Senior Golden Sneakers



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon all. The usual start to the morning and then it was off to Skaneateles Lake for a half day of fresh air, 74 degrees and sunshine. Masks and social distancing still applied to all shops, indoor restaurants etc – Just walking by the lake was awesome. You could see the sparkling rocks under water from the dock. The water is always super clean. A young lady offered to take our pic and we said…”absolutely.” Don’t think we will be moving to the lake anytime soon – we did see several homes in a realtors window that we loved – but the $7.5 million dollar price tag was more than we had in checking. LOL


    Patsy – Feel bad having just outlined our weather and reading of your “winter’s last temper tantrum.” We should cool off again next week….for us it was “gather ye rosebuds while ye may.” It’s your turn next week. I think you are right re: “Being outside is healing and helps the spirit” and that goes for humans and dogs!

    Sandy – I can’t think of a better way from donating blood then recovering with wine, food and scrabble. Always loved playing scrabble with my daughter. Love the pic….hope they gave you a fun band aid. LOL

    Anne – Hope you are having a great day. I love lilacs….nothing smells better than a bouquet of them as an air freshener.

    Lin – Hope your weather improves. Rain and drizzle not my cup of tea (LOL). Good luck with the handyman – amazing how many times over the years I have encountered some that say they will try to stop by, but then reschedule. Sorry about that UPS experience. Good luck with your “tasks.”

    Jackie – Yes, it is sad reflecting on Buzz and I will occasionally think of Marie as well. Both good people. After all the work you did yesterday – take at easy & put your feet up. Your right about me being lucky with the weather. This whole winter has been far easier than the norm. Less than ½ the usual snow accumulation. And yes, Heid’s hot dogs are famous around here. As a kid living in the city I would ride my bike miles with my brother to grab one. It has been a goldmine since 1886…. I must say the prices are a lot steeper than the old days, so we don’t go as often.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Loved the expression "mouldering away" PATSY, lol. Not Harry. He is off and away to terrorize the ducks.

    I love lilacs as well BOB hence me still being mad at our "woodsman" next door! It was a beautiful colour and I used to bring in a few sprays that hung over on my side. Actually sort of a joint lilac but I wasn't consulted if I wanted it to go.

    I'm not complaining about the coming rain. The farmers really need it after a relatively mild winter of less than usual snow. When I gardened a bit yesterday the ground was quite dry and the fallen leaves crunchy.

    Marks age group has to wait yet again for vaccination. This time it's reserved for the Mexican farm workers arriving. I can see the reasoning but feel sorry for Mark and Mary Jo who followed all the rules whilst all the ones who didn't (not the Mexicans of course) are vaccinated ahead of them. The ones who didn't follow the rules are in "hot spots" across the region.

    So despite mouldering away I'm still enjoying life as always but wouldn't at all mind a little outing. Actually reading about BOBs jaunts help when I remember paddling in Lake Erie, eating local caught white fish and chips in Port Dover and then an amble around the little town and harbour. Such a simple thing and taken for granted only a few months ago.

    Hugs to everyone enjoying an early taste of summer.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) The landscaper and his team of hardworking young men arrived early on Friday with two truckloads of dark beautiful mulch. They spread more than half of it in the space between our walkway and the boundary of the neighbours yard.The rest (about four cubic yards ) was left for Jake and me to spread around the rest of the yard. Some is in a huge pile in the driveway and the rest in a back corner near the section that currently has bulbs and weeds. I've done two work sessions so far. I limit my time working to 60-90 minutes so I don't overdo. I started with the section in the front that has a maple tree and some ground cover. The maple tree leaves leaves all mixed into the ground cover, so there was a bit of tidying to do before spreading the mulch. I picked that part to do first because I can see it through the window when I dance in the morning and knew it would make me happy when I saw it.

    :) I am fortunate that I have enough socializing with Jake, my dog walking friend, my Sunday walking friend, and an occasional neighbour that I encounter while walking in the evening or working in the yard, I am happy to stay home in my house and my neighbourhood. Jake misses going to restaurants and I miss letting people pet Bessie and Sasha. and I miss petting other people's dogs.

