Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited November 2015
    oystereyes wrote: »
    Mazzy, the amazing sheepdog, after her trip the vet! All is well but she doesn't appreciate beefing stuck with a needle, thank you very much!

    Mazzy is beautiful! I think you can see their hearts thru their eyes. Thank you for the picture <3 Sandy, they could be related! Is there genealogy for dogs? Well,duh, of course there is! My bulb is dim today.
    Jackie, you are likely right about the Sonny/Okie tif. Okie loves to wrestle and Sonny is the only one that lets him get away with it. Usually.
    Shrimp Gumbo in the crockpot. It won't be an authentic version, but I'll settle for tasting good. I'm thinking about making a homemade spaghetti sauce from a recipe. The sauces in jars are fine for me, I'm not a perfectionist about it. The reasoning behind the idea is the elimination of those 'unknown' or unnecessary ingredients. This recipe is a simple one with few spices. Sugar is optional. The sodium would be from the canned tomatoes, or I can use fresh. Then I could freeze the sauce in foodsaver bags.
    It will mean a trip to the grocery, so it might not be today!
    Be careful if you go out, I'm sure there is plenty of traffic.
    And dear Anne, I hope your furniture has wheels!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    No PHOEBE, the furniture doesn't have wheels, lol! But what a good idea if I ever get around to buying new. Michael tells me he fully expects to find me flat on my back one of these days, but other than that the "children" seem to accept my need for a change of scenery every so often. I do take my time and the worst is removing all of the books and putting them back. Without books, the 2 low bookcases, although quite long, are easy to slide across the wooden part of the floor. Yes SANDY I made sure I've got an accessible plug so the Christmas lights WILL be on!
    My daughter in law is busy making traditional dark, fruity, Christmas puddings this afternoon. After 2 unenthusiastic Christmas's because of all our losses with family and friends we finally seem to be getting into the spirit again and I'm so pleased because it really is a most joyous season.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, it's called SMARTBROW and it actually attaches hair until I use their special remover! It stays on through swimming, shampoos, and while it is not inexpensive, I have gotten rid of all the pencils and other "solutions" to having no brows! I bought 2 colors, the blonde and the brunette and use them together to look more naturel. One side is a liquid with a brush, while the other end looks like a mascara brush. Wish I could remember where online I found it, but it's worth every cent! They also have a mascara but I didn't find it that terrific, and with my deepset eyes, lashes barely show anyway!
    I took a photo with my WebCam but can't find it anywhere on my Windows 10 website! Any help out there?
    Must run as Mike wants to see tonight's movie, The Gift, which is supposedly excellent and I haven't eaten yet.
    Everybody have a good Sunday evening!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz, I've only had a quick peek at the photo folder. Try to click on the folder at the bottom. If it goes to the 'My computer' page, there should be a photos folder.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello - just a quick note. A long day at church and stopped to exchange one item I purchased on Saturday. After I got home, Several heavy items tumbled off a table while I was trying to move a few things and landed with a direct hit on my great toe and it is very sore. Not that it usually feels good since the bunion bothers quite a bit anyway. So apparently I will not be walking around as much and oh my, I am slower now. Accidents-hate them.

    Talk to you later I hope. Of course Inhad many things I wanted to accomplish today before trash collection tomorrow. I guess slow and steady will have to do.

    Rain, freezing rain and snow over the next day or so. Staying home.


    Limping Lin
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lin so sorry about your toe. take care. <3 marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hello Sneakers,

    I had 74 posts to read so I did start a few and will never get to all of them but hope everyone
    had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.

    We got back today from our trip to Michigan with family and friends. I say family because our friend's
    daughter, husband and kids are like family to us. Our first stop on the trip was Frankenmuth, MI
    or Christmas town as I call it. The Bronner's Winter Wonderland was amazing and very big. Very
    overwhelming when you first see it. We did our shopping there and then some shopping in the
    downtown area. Our dinner was at a German Bavarian restaurant, lots of food, kind of too much.
    Then stayed overnight and continued on to Coldwater, MI where we had our Thanksgiving dinner
    with family and friends. A little shopping that night and then home to the hotel. I was up at 4:30 am
    to first do my meditation and then get ready for the shop until you drop day. We stopped at Biggsby
    for coffee and like every year the manager takes our picture and it is on their web site. We dressed up
    this year with deer antlers and Christmas tops, there were 4 of us going shopping. We did 12 hours
    of shopping and then back to Kerrie's for pizza and we all watched a movie. Got up the next morning
    and had breakfast and started back to our friend's house and stayed overnight and then got up
    and headed home. We are tired and laundry is already starting.
    I have some pictures on Facebook whomever wants to see them.

