimbursement and other odds and ends when suddenly I just needed to get out for a while. I didn’t know where I was getting my haircut tomorrow so I went hunting for the building. Wow, what a lot of traffic and the construction season is well underway. We are getting new high speed cable in our suburb and several streets are very slow now as they are working and very long sections are one lane instead of two. I thought maybe I would dart into one of my old favorite stores for an item I haven’t been able to order online but the parking lot was too full for me to stop. I have no idea what all the rules are either so I drove home instead.

    The cold wind whistled through my head and I ended up with a nasty earache. I didn’t feel like doing anything after that. So sorry.

    This morning I received a phone call from my service rep at the car dealership. He said he was returning my call. We spoke for a while and he has been struggling through the last several weeks due to the death of his father and has apparently been away quite a bit. Anyway, I did describe the new issue with the vehicle, gave him the appointment details and he is changing the assigned service advisor back to him and away from the guy I do not know at all.

    Jackie, I am sorry, I totally misunderstood where you are I’m the process. I thought you were ready for plastic surgery but alas multiple appointments and another procedure. I wish one of us could go with you. We could talk your ear off during the drives as I have no doubt we all know how to chatter along amiably. I think I would be grumpy too with the chicken on the loose. Didn’t they care about her at all? Goodness. And that saying about projects taking twice as long and costing twice as much is apparently true.

    Annsie, a lot going on. Well, that sounds mysterious. Hope all is well. Your neighbor is quite a fellow. I won’t add any adjectives.

    Sandy, I hope you get everything in your grocery order and that Bryanna does have a meal with you this evening. I also am avoiding almost all places. This haircut coming up has me sweating. And I am with you, I balance my checkbook and the bank is usually right! But I have to do it myself.

    Patsy, fast or slow, we are still moving along and accomplishing something each day. And enjoying things as well. Yesterday, the birds were singing as the sun was making its appearance. It is nice to hear them while moving about in my upstairs bedroom making my bed and other little chores. They are cheering me on!

    I have attended several Zoom meetings and have another one this afternoon. The most recent meeting was a virtual tour of a stately old home that was converted first to a women’s club and then to an entertainment venue. They have preserved much of the old home as it was when constructed with beautiful woodwork, wallpaper, original furniture and exquisite paintings, sculptures and more. I had never attended an event there so I was quite enchanted with the tour. And it was the first virtual tour they have ever provided.

    Must run along now. I need to do more cleaning in the basement. I have an appointment next Monday for service on furnace and air conditioner if the weather cooperates.




  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    GREAT EXCITEMENT HERE! Jilly is still barking after two hours! Three trucks arrived outside Harry's house, one with a tow trailer. All sorts of stuff coming out of the house! Wooden planks, boards, old kitchen cupboards, well you name it. Did Harry and Joyce spend all winter with this junk? Much speculation from us, is the house going up for sale or has Joyce put her foot down and merely wants to live like the rest of the street. I can truthfully say that their frontage is starting to look better than mine. Mind you there's still a load of stuff to go between our houses. Old garbage cans, buckets, discarded paint cans, you get the picture. Mary Jo and I agree, we both quite like Harry and Joyce so we aren't sure who might arrive if they sell.

    Meanwhile, while having a discreet peer out of my side window with open view since the lilac got the chop, I see the lilac on my side is struggling to grow again. A few skinny branches with buds sprouting. Yeah.

    I doubt it will grow again to its former glory in my lifetime. I loved to watch the birds and the squirrels peeping through my window, and best of all I really had no idea the extent of the junk Harry had collected over 30 years. Life will be rather dull actually if they take off "up north".

    Everything's now quiet as they all (5 men and Joyce - none wearing masks) eat lunch and Jilly's finally put a sock in it! I've got a parcel delivery today. Hope the guy doesn't have to walk too far to deliver judging by the traffic!

    Hugs from your reporter, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,074 Member
    Happy Wednesday! The sun is shining but the weather is chilly. I slept in again today after jumping on the trampoline, playing tag and hide and seek with the kiddos yesterday. Charlie was a stinker to put to bed last night so it was a tiring day. I will be picking up groceries and getting a talk together for my meeting tomorrow. Too chilly to meet with Joe and I am too tired.

    Lin, Bryanna is coming tomorrow, she is available on Thursdays and I think we are setting a new tradition. Lisa said she might join us every other week which would be great for all of us to be together. Good luck with your hair appointment and you will be fine, they are very cautious, just enjoy.

    Annsie, we are all curious as to what is keeping you busy today, we will wait anxiously to find out.

