Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    The iPad is playing tricks. Otherwise All well here. Tony had his vaccine but Maria refused hers. New restrictions for us. All businesses closed except essential as in grocery stores and pharmacies. Schools closed in Toronto but not in my town. In other words - stay home.
    I had great difficulty getting on my grocery site and when I did a lot of things unavailable. Mainly pre-prepared food as in bread, pizzas etc but no problem with the basic essentials.
    I keep losing this post so will "see" you all tomorrow, Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member

    Its been a hectic few days with a multitude of issues not worth boring you with. Easter was better than expected with our small bubble, a buffet, games inside and outside. Kite flying etc. We were both 100% by yesterday and got our 2nd Pfizer shot…no side effects except very mild sore arm and bit tired.


    Weather is awesome today with sun and upper 70’s, tomorrow won’t be as nice – but Sat looks like a repeat of today so far. Took advantage and washed the car after gym. Might go sit by the lake this afternoon.

    Anne – Glad all is well. Glad Tony got his shot OK, but sorry for all the difficulties your area is experiencing. We feel fortunate NOT to be anywhere near NYC and doing well for the most part on all fronts (groceries etc.). Good luck with the iPad issues.

    Patsy – Looks like we got our 2nd shot on the same day….it was a no real reaction event for us and hope it was the same for you. Jean was also a bit uneasy about it. I wasn’t because once I make up my mind about any action that’s pretty much it. Not to say, I didn’t do a lot of “weighing” before I decided. Wish I could send you some of our “today” weather.

    Jackie – The fire sounds wonderful, but think I prefer todays upper 70’s and sunshine. Would love to have a greenhouse for Jean… some day perhaps. We picked up a beautiful Easter lily yesterday for next to nothing. I did get flowers for Jean, but I think sales overall were down.

    Lin – Definitely have had those “melted away” days…actually every birthday seems to come way too fast. Told my daughter on Easter that I was surprised that she caught up to me (she will be 44 in June). For some reason she laughed. LOL Sorry about all the car headaches with the dealership. I had one “new” car that had so many recalls I couldn’t wait to rid of. I do really like Honda’s and everyone I know with one loves theirs. Good luck

    Sandy – Looks like we won the weather lottery! Know what you mean about the “feeling normal”. At my daughters we wore masks indoors except for eating and I must say loved being unmasked when outdoors…wide open area and just the few of us.

    I can hear Jean going in and out of the house, so guess I will go check on her.

    Wishing everyone a spectacular day! Bob :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited April 2021
    Happy Thursday! :) Is everyone on vacation?? lol Meeting day and then Bryanna is coming for dinner and to trim my hair. I also need her help in fixing the round area rug which is not laying flat. I bought carpet tape so she will attach it and between the two of us should be able to get it to lay flat.
    Raining here so no plans to go outside. I made reservations for lunch with Joe at a place that has igloos for two people. They are outside and heated if necessary and no other customers will be near us. This is the safest way to take him to lunch before he goes into assisted living which could be very soon. The place he is going sounds really nice and I think he will be happy there and be able to mingle with other people which he loves.

    Sorry you are having problems with your I Pads Anne and Jackie. Also sorry about the new restrictions. We are actually moving forward with new openings as long as people are still cautious with wearing masks and social distancing. I am even going to make plans to visit my daughter in June as long as she and her husband are vaccinated. If there are no set backs, schools should open in September which will help Robby with socialization.

    Have a great day, stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi Ho! We are now fully vaccinated! It was a real mixed bag, as expected. Wet and very chilly with very ong lines. This day was for seniors receiving their second shot. Over a thousand shots were given that day. The staff and volunteers were so incredibly caring and did all they could for us. They were very serious about people sitting and waiting for 15 minutes if we had no reaction to the first shot. If people had a reaction, they were to sit at least 30 minutes and there was a nurse and doctor checking everyone. But it was sooooooocold and wet out. The fair ground expo was not built for people comfort. We were so lightheaded and cold when we got home, we had a bowl of hot soup and a huge mug of hot tea. Very strange for John. Our reaction was pretty normal but in fact, we did have chills, aches, and dizziness. Nothing we couldn’t deal with, however.