    :) There is only rumor about when our line dancing venue will reopen and allow dance classes but at this time, I won't go into a building that doesn't require that everyone wear a mask, and I won't dance wearing a mask so that means that teaching line dance is not an option for me. I dance at home almost every day so I am fine, but my students miss the dancing and the socializing.

    :) It's grocery pick up day. We love our plan of placing the order on Friday morning and picking up between 8 and 9 on Sunday. We have been very fortunate that the things we want have been in stock.

    :) Jake ordered tomato and cucumber plants from Ferry Morse online and they came right away. They are very tiny. He planted them in good dirt in small pots and puts them on the window sill in the kitchen during the day to be warm and get some sun. It will be a month or more before it will be warm enough to plant them.

    :) I am listening to Barack Obama's "A Promised Land" as an audio book. So far it is excellent, made especially so because it is read by the author. I have it checked out from the library for 21 days and suspect that I will not finish it before the due date and will have to finish it at a later time. The audio book is about 29 hours long.

    <3 Thanks for the reminders about Buzz and Marie. They both added so much to my life.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    edited April 2021
    Good morning.

    Before I forget, thank you Jackie for sharing the lovely words about Buzz with us. I see her photo often on Facebook as I am reminded to encourage others to join groups I happen to be in and Buzz is often recommended.

    Annsie, we continue to have colder than normal weather here, mid-40’s again but it should warm up some today. Maybe even up to 60 degrees F. I will take it. Frost forecast for Tuesday and another cooler than normal week. So I will be forgoing the outdoor work once again.

    Jackie, I am sorry you are not getting a lot of sleep. I hope last night was better. Have you convinced anyone to go with you to pinch some sand? I keep receiving gardening advert emails promoting raised beds and various springtime items for planting projects. But I did a bit of checking and many of the items are not available to ship until July or August. A friend had been hunting for garlic for his spring garden but cannot find it anywhere. Another friend is hunting for a specific type of onion plant, which she has purchased most years, but this year, she cannot find them. I wonder if all these shortages help to keep our minds off more weighty topics?

    Bob, I love the lake and the photos you shared. I am particularly taken with the photo illustrating the shoreline. What a wonderful array of blues! Adore 💙 If you don’t have enough $ in the checking account, maybe you could dip into your savings. That must be a wonderful place to live.

    Barbie, glad your compost was delivered. Very sensible approach to your task. Not too much any day. Your back will thank you. I have been thinking about making some in person trips to the grocery store. No decision yet.

    Sandy, did you have a good day yesterday? I hope it is warmer in your locality. The gentleman across the street is having a birthday party in their garage this afternoon. They are hoping for some warm weather. 🤞🏻

    Patsy, thinking of you and John and Katie. Does your weather ever get just plain warm and sunny? Are you still working through your list of things to do around the house? I am, and I am not sure it will ever get shorter! My current project is to sort out papers that I want to take to the shred event next Saturday. I made some progress yesterday but lots more to sort through.

    The handyman did show up late yesterday afternoon. A number of things are now fixed. It made me so happy. He did wear a mask but was in the house for quite a while. I sprayed Lysol after he left. 😄 He told me he and his family (all eligible for the vaccine) have been hunting to get on a schedule with several pharmacies but have had no luck so far. He isn’t home enough to really search. He did tell me that it is taking longer to do many of his jobs since he often has to go to a home improvement store to pick up needed items. He said, on average, he has to go to 2 stores now to find everything he needs. Pre COVID, one store was pretty much all that was necessary. So it is taking more time.

