Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hope Jim get a good report/I go into lab Thursday for the doctor can check my sodium out.She said if it isn'.t improve she will have to put me in the hospital.. Why I don.t know. I have cut my water way down., so now my kidneys may be acting up. Seems like when something oes wrong everything start falling apart. Hate that about Honey.

    See you guys later.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cloudy day today here on the coast. But I have a full list today so I will not even notice the gloom. I know I have said this before, I love reading everyone's post. It feels like we are sitting around having a lovely chat at our kitchen table while we drink our coffee/tea/cocoa.

    Phoebe: my dear friend, I know exactly how you feel about the vet costs. Our old girls get a tooth cleaning once a year. To the tune of $400.00 @. A $800.00 bill for this vet visit alone. There are, of course, others. For some reason, these old English sheepdogs have potentially bad teeth. We feed them tooth cleaning treats. I wonder about that however. The white tooth cleaning treats at Costco called "Checkups" seem easy for them to tolerate and digest. I guess they help. Who knows? It only costs $75 for our tooth cleaning...

    Lin: keep an eye on that toe! I have several broken toes. I am known for dropping paintings and cans of paint on my feet. I often sneak into the art dungeon for a middle of the night painting session. I am painting in my robe, pjs, and slippers. Boom! Dropped paint can right on the toes..$&@&$&@!

    Buzz and Sandy: I say, if the eyebrow stuff works and makes you feel and look better, buy it! We need to do whatever makes us feel good and more confident. $20 is a pretty small indulgence if you ask me.

    Jackie: I have the same issue with discarding anything that might be useful to someone. I simply can't do it. Our kids think I am nuts. It isn't because I suffered as a youngster. I was raised mostly by my grandparents on a cattle ranch. Do it yourself folks, never wasted anything, they put high value on hard work. You know that saying...we can fix anything with anything!

    Anne: you, most likely, have that enviable English skin...fair and wrinkle-free. Your photos say to me you have that peaches and cream completion. We are all trying to look like you. Real beauty doesn't require much makeup. I however sort of enjoy fussing with all the cosmetics. Fun to play dress up.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Now back to normal after my week in Michigan. I just finished 30 min on my turbo trainer bicycling.
    I still have to practice my choir music, I can't believe I have 3 rehearsals before the Christmas concert.
    Where did the time go. I have practice tonight so I will just do one song I am weak on. I don't like
    not being prepared.

    I was talking to Dave this morning about so much has to be done before Christmas I was stressing
    myself out. Thank goodness for my TM ( meditation) it has really got me to settle down more
    and not run around all day like I usually do. Twenty mins., in the morning and 20 mins in the afternoon.

    I had a chiropractic apt this morning and was talking about how much has to be done until I talked
    to the receptionist. She has her MIL in the hospital with a broken hip and her son in the hospital
    waiting for his second back surgery and waiting for a bed in the hospital. That really made me shut
    up and realize how fortunate I am to not have serious troubles like many other people.
    We have to be grateful for what we have.

    BUZZ - The eyebrow kit sounds interesting. I use a gray liner for my eyebrows now. ANNE - the olive
    oil or vaseline sounds even more promising. I think I will try that.

