Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And I can't get on with the laptop, but can with the iPad. Definitely right brained me, actually completely right brained after a test years ago at work. I think that's right. The total opposite of analytical? anyway. Must dig my test result out! and check. Can't stand machines!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Oh no, I just made a mistake a lost my post as well. If I have time I will try again later.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well it is a very chilly day with rain. Katie has been out in the rain at least 10 times and after each time, it requires a rub down with her towel. She even got to have a quick ball game, me in rain slicker, Katie wet and with muddy feet and a big happy grin.

    I am trying my best to find some interesting Father’s Day gift for John. He is a hard one to buy for. Damon is not going to be here because he is up to his eyebrows in boat repair stuff. So I am in charge of a small Father’s Day celebration. Must plan ahead but time is catching up with me. Damon reminds me...”don’t forget, Mom, he is fussy but he would be really upset if we didn’t make a small celebration for him.” Of course I will, but the gift is still a puzzle. Damon will try for a july 4th visit and we will bbq and watch fireworks.

    I found one of my old art journals and honestly it was like going to a really good therapist. Old life issues that seemed so important just evaporated. What was I so worried about? Also the drawing etc seemed like they came from someone else. I don’t remember doing them or what was on my mind. They look like a slightly familiar photo....I think I remember that, but not really sure. Spooky huh?

    Anne: dive into your computer. If it is an Apple, you really can’t hurt it. Just like Captain Kirk on Star Treck, you are on a voyage of discovery.

    Bob: I remember home pools in Texas and in Colorado. Our family loved them. Everyone planned gatherings around the pool. Also every little kid could swim like a fish. They started to swim at 6 months old. Mom and baby in the pool, the babies have no fear and still remember from somewhere deep in their DNA.

    Lin: your gardening skills and knowledge is amazing. We have a camellia bush/tree that has black spots and on all the leaves. We are now taking an example to the home extension office to see what it is and how to deal with it. If it were yours you would have cured that issue months ago. But with Katie we can’t use toxic chemicals. Both John and I are also wimps when it comes to that.

    Jackie: disappointing! I always eagerly await news of the house remodel and report on your weather and adventures with the pooches. Hopefully you can repost soon. Hello to you and critters from wet and cold Oregon.

    Hello everyone, be safe, it is still important!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited June 2021
    Well, I'm here on the laptop, but not too comfortably I must admit, Getting there but I won't linger. Mike was here but he checked the temperature on my drive and it was 95 fahreinheit a few minutes ago when he drove home. I am just starting to get comfortable with this machine and expecting to lose things so I will away whilst the going is good!

    Anne and Bean who's stretched out fast asleep.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    edited June 2021
    Hello. The dehumidifier is gone. I arrived 4 minutes after the stated start time and cars were already leaving. I think I was about a block and a half from the front of the line. Once I arrived at the lady with the clipboard (recording everything people were dropping off), it didn’t take much longer. I opened the hatch, pulled out the dehumidifier and a guy rolled it away. People with certain items such as washers and dryers, had to move along to another area to be unloaded. They had a few young gentlemen helping with that task and they already looked hot and unhappy. I cannot imagine how they felt after the 4 hour shift! When I left, the waiting line was significantly longer. Anyway, glad that is over.

    I am being a nosy neighbor today. Across the street, the lady’s adult son showed up and pulled everything out of her garage. More than half of the items were hauled out to the curb. He even took down her wall shelves. Anyway, last I saw, and I have to go outside to check on him (really nosy), he was power washing the floor. He had a sizable number of items, not at the curb, that looked like they will be returned to the garage.

    Trucks are cruising up and down our street, stopping to pick up whatever looks good to them.

    Working on some “thinking of you” cards this afternoon. Only planning on some to send right now so 5 in the works.

    Sorry for everyone who lost a post today. Quite irritating.

    Anne, hope you make progress with your new laptop. Anything new takes some getting used to.

    Sandy, happy pool day.

    Jackie, I hope your allotment crops are growing well. It is so hot, sunny and windy that many of my plants are experiencing mid-day wilt.