    Time for church.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2021
    Sunglasses, a hoody and sleeveless puffa gilet jacket on I set off for a long walk with George and Betty but within 10 minutes I was aware of large angry clouds heading in our direction as the wind picked up. The upshot was we ended walking in snow and hail so as my fingers turned to ice I made the decision to turn back once the pooches had done what was necessary. When we got home and walked past my neighbours’ property they were on their way out to drive to where they thought I’d be and bring me home because they noticed me walk past earlier in jacket and sunglasses! A cup of coffee later the sun was out so the day finally warmed up but this evening the bitter north easterly wind has returned so I’ve turfed Brady out of his favourite seat in my greenhouse so I can close it up and now have the heater on in the garden room as well as lighting a fire in the empty, dusty dining area.

    That’s a beautiful swan teapot Lin; so stylish. I’m so pleased for you that your handyman turned up. It seems every aspect of work and play has been disrupted by Covid and sometimes makes me wonder if we’ll ever get back to what we considered normal. I have noticed some bags of sand stacked by the skip but have a feeling it’s not the right sort for rendering. Tomorrow the new beams will be placed next to the old rotten ones and bolted to support them so finally beginning to rebuild! The forecast doesn’t look great but hopefully with our next stage of lifting lockdown non-essential shops will reopen so I will go on the hunt for floor tiles and a new sofa since the old one went off to a charity.
    When I walked the dogs yesterday I passed a property with a large grassed area out front and they had a class of youngsters about 5 or 6 years old learning how to handle and kick a rugby ball. Great fun was being had as they chased its wobbly bounces and it was a treat to see them, with parents watching on, as I thought they must be so happy to be socialising again.

    My seeds are doing well in the greenhouse apart from the cucumber plants but to be honest I always seem to struggle with them so end up buying one that’s established. They grow to about 1” then keel over!

    We are short of rain too Anne so the ground is bone dry. I’m doing my best to water some of the pots but am hoping the flower beds will be ok. How sad to even feel the need to chop down a lilac tree. My not so pleasant neighbours do things like that and it’s become obvious over the years they do not have green fingers nor are they aware nesting birds will be disturbed by their antics. Which reminds me, the little bird house placed on the gable end of my property before the scaffolding came down was visited by a pair of blue tits yesterday so hopefully they will set up home.

    Such beautiful clean and clear water Bob. It certainly looks like millionaires row and probably is and yes $7.5 would empty my bank account too!! 😁

    Gosh, nearly 6pm so I must prepare some supper. This afternoon some of my neighbours and I spent an hour transporting rubble from the skip to fill uneven areas on our shared track and it was my job to rake it into place. In other words I’m wilting so need to cook before I collapse!

    Hello Sandy, Barbie and anyone I missed.. You might have posted while I typedSandy. . 🙋🏼‍♀️
    Take care everyone.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A swan lake teapot LIN! Something for BARBIE to dance to as she waits for her tea to brew. Are you into ballet as well as line dancing Barbie?

    It's a gloomy, rainy day here so I went shopping, online shopping that is! Actually a small refund appeared in my bank for the recently sent tax forms. This won't happen next year because I'd been paying too much monthly on my CPP. Decided to make hay and I ordered a lacy bra and 3 pairs of matching panties (close your eyes BOB) the same as I ordered one of each a month ago and having lost 10 lb since starting a fitness campaign at the end of January I decided I dare risk the new size! I've to lose 2lb now to get to my desired weight. Anyway I ordered a couple of kitchen items as well for upcoming gifts and pyjamas which are good for lounging in the evening. Short sleeved tee and bottoms with stars trailing down both.

    While I was ordering a message flashed across the screen "Delivery might be delayed because of atrocious weather conditions". What's happening in the M&S Derby area JACKIE? Is it affecting you?

    Yes, I miss BUZZ as well. We seemed to have a lot in common politically speaking! Also, Dear MARIE. Alas, why have so many good people gone this past year. Sunday, and I still miss my 9am Sunday chat with Roy in Yorkshire.

    We had 4000 new Corvid cases in Ontario overnight. It's seems just as we start to relax things intensify once more. I can tell you there's no way I'd be going to a restaurant, not that any are open here.

    Mike will find out tomorrow what's going on at his place of work as the test results for the possible infected employees peter in.