    Partly cloudy today, maybe a shower or two. It is Oregon...what can I say?

    Sandy: home schooling has become very popular here. There are organizations that share software and get together for social events and sports. They are even calling about my doing a story time with my hand puppet, Auntie Goose. Details need to be worked out that!

    Anne: I recently had to do the big reset thing on my iPad. The poor baby gets tired and needs to be juiced up occasionally. Don’t give up. Also we can do the “email relay” if you need for us to do that.

    Bob: the Easter celebration looked perfect to me. John would have included a ferocious game of crocket. Whacking wooden balls around with a big wooden mallet adds a bit of danger but interesting fun.

    This is “gather up stuff for the trash” day, making baked chili casserole. ( with chicken, no cheese). Clean bathrooms and then tonight I will be in the dungeon instead of watching TV.
    Weekend is right around the corner.....
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    I've just come inside for a cuppa after raking last autumns leftover leaves. Gorgeous day the same as BOB and my hyacinths are in full bloom with the daffodils in bud.

    We are in full lockdown here. Very quiet! EXCEPT for a little while ago. You know the Amber alerts they use for missing children? They have the most awful screeching loud sound. Well, I nearly jumped out of my skin when my mobile let out this jarring noise. I didn't have the tv on which usually lets forth. Anyway, no missing kids thank goodness but a message saying "Stay home. Things are serious" and so forth. Mike was driving to work when his mobile bleated this and he said he was so shocked by the sudden loudness he almost lost control for a second. So I guess if the Corvid doesn't get us, car accidents and heart attacks will.

    I'm wondering how JACKIE is getting on because I believe she was at the hospital this morning? She's on the previous page so I can't go back. Anyway whilst looking I see PATSY jumped in before me and her and John are all finished with needle jabs. Congratulations !

    Marks just phoned, bless his little cotton socks, he was about to come over and put all my trash out for tomorrow. Leaves mainly but also all the old rubbish I got rid of this past week when a sudden burst of spring cleaning overtook me.

    Lastly, that wee house sold the same day for the asking price! So here I am, the pauper amongst all the millionaire homes!
    It's quite funny really, most think I own my wee house as well !! Even Harry owns his house and I don't think they will be moving after all because after that sudden burst of energy a few days ago he's doing as our premier asks, staying home and not chucking any more rubbish out from my side.

    Stay safe, especially SANDY going out on her date with Joe. Hi LIN and BARBIE.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hello. Cold, cloudy and some drizzle today. Yesterday afternoon, we had pounding down rain and a bit of hail. The temperatures have dropped down to more seasonal level in the low 50’s for a high temperature.

    I spent lots of time on the telephone again. My usual Thursday call turned into a very long call. And then another call after lunch. Got some info and called to get a haircut appointment from a place that is pretty strict about its safety protocols. I thought I would have to wait until May to get in but was surprised to get an appointment next Thursday morning. I almost fell flat on the floor.

    Annsie, sorry for the shutdown once again. I hope this will mean a better outcome for you and other residents. We are pretty much open for business everywhere now. Tonight is also the first spectators allowed soccer game for the high school kids. They could only have their parents (or two other relatives) until now. But the weather is kind of icky so the crowds may be small.

    So the wee house is sold. The housing market is hot, hot, hot.

    Congratulations for Patsy, John, Bob and Jean on receiving their second shots. Now your two weeks of marinating 🤣🤣

    Bob, looks like a lot of family fun over the Holiday weekend. Did you and Jean also fly kites? That looks like the most fun of all.

    Patsy, a busy day for you today. And an evening in your dungeon? What a day! A productive one for certain.

    Sandy, a busy day for you as well. I hope you and Bryanna make that rug stay in its place! Wow, igloos for two. That is amazing. Good choice and I am sure Joe will be thrilled.

    Jackie, are you home now?

    Barbie, hello to you and Jake.

    I am thinking of some type of birthday card to make for a gentleman who has suffered very bad health for years now. He only gets out of the house twice a week for dialysis, some doctor’s appointments and unfortunately some trips to the hospital. I don’t want to make a card that reminds him of things he loved to do in years gone by. I think I have an idea for a more generic design appropriate for a gentleman. Gotta work on it for a while. And we will see! There is a deadline of course.