    Patsy, I hope you find out an answer for your Camilla. I don’t like chemicals like Roundup and the like but I will use stinky repellents, oils and the blossom set. If you want to research, the least frightening thing I have found for insects that chew on plants causing holes and molds is Neem oil. For the size of my spray bottle, I just need a tsp. of the oil and the rest water. I could add a couple of drops of liquid soap but haven’t so far.

    “ What is neem oil?

    Neem oil is a naturally occurring pesticide found in seeds from the neem tree. It is yellow to brown, has a bitter taste, and a garlic/sulfur smell. It has been used for hundreds of years to control pests and diseases. Components of neem oil can be found in many products today. These include toothpaste, cosmetics, soaps, and pet shampoos. Neem oil is a mixture of components. Azadirachtin is the most active component for repelling and killing pests and can be extracted from neem oil. The portion left over is called clarified hydrophobic neem oil.”

    Bob, hot, hot, hot. Yep, that’s what we have right now. The air conditioner is running a lot today. My friend with the in-ground pool also doesn’t have hers ready to go. Some type of repair on the steps needs to be completed before she fills it this year. And there are long waits for everything this year.

    Take care everyone. Back to the cards.


    Like this teapot, it must be the blue stripes.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m sorry I can’t repeat my earlier lost post... full of pearls of wisdom and observations on everything from Kit Kat’s to Katie’s road trips. Then there was Bob’s Jean with her tube of caulk, Sandy’s suntan and so much more as I sat typing for an hour while a sea mist drifted over us and rain poured. Nearly 12 hours later and I can still hear the drip, drip of rain on my garden room roof but am determined to keep this short before it takes flight left or right of screen! At least we haven’t had to worry about watering the young plants at the allotment but with little scope for housework until the builders depart it’s been a lost day. I did spend some time cleaning cement off the telephone and router plugs and once again wiping dust from every surface in the kitchen (sigh!) but not much else.

    Patsy, a couple of my roses suffer with black spot. Both are hybrids and therefore not designed for a Cornish moors climate of muggy air and lots of rain and I often think your Oregon weather is similar so perhaps that is what’s afflicting your camellia. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s much to be done other than a chemical spray so I live with the spots!

    Now, before I watch this post zoom away I’m going to hit the green button, say goodnight and head off to bed hoping for a dryer and warmer day tomorrow.

    Hugs to all.
    Jackie 😘
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    This is cute if you haven’t seen before!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Morning all!

    Wonderful time yesterday full of sunshine and included Home Depot, grilling, walking and more. Today I am mostly reflecting upon my daughters 44th birthday (texted photo from yesterday when they went hiking etc. ). I don’t post these pics on my main social media and only share here. My other reflection on June 6th is always the sacrifices of D-Day. At 5am it’s 70 degrees and should hit near 90…looking forward to a birthday get together later.


    Anne – No one could ever think of you as a “cheap date” – hope you get some heat relief and weather you like. My sympathies with your laptop…I hate computer issues too!

    Sandy – Sorry for the lost post...something else that can be frustrating for sure!

    Patsy – When you said it was a “very chilly day” it makes me think of a friend that mentioned it was MINUS 65 F in Antarctica yesterday – can’t imagine that kind of cold. I’m thinking Katie loves getting out in the rain for the “rub down” afterwards. LOL.

    Hope you can post some old photos / drawings someday, they sound intriguing. With regards to family pools, we never had one growing up… growing up in the city, it was always a long walk on hot to the local public pool. Great memories and fun! I did have a pool for my daughter growing up. But nothing fancy just the usual self-install 4ft many people had in the 70’s. I did love to swim and my daughter was a fish as well. Now you have me thinking back to our annual trip to and swimming at Otter Lake (my parents honeymoon spot…and they were married on June 6, 1932! Another June 6th memory.

    Lin – I feel your heat…we do have the a/c running as well. It was warm yesterday morning and then Jean realized the thermostat was set at 80 for some reason. LOL.