    Well, there's a watery sun peeping in the window at my Christmas poinsettia which is getting bushier daily! More rain and thunderstorms later in the afternoon forecast.

    Hope everyone's Sunday is as pleasant as mine,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, you’ll notice from my post typed the same time as yours that I walked in snow this morning and am guessing if we’re getting the white stuff in balmy Cornwall then Derbyshire is bound to be buried!! ❄️🌨☃️

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh no JACKIE! Actually I've a photo from my Derby days which shows my April daffodils up to their pretty yellow heads in snow. Ah there you are ahead of me. Must wander off and have a gander. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Another gloomy day but my two zoom calls will cheer me up, one with family, the other with friends. Watched Mass and caught up on the computer. After riding the bike yesterday I spent the rest of the day binging shows I am trying to catch up. Loving Lucifer and I am a Marvel fan so caught up on the four episodes of The Falcon on Disney +. I have put Gloucester on hold for now but will get back to it one day. As you can tell I am a TV addict, between my regular shows and streaming shows there is barely enough time.
    Lunch with Joe tomorrow and still figuring out what dates I want to go to June. Everyone that wants to be vaccinated should be done by the end of May so I am comfortable with flying especially when the CDC said if vaccinated it should be fine. That doesn't mean I won't change my mind. lol
    I had the pleasure of meeting Buzz in person and she and Mike were just as wonderful as you can imagine. They both tickled me with their NY accents and were great fun.

    Annsie, you can start singing "I'm too Sexy" once your new items arrive. We are still in phase 4 which is good and most things are open. People still have to wear masks and social distance but things are moving forward. I also love lilacs and would be upset like you when Harry cut them down.

    Jackie, I guess I shouldn't complain about our rainy, cool weather, I certainly wouldn't want snow. I do not have a green thumb but I would never cut down a tree or beautiful bush. That being said I would like the tree next to my balcony cut down as it leaves all it seedlings on my balcony and makes a mess. Of course since it is healthy, it will remain.

    Lin, I love that swan teapot, but I love swans. I am glad the handyman showed and fixed some things for you. I think a handyman would make a lot of money if he started to do all the repairs necessary in this place, which will never happen. Maybe when I move the landlord will move in and remodel everything for himself. I don't plan on moving unless he keeps raising my rent, but I have another year or more on my lease.

    Barbie, you are very blessed to have each other and are content in spending time with each other. It is harder when you are alone although I am grateful I can go to my son's house and see them and the kiddos. I am going to be doing a little more as time goes on mostly because I will be with vaccinated people and still be cautious.

    Bob, I agree, the water is beautiful and it would be a great place to live. 7.5 million dollars? I might be wrong but I doubt any of us sneakers could afford a house like that. I am lucky I can pay my rent. lol

    Patsy, hope your have some nice weather to enjoy your deck.

    Time to ride the bike. I started this post early and got distracted by a phone call. Next came the family zoom call and now it is mid afternoon.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    A late hello. Pretty quiet day….gym this morning & then some computer work and then lunch at my sister’s home. I brought my own meal. VERY small crowd vs. normal. Then a pit-stop at Big Lots for cat litter. Not a horrible day. Temp has been around 70 and it only rained lightly on and off throughout the afternoon.

    Sandy – I think you are right about none of us being able to afford a lot of the surrounding properties. Tim Green has a home – but I would want his wealth as he suffers from ALS…sad. Must admit, I ponly watched a bit of mass on TV today. I think everyone is getting the bug to travel a bit…not sure when but hoping to head some place in the next 12 months. Too much in the air right now. Happy biking!

    Anne – You are getting your share of gloomy weather. Loved the “close your eyes Bob” LOL. Hope all goes well with Mike and his workplace. Sorry about those lilacs…I would have been a bit unhappy too.

    Jackie – Yes, Skaneateles is beautiful. We try to make 2 or 3 visits a year. The annual Dickens Christmas celebration in Skaneateles is always a huge draw – but was held virtually this year. All the towns people are in costume etc. There are “regular” homes as well – but lake front property is super expensive.

    Lin – Glad everything went well with the handyman. As for dipping into savings for the home I would want – robbing a bank would be more like it. LOL.

    It’s almost 6pm so time to go figure out dinner. Tonight’s TV is - City on a Hill - an American crime drama with Kevin Bacon and other very good actors.

    Enjoy your evening. Bob :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone. A cold and wet walk for me and pooches this morning but at least my garden is grateful for the rain.
    Builders are currently setting new beams into downstairs ceilings while I sit in my garden room with 2 drying out dogs!
    They are having to feed them through open windows because of lack of space to carry them through doors and round corners.
    Not much planned today although I might pop into town to pick up a few pet supplies, including flea and worming treatment from the vet. It’s our first day of easing lockdown and it seems some people have been so desperate to buy undies they were queuing outside stores at midnight. You’re ahead of the game Anne even if a bit of snow slows up your delivery! 😄

    That’s fascinating Bob that your unpronounceable town holds a Dickens Christmas festival. Is there a connection or more a case of folks enjoying dressing up just cos?

    Oh goodness, Series 6 of Line of Duty is gripping the nation and I think we all gasped at last night’s episode 4 cliffhanger. Is anyone going to come through unscathed.... I won’t say anything more!!

    Not much to add so I’ll attempt to make a toasted sandwich for lunch if not too much dust flying.

    Happy Monday. Stay safe.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well JACKIE we have something in common. New beams for you and new undies for my beam, lol. When I first ordered it said "out of stock" but later I managed to order - hopefully. I'd already bought one set some while back and just delighted with fit and prettiness. I'm a plain girl on top but I do love pretty undies. Just like some people have a passion for shoes

    On a more sober note please take care everyone! It said on our news last night that despite an admirable USA vaccination programme the virus is raising its ugly head again in the States and new cases, just like here, are on the increase once more, mainly in Michigan and the mid west.

    Back here, "the gentle rains of heaven" are falling. A good day to strip the bed and wash the sheets.

    I'm curious how Michael will get on at work today as test results drift in after last weeks shenanigans.

    I'm away,
    Virtual hug to all from Anne and Miss Jilly in our bubble.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)Sandy, I never lose sight of how fortunate I am to have Jake here with me every day. I admire how you've found family and friends to fill that void in a safe way.

    :)Anne, I did ballet from age 9 through high school and loved it. I don't have a ballerina body so I moved on to other interests. For several years I studied with a Russian teacher who tapped rhythm with a wooden cane and was quite gruff.

    :)Lin, We love curbside pickup so much that we will continue with it even when we feel safe going into buildings.

    :)Jackie, We order all our pet supplies online from a company called "Chewy". That has saved us from going into any special stores and from having to lift heavy bags of dry dog food and kitty litter.

    :) I spread more bark yesterday and Jake came out, too, and started working on a section that he has claimed as his own.

    <3 Barbie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    BARBIE, how wonderful that you studied ballet. I've two left feet but admire the dancers tremendously. Before my friend Vivienne returned to our native land she and I would go to various ballets performed here in Toronto. We also went to the opera and the Stratford Shakespeare and Shaw theatres. Vivienne my cultured friend died alas a few years ago but I really missed her. Not just for the great person she was but also for those wonderful trips to the theatre. I never found anyone else with the same love over here but I have had my eyes opened with visits to country music shows - Neil Diamond etc with my friend Flo. Never seen so many Stetsons and embroidered vests in my life. Yesterday one of the tv channels showed Stratfords The Taming of the Shrew. The actors were truly amazing and uninterrupted by adverts, most enjoyable. When I dabbled in amateur dramatics I actually joined for costume design (The lion in winter etc) before being shoved on the stage myself. Mainly comedy although I was cast as the unfortunate Ophelia once! Lol.
    Having bored anyone unfortunate enough to read the above I'll wander off on my two left feet!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,128 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hello everyone. A windy Monday morning. The clouds were forecast to dissipate by lunchtime. But actually the sun is out right now. The plants I potted yesterday are sitting inside the sliding door getting a bit of sunshine. Too cold and too windy for them outdoors. I will speak to them nicely for the next month. ☺️ and then outdoors I hope.