    Wishing everyone well.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Here I am, still in the land of the living. An exhausting day yesterday but the consultant I met was delightful, spoke in layman’s terms and made sure I understood all that was being told to me. I feel confident being in his care and that’s always a good start. A few more tests, including Covid 24 hours before the operation, and some back and forth to the hospital but this is where I definitely get into Sandy’s mode of one day at a time... thanks Sandy.

    With all the new housing being built in England there is a shortage of sand but the builder is hoping supplies will come in next week. Meanwhile they do what they can and I’m pleased with the few results.

    I will check back properly later but leaving you with a photo from this morning’s walk with the pooches... get your paintbrushes out Anne! 👩🏻‍🎨

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited April 2021
    Beautiful shot of your lovely part of the world, JACKIE. So glad you are home and armed with lots of knowledge.

    Very bad news concerning Mikes place of work. Too long to explain here at the moment but please take care everyone. This horrible thing appears to be going rampant.
    A rainy day to keep everyone home.

    More later,
    Just heard Prince Philip has died. So sad for the queen who's had a bad year.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I met prince Philip once briefly. I was pushing Mark in his pram and Mike was riding his three wheeled bike along a country lane near home when a limousine pulled up beside us. A sun burnt face smiled at us and raised his hand in greeting and then the chauffeur drove on. He was quite a character and like most people of British descent I'm sad to see him gone. Feel even more sad for our poor queen who will miss him after such a long marriage.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mornin Mornin….

    Nice day so far that started with a pretty sunrise over gym. Rain possible this afternoon. It hit 80 degrees yesterday and will be low 60’s today. We did have lunch at a famous hotdog stand that has been around well over 100 years…the line normally reaches outside…it took about 30 min in line for us…but everyone was nice and relaxed. Must be the weather!



    Not sure of all plans for the day. Jean has a funeral mass to attend for her BFF’s relative – a lovely lady (age 68) that battled cancer 2+ years. Her entire working life was dedicated to helping those with special needs.

    Anne – what a great memory of meeting Price Phillip. He may have been 99 yrs old, but I know what you mean about being sad at his passing and the Queen’s sadness. I don’t follow everything about the Royals, but have paid special attention to the Queen and respect her. (I’m not a Meghan fan LOL).
    Jackie – Glad you liked the consultant. Always nice when they can speak in layman terms. As Mark Twain said: “Don't use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent word will do.” I also agree with the “one day at a time” philosophy… wishing you all the best! Love the morning photo.

    Lin – Wow – that sounds like some “challenging” weather. Congrats on the hair appointment. They’re pretty strict here too…especially with the fines for non-compliance. With regards to kite flying – we helped put them together but didn’t fly our own. It was great in the fresh air and just being with my daughter and the kids. They truly are amazing kids raised by amazing parents…kind, respectful and appreciative. Very kind of you to think of a birthday card for the man with health issues & the thought you are putting behind it.

    Patsy – Yes Easter was a lot of fun…more than we expected. They are a “game playing” family. They are as close-knit a family as you could get – but also outgoing. Congrats on being fully vaccinated – Jean and I completed shot 2 this week. Our son-in-law got his yesterday but he went to the fairgrounds and the line was humongous! We went to the pharmacy and only had one person ahead of us. We were fortunate and only felt mild arm pain and a little tired.

    Sandy – Hope dinner went well and the “trim.” Hope you get some sun this weekend. The “igloo’s for 2 people” sounds very cool – literally. LOL. Look forward to hearing what kind of meal you ordered…. Hope everything with the schools pans out for Robby.

    Time for coffee – best to all – stay safe and healthy! Bob :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited April 2021
    Happy Friday! :) Donating blood this afternoon and since it is in my friend's neighborhood I will go to see her after I am done. We are both vaccinated but will still keep my distance and hopefully it will warm up and we can sit on her balcony. Bryanna taped my rug and trimmed the back of my hair. She is learning color this month so soon she can highlight my hair and become my personal hairdresser. lol I made her favorite chicken wings and she was reminded of her younger days when she would come to our house after school and have dinner. She mentioned Thursday's are good for her hinting she could come for dinner every week. Sounds good to me, I love when she visits and for now wears a masks and social distances. I can't wait until she is vaccinated so I can hug her.