    Jackie - I wish we could have gotten just a bit of your rain, but it never arrived and Jean will be doing a lot of garden watering. Late yesterday Jean noted how tired she felt and wasn’t sure why. I then ran thru all her activities and she said – wow, I guess you are right. I think she is still adjusting to not being 35 anymore LOL. LOVED the YouTube and shared with Jean!

    That’s it for now… wishing you all a wonderful Sunday! Bob :)

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited June 2021
    Well BOB we are in for another SIZZLER. Michael recorded 35 degrees Centigrade on my concrete drive yesterday even if the weather man swore it was only 31. The weather man says 33 today.

    Michael came over to fix all the stuff on the laptop which I wasn't capable of doing such as anti virus installation protection etc. Just a matter of getting used to a new thingy now. Thanks for the comment I wouldn't be a cheap date. I guess not - being nicknamed "The school teacher" or "The Librarian" by certain friends and workmates, lol. I sort of envied the more flamboyant girls in their harem pants etc me wearing my trademark white shirt for which I never got sent home to change which some of the more "fashion conscious" did. Lol.

    JACKIE, please send some of your gentle rain from heaven over here! The plants are hot and thirsty. The birds are hot and thirsty in the bird bath, Jilly is hot and thirsty despite her water bowl which has, just like PATSYs Katie, a nice big but rapidly melting ice cube in it.

    We never had a pool in my youth, only the very posh had such a thing! We did have the creek with the lock gates where we sat and fished for tiddlers. Small silver fish for those of you not familiar with tiddlers. Every so often someone would fall into the murky waters of the creek which was far more interesting than fishing for tiddlers with ones jam jar and it's string for carrying the tiddlers home. They always vanished from the kitchen table by the next morning. Where? Asked 6 year old Anne. Hopefully poured back into the creek by Dad? wonders Anne today.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm back but I ducked out quick because things seemed to be going wobbly, could it be the heat? Which makes me think of LIN watering her poor plants and SANDY floating across the pool.
    I'm not sure what I'll do in such heat. The street is empty of folk and dogs. Even Harry has disappeared and no removal vans in sight yet. However, the weeds are thrusting through the pebble drive again but I guess that's okay now the house is safely sold. Too hot to weed anyway said she charitably,
    Sticky hugs to all,
    Anne and the wilting Bean.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What follows a day of drizzle and low cloud? Steam!! Dear dogs refused to walk far this morning and I wasn’t disappointed to return home. It’s a pottering day but when isn’t it! I’ve been pulling up bracken from the flower beds that shoots up overnight and will continue to tidy.
    First thing, while in my bedroom, I heard a rat-a-tat sound and at first thought the water pipes being fitted for the new loo were about to burst but then realised a woodpecker was attacking the blue tit nest in their house hanging on the outer wall. Too late I rushed out in time to see bits of fluffy nest flying about and only one fledgling sitting on the telephone wire with a parent. The cycle of life I know but…. I was straight on to Amazon to order a metal hole protector that I’ll ask the builders to attach to the bird box when they are back up the wall to repair the hole they created. At least mummy sparrow has returned minus her fledglings so I expect a 2nd batch of babies for them later.
    I also found a little field mouse being pummelled by Misty and Mizzle and managed to pick it up and carry to the end of my garden away from Brady’s prying eyes! Storm is still growing and I’m ever hopeful she is a hen and not a cockerel!

    No pool for us kids growing up either but I do remember climbing over the many London bomb sites with brother Bernie and friends where grand Victorian houses once stood. Most had large fish ponds in their grounds and we would splash about in bare feet with a bucket collecting sticklebacks, much like Anne’s tiddlers! Ours disappeared overnight as well!!

    35c! That would be too hot for me too Anne and I’d worry my pooches would succumb! It’s only about 20c here but both have crashed out.

    Great family photo Bob and it does look so pleasant in the shade of the trees. You do have so many great memories along with some sad.