    Barbie, you and Jake have a very lovely life. I am always happy to hear from you. I did not know you studied ballet. Very interesting. Always a dancer!

    Jackie, oh my, I have visions of a dust covered sandwich. Yipes. Maybe a take away would be good if you have a place to sit! I hope construction is going well. Glad your plants (except the cucumber) are thriving in your greenhouse.

    Sandy, happy lunch with Joe today. May all go well.

    Annsie, new undies. Do you call those knickers? Or maybe not when they are frilly and fancy? I hope Michael does not receive any dire news at work today.

    Patsy, good morning. I hope everyone in your family is doing well. Including your overworked son!

    Bob, busy days for you but very pleasant ones. The birthday gathering across the street yesterday seemed to be well attended. The street was full of parked cars and the driveway was filled with people. Not a mask in sight. But it would be difficult to eat treats with a mask in place.

    Today I need to sort through some more things. It seems even with paper and files, I have a need to read or at least sort through each and every bit of paper. Tomorrow is the day recycling is picked up so must stuff the last bits of cardboard in the collection cart. ☺️

    I hear the furnace running again. Yep, not really that warm yet.



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    The furnace here is running as well LIN.
    Definitely not knickers. Knickers are those dreadful navy blue things with elasticated legs that we had to wear playing hockey as schoolgirls to much jeering from spotty schoolboys at the school next door. I don't think you could buy shorts in the war and just after - hence stuffing your school shirt into the dreadful things and try to forget them and the adolescents next door as we tried not to take someone's head off with our field hockey sticks. Knickers and bloomers are the sort of thing our grannies used to wear and hang on the washing line outside.
    Marks and Spencer's call my order "lacy briefs". And that about sums them up.
    Annsie, wearer of lacy briefs.
    PS. On reflection I don't recall the Gym Mistress running around with her knickers on show. Discrimination!!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Cold, cloudy and breezy today – it was in the high 30’s earlier and should reach 49 degrees at some point. I want my 70’s back! LOL.

    After gym, I started the day baking 9am boneless chicken thighs for lunch…next thing I knew I was adding veggies, cauliflower and squash (277 cal)… now it’s just a heat-up later


    Anne – Glad the furnace is running and we just turned our heat up a couple notches as well. Can’t add much thought to the conversation on knickers, bloomers or “lacy briefs” … but those Catholic school girl outfits….Ha ha ha

    Lin – I think we are sharing the same wind. We brought the plants in last night. This time of year it seems to be a ritual of in/out daily until the temps stabilize. Yes, it has been busy and it seems plans pop up unexpectedly too.

    People are so different re: birthday parties etc. with Covid. I know some people that are exactly as you describe. On the other hand, my daughter and her family still utilize masks for even small indoor gatherings except eating at table – but not outdoors in large areas. Happy sorting and recycling!

    Barbie – Great job on the ballet. Both granddaughters are involved in some sort of dance lessons each year. They also have their clarinet and sax lessons. So important for kids to be exposed to these activities. Thanks for the “Chewy” idea. For some reason Fancy Feast “Pate” has been in short supply and it is Sabrina’s fav (more than the gravy etc)… who ever heard of a finicky cat (LOL).

    Jackie - Series 6 of Line of Duty isn’t yet avail on Amazon Prime or our ACORN TV subscription and I don’t want to subscribe to another service at this point. LOVE that series.

