Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hi All,

    We were up and at it fairly early. Ed wanted to get a couple of items on sale do we hit the store first thing. Then out for breakfast (I have coffee having already ate at home) and grocery shopping because my cousin's daughter is spending the weekend with us. For supper I tried out a new recipe in my new pressure cooker that we all liked. Now I am relaxing.

    Black Friday used to be just a US event but is now prevalent here in Canada. I don't like crowds so try to stay away from all that. Did get a couple good deals tho at the grocery store of all places.

    Hugs to all


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good news! Our amazing Mazzy, the sheepdog, went to the vet and the bump was filled with a clear liquid. He drained it and looked at a specimen under the microscope. No bad cells at all. So once again our Mazzy defied science. What? Why? Who knows?

    Still have a lot of turkey breast left. I guess we will just have it warmed over broccoli. Thank goodness I only cooked a turkey breast. I am already tired of it. I do like the cranberry sauce however.

    I am spending hours hunting for Christmas gifts online. Why did I think that this was less time consuming?
    Do I sound like the Grinch?
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Yay Mazzy! No, not the Grinch. The tired maybe. Only so much time on the computer before it feels like work and not fun anymore.
    I watched a video of the apple peeler corer slicer we bought last year. They make it look so easy that I feel I can wait until the morning to make the apple pie for tomorrow evening's family dinner. Ha, and its a new recipe so it will likely flop. Tomorrow morning is getting closer -night
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Me I am not doing any shopping.. Groceries shopping is all. That's enough for me.. We will be having Christmas dinner at Kathy house Katie and Blaine baby boy is expected by new year

    Have a great day. sneakers
    o:) Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Not going, Jim is sick with his bronchitis. Lots of coughing. Don't want to have him around all the children.
    See ya later
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good morning. I got up late, had a lovely shower, even blow dried my hair and dressed fairly nicely. Then moved on to a couple of little food prep projects. I'm having an early lunch now and then will meet friends (and hopefully find a parking place) in our historic shopping village area. It will be a zoo I'm sure since it is Small Business Saturday.

    I watched the DVD from the library---Spy. I laughed, it was a bit better than I thought it would be. The other DVD didn't interest me at all after a couple of minutes so I am just returning it along with all the other items I've finished. The Evanovich book seemed a bit smuttier than I remember them. I must be getting too old for this stuff. Ha.

    I love online shopping but of course I just shop for deals for my own use for the mostpart. Sometimes I order for friends but there's no pressure to find specific things.

    Hugs. Gotta keep at it or I'll be late for parking place hunting.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Not going, Jim is sick with his bronchitis. Lots of coughing. Don't want to have him around all the children.
    See ya later

    Sorry Jim is sick. :'(
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA

    ' Evanovich book seemed a bit smuttier than I remember them. I must be getting too old for this stuff. Ha.'

    Maybe it's the author, Evanovich, growing older.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Christmas decorations are done, I am ready for Christmas. Babe and I will be going to Church and dinner, that is about all I have planned for the weekend. I have to admit it feels good to do nothing but eventually I will have to go to Walmart, just would prefer to go during the week. I am basically done with all the shopping I have to do for Christmas, except for a few gift cards. I don't think I will send many cards this year, just family and close friends. Will start wrapping what I do have which is mostly for Robby, his parents and Bryanna.
    Still haven't seen Bryanna for a few weeks, the problem when they get busy with school, work and boyfriends. I have texted her, but I do miss her.

    Phoebe, sorry Jim is sick, I know you love your family Christmas dinner. You are very considerate in thinking of the children who will be there.

    Lin, what do you do for Christmas? Hopefully, it will be with friends or loved ones.

    Marie, how are you feeling? It is wonderful that you are spending Christmas with family, another new great grandchild will be here soon.

    Patsy, glad to hear Mazzy's bump is okay, they do make us worry don't they? It might be time consuming shopping online but it is still in the comfort of your own home. I don't know what I would do without Amazon. lol

    Anne, hope your ice melted and you are able to get to that store without crowds in the near future.

    Hello to everyone else and enjoy your Saturday or is it Sunday in the UK?

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy Saturday sneakers! Thank God! John polished off the pie last night. Having it lurk around to tempt me was agony! Getting my hair cut today. It is always a conundrum..(I love that word) about the hairdressers yearly holiday tip. We tip, of course, every time we go there, usually every 5 to 6 weeks. But as for the bigger Christmas tip, I never know what's right. She cuts John hair as well.

    Mazzy seems just fine. I checked the now bumpless area on her neck. All is well. MoMo, the wonder dog is doing fine on the meds. It is freaky expensive to have pets. These pills are a dollar a pill. She has one daily. But honestly, we would always give our dogs what they need. They are family!