    Possibly because my iPhone is charging as I type this post is all over the place so I’ll wish everyone a peaceful Sunday and get back to the bracken that’s reaching for the sky.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited June 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) Lisa is keeping me busy. She will be here shortly with the kids and we have reservations at our park district play ground. Will be there for an hour, come back and eat lunch and go to pool. I spent a couple of hours at pool yesterday and then went to movie night outside. Jurassic Park 1 was the movie and since it doesn't get dark until 9pm I didn't get home until almost midnight. Needless to say I am tired but I think she feels she will be gone a month with kids that we should do as much as possible before she leaves. No time for bike so naturally I am gaining a couple of pounds but hopefully get them off before my casino trip on the 15th.
    Zoom call at 5pm today so not sure if I will fit bike in or not.

    Have a great day and stay cool.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    edited June 2021
    Good afternoon.

    This morning was laundry morning, check on plants out in the heat and then church online.

    Lunch has been munched and I finished addressing the cards and writing notes in each.

    While people on this block hauled stuff to the curb yesterday for our ‘stuff’ pickup day on Tuesday, this morning almost everything is gone! Just a few of the items from my neighbor’s big garage clean out remain at the curb. I was astounded. It looked like someone just vacuumed everything up into their pickups.

    I am cutting some cardstock to make card bases. I have the bone folder out to finish them but my fingers are not cooperating. So we will see.

    Bob, great photo of your daughter. Have you been on the teeter totter with her lately? What fun.

    Sandy, you are on the run all the time! I hope you get a slower pace of life for a little while so you can fit in all of the activities you want to have in your schedule.

    Anne, right now we have clouds! So not as hot as forecast. Wonder if the sun will pop out again? Stay cool and take time to get to know your laptop. Did you get a new printer?

    Jackie, sorry about the bird nest mishap, but you have found a solution. I hope they get the protector properly installed by your contractors. So I saw a horrible cartoon about Boris. I had no idea he recently married his girlfriend. Is lockdown over so he could have a small private wedding?

    Hello Patsy, Barbie, Jeri, Connie, Diane and the rest of the Sneakers.

    Back to work. Be safe.


    There was no information about this China but I love the colors and the pattern. Mostly cups and saucers but sometimes variety is necessary.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    The sun is shining, we walked across the moors early and I’m now in the greenhouse planting rocket, Pak Choi and Chinese cabbage seeds while the pets snooze. Oh yes, and Dave is creating my loo in the airing cupboard while Joe tiles a step out of my kitchen.

    Lin, that tea set looks similar to Portmerian pottery although it’s a bit of a guess. Lovely colours!
    Yes Boris married very quietly at Westminster Cathedral and I gather they had a small reception outdoors with only the allowed number of guests. We are still in some sort of lockdown although you wouldn’t know it as many folk carry on as if COVID never happened! I continue to keep my distance.

    Louis Armstrong is singing What a Wonderful World on my solar radio which by the way works a treat.

    Hmm, MFP being difficult again so I’m off.
    Have a great Monday everyone.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just a hasty good morning from me with the windows open before I shut them as the heat builds up again. Boiling eggs for the same reason right now.
    So a new royal baby arrives, Boris gets married, Kim Jong-un wages war against jeans, slang and films, all the pets are snoozing, I'm about to have a shower and the planet continues to roll around the sun.
    Hope today isn't too hot for everyone. Our thunderstorms arrive tomorrow and Wednesday. Then it cools down a bit.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    edited June 2021
    Hello, beyond knee deep in updating accounts linked to a credit card. They sent a new one even though there was a year left on it. So auto payments need new info. Not as easy as I had hoped.

    Just taking a break.

    Another hot sunny day. Our hopes of rain are fading. A week if 90’s I guess. I will be watering often!

    Jackie, I want to come and sit where Brady is sitting. What a lovely setting. Happy arugula planting. Do you need sun shades for that this time of year?

    Anne, staying cool is important this week. Will some rain bring down the temperature?

    Back to it. Be safe everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sweet friends! As usual, we have just the opposite of everyone else. Rainy and quite chilly. Not complaining, just wish I could share the rain with those of you so desperately in need. Things are pretty soggy and mildewy around here. In other words, normal for PNW.