    Hello to Jackie, Phoebe, Jeri, Marcella, Patsy, Phyllis, Lin, Sandy, Marie, and anyone I missed.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Yes, Shirley, I have felt that way often. So I let go of a lot of things I enjoyed but felt that too much to do feeling. I agree with Buzz, I don't think you've stopped at all this year. Your beloved Isaac will keep you on your toes into the future, and that will be your greatest pleasure, I think. I don't mail Christmas cards now, and I don't decorate for Christmas. Sad to give it up, but too much for me. Besides, when I get back to all that, it'll be fun digging into the boxes I've stored.
    Honey is spending the night with the vet. I'm kind of relieved because they extracted 3 teeth and one of those was broken off at the gumline, so I guess that was more like surgery. They had to leave one tooth in coz they were worried about her being sedated for so long. They said she is doing fine. She gets c.e.t. chews from the vet, but only a couple per week. They can upset her stomach.
    Lin, I hope your toe feels better and isn't damaged. Freezing rain sounds just awful. We have the rain now, pouring! What will your next book be?
    Sandy, hope you enjoy your extra time off when Lisa's parents are in. Are they taking over when you are in Florida? My eyebrows are extremely thin, adding pencil to them looks better but, I am so forgetful! I hardly ever use it. So far, what little time I've spent exploring Windows 10 has been easy. Edge browser works fine but I would prefer no changes so I don't have to learn how to do things every time they update browsers. I miss just clicking on File or edit or view, etc. At least it doesn't feel like an alien world, like W 8 did!
    Buzz, you are the Windows 10 fearless leader, or should I say guinea pig? Lead the way! Lol.
    Lin and Jeri. My curiosity led me to watch some Instant Pot videos. I'm taking the plunge and ordering one. Anything to shorten my time in the kitchen!
    Marie, I'm curious about your sodium issues. It may have something to do with depleting a vital nutrient when your sodium level is too low. I think that can be dangerous if it isn't fixed. So you must have a good doctor looking after you.
    Jim's Dr. said his levels have improved. He ordered an ultrasound for his kidneys. It will be good to get all of these organs checked, since he's nearing 70.
    I was expecting Honey's dental to cost around 300-350. I know this vet is more expensive, sometimes double what others charge. We have an excellent mobile spay and neuter facility that is offering dental now. I'm taking one of the cats to them later this month. They charge 125 plus 60 if they extract any teeth. I will probably take Honey to them next year.
    Sonny the cat with a limp is much better. Today was his first time outside. He was happy and came in this evening all wet. He chose being outdoors in the rain! Cats are crazy! Lol.
    By the way, Marie, how are the kitties?
    Night all

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Just a few random notes. First I adore both of the doggies and think of course they could be cousins. Ha. Thanks for sharing. I am sorry so many doggie friends and kitty pals are having medical and dental issues. Vets are expensive no doubt. A friend also has a problem with her rescue dog and just swore she would not take this older dog to the vet as she knew he had health problems when she adopted him. So of course $900 later she seems to be caught up in trying to treat her baby. The outlook isn't very good with a mass in his liver. I wish everyone well.

    Let's see Phoebe, I just read the latest Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency book and now am starting "Away in a Manger" by Rhys Bowen. It is the Molly Murphy series and thankfully the library usually has them.

    Marie, I am concerned about you. I know nothing about sodium levels but I know you don't want too much fluid in the body as it makes your organs work harder but I don't know how much you need. I eat no added salt, the sodium I get is what naturally occurs in food. I trust your doctor is monitoring your levels closely. Hugs.

    I see from several posts on Facebook that Jeri is really doing well with her Instant Pot even with a nasty cold. Glad you got your soup made Jeri. And so very sorry for the continuing woes your sister is experiencing.

    I don't have nice eyebrows but I have something so I will not tackle trying to make them better. I am glad there is a good product available. Sandy, I hope you get your kit before your Florida trip. Buzz it was nice of you to share that information with all of us.

    Patsy, I am glad you got the toilet fixed. Once in a while I will have a problem with mine and it is a race to see how quickly I can shut the water off!! Thanks for letting me know I am not the only one who pulls stunts like whacking my toes with heavy objects. I really seem to have a habit of injuring myself. And I am a slow healer.

    Jackie, my furniture has gotten much heavier as well. Interesting isn't it? And such a shock when you've done these things before and now it seems unlikely. Best wishes to you.

    Anne, are you finished moving furniture? Ready to out up Christmas decorations?

    Shirley, you accomplish so much each day. You should feel so satisfied at the end of each day.

    Marcella, I did enjoy your blog post today. It must have taken quite a while to think through and write it.

    We didn't get freezing rain here today. We got rain, then snow flurries, then. Itching, then tiny drops of rain, and snow flurries again. We may get more flurries this evening and tomorrow. We did have a bit of a breeze today which made it cold as far as I was concerned.

    I made a trip to the library, a trip to Costco, dropped off a return package at the UPS store, got a haircut and stripped and washed bedding. Oh and a trip to Whole Foods. Tomorrow I need to make a trip to Trader Joe's and then a trip across town to return some items to the Land's End store at Sears. And I have some cooking I would like to do.

    Thursday is a Holiday luncheon for retirees my former puts on each year. Friday evening is an Ugly Sweater party which I may attend. So time to figure out clothing for each of these events. I will go to the luncheon but not certain about Friday evening.

    I hope everyone found lovely bargains over the past week or so. I appreciated free shipping from several sites. If you have shopping to do I trust you will find the perfect items at the perfect price.