    Bob, the menu is a full menu but my guess would be tilapia since Joe eats heathy. Speaking of Joe he woke me at 8 to tell me his hot water heater broke. He wanted to know if I knew a plumber, say what?? I called him back after I was more awake and told him to tell his son to go to Home Depot, they will install and remove old heater. Great photos, I hope the long line was worth the wait.

    Anne, what a great story with Prince Phillip, one you will always remember. I still can't understand why he wasn't king when his wife is Queen but I did google it and they explained but still............... Sorry about Mike's place of business this new variant is causing many problems. So far we are still open for business in Illinois and unless the numbers go up more openings are promised. It seems most of the problems are coming from the younger generation so I hope the vaccines start moving a little faster. Speaking of vaccines my daughter posted a picture of herself getting vaccine and said true story: The pharmacist asked her if she had any questions before her shot and my daughter asked, will my mother stop bugging me now? The pharmacist said probably not. lol
    I told her that is probably true but very happy she got her first vaccine.

    Jackie, good attitude, there is no use in worrying about something that might not happen. Beautiful picture and I agree paint worthy.

    Lin, you are such a thoughtful and kind person. You remember all holidays and birthdays and always have something nice to say to everyone. I am glad we are friends even though we haven't met in person. We should have a zoom call with all the sneakers, wouldn't that be something???

    Patsy, homeschooling is great as long as the kids have friends to play with outside to socialize but with the pandemic they only have their siblings and miss the interaction of friends. I am praying there will be a vaccine for kids before school starts just for safety reasons. I hope both you and John are feeling better today.

    Time to eat and get ready, have a great day everyone and keep staying safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited April 2021
    Hello, a morning of bill paying, online, check writing, funds transfer, preparing that return package for UPS and reading some disturbing news.

    I am going to the post office a little bit later. Planning on UPS tomorrow morning. And hope to pick up my books at the library some time when the line isn’t too long.

    Sandy, have a great day. How wonderful that Bryanna will be coming to visit more often and that your daughter got her first shot. That makes for a pretty good day!

    Bob, you and Jean have so much fun. Thanks for sharing the photos with us.

    Annsie, I don’t think I understand exactly what is going on at Michael’s workplace but I did read that Ontario is being hit hard with Covid cases. Just hope your son is healthy.

    Jackie, lovely photo and I wish I could paint. Alas, I cannot. I assume you are happy with the plans for the surgery. I wish your contractors could get all the needed materials. We seem to be living in times of shortages. I am always surprised at the newest shortage. Ketchup packets? Really.

    A friend got in touch with me. A mutual friend, and one of the original Mah Jongg group had to be transported to the hospital. They moved her to a different facility but this morning the original friend was notified by the hospital the ‘patient’ has Covid. Very bad news for everyone who has been helping her at her home! Also very shocking since she had received her first dose of vaccine. I guess everyone concerned and in contact with her recently will have to see what is next. My friend is asking for another test.

    Well, maybe a bit of lunch and then off on my little errand.



    A hummingbird decorated teapot

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi everyone. What happened at Mikes firm LIN is a second person got the virus in the Service department. Everyone had to be tested and after a couple of days most test results were negative. One man, a driver, was still waiting for his result. His manager phoned and said he was needed back at work. The man explained he hadn't got his result yet. However the manager said oh everyone's okay and you will be as well and we are short staffed. So back went the driver into work and in the middle of his shift he received a phone call. He has the virus. So......... everyone is to be tested again. Mike had no contact with him but he had contact with others who did. And of course the driver had contact with the general public as well.. This is why the horrid thing is so hard to control! Please stay safe everyone. All seems well, we let our guard down and boom, off we go again.

    Mark and Mary Jo can't get the vaccine yet because indigenous people in our area are next on the list. Fair enough except as Mark pointed out there are no reserves anywhere near us and any indigenous people living here will be exactly the same as any other group living here with the same risks.

    Which brings me back to Prince Philip. I guess there won't be a state funeral and that's sad because he did an awful lot for Britain and people would wish to show their respect.

    Me and Miss Jilly are settling down for a nap in her case and a book read for me after a very hectic morning with walks, grocery delivery, and the trash men hauling away all my junk and garden waste. Interestingly the groceries turned up late in a hired van. Not the usual van with its logos. The driver told me they are flooded with orders with this new lockdown in effect and have had to rent extra vans to deliver. No wonder I had trouble getting a place! Next week should be interesting as the lockdown is for a full month.

    So no end in sight. Glad that the USA was so much better organized than here!

    Bye for now from our little bubble,
    Anne and Miss Jilly.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my what a way to start the sorry for those sneakers with troubles. We have sun, always a good thing. It is still quite chilly. Wearing a sweater as we tootle along. I am wondering about the odd difference in reaction to the vaccine. The first day after the shot, we had aches and sore arm. The next day still aches and chills but I felt queasy and had to skip dinner. Today feels like I am back to normal. I wonder why some of us are hit harder with the reaction than others. We got the moderna, I wonder if that causes more reaction? Not that it matters, just idle wondering.

    I was sorry to hear about Prince Philip. We are watching the Crown TV series. Of course we know that it is a dramatic performance and actual facts are distorted. It was a peek into another culture that is totally foreign to us. Still from what I gather he was a force for good. I love the chance encounter with Anne. That is a delightful memory. I have met several senators and had a brief encounter with “Daddy Bush.” And Bill Clinton. Interesting but nothing like royalty.

    These variants are very troubling. We must stay vigilant. Things are starting open up here as well. We are also getting an uptick in cases. We are going to have to deal with my dear John’s health issues. The little dear is still dropping pounds and now he is suffering blurred vision. Of course the vision is most likely cataracts and the weight loss is still a puzzle. We need a better doc with expertise in elder care. Those words are hard to hear, especially for John.

    My big excitement is wiping down the patio furniture and sweeping the deck. The deck needs pressure washed to remove moss and gunk from winter rains etc. another observation from our current trends. Art galleries are showing all manner of “poured images” on canvases. It is using a lubricant and acrylic paints to pour over canvases for interesting effects. Also photographs with manipulated images, often with applied paint are showing up in galleries,. The wisdom down through the ages is that art reflects the culture of the day. Digital images are the new art form. It is not my medium, but I do find these art shows fascinating.
    Okay....I admit I get sort of philosophical when stuck here in the house too long. Hahahaha!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another tiring day but nicely this time. After the morning walk I chose to get more gardening and weeding done because I’ll have to be careful after the operation not lifting or stretching but goodness only knows when that will be. Crawling buttercups everywhere and so tetchy about being pulled out of the ground! Mid afternoon I met my neighbours at the allotment and after a mug of tea we all got down to weeding there until my back said enough already. I’m now sitting in my heated garden room having enjoyed our local farm shop sausages with baked beans. The past couple of nights I’ve not slept well so am hoping tonight will be different
    Sad that Prince Phillip didn’t make his 100th birthday but I’ve a feeling he wouldn’t have enjoyed any organised Pomp and ceremony celebrations anyway since he was a private man. An end of an era for sure with not much confidence in future royal generations but time will tell. I’m not a royalist but I do sincerely feel for Elizabeth who has lost her rock of support.

    Oh dear Anne, wouldn’t you think after a year of us dealing with Covid that manager at Mike’s place of employment would have shown more common sense. Of course the knock on effect is you and Mike can’t meet up because none of the vaccinations are 100% against this sinister virus that seems determined to outwit us. So sorry you are in severe lockdown again. Boris seems confident we in Britain are on top of things as we sneak out of lockdown next Monday but haha, we know how the variants can disrupt lives so I’m a little wary!

    Ketchup packets Lin... that made me laugh! So what, we can’t get ahold of sand; I’ve suggested to builder Dave we take a trip to a beach to collect what we need! Such a pretty teapot that reminds me of my last visit to friends in Ontario who had a bird feeder that always attracted humming birds.

    A fabulous sunrise photo Bob and lucky you for enjoying those warm temperatures. Gosh, those hotdogs must be very special to get you all waiting in a queue so long!

    Sandy, that sounds like the perfect arrangement you have with Bryanna. I have at least had a phone call from my pedicure friends replacement and now have an appointment mid May. My feet can smile again!!

    Becoming dark in my garden room so I’m ready to curl up on my bed and see if there’s anything worth watching on tv although I feel I’ll be asleep in no time!

    I must copy and paste a message from Buzz’s friend tomorrow at their community. Lovely sentiments about our dearly missed friend.

    Hello Patsy and John. ❤️

    Take care everyone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cold start to the day and a short walk but we’ve spent the day in the garden because the sun is shining and there’s always plenty to do. As promised Judy’s sweet memory of dear Buzz. Wouldn’t we all have loved to meet her in person. 🥰

    “Hello Jackie, Thank you for the lovely card. We are thinking about you in all your dust and builder's mess. Hope it all looks beautiful when finished. All is going well here. We certainly miss dear Barbara though. She was such a super lady to have a good discussion with. So welcoming, and lovely company at dinner. With love, Judy“

    I’ve only paused to drink a glass of water so back outside I go. Still no sign of any hatched chicks but the tension is mounting!!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good cold and overcast morning. Our temperature is in the mid-40’s with a chilly breeze. Some chance of rain or drizzle today. Spring seems to be eluding us. Oh my, just started drizzling right now.

    I texted with my handyman last night. He said he would try to stop by today. That means any point in time from now to 7pm most likely. Keeps me wondering. I gave him my starter list of issues. I can live longer without the fixes but it would be lovely to have a few things fixed up.

    Yesterday, I detoured to drive by the UPS Store and oh my, there were no customers in the store when I parked my vehicle. I waited to be waved in, handed over my package and received a printed receipt. Before I could get out another woman walked in and a third guy was on her heels. But I pretty much avoided people. And I had my mask clamped on. I thought Saturday might be busier. Dropped off the birthday card at the post office along with the checks I had written.

    Needed to get to some tasks. Hope to get back later.



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Beautiful day before the rain starts tomorrow. Shown as all week on the weather channel. 58F right now.

    Meanwhile back at the homestead, and after cutting down the beautiful lilac tree. Harry and his boat appear to be heading for them thar lakes, leaving a view of his weedy unfinished drive and no lilac to hide it. I should be used to Harry by now. He moved next door the same week we did.

    Apart from that nothing much going on here. No baby chicks about to hatch etc. Just another day in the bubble for Miss Jilly and me. Mark is busy seeding his indoor trays for planting out next month. Mike is at work in his mask and huddled behind his plexi glass. Glad you had a little excitement at the UPS store LIN. !

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited April 2021
    Happy Saturday! :) Rainy, damp day here so I am staying home instead of movie night. I am doing laundry today as I didn't do it yesterday. I went to my friend's house after donating blood and we had some wine, food and played scrabble. (she won) It was nice to be with her and her husband again after not being in their house for over a year. The donation was good and I even got a free t shirt along with a snack, I chose raisins

    Nothing else going on so have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold and cloudy here. In fact there is snow on the coast range and on the cascades! On the news they say it is winter’s last temper tantrum. Then next week we are to have very lovely temps and no rain. I will try to finish cleaning the deck chairs and making things ready for lunches on the deck and including morning coffee. I will be able to do my exercises out there as well. Katie will be thrilled. She loves it when we eat outside. She brings her ball and one or more of her toys out for us to play with.

    I know how Anne feels right now. We have had our shots but things are still scary. The variants are like the new monster hiding under the bed. It can feel pretty lonely not being able to be with family or friends. But thank goodness we have our little doggie as family. Being outside is healing and helps the spirit. We also have one neighbor with very odd habits. He hates all living vegetation. He is constantly whacking and hacking at trees and bushes. Oh well.

    My memory of Buzz was how passionate she was about our nation’s politics. We shared cartoons, various articles and opinion pieces. She shared internet art gallery shows of her daughter’s work. She critiqued my work. She was a social butterfly and had very strong opinions. How great is that? And she loved pretty clothes and jewelry...earrings! We all miss her!

    Must get going or I will just molder away here holding my iPad!