Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    edited April 2021
    Good afternoon. We have hit 50 degrees today as well but the wind has really picked up again. Wow. I need to drive down to the post office, my tiny car will be blown about. Haaaaa.

    We are expecting temps in the 80s by Sunday. I cannot believe it.

    Last night’s church service was streamed online. Nice to watch but many people spoke so softly I could not hear them and they had no microphones. Will check to see if this evening’s service will also be available.

    Many years ago, I belonged to a group that was initially great for people who were considered “whole food plant based” and made a number of Facebook friends. Lots of things emerged, fights, people banned, a change in focus, the organizers trying to promote a monthly subscription model after having sold a lifetime membership in the initial group. All in all, I just drifted away but still had friends from that group. The main person just shut the group down with no notice. So now, no new posts, no comments, cannot print or download anything. It shocked a number of people.

    So, now a few people put together a private group of our “old school” members. I was invited and my gosh, I am receiving so many posts from people who are delighted to be in touch again. That’s where I spent a lot of time this morning. Seems like a very good thing.

    I also listened to a Zoom meeting on Geocaching. I have downed an app, established a user name and checked out potential caches near me. Wow, there are a lot of them! It was a fun meeting. The speaker is really into this and has offered to make her email available to anyone who has questions. And may be in our area sometime this summer to go with some people who attended the meeting.

    Sandy, I am sorry your finger is still sore. I will probably have a veggie topped baked potato tonight. Not too exciting. I do love peas though. And broccoli, cauliflowers, onions, corn, peppers, green beans, and many many more veggies.

    Anne, enjoy the fish and chips and peas. Will they be mushy peas? Hope you are having a good day. And hello to Jilly.

    Patsy, your son has excellent plans. Good for him. As a child, we had Easter dinner at our home or at my grandparents home. This was always after church so by the time we ate, cleaned up and did the dishes, the day was about over! If it was good weather, I remember walking outside and checking to see what plants were emerging and plans for the garden etc. It was nice. Low key.

    Bob, I hope you are feeling better.

    Jackie, have I missed seeing you? This app is not syncing among my various devices. As if anything else was necessary. Hope you are well.

    Be safe everyone.



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It was a cold morning that never broke 27 degrees – BUT – the sun was out and that made it a great morning. Cut my gym time in half, as feeling better but 100%. The we pit-stopped at Gertrude Hawk Chocolates. Making shrimp for lunch with homemade coleslaw. My daughter and husband were off today, so she texted a pick of kids (13, 10, 5) doing some indoor rock climbing….of course, masks etc… FUN! '


    For 10 years, my daughter and her husband liked to bring everyone (both sides of family) out for Easter brunch. It was an annual treat/gift they liked to do. Last year 100% cancelled. This year still not comfortable with large restaurant gathering, so it will be brunch at their house with just us, along with X of 100 yrs ago and her husband. Just glad for a couple hours with the kids.

    Anne – Thanks re: cold. I really only cared because throat had been scratchy for 2 days and I was worried about not being able to see kids on Easter and Wednesday is my second “shot” and I wouldn’t be able to get it if not 100%. I think this is the first year, I didn’t pull an Apr Fool’s joke on someone. I always did one to her dad.

    Jackie – Ditto what I said to Anne about being sick. I am so thankful that I have never gone 2 years without flu, bronchitis etc…. so no real complaints and pretty sure I will be 100% for shot.

    Sandy – Smart lady on the “extras” – Those arrangements aren’t cheap expecially with delivery, but I never sent one back. LOL. On occasion, back in the working days someone would send one to the office for one reason or another. I have only purchased 2-3 times.

    Lin – That donkey jumped out at me – too funny! Good luck with the eye doctor, blood work, and getting hair trimmed. As you can see from above comments re: being under the weather – the consensus is I will live (LOL)! You mention chicken soup and I honestly did have chicken bone broth 3 times.

    I better get downstairs as it is 2pm and I have plans with Jean for an episode of Endeavor!