    Oh, and my grandson, Isaac is crawling. My daughter sent a video of him crawling on the floor.
    So darn cute!

    I was at Yoga today and it felt good to be back after missing 4 classes. I finished laundry yesterday
    after getting home and Dave has caught a cold but feeling better today. He decided to put up the
    Christmas lights. I hope he stays well because Isaac is coming on Friday for the weekend.

    Today I will be practicing my choir music only 3 rehearsals left and the concert. Where is the time
    going. Then decorating the house and baking cookies, lots to do. I hope I can keep up now
    with everyone's posts after being back.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    It’s good to be back in a more normal routine this morning. :) The only shopping I did during the Black Friday/weekend sales was done on line. I also renewed my subscription to It’s been several years since I've had time to look at that. So many “leafs” (ancestor information) to follow. I very much appreciate all the work some people have put into their ancestry searches.

    Patsy and Sandy- Daisy and Mazzy are both gorgeous. Great pics.

    Have a blessed week, everyone.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin sorry about your toe. Take care of it.

    Buzz I made. Need to check into that eye make up. Sounds fantastic.

    It's still rainy here. Maybe tomorrow before it clears out.

    I have no plans today. Just relax
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited November 2015
    Happy Monday!! :) Back to sitting but I was happy to see Robby, I will miss him when I go to Florida.
    Marie it rained here again as well, sure miss seeing sunshine. Marcella I did no shopping today as I think I am done. My cousin does all of our genealogy, she has done intensive work on it and found relatives we never knew we had. Shirley Sounds like your time away was wonderful and exhausting at the same time. How exciting that Issac is crawling, they grow up so fast don't they? Lin When it rains it pours, another injury is not what you needed, I do hope you mend quickly. Phoebe It sounds like you like Windows 10, is there anything exciting that I can look forward? Buzz Do I need the little things for making the brows or just the original kit itself? Can you check it out on Amazon and tell me if it is the right thing? I think they only have blonde or brunette. Anne I am glad that this Christmas will be better for you and your family, it sounds like it is off to a good start.
    Jackie I hope you aren't blown somewhere never to be found.

    Going to play a couple of games before I eat dinner.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well I took the plunge and installed Windows 10. Looks good so far but I just don't spend much time on the computer itself. I just spend my time on the internet, if that makes sense. Anyway, I managed to get to the sneakers, so I am content.
    Patsy, thank you for the Hugo suggestion, I am enjoying it, just taking a break to check on this installation. For those of you that have amazon Prime, it is available there.
    Just discovered that little Okie has a swelling under his chin. about the size of a golf ball, I think. So he will be going to the doctor too.
    Thank you Barbie, for your reply. Yes, I checked on google images and there is the beautiful space needle topped with a tree. I like it!

    Hello, it's me, Patsy.
    I seem to be on the tail end of Phoebe's post. I am a computer dummy! I have no idea why I can't find the comment box. Why I am able to post only on the end of someone's post. MFP also doesn't recognize that I am part of the sneakers group. It's odd but not surprising. I learn things by bumping into them accidentally. If I bump into the answer to this problem I will let everyone know.

    Ugg! Bad morning. Started the day with clogged toilet! TMI I know, but I seem to do that all the time. Laundry is drying, need to get sheets changed and bathroom cleaned. Lots of "need to do" things on my list.
    Take care dear sneakers
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hello and goodnight! Flitted this day away. Took Okie to the vet, gave Honey a bath, washed all the bed linens. Tomorrow is early drop off for Honey's dental exam and cleaning.
    Got to say night y'all.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDYand MARIE, just the original kit! I just pulled the following off the bottom of Amazon, and it's the store I bought mine in! Ithink I'll get one to hold at this price!
    " SmartBrow® Only $19.95 opens new browser window SmartBrow is Now Only $19.95! Free 1-3 Day Shipping & Samples. " !!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PHOEBE, good suggestion. The photos ended up hidden in a folder in my Photo Gallery; one with a silly name. I moved them to my video folder, since I actually have none, and will change once again to WebCam pictures! AFterwards I deleted them for being dull and boring!
    LIMPING LIN. Sorry to hear of your accident, poor you! ESpecially since your feet are already tender! Un-pressure expectations of yourself for a few days and read a great book...or something!
    SHIRLEY, your post is so chock full of energy! What IS your secret?
    MARCELLA, a blessed week to you, too...
    MARIE, right now , has a 25% off price for everything, including SMARTBROW. I think the coupon code is BLACKFRIDAY ! See SANDY, just below!
    SANDYand MARIE, just the original kit! I just pulled the following off the bottom of Amazon, and it's the store I bought mine in! Ithink I'll get one to hold at this price!
    " SmartBrow® Only $19.95 opens new browser window SmartBrow is Now Only $19.95! Free 1-3 Day Shipping & Samples. " !!! I just bought my extra one at for $19.95, and free shipping through ShopRunner! See above post for link!
    PHOEBE, PATSY and SANDY, I just learned that EDGE, the browser in Windows 10, has a book mode where you can click a book-like icon in the upper right, and it removes all advertising when reading papers, magazines, and such. Neat!
    PATSY, I hope tomorrow will be better!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Buzz I am afraid could get it on straight. Alice get her Browns coler when she get her hate done. I don,t use any cocoa so that is out.. In fact I am not wearing any make up too much trouble . I will just bean old lady.