    Rather than try to describe the festival – here is a 2 min video from 2018 - This Is CNY: Dickens Christmas tradition hits 25th year in Skaneateles:

    Have a great Monday everyone! Bob

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We used to wear a thick navy wrap around skirt that barely covered our knickers but when mini skirts became fashionable we weren’t allowed to take up the hems of our uniform skirts, in fact got sent home to unpick the thread if we tried that trick.
    We were taught ballroom and ballet but one day standing in a row and instructed to kick left leg out and high my good friend Linda Bird standing next to me kicked out with her right, collided with my foot and broke my toe! I went home in agony with black and blue foot but my mother insisted it wasn’t broken so hobbled about for weeks. The older I get the more uncomfortable it becomes and I often look to the skies and say thank you mother!!
    I may have told the story before of my visit to Ontario’s Stratford and my first experience of a tomato ketchup squeezy (not something we had in England at the time) that I shook and sent the contents across the restaurant wall. Happy days! 😅

    Takeaways mean queues Lin so I’d prefer the dusty sandwich for now. 🥴

    Barbie, our pet shops are struggling to obtain supplies of pet food and I’m not sure if it’s because we left the EU or something else. Brady will have to sample a few different sachets as his favourite wasn’t available but I’ll follow your example and see what’s available online..

    It’s going to be below freezing again tonight so I must bubble wrap the seedlings.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,081 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Lunch with Joe has been cancelled. I called to verify yesterday and he said he was going for a hearing test and thought he told me. If he did I don't remember but I was glad I cancelled the reservation when he told me his leg was still swollen and oozing. (eww sorry) I told him it would be best to wait until he sees the doctor about his leg and being in public he could infect his leg. He agreed and also said that he will probably be in the assisted living place by the end of the month. I told him that maybe we can order food and eat in the garage if the weather co-operates which today it is going to be in the 60's. I will see if he wants an early dinner today or postpone until another nice day.
    Lisa and Rob are going to drive to Florida sometime in late June or July. Rob will fly home earlier than Lisa so the plan might be that I fly to visit my daughter and Lisa will drive from her parents to visit Kristy for a couple of days with the kiddos and then we will drive back to her parents (4 hour drive) and stay a few days and drive home together. It is unclear if Rob will drive with Lisa to visit his sister before flying home, but that is what I would like. They will keep me posted.
    We wore one piece knicker type gym suits when in high school, very unflattering. And forget the swimsuit, just a one piece tank suit with no support and embarrassing for those of us who had no boobs. (sorry Bob) I hated gym for that reason and was probably one of the only kids who failed gym. lol

    The good old days. Loved the 50's music.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A beautiful sunny but chilly day here. It is lovely to see Mr. Sunshine! There is something about spring sunshine that high
    Lights every dust bunny and cobweb.

    Our late musician friend’s wife is planning a big remembrance event on what would have been his 90th birthday. I am sure John will politely refuse the invitation. I understand the urge to find a way to celebrate a remarkable musician and friend but the large gathering and concert in a closed party room in a large restaurant scares me. We want to support the wife but we can’t do this! More drama as usual.

    I went to a Catholic school and our uniform was a torturous light wool jumper with a white blouse. The hem was to cover the knee. And the nuns were basically sweet people who tried to provide good education and social opportunities for me...a wayward kid living with odd grandparents. They had their work cut out for them. I spent a lot of time in the mother superior’s office. She was kind but strict, if makes sense. I was sensitive and prone to act out. The uniforms were hot and scratchy. We played baseball and various ball oriented games. I was a miserable failure at baseball and got whacked in the nose with a bat. Broke my poor little pug nose. It is slightly off center to this day! I survived but unfortunately that school didn’t! They closed up a few years ago.

    Today I will make Mexican rice and chicken. Don’t you think it is tooooo strange? I worry about dear John who eats whatever and whenever he wants and he can barely maintain a good healthy weight. His muscle mass is gone. Doc says that happens sometimes to aging people. Their metabolism goes crazy. We must be careful about his falling. If he falls he would break a bone for sure. So I am into full-on nag! “John! Don’t climb on that ladder!” He ignores me, by the way.

    I think we are back to our cleaning up the deck, washing the windows outside and John needs to mow the grass. Or hire a hay bailer!