Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just checking in. been out to eat with the family Nice.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2015
    I lost my post for the second time I keep hitting the back button. :s
    I will highlight what is happening:

    Friday night - We went to see a gallery showing of photography pictures from my friend's husband who had his own wall of pictures for showing. He does fabulous work.

    Saturday - My second session of TM (transcendental meditation) is going well.
    Much deeper meditation than the method I was using. A great stress reliever and very easy to do. Only 20 min in the morning and 20 mins in the afternoon.
    You really need some guidance to do it properly.
    Finished laundry room and all shelving in the basement with continuing purging and organizing.

    Sunday - Finished purging and organizing today and its all done!! The house feels so airy and spacious. I had my third session of TM and it was explained how stress effects the body and TM works to help. Tomorrow is my last session.

    We will leaving on Tuesday for London, ON and my friend and I will be doing some shopping for boat material to make boat curtains. Then Wednesday onto Michigan for Thanksgiving with their family and black friday shopping.

    Well Dave just made some popcorn so I better close for now. Don't know if I mentioned it but our carpeting downstairs is done and it looks fabulous.
    We will be painting and removing wallpaper when we come back from trip.

    Have a good evening everyone.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2015
    Jeri, I got a couple of accessories for my Instant Pot. I got a glass lid when I want to use it as a slow cooker. I also purchased this from Amazon and had my handyman remove the handles. BUT I have the DUO60, I don't know if it would fit in the 50 so I am assuming that you have that model.

    RSVP Endurance Stainless Steel 3 Quart Wide Rim Mesh Basket by RSVP

    (I also keep an extra seal and purchased a second pot insert.)

    I use that basket all the time in the Instant Pot when I want to cook a whole squash or am cooking greens or a pound of carrots or something. Easier for me to remove from the pot and keeps things out of the liquid at the bottom of the pot.

    I love to make vegetable spaghetti squash. Just put a cup or so of water in the bottom of the pot. Wash and put the whole squash in the basket I mentioned or on the rack. Close the lid. Set to unvented/pressure. Hit the Manual button for 8 minutes then forget about it. Use NPR (natural pressure release). Honestly I probably don’t remove it until an hour after the cooking has completed. Then let it cool for a bit. At that point it is so easy to split in half and spoon out the seeds. Use a fork to separate the spaghetti. I'll cook any kind of squash in the pot, my arthritic hands can cope with this much easier than chopping at the raw squash with a butcher knife and a hammer.

    I do carrot coins the same way, a pound in the basket for 1 minute on manual, NPR.

    A package of Trader Joe’s Cruciferous Crunch with about ½ cup vegetable broth and any seasonings that you like for 1 minute on manual, NPR. (I was doing that every day for a while!)

    Always be sure to have enough liquid in the pot, if anything is too thick it will scorch. If making lentil soup or split pea soup put in all the water FIRST, then the ingredients to assure it won’t overheat.

    You can also use an immersion blender in the pot after you’ve cooked something as the liner is stainless steel.

    If you are using it as a slow cooker and do not have the extra glass lid, leave the lid VENTED not on pressure according to the company. There seems to be some confusion on that.

    I also cook sprouted red rice in the pot, I just use the rice button. Water, rice, seal it up, and hit the rice button.

    I don’t make yogurt in mine and so far I’ve not tried the porridge button.

    I cook so many vegetables and soups, I keep it busy!

    I would do the water test first, I have heard that some people do happen to get a pot that fails the test and needs to be replaced.

    Patsy, I hope to hear your ideas!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Last session of TM this morning. Then packing for our trip to Michigan and
    Thanksgiving celebