Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Waiting for mass to begin on TV which will probably be my last week watching. Our churches are open and I am ready to go back in person. Pool day today just to relax after my long day yesterday. The kiddos were good and we were in and out do to raindrops. They had fun in their pool areas, they have several different kind. I even put on my swimsuit so I could splash them and make them laugh. Lisa's hair is beautiful, Bryanna did an amazing job. We had dinner for their anniversary but I didn't stay for an indoor movie. They said I was there long enough and I agreed, I think everyone was ready to just chill out which I did once home.

    Annsie, been there done that with keys, good thing Bryanna and my son have my house key. I also have a hidden one in my garage so at least I can buzz and ask one of my neighbors to let me in. You are a good mom offering your home to them, I know they love you.

    Jackie, you made me laugh with Who Let the Dogs Out, love that song. Soon dear Jackie, it will be done, hang on just a little while longer. Getting a lawyer involved might be a good idea with those nasty neighbors. At least they would have to follow the law even if they did construct a fence.

    Patsy, I am happy your daughter got her second shot, maybe it will help with the after effects a little. This last year has caused many people to get out of shape but hopefully when more active they will feel better. It actually was good for me as far as riding the bike daily so I will probably go the other way now as I have already gained two pounds. Have to do better but I have a doctor's appointment coming in July so like Bob I will try harder to lose those two pounds.

    Lin, when having internet problems I think we are supposed to shut off WiFi and use data. Not really sure though but you probably know more than I do about that. Since I have Infinitely internet they have hotspots I can try to use.

    Jackie, love the picture of the pups walking the plank and what a little devil Betty is.

    Bob, you and Jean must be proud grandparents having both brother and sister in the same musical. Sad that Jean couldn't attend, but was there a video that you could purchase? Bryanna used to be in competitive dancing and I just loved watching her although it got to be just too expensive and she had to quit. She wasn't happy but she got over it eventually.

    Have a wonderful Sunday and I hope you have beautiful weather. Continue to stay safe but enjoy your freedom if your area allows.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited June 2021
    Hi, sunny again and near 90 degrees F.

    No online church today. They didn’t broadcast this morning.

    I played with my plants this morning. I turned around and found several of my neighbors were watching me as they waited for their doggie to make a donation to my lawn. 🤣😂🤣 we all waved.

    I was running low on paper for stamping so I have been cutting paper down to the size I use most often. Also punching out several colors of stars for the cards I am working on. Just started on that. Also decided to stamp a different sentiment for the inside of some cards. Have started to set that up and will get to it later.

    Having lunch right now and then back to card projects. I need to get hopping on a birthday card as well.

    Sandy, time with the kids and Ewok, another great day. Time for your trip with friends. You are really enjoying the summer. Hoping for big wins at the casino🤞🏻🤞🏻 Oh and yes, although the phone automatically switches to cell service, I shut off WiFi. Didn’t help. My friend told me I should get in the car and drive around until I saw more bars of service. 🤣😂

    Jackie, I haven’t heard any stories of problems at the summit. That is great. I did like the bike that Biden brought for Boris. But he did not bring one for the Queen. Favoritism. I hope your day is going well. And have you gone flower snitching? When I was little, we used to go out plant poaching from ditches and fence rows. It was fun and my mom and grandma were so excited to bring new plants to their respective gardens.

    Anne, if I was locked out, I wouldn’t have a car key or driver’s license either! I would be in trouble. I did lock myself out once. I went to the neighbor’s house to use a phone (didn’t have a cell phone) and we had phone directories at the time to call a locksmith. They came and let me into my house. I had a garage door opener and a car key but no house key. I have always kept my house key separate. Anyway, they got the door open and I had to prove I lived there and had to pay them of course. I hope I don’t do that again.

    Best wishes to everyone. Time to get back to work.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A rainy kind of Sunday. But it feels sort of relaxed and makes for a low key day. Making a dinner salad, so dinner plans are done and easy. I have Sunday Baroque on low volume but it is very relaxing and cheerful music.

    I am sure John will be sort of zombie like. He didn’t sleep well and is up crashing about. Bad sign! I will steer clear and let him slowly wake up.

    Lin, have you ever used that cell phone app that is supposed to drive off mosquitoes with sound? I wonder if it works. Could be nice when out on the deck. We have some vicious mosquitoes that will follow us around and keep attacking. Yet I will not use bug spray and I guess that Avon stuff works but I don’t have any right now. John will not use it because he doesn’t like the smell.

    Anne: I can’t tell you how many times I have locked myself out of the house, the car, the garage! I never quite get it down, extra keys not where they should be or I didn’t try them after I had the duplicate made. Just when you need it the most, the darn extra key doesn’t work. That is when I seriously consider beating a hole in the house to get in! Never a good idea, however.

    Sandy: you sound tuckered out! Happy but in need of some time to recharge your personal batteries. I wish I had some little grand kids to play with. Don’t you just love it when they are old enough to chat and tell you about things? Of course, I love the little baby time. So incredibly sweet and adorable.

    My music is bugging John, so I will turn it off and we will listen to the quiet rainy Sunday afternoon. More coffee and a few emails and a phone chat with Damon and Andrea, our grownup kids. The Sunday activities are low key and stress free. Not very exciting but lovely just the same.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A delightful sunny and warm day so again an early walk on the moor. Only a banana and cup of coffee for my breakfast before strolling high up overlooking villages, farms and beautiful sparkling bays along the coast. It has been too hot to garden so apart from a quick trip to a store to buy a pot of paint for the new loo I’ve done little other than relax. Chatted on the phone for over an hour with my school friend still living in London and we agreed to speak more often.

    Lots of bats fluttering round the property now that it’s almost dark which is good to see but I must get to bed as my eyes struggle to stay open! 😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Patsy, I have not tried the mosquito repelling app. I see there are several. I don’t think I will try one of those right now. Let me know if you guys give it a whirl.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Beautiful morning, have the windows and door open with a wonderful breeze. I am getting my teeth cleaned this afternoon then to Walmart for some items for my mini vacation before packing. Looking forward to getting away and I will be cautious and careful.
    My bathroom sink has a loose pipe that leaked and causes a mess under my vanity. I can't tighten it so have to depend on landlord which will probably take forever. Good thing I have a second bathroom sink I can use.
    Leaving early tomorrow so not sure if I will be able to check in but will try. In the meantime have a wonderful week and I hope your weather is as good as mine. Stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Very laid back Sunday for me. I intended to rip out weeds that have sprouted with the downpours this morning but not to be because it is raining again. but guess what so far no mosquitos since Harry took off with all the containers containing stagnant water.

    I'm lucky because both sons have my keys in case of emergency. but today everyone is giving ME a copy of their keys. Kinda ironic!

    I'm sure none of you are interested in my housework, washing and lunch so I will meander off. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another very early walk to avoid the heat but a different route so I missed taking a closer look at the plant that now has my name on it! Lots of brambles to be cut away I do know so will have to choose my moment carefully!
    George managed to get filthy again walking up to his chest into a pool of mucky water. Another wash down in the baby bath when we got home! 😆

    Lin, my mother and her best friend were always taking cuttings they probably shouldn’t have and there’s definitely something satisfying about growing on these little finds so I’ve continued the tradition!

    Have fun Sandy but yes, be careful. Bad luck with the leaky pipe but hopefully your landlord will be ready to fix it when you get gone.

    My builder has been fiddling with plumbing today and also fixing a metal plate on the bird house to stop the woodpecker stealing more babies! They’ve gone home and I have to pop to the farm shop to buy salad because I ran out of Calor gas that runs the hob halfway through boiling the kettle for yet more cups of tea. I’ve ordered a replacement but that probably won’t arrive until Wednesday. I don’t mind salad on hot days but will miss boiling my local small spuds!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Did you see Boris on his new bike cycling down a country lane on your ramble JACKIE?
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! Not sure what the day looks like outside. First some sun and now quite cloudy. I suspect one our famous on and off again weather days. That’s okay. I am up to my eyelashes in chores today. Big wash, kitchen floors, making chili casserole for tonight, water and tidy up my house plants etc etc etc. not a bad way to spend Monday.

    Had a lovely chat with Damon on Sunday. Our daughter was unavailable as it happens sometimes. We did have a fun three way visit that includes lots of laughs and outrageous teasing. At times John and Damon get very naughty. Rest assured, my dear sneakers, I am always sweet and nice! Hummmmm

    I ordered some of those whole page magnifying plastic sheets. They were very inexpensive and will be great to use at times instead of my readers. There are times the glasses are a bother. But in truth I need to have something to help me when I read and I bump up the size on the computer and here on the iPad. Confessions of an older woman.

    I am giving Katie a good brushing and trimming her face. What a big to do., you’d have thought I was punching out her eyes. It is a fact of life with long haired doggies. They need a refreshing of their hairdo occasionally. In general, they hate it! “A simple hair brushing is okay but don’t cut any hair and don’t touch front legs....”

    The pollen count is off the charts, so I am sneezing and I have red gluey eyes. I can’t take allergy meds because it conflicts with blood pressure meds and my diabetes pills. I look awful but I basically feel just fine. We are planning a small day trip down the coast. We are hoping to find a location to meet Damon for dinner and a chat. This will be Katie’s first day trip in almost 2 years. To be determined.......
    Hello and much affection to you dearest sneakers.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Haha Anne! Unfortunately our Boris prefers private jets even as he lectures us on environmental issues! It’ll be a nightmare for his protection team if he cycles to parliament on it… talk about sticking out like a sore thumb! Lovely bike though. 😆
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello, doing chores today. Cleaning the kitchen floor, laundry, gathering up paper and trash for pickup tomorrow, watering houseplants, harvesting the last of my container lettuce (🥺), cutting some zucchini, etc., etc. Cooked a nice package of frozen veggies for lunch.

    I have lots more assembly work on my cards which led me to assess how many tape runner refills I have. Oops, running low. Need to search for some that will be available in the next few weeks.

    I say that because I found a paper pad that I want for a project and the estimated delivery is near the end of July. I have a bit of that paper but no use to start until I receive the paper and if the order is cancelled, so is the project. Is everything delayed lately? ☺️

    Jackie, we were told Boris loves to ride his bike. Not true? And I am glad that plant has your name on it. 🙌🏻👍🏻👍🏻🙌🏻 Now to snare it without being seen! Oh George, all dirty again? You are quite the adventurous doggie.

    Anne, busy day at your house as well. Are we all knee deep in domestic chores today? I hope you are settling in on your new laptop. No mosquitos?? Wonderful!

    Sandy, enjoy your vacation. Always takes some extra effort to get ready to go. Sorry about the sink issue. I hope he fixes it quickly.

    Patsy, also doing a multitude of domestic chores. Excellent. Ah Katie, you have met your match in our dear friend Patsy. The pollen here is also in the dreadful range. I am so glad for Kleenex and over the counter eye drops.

    Well, back to work.

    Be well everyone.



    I love Thelwell and the pony cartoons. Someone posted an article that his estate has agreed to a project. I hope we are able to see it someday.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin, Boris cycled everywhere in London before he became Prime Minister so I understand why Biden gifted him that fabulous bike.

    Perhaps he should also have offered Stars and Stripes boxer shorts to jog in!!

    I was given the Thelwell annual every Christmas when I was a kid because I loved his cartoons although I never owned a pony. Coal, milk and daily bread was delivered on horse and cart though so I got to fuss them and run out to offer a sugar lump. I’m sure Anne will agree those were the best days in England!

    Spent a couple of hours at the allotment this evening weeding, planting climbing French beans and watering. New walking boots were delivered while I was out so no more wet feet!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Oh Jackie! What a lot of information and great pictures. Although perhaps it is a good thing he did not receive more running shorts. 🤣😂🤣 I see he wore a biking helmet. Good for him. I wonder if he will ride again? He could have security around him on their bikes.

    I follow the Thelwell page on Facebook and adore it. I hadn’t heard of him at all as a child in the United States. Now I devour everything I can find. I loved horses as a kid but not fat little ponies and no fancy riding gear or jumping them. Just a plain horse with western gear and I wore cowboy boots.

    Good work at the allotment and glad your feet will be dry once again!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning Sneakers. Another beautiful day but plans to walk early went awry when I stepped out of the shower, reached across the wide windowsill to pick something up and knocked over my full mug of coffee. It’s a small area and I was surrounded by coffee and broken China on the floor so best option was to use my bath towel to mop up! That and bath mat now washed and hanging in the sun to dry!
    We’re back from a relaxing stroll across the moor where George and Betty were disappointed to find the ponies had got to their muddy pool before them so they decided it was best not to take on those huge dogs!!

    Dave and Joe arrived as I put my car away and are now laying the new floor tiles that were the most expensive in the shop, not by choice but the only ones I liked!

    Lin, Boris wasn’t always sensible about wearing a helmet when he was mayor of London until one day he was followed and photographed riding through red lights and on sidewalks without one and another time collided with a lady who was on foot and said the most dangerous things on our roads are pedestrians! I think it’s British humour that keeps his popularity high!

    What great news a movie is to be made about Penny and Merrylegs if they can find a short fat pony… I’m sure there will be a few out there! 😆

    Work next door on their patio has stopped and they are keeping their distance at the moment but I’ve decided I should get some legal advice and will phone a solicitor today. Apart from that I do my best to stay out of the sun which means sitting under the patio umbrella while the builders work but goodness, it’s so difficult as I’m not used to inactivity. I do have some washing up to do so that will be this morning’s excitement!

    Bon voyage Sandy! Have a wonderful time with your friends.

    Betty is due a thorough brush today but unlike Katie does enjoy the attention. George has to be enjoying a quiet frame of mind which is rare but always rushes about like a puppy after he’s groomed and I take that as pleasure.

    Enjoy your day everyone and stay safe.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited June 2021
    What I like about Boris is he isn't a vain man. How can he be wearing those shorts! plus his sense of humour of course. Wouldn't it be fun to see all the leaders in gaily patterned shorts although a few yards of material would be needed for a certain Asian leader.

    Jilly doesn't need much in the way of grooming and tolerates brushing with her usual good humour. The next time Mikes over she is getting a bath which she seems to enjoy with much shaking of her ruff afterwards.

    We are having a mild spell which would be lovely for gardening if it didn't keep raining. However never look a gift horse in the mouth and the weeds are flourishing and loving it.

    Just a shortie from me as the day is barely beginning. Plus I'm doing pretty good but still a little slow on Larry the Lap top.

    Cheers, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Got up early to get ready for our mini trip but wanted to pop in and say good morning.
    Will try to check in everyday if just to let you know if I am winning or losing.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    edited June 2021
    Good afternoon. I played with my plants again this morning. More Zucchini. Yum. The few bush green bean plants are producing buds and everything seems to be growing well. Unfortunately, the area has a water shortage. In this suburb, for now, we are not allowed to water anything between the hours of 10am and 5pm. Our neighboring city has it a bit harder, depending on your house number (odd or even) you are allowed to water certain days of the week. Three days in total so there is one day where no one is allowed to water. Now, for people with programmed irrigation systems for their lawn, lots of programming changes will be needed. If that isn’t enough, lawn watering will be allowed and water will be rationed. I am not sure how they will do that. I hope it isn’t necessary! I don’t water my lawn so I trust no one will get upset with my water use for vegetables.

    I did make a short trip to the library to pick up my books on hold. A librarian I know brought them out and we had a nice conversation. That was a plus for today.

    The 4th of July cards are completed and I have found envelopes for all of them. Just need to start addressing the cards. I found a birthday card with the front finished but nothing inside. I will find a sentiment and stamp it and I will be on the way to having a card to send to the lady with a birthday later this month.

    I have a big stack of mail to sort through. I have not been out today but I brought in a few days worth of mail yesterday. I will get to it. One of these days.

    Jackie, I am sorry you had a mess to clean up. I drop things and spill a bit of coffee or tea from time to time but haven’t broken much china or earthenware. I do not like cleaning up messes particularly because I am always to blame! Speaking of Thelwell, I think there are lots of chubby ponies but I don’t know if they would be trained well enough for an appearance in a movie. I lost the credits for this photo but it is cute.


    Patsy, Anne, Jackie, much doggie grooming this week. Hope it all goes well.

    Be safe everyone.


    A Spode teapot I think.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Had one of those sleepless nights. So crazy…nothing bothering me, no pain..just could not turn off my brain. I can see this will be strange day. I will be going around like a zombie. But I will go from one thing to another until the day is through and then I will give bedtime another go!

    Katie loves being brushed as long as she doesn’t see scissors. Or nail clippers. Then we go into serious negotiations. I cut her nails every other month. They still grow very long so quickly. Brushing is a very social time and she also gets a hair conditioner rub. It is emu oil lotion. Great for their hair and skin. All told, a weekly brush only takes about 30 minutes, with some nail clipping and a face trim, add another 15 minutes. Zip zip brush brush rub rub Done!

    I guess I will jump into my dungeon and do an exercise session. I hope to do this one productive thing before I begin my zombie day. Might skip the weights just for safety. I am not feeling too steady.

    It is to be a sunny day. The birds are chirping in the vine maple. I think there is a nest there. Have a great day everyone.

    Jackie: I can imagine your excitement as your little home is renewed. You have put in so many wonderful improvements. When completed will you have a housewarming party for friends and family to see in the finished state? I would be tempted to do just that!

    Lin: not to worry about finding just the right horse for that movie. Our son Damon is in the business of magic. You would be amazed at the movies and TV he has helped create wonderful creatures and effects.
    Off to then dungeon, then coffee…lots of coffee.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello. I am trying to find a large Canadian flag. Why? well for a start Canada day is coming up and whilst unlike others on our street I've never been that patriotic before I'd like to put one up this year for dual reasons. You can probably guess why after 8 weeks of junk description.

    Other than that a gorgeous day here. This is short because I need to do some weeding before we sizzle again tomorrow.

    Sleepless in Oregon? I know how you feel PATSY because that infliction hits me every so often as well. Nothing on my mind usually but I lay awake staring at the ceiling whilst the Bean lays on her back, legs twitching, as she chases some dream squirrel.

    I managed to put in a grocery order on Larry the Laptop and time will tell if I managed this difficult feat which five year olds seem to have no difficulty doing.

    so bye for now,

    PS. Loud crashes from next door as the Lad fills his truck again. Unbelievable!