    This is the first morning we had heat in ur house since the rain started 6 days ago. Jerry been having to go up to the attic to restart it before we had hear and that went on all day.

    We are headed to Walmart

    this morning. Have a great day.

    <3 Marie

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Robby napping so I thought I would say hi. I have some errands to do after Robby leaves including going to Chase bank to complain about a service charge on a checking account. Also have to get some things from Walmart. At least the sun is out today so it is not so dreary.

    Buzz, I ordered the Smartbrow but in blonde since they didn't have taupe. More money than I would spend on eyebrow pencils but if it works it will be worth it. Just hope it gets here in time for my Florida trip.

    Time to wake Robby, if I let him sleep more than an hour he won't take an afternoon nap. Without an afternoon nap he is too tired for his mom and dad.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All

    Struggling with a darn cold. Thought I had it licked but it is back again darn.

    Distressing news for my sister again. Her daughter's husband is in the hospital with Guillian Barre Syndrome. He is under treatment but it appears to still getting worse. Dr is happy that is progressing slowly though as this can be a sign that he will have a good recovery. Can lead to paralysis and even having to be on a ventilator until it passes. My sister feels so bad as she can't go help her daughter with their two little ones as she is still being treated for cancer. Wow when will it end.

    We took two grandkids, 6 and 4, for lunch yesterday. Lots of fun. I think we entertained everyone around us as well. Today we are taking 2 more grandkids - 9 year old twins and a 10 year granddaughter - for lunch. It won't be as nosy for sure.

    Patsy. You are tagging behind other conversations because you are hitting "quote" instead of scrolling down to the Reply section. Try that instead.

    Have a great day all,

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well! I've been absolutely fascinated with the discussion about glue-on-hairs to make realistic looking eyebrows! I suppose the idea came from the theatre or the film industry, false hair pieces, noses etc. My brows are somewhat sparse but I think, the same as MARIE, I will desist because I'm pretty sure I would end up looking as if I've got two hairy caterpillars galloping across my forehead. To be honest, I wear little makeup these days, just a little foundation to combat the dry air, a dab of powder, MAYBE a touch of taupe and cream eyeshadow, light coloured lipstick and I'm ready to go. By the way, a touch of olive oil or Vaseline on the eyebrows or lashes at bedtime thickens them, but it takes ages. I noticed a difference after about 6 months.
    Well it's a rather gloomy day here today, definitely curl up with a book weather. I'm reading a Lee Child thriller.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day for me having got on with decorating, worked on fixing a hosepipe to the water butt outside the window that was overflowing so it will now run into a flower bed and then took a spade out to my garage to scrape away silt and mud that had built up during all the heavy rain storms. My furniture appears to be getting heavier as I get older... had a right old struggle to move the computer desk out of the alcove in order to paint the wall behind and the table and chairs have definitely gained about 30 lbs!!! I cranked up my old desktop computer to see if I could still get on line with it and found the same as Patsy, no Golden Sneakers on the list of forums so had to get in a different way. At least the long lines have gone for now! Decision time whether to have the computer desk collected by a charity and then get rid of the desktop or hold on to it as a just in case.... I do struggle to throw anything away but am determined to de-clutter so something has to give.

    Time to light a fire although it's remarkably mild for December and then cook myself something tasty;;;; probably leftover chicken curry with brown rice and steamed beans. I've read all the post but too tired to respond this evening.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    well,, I had time to reply but now I don't. Going with Jim to the kidney specialist. so I'll be back. Nearly had a heart attack when I took Honey to the vet for her dental. It's probably the first time she has ever had any kind of dental care. it looks like the bill will be over $1000.00!! very unexpected. more to the story, later.