    Going to read for a while.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) the easiest way to find this thread again is to bookmark it by clicking on the empty star at the top of the posts....then the star turns yellow and gets added to the list of bookmarked threads that you can access by clicking on the gray star at the top of the page between the bell and the gear when you come to the "Community" page.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello All,

    Yes, Lin, my soup was delicious. Very pleased with my instant pot. Phoebe . I saw someone one day comment " if you are undecided about buying one, just do it, you won't regret it." I think they are right.

    Pets and the cost - we love our animals and I certainly would do what it took to keep them healthy. We don't have a pet anymore but still miss her.

    My eyebrows are the pits and I was certainly intrigued. I agree with Patsy, indulge yourself. Anne, you are funny. I'd be the same - two caterpillars above my eyes. I've never been good with make up, envy those who are.

    Marie - hope you are okay.

    Time to run. Good night all.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    I accidently hit the wrong button and closed the discussion, sorry.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    look like we are back. that's great. Thanks whoever got us going again. and I am sure Sandy did it for us.

    Jeri I am in the same boat with you. Never any good with Make up. my father would not let my mother wear any not even nail polish. and to this day I cannot polish my nails to look decent.

    Since this is around the first of Dec I need to get something off of my chest/ We had to find the kitties a new home and I think we found them a good one. It got where Jerry is so busy taking care of me he did not have time to take care of them. I missed them terrible. At least they are together. Jerry and I are doing good to care for us.. did not need the extra resomsiblity of 2 sweet babies around.. So pleas be good and don.t ask me about the kitties anymore it will just make me cry more.. which I am doing right now.
    love you all
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    It would not let me edit my post.
    the AC man here to check out our heating. hope he can get it fixed before the freezing weather gets here,Its been close but not freezing yet. Just cold rain.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Time out for breakfast.

    Lin My doctor told me I was drinking way to much water and washing it away. I go back to see her when My results are back which will be next week. I have cut way down on my water and now My kidneys problem acting up. Can/t win for losing. drink more water drink less water. What a fellow to do. .Our A/C man has to go to get a part. for our unit. hope he gets it fixed. I hate getting up to a cold house.-Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Good morning. Glad we're back in business. Thanks Sandy.

    Marie, I hope you get your heat going. Oh my gosh. That is a huge deal around here when your heat is down. Yipes!

    Jeri, you are going to become the Master of the Instant Pot! Good for you. I made some broccoli soup the other day. I tend to be a throw stuff in the pot and hope for the best. It worked out. When it was done I used my immersion blender and had a lovely creamy delicious soup. I am sold on Instant Pot!

    Well we had snow flurries and although there wasn't a lot of snow but the road are slick this morning and there have been accident and traffic slowdowns so I decided I would have to give up on my usual early morning trip to Trader Joe's. I will likely wait until tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, I will still get across town later on to return those items I ordered. Don't want to let that go too long.

    I've just taken a butternut squash out of the oven and will prep it for a squash and corn casserole that I'll bake later this morning.

    Time to move along. Love you all!!

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    I had a noon appointment scheduled with a friend today and she just called to reschedule for Friday. She will be the new library minister where we worship. She will be wonderful in this position and I'm seriously ready to go back to just being a monthly volunteer. So Friday I will get to meet with her and make sure she knows what she needs to know for her new duties. Anyway, this means I now have the time I need today to finish everything that I didn't get to yesterday. I still have a little more holiday decorating to do, some laundry to finish and a bit of housekeeping. And after reading about the soup in the previous posts, I think I may see what type of soup I can come up with for dinner tonight.

    Marie - So glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself and that your doctor is staying on top of things. Hopefully, by Thursday everything will have gotten better.
    Eyebrows - Mine are thin, but they are there. I use a classic blond pencil to help fill them in a bit.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hey I just might have to get me one. Is it easy to clean. My hands are not so good at heavy object's That's broccoli soup just about seal the deal. for me. lin I know you make up your recipes as you go along. but please tell me how you plan on thowing that squash and corn casseerole together. I love casseroles. marie.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Marie ~

    Bad enough we get told to drink lots of water without it then causing problems so do take care of yourself as well as Jerry. Let us know the results from your doctor.

    Phoebe ~ Our pets really are family aren't they and like you, the cost doesn't come into the discussion when caring for my cats and George although after 20 years I have discovered that a vet who has a small practice in our town is much cheaper than the larger group I've used so am gradually changing my pets over to him. Big hugs for Honey when she gets home and hooray for Sonny.... my Boris often sits out on the lawn in the rain and seems totally oblivious to the wet!