    We are getting things going for our holiday exercise movies. One of my all time favorite beautiful movies is "Hugo." The art direction! The music! The lovely story! As the saying goes these days, why can't they make more movies like this? Has everyone seen it? Oh put it on your list, if you have not seen it!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hello sneakers and apologies for my absence but the distorted pages of posts issue was very off-putting. Good news though because having followed Barbie's advice and returned to Google chrome the pages are now back to normal although having just read Sandy's explanation for the smaller photos I wonder!!! We are now having day after day or rain showers, some very heavy so apart from dog walking I'm staying home and currently freshening up my dining room walls with a coat of paint. It's called soft linen and has a very slight hint of cream although at first glance appears white so is brightening up the area. The room is quite small so at the moment, with furniture pushed to the centre away from the walls I'm falling over everything but the plan is to complete the task by mid week and also donate some of the items to a local charity shop in the hopes I can find a couple of antiques to take their place. An auction viewing is on tomorrow so I'll be rummaging after my walk!

    Patsy ~ That's such good news about Mazzy because lumps and bumps can always be such a worry when our pets are getting on in years and hooray for MoMo the wonder dog!! The movie Hugo is on my want to watch list but the opportunity hasn't yet presented itself.

    Sandy ~ Like you I've promised myself I'm going to cut down on the number of Christmas cards I send but I do the same every year and then when cards begin to arrive from those I'd dropped off my list I feel guilty!! Anne reminded me recently that it's a job I need to get started when she mentioned settling down to writing hers but so far it's only a thought.

    Jeri ~In the UK our stores tried this Black Friday business for the first time last year and there was absolute mayhem with people literally fighting over bargains and pushing each other on to the ground to get at wanted items so this year they've all decided not to get involved as the behaviour of some customers was deemed "not British" whatever that means!!

    Marie ~ Stay in the dry since your weather isn't great and do enjoy that stew. Tomorrow I'm making chicken curry in my slow cooker because our weather is so dismal I need some warm and comforting food and am sure the smell of the curry wafting through my cottage will help me paint a couple more walls in my dining room!

    Phoebe ~ So sorry to read Jim is not well with bronchitis. do keep an eye on those lungs of his. Poor Sonny sounds as if he gets up to similar antics to my Jasper who always seems to be getting into scraps. At the moment his back leg seems to have a limp so I'll see how he is by Monday and perhaps book an appointment with the vet. He's currently asleep on the sofa next to me as if he doesn't have a care in the world!!

    Anne ~ A good decision to avoid Hikers' Haven on Black Friday and hopefully you'll find a better opportunity before the icy weather returns.

    Lin ~ Enjoy your afternoon at the shops even if it is crowded. On Monday I stopped off for a couple of small items at a local store with a friend on our way to a local town and was surprised to see staff directing traffic in the car park because it was so busy, then saw a big sign declaring it was "Pensioners' week" when a 20% discount was being offered to all those over the age of 60. We were horrified to see the long queues of shoppers waiting to pay on their way out but were lucky to end up in the gardening section which, because of the time of year, wasn't doing much business so we paid for our goods there and left as quickly as was possible. I hate crowds in stores at the best of times!!

    Time to snuggle back on my sofa with Jasper the cat and see if I can finish a novel I've been reading for what feels like months. There's classical music on the radio and what sounds like hail crashing against my windows so I'll probably be snoozing before I reach the last page!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Having problem posted here. Ty the post reply was missing but I see it now.
    Phoebe take care of Jim and yourself too.