    Stay well – and have a great Friday everyone. Bob :)

    Ps – I was bored a bit yesterday and sent the attached to a view relatives… they’ll likely inquire about my mental health…. :D


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A slow start to my day since no builders to have to get an early start for. Washed all the dust out of my hair in the shower before another gentle stroll with George and Betty. I’m aware I need to walk more in order to keep limbs and soul in good working order but will wait until the renovations are completed and I can get life back on track. Spent my afternoon at the allotments with Debs and Louise in glorious warm sunshine. Hard to believe it will be snowing by Tuesday! We sipped tea, made plans and created a raised bed ready for chitted seed potatoes

    I love your M&S bedding Anne. It’s so pretty so I’m sure Jilly will be impressed! Good quality cotton will be so comfy and cool in the summer months... remember them? 😎

    I had thought I was having a run of 3 electrical items packing up. First the coffee percolator, then my hairdryer made some scary zizzling noises and yesterday the heater in my garden room refused to work. Luckily I decided to check the heater’s plug and found the fuse had blown so swapped one from another item. That might mean No.3 still to happen!

    It’s Children’s Book Day which reminded me how Patsy would go into her local school to read to pupils although not sure if it was this day. Patsy I do hope you can get back to enjoying such visits very soon. Vaccines are definitely the way forward and masks of course. The last time I visited our local builders supply store a few weeks ago I was surprised how many staff and customers weren’t wearing masks and now it seems they’ve had to close after a Covid outbreak amongst 48 people. Thank goodness I wore mine!

    A beautiful evening but the temperature is falling so I’ll get to my bolt hole in my bedroom!
    Take care everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Bob, love your cartoon!!!!!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good news over here. Michael has managed to get a Pfizer shot this coming Sunday which means he won't be having Easter Sunday roast chicken with me and Bean. The shots more important! Now if only Mark, Mary Jo, Derek and Bev could get theirs. M and M should be in the next group.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello to all sneakers! It is a beautiful spring day. I wish I had been outside more. Just a brief in and out with trash etc.

    oh Bob! Gorgeous Easter outfit! I think I have a similar outfit in my pj drawer...sans pink ears. I love those days when we would place an empty basket at the foot of our kids bed with part of a chewed up carrot to indicate the bunny had been there in the night. Then the kids would run outside to hunt for Easter eggs. This was when we lived in Colorado and they would be hunting Easter eggs in the snow with a parka over their pjs and they would have on their snow boots. They got smart enough to follow our footprints in the snow so the hunt changed to an indoor sport. Grand and glorious days!

    Anne: your bedspread is lovely. Wow! I fear it would never last a week with Katie’s long sharp toenails and John sitting on the edge of the bed with his dirty jeans complete with car oil and grease. No joke!

    Jackie: yes I loved reading to the kids at story time. I think things are still in the planning stage here concerning the reopen of schools. If I am still able to walk and talk when they reopen, we will revisit that idea. As to the remodel project, John and I bought a lovely old brick Victorian house in Cheyenne Wyoming. All the rooms had multiple layers of wall paper. Some in really bad condition. We spent hours scraping and peeling it off. Sticky glue and paste covered wallpaper scraps coated the floor, our shoes, hands and our dogs feet and everything else. We barely survived!

    Lin: Geocaching? Sounds interesting.

    Veggie pizza night. Oh joy! A nasty cauliflower crust but the veggies are nice. John doesn’t seem to know the difference.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Lin, I forgot to tell you my son and his wife are into geocaching and I have my own account as well. I think I have found 45 finds where as my son has hundreds. It is fun though, always exciting to find one.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A slight drop in the temperature but still a lovely day so I took George and Betty to the fields a mile away so they could have a jolly run and sniff. At home I’m wiping down dusty surfaces as I come upon them and plan to hoover and dust upstairs later today so apart from a quick drive into town to buy a new cafeteria to replace mum’s burnt out electric one and a birthday gift for Scruff’s mum that falls on Wednesday I’m enjoying a few gardening chores. Making the most before Tuesday’s snow!