    Today we are doing the other usual thing for a Monday morning. Little chores to start the week. I think I have an idea for John’s Father’s Day gift. We need a sound bar for our large TV. We sometimes have a muffled sound with conversations. Maybe it is our hearing that is diminishing with age but still we need a better sound situation. Damon will come to the rescue and help set it up. Whew! Knowing John’s attitude about gifts etc, getting him a Father’s Day gift required some thought.

    Our area is full of tourists and we have very cafes and restaurants open. So many closed for good. People are just milling around with that look....”this is a cute little town but what is there to do here?”
    Well, that’s the rub, as they say. They can look at our museums (open for a couple of hours while staffed with masked volunteers) or walk on the beach, no beach camp fires allowed, our forests are soggy and currently filled with a new hatch of mosquitoes. Why did these people come right now? I don’t get it? But we do love it here and we have many rain jackets and coats and many many umbrellas. I guess we belong here.

    Jackie: your fur family looks to be very comfy there in the garden. Also, not knowing one plant from another, I think your starts, of whatever they are, look so healthy and ready to jump right out of their tiny little pots.

    Anne: any new developments with the neighbors? Are you making friends with your new laptop computer?

    Lin: bookkeeping and keeping track of accounts etc is the bane of our existence. John is constantly running around with what’s left of his hair, on fire! He often collapses in his chair with a cup of coffee and announces “I think they are out to get us, my dear!” His new project is to laminate our vaccination card. We made a copy and we are laminating that. Original safely in the overstuffed top desk drawer.

    Happy Monday everyone. Start of a brand new week.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    edited June 2021
    Happy Monday! :) Took Joe to lunch although he insisted on paying. Sat outside with him for a short time but I am so tired I came home. Long day yesterday with kiddos, first the park, then the pool where we stayed until almost dinner time. I told Lisa she is wearing me out. Called my mechanic so set up an appointment for him to look at Bryanna's car and give me an estimate on fixing all that is wrong so I can quit worrying about her driving in a car that needs repair. Hopefully I won't have to rob a bank to pay for the repairs. (jk) She will drop it off later and I will pick her up and bring her home. I will pick her up and drive her to school tomorrow as I need my car for sitting.
    It just seems lately that I am doing something everyday which I guess is good but very tiring.

    Patsy, I know when my son lived in Oregon I used to ask why because of all the rain. Now he complains about the heat in Illinois so I guess no state is perfect. Sounds like a great present for John and if you want to spend a lot of money here is another idea. lol

    Lin, we have no sun today and drizzle on and off. It was a good day to take Joe for lunch. I had to talk to my credit card company today as there was a late charge on my account. Human error, mine, as I wrote it down in checkbook but evidently didn't make the payment online as I thought I did. They are removing the late charge so all is good.

    Anne, I didn't know a royal baby arrived so thank you for the announcement. Haven't had time to see the news.
    Aren't Boris and his new wife also having a baby? Still waiting for the new neighbors.

    Jackie, I agree with Lin, what a great place to sit and relax, no wonder the furry pets are so comfortable.
    Sounds like the end is near and soon you can enjoy the long hours that were put into the remodeling.
    Can't wait for finished pictures.

    Bob, great pictures with the grandkids. How was the birthday celebration?

    Today I am definitely going to ride my bike, my weight is going up and I am not happy. Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    Sandy, Boris and the girlfriend had a baby not that long ago.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,357 Member
    edited June 2021
    If you have an Amazon Echo or Echo Dot you may want to do some checking on a new thing—Sidewalk. They are going to snitch a bit of your bandwidth to help out any neighbors in your area who lose their Internet connection to keep things like a Ring Doorbell functional. Not interested in that? You have to go into the Alexa app on your phone and turn it off. Well, of course it wasn’t easy for me. Instructions were clear but I had to do more hunting to discover my Echo and my Echo Dot are too old to be included in this program. Fine with me.

    Hope you are having a good evening.