    <3 Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :)Phoebe, I have done no research on my possible nerve problem and I have discouraged all my well meaning friends who have ideas on what it might be and have decided to let my doctor do the diagnosis or send me for the proper testing or to the proper specialist.....just for today I am grateful that I can walk the dogs, attend and teach my line dance classes, and sleep at night...about the Space Needle, we are a two hour drive from Seattle so I haven't seen the Space Needle since October, but I did some online research and found that there is a tree on top but I have no idea about the technology involved in making it happen.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Well I took the plunge and installed Windows 10. Looks good so far but I just don't spend much time on the computer itself. I just spend my time on the internet, if that makes sense. Anyway, I managed to get to the sneakers, so I am content.
    Patsy, thank you for the Hugo suggestion, I am enjoying it, just taking a break to check on this installation. For those of you that have amazon Prime, it is available there.
    Just discovered that little Okie has a swelling under his chin. about the size of a golf ball, I think. So he will be going to the doctor too.
    Thank you Barbie, for your reply. Yes, I checked on google images and there is the beautiful space needle topped with a tree. I like it!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi everyone. Busy with various washes today and finally got to my shower after lunchtime. I thought perhaps if I washed my hair, I might attempt to get my hair cut today. Had a leisurely shower with a bracing shampoo; even took my eyebrows off and scrubbed the area well make it short, everyone thought I had cut my hair, and didn't believe me when I said I had merely allowed it to dry without bllblodryvfd the posting is going crazy again and won't accept "blowdrying" where I wanted it! The lines change after every word! I'll just wish JIM and PHOEBE quick recovery and a good rest! Glad for all the good news about pets, people, etc.! I'm off to sleep!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Mazzy, the amazing sheepdog, after her trip the vet! All is well but she doesn't appreciate beefing stuck with a needle, thank you very much!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2015
    Another storm sweeping across the country so I nearly got blown into the next county during my walk with George this morning. The decorating continues although I'm about to stop everything to watch the Davis Cup finals last matches in the hopes Britain can beat Belgium and we'll hold the cup for the first time since 1936.... we're nothing if not patient!!

    Phoebe ~ Could it be that Okie and Sonny had a bit of a scrap? My Jasper and Hebe are brother and sister and typical siblings are always arguing!!

    Patsy ~ How adorable is Mazzy and I can't blame her not being happy about needles.... who would be!!

    Buzz ~ I often find friends tell me how nice my hair is looking just before I go to an appointment to get it cut!!

    The tennis is about to start and my laptop tells me it's about to run out of juice so I'm away to sort an egg on crumpet for lunch before settling down and then it will be my chicken curry later today.

    Happy Sunday everyone.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited November 2015
    Wow, what a busy bunch we are! I decided to move the books and bookcases down one long wall to make way for the coming Christmas tree. This took all morning and didn't look half bad, however, come evening the lighting from the lamps was all wrong and it didn't look so good, so........ I then spent the evening moving it all back to the original placement. I would have been better off if like LIN I'd sallied forth for the day, except everything, books and all, got a good dusting! Maybe I was a furniture remover in a previous life.
    Mazzy the amazing is one beautiful girl PATSY. In fact MoMo and all the pets and little people on this site are gorgeous and all obviously much loved and treasured.
    I'm beginning to wonder BUZZ if I wash my hair too much, as in every day, and that's maybe why it is a flyaway birds nest. Maybe try every other day to let the natural oil tame it?
    BARBIE I'm really sorry you are going through a worrying health time, but I think you are very wise ignoring everybody and waiting for your doctors diagnosis. People are loving and well meaning but too much advice just overloads us. My friend has a completely different problem with a huge decision to make but unfortunately she is overloaded with advice from everybody and so is procrastinating when she should really be listening to her surgeon.
    Well JACKIE, after receiving 2 cards from England I have taken the plunge and I mailed mine yesterday. Ive tried to cut back, but like you I have a few emergency cards to ease my conscience if I receive cards I don't really expect from people I haven't seen or had much contact with in years.
    Hi MARIE and everybody hope today is a good day for you all.
    Well today is my contact day via the telephone or the email, or family dropping in so I'll love you and leave you,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Today is my baby boy's 43rd birthday!! Hurts to write that, how do these kids keep getting older while we get younger??? Other than a video call, I have no plans and have to rest up for my week of sitting. I think Lisa's parents get home Thursday and I am hoping they want to watch Robby on Friday. Babe and I would like to go to a movie and lunch before his daughter comes in on Saturday. She will be here until the following Wednesday when I leave for Florida, so it will be a while before seeing Babe and Daisy after Friday.

    So what do you think? Do our two girls look alike??


    Daisy and Mazzy!! <3<3<3

    Anne, you must be one strong lady moving furniture the way you do. Did you find a spot for the tree and did you take in account the tree has lights?? lol

    Jackie, your weather sounds atrocious, please be careful walking and don't let the wind scoop up poor George. Like Anne you are ambitious painting walls, I feel like a slacker next to most of you ladies.

    Buzz, what kind of eyebrow pencil do you use that it has to be scrubbed off? I have no eyebrows and the pencil just comes off with my makeup remover clothe. I have such thin and poker straight hair I have to use a curling iron everyday. I wish I could just wash it and blow dry but I just can't stand it straight.

    Phoebe, let me know how you like Windows 10. My son told me to stick with 7 until the Spring when they are coming out with something new for 10. He said as long as I can still get support for 7 continue using it so I listen.

    Barbie, as long as you are able to walk and dance, you are a happy camper.

    Marie, hope all is well with you.

    Have a great Sunday.
    One Day at a Time