    Jackie, I didn't really mean our construction guys would have a beer for obvious reasons, just that is what they would prefer. I do offer coffee or water which is appreciated. I don't want you to think our repair guys drink on the job as they would lose their jobs. Nasty neighbor letting her hen run rampant, some people don't deserve any critter in their lives. I like your attitude about upcoming surgery, it will make a difference.

    Patsy, it is too bad your musician's wife won't wait until it is a little safer to have her service for her husband. Just do the best you can but try not to stress too much.

    Have a great day, keep safe and stay postive.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    All is explained just above your post SANDY. Just being busy being nosy, lol. Anne. Well, I did clean up and I did cook lunch, and I did feed the Bean in between being discreetly nosy.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    When it comes to neighbours Anne I’m a firm believer it’s better the devil you know! Even my dreadful family next door are tolerable in normal times because they aren’t often home and Trevor’s swearing tantrums have become rather amusing. Perhaps they decided to sell up because of the price the property down the road recently went for and the agent told them they would need to sort a few issues out! Do keep a good eye on proceedings so you can continue to report! 🧐
    I wonder if the 2 wars affected our parents emotionally. They lost so many family and loved ones and went through so much they must have stifled emotions like affection to protect from more hurt. My dad spent weekends in his shed making furniture so we hardly saw him but do have some warm memories whereas mother admitted in later life she hated being tied to us kids and the kitchen sink!

    A fab cockerel teapot Lin but let’s hope it’s not an omen of things to arrive from the fertilised eggs that Misty and Mizzle are sitting on! You weren’t mistaken about all the bookings I’m faced with because next Wednesday is the operation with the plastic surgeon who seems to work closely with Oncology. On top of that I received a text message from my GP practice this afternoon offering 2 dates and times for my 2nd vaccination and because Friday’s would have clashed with the 4pm phone call I’m going tomorrow evening.

    Sandy, your stamina is astounding when it comes to playing with the kids. I honestly don’t think I could do it even though I consider myself fit for my age. My builder Dave seems to be a red wine fan but I definitely won’t be pulling any corks while he works! 😄. He’s continuing to find some terrible botched jobs behind the old plaster and was amazed today when an old, rotten tree branch fell out from a wall above a window, completely rotten too so would have collapsed some time soon!
    Someone placed it in there as a substitute lintel, possibly when the cottage was built around 1850!

    Does the steam rug cleaner come with an operator Patsy. I’m all for paying for someone else to do jobs like that so I don’t have to see the colour of the used water. 🤭

    I fear the talk of navy knickers has sent Bob in another direction.... come back Bob!!

    Stormy clouds drifting about which wasn’t forecast but I don’t mind because the garden needs a soaking plus Louise helped this afternoon construct a water butt with fancy casing, now attached to the greenhouse and filling up! I’m burning logs on the main stove to warm the air in the cottage while I sit with the pets in my garden room.

    Time to throw another log on the fire.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I won't be buying any more undies if the lot I've ordered arrive today. So you are safe now for ages BOB. Please come back. We miss the recipes, the photos and the jokes lol. Just what we need during this awful lockdown.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Back from a long fresh-air/sunny ride with Jean and now for a simple skinless chicken breast, green beans & sauce & grated cheese lunch. Earlier it was gym, grocery shopping (Scored a 24-can box of Sabrina’s Fancy Feast Seafood Classic Pate Cat Food that has been in short supply. Had fun just observing people. Covid has definitely effected some for good and others – not so much.


    Lin – Loved the gym suit pic… it does bring back memories of the 60’s.

    Anne – you pant a pretty graphic picture of the knicker leg falling down and showing beneath your skirt (never happened to me LOL). As for being cuffed by the teacher – I can fully relate – except they used the pointer stick to deliver their message. The one time I remember most was getting hit in the funny bone – it hurt – later the teacher came up and apologized. I felt like a jerk because I had been being a jerk - she didn’t owe me an apology and I knew it. I never misbehaved in her class again. Catholic guilt can do some good.

    Sandy – took me 5 seconds to spot you! Wish I could go back to grade school and do it all over again.

    Jackie – A woman after my own heart….all stocked up on groceries! Sorry about the 3 weeks living in a dust bowl… Best wishes for all you have coming up with your medical appts and operation.

    Time to eat my lunch and then Jean is taking my younger sister to pick up her car at the body shop after a mishap (basketball hoop fell on car in a relatives driveway). We taped BIG SKY last night and looking forward to watching later.

    Have a wonderful afternoon everyone. Bob

    Ps... just saw the pic I had posted to social media yesterday - Tony Dow turned 76... ah the days of easy TV kids could watch and you didn't have to monitor. Loved that show.