    Lin ~ Your weather doesn't sound pleasant so I don't blame you staying home. A blender set I ordered last week has arrived and I can't wait to make some smoothies and healthy drinks with the allotment veggies.

    The new mattress I ordered through Groupon was delivered today by 2 charming Polish lads who managed to carry it into my cottage and squeeze upstairs to my bedroom so now I just have to unpack it and remake my bed without getting attacked by it and ending up buried underneath!! I'm hoping it will mean the end of waking up with a back ache because it's an extremely expensive one that I got a 66% discount on! Also yesterday evening I received 2 constructive phone calls, one from a local nurse who is offering a pedicure service at a reasonable rate and will come to my home next Monday, then a call from a handyman who works for our local authority offering a service for seniors and he will repair my garage door that has a split hinge so that I will be able to get the car back in because at present the door won't open safely. I've also arranged for local council to collect the old mattress and computer desk as they will be able to recycle the latter so someone can make use of it.... busy, busy!

    Gosh, only 3.30pm and already getting dark because it's miserable outside!! Time to get that mattress on to my bed. Hello to everyone I missed.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie, I understand, good decision!
    The instapot has a stainless steel pot so it's a lot lighter than the heavy crocks of slow cookers. But it has a lot of buttons on it that you would need to be able to know which to use. If you go to there are lots of videos. Here is a funny one I like.

    Also forgot to mention what Jim's kidney doctor said. Aleve and ibuprofen are bad bad for kidneys. He says don't take either unless you really need to. He says only take Tylenol. It's a hard choice, when we choose between pain and immediate relief.

    Returns to make, purchases to make, and Honey to pick up!

    Barbie, thank you so much for the tip. I had no idea!

    Oh yes, and a husband who needs his meds.

    Marie, glad the ac man is there so you won't be cold anymore! I'm trying out an infrared heater but it's too soon to tell if it works as advertised.
    Supposed to help warm the house so the heat pump doesn't work so hard.
    Better get going.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    It is going to get fixed if we have to buy a new unit for that purpose. . we did get a new outside unit tis past year but the the unit in the attic is 15 years old. so a new one may be in store for us.. we will see how it play out today.Thanks phoebe I am going to check on line for a instant pot.To see who has the best price. I will check Walmart out first.
    Let me know about the infared heater.
    love as always
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well today I had an urge for homemade chocolate chip cookies...I know, not good on a fitness forum.
    I succumbed, I made them, I bit into one........and find I can't eat them any more! Too sweet! After a year and a half without sugar I find I just can't stomach it anymore! Anybody want 47 chocolate chip and walnut cookies, mm I thought not!

    Like PHOEBE, I agree MARIE, good decision. Poor lassie, you aren't having a pleasant time health wise and trouble with the heating as well. It never rains but it pours. Hope all your problems are resolved very, very soon.

    I sympathize with all you multi pet owners, Tabitha's last visit to the vet cost me over $500. Poor old Honey, she will be so glad to get home!

    The mattress in my front bedroom was very expensive JACKIE when I bought it 2 years ago really for visitors. Last winter after my annual trek to the front bedroom I hated it and thought I'd never get used to it, plus the fact it is extremely high and almost took a footstool to climb into bed. Even worse, getting up in the middle of the night the spring in it almost bounced me out. I persevered though and now I absolutely love it and am thinking of giving any guests my old mattress which is also comfy but not quite as much as this one.

    Well that's about it! The cookie baking was a waste of the morning, but I've learnt my lesson! Back to creative ways of cooking veggies, and thank you LIN with your ideas.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have been looking and there are so many different pots and prices I do not know which to buy. so I will just hold off for a while..and used my small crock pot. for my beans cooking. for today I am making s spanish rice on top of the stove.Marie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    The corn and squash casserole is not an Instant Pot creation. It is regular oven and Vitamix thing.

    Wash a butternut squash, pierce it in a couple of places, place on parchment paper on an oven safe pan in a 400 degree oven until done. About an hour or 90 minutes depending on size. Remove it from the oven and let it cool until you can handle it safely. Place on cutting board, slice in half, remove the seeds and flip over to remove the skin. Place the pieces in a Vitamix along with a drained can of unsalted corn and a Tbsp of spice blend without salt. Blend until smooth. Put in glass casserole pan. I used 9 X 13 and then stir in a pound of frozen corn. Bake at 350 for about half an hour to 40 minutes until the edges are browned.

    It is yummy but made quite a bit for just me. That always happens but I love leftovers.