    Have to admit I needed to look up Geocaching and it looks great fun but don’t you have to be walking Outdoors from one to the next to find the prize? There’s apparently several on the moors where I walk so will have to look further into it!

    You’re right of course Patsy. The charm of these old properties is the history hidden beneath years of plaster and wallpaper that first needs to be stripped. I’m over the shock of the job price doubling and am sure once finished I’ll soon forget the cost although have hinted I’d prefer builder Dave not to spend all my pension pot!!

    We posted around the same time Bob so I missed your hilarious Easter bunny outfit.

    Lin, Yesterday’s teapot looks familiar; perhaps a style I grew up with in the 50’s. Hopefully your group that had fallings out in the past will behave this time around especially as everyone is delighted to be back in touch. Always good to catch up with old friends. 😁

    Cup of tea finished so I’ll do a little more weeding. Have a good Saturday everyone. Stay safe.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Beautiful day here and Lisa just texted she will be in my area at a park and did I want to meet her there? I am still in pj's drinking my coffee and still have to eat breakfast but once I am showered I will see if they still want me to come. I will move a little quicker than usual so just popping in to say good morning.
    In checking where my stimulus money is they posted today that it will be deposited into my account on the 7th. Babe's will also be deposited in his account so all is good and I don't have to fight with him for my share.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I hadn't heard of geocaching either - what's new! But now find there's one very close to me on sixteen mile creek. Not that I'll be wandering near steep cliffs and forest trails in the near future or even more so, a much later future, lol.

    No Michael tomorrow after all because he goes for his jab just after lunchtime at a place near the airport. That means I've just roasted the intended chicken to have with cold salads instead. That's if there's any left lol. Jillys just had a plateful of warm chicken and is begging for more. No way, Bean!

    We start the new lockdown right now! Mark just text "it looks like a quiet weekend". Well it will be when Jilly stops barking at the garbage men. I guess we won't be seeing BOB in the garden in his bunny garb. Hope you aren't a "little hot cross bun" in the fleecy ears etc. Corny Anne - groan!

    Might as well enjoy a cozy, pretty home JACKIE after all cash ain't any good just sitting in the bank. We can always have a whip round between all your friends if Dave starts sporting gold chains and a new car.

    Better bring the bins in now that peace reigns,
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy but no rain. And there is blue out there between the clouds. All is good.

    I had one of those non-nights. I simply could not turn off my brain. I fussed endlessly about what is being planned regarding dear departed musician friend. His wife is planning a big celebration of life, with musicians, food and remembrances at a really nice cafe that has a large privet party room. I feel this is a super-spreader disaster. Most of the people will be older because that’s the age of our friend and his musicians. Catered food with waiters from the cafe. Holy cow! There is no way we can go to this. In Oregon we are on the verge of a 4th wave of Covid. Yet I know this is the way his wife wants to get closure. Normally I would do everything I could to help but this is the wrong time to do this! Life and death during a pandemic......

    We will be have an abbreviated Easter dinner since it will just be the two of us. We will be spending a lot of time on the phone with family etc. we are okay with this. Would love to get together with family but maybe this summer if all goes well. In the mean time I hope to get some maintenance done around here. We seem to be crumbling faster than we can piece us back together. Everything takes us forever to do the dumpiest of tasks.
    Vacuuming my dungeon before the rug disappears under a coat of dirt, dog hair and dust bunnies.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hello, it is a hot sunny afternoon. I have just chopped out all the old plants and roots from the two containers I left on my deck last winter. They are too heavy to move. They are cleaned up pretty well now and I cultivated and loosened all the dirt in the containers. It looks good enough to plant in right now! Wish I had some plastic covering for them so don’t get soaking wet next week with the rain in the forecast.

    I have been fussing with my little pots holding the seeds I planted the other day. I got them too wet and I have to take off the cover and dry it out at least once a day. If I leave the cover off all the time, I am losing some of the heat produced by the germination mat. I like playing with them though so no problem.

    The small tomato plants I received in the mail are doing okay for now. I think in another week or two they may need one size larger pot though. Well, I guess that is all from here.

    I did watch the Friday evening church service last night and tomorrow I would imagine both sunrise and mid-morning services will be available. But I never know, I just check.

    This morning’s Facebook Live was a bit different, the scheduled guest was busy assisting people with flood damage in his community. Which was a very good thing as far as I am concerned. He put his community and his church before appearing on a program that might have brought him more work. I find that admirable.

    The library is not re-opening for a while. They had predicted the first week of April. Maybe later this month, so I really need to pickup my books curbside one of these days. I was going to go yesterday afternoon but they have no hours at all on Fridays.

    Jackie, enjoy any good weather that comes your way! How are your little plants? I saw this and smiled. Definitely not you but a lovely illustration.


    Anne sorry Michael cannot join you tomorrow but glad he is getting a vaccination. Don’t let the Bean get all the chicken!

    Sandy, lovely afternoon with the family. How great!

    Patsy, best wishes flying your way!

    Barbie, to you as well. Are you having lovely spring weather?

    Bob, we hope you are just darn busy but are feeling well.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    edited April 2021
    Jackie, something for the girls?


    A chicken swing!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) Our library has had curbside pickup for many months. Recently they added a few afternoons of what they call "grab and go" for people who want to come in and browse the shelves to choose a book. There are no tables and chairs and one's time in the library is limited to about 15 minutes. I search for books online and place them on hold and wait to get an email that the book is available for checkout. Masks are required, staff works behind plexiglass, and the two checkout stations are at separate locations rather than side by side. I am very grateful to be able to use the library so safely and easily.

    <3 Barbie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    HAPPY DAY EVERYONE. We will be on our own, Marks family following the rules and Mike at the airport international centre having his vaccine jab, but me and Bean won't be lonely! As usual Maria will have her family over for a sit down turkey dinner for 11 people and one poodle puppy. Tony gets his jab on Wednesday but Maria might not bother.
    Hope the Easter Bunny hopped over and you are all enjoying your Easter eggs. Hugs from Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Hugs to one and all from a dusty but happy Jackie and furries xx
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    edited April 2021

    Happy whimsical Easter. I have quite a number of Randal’s drawings scattered around my house. I like to smile. ☺️ I hadn’t seem this one before. I like his comical dragons.

    Best wishes everyone.

    And can you take another teapot? Or a set of bunny teapots?


    Wishing everyone a good day. It will be HOT this afternoon. The sun is out and two pots of seeds I planted on April 1st have sprouted. Oh my!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member

    No time to chat, have to get ready for mass and then family zoom call before leaving for Rob and Lisa's.
    Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Easter dear ones! We are also on our own today. I will try to talk on the phone to as many of my family as possible. This is a somewhat worrisome day. John is feeling very lightheaded and unsteady. He does get that way with low blood sugar and sometimes low blood pressure. We are like a juggler trying to keep all the balls in the air. When one ball drops they all start falling. So today I will annoy him by hovering and trying to keep him from doing anything on a ladder or on the roof or with a chain saw. Not easy!!!

    I still have my fish stew, French bread and salad as an Easter dinner. I am always impressed by the positive little group here. I think it was Winnie the Poo who said it best. “I don’t think you know how wonderful you really are.”

    Off to bother John and call our son, Damon and daughter, Andrea. Salad greens chilling in the fridge, soup base is ready and bread is sliced and ready for the oven. Easy peasy!
    Hoppy day, little bunnies!
    Patsy, John and Katie, of course
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,177 Member
    edited April 2021
    I watched both church services today and have been working on a birthday card. I just finished it and right now, I think it is okay. Will become hyper critical later. ☺️

    This friend raises chickens.


    Here’s the inside of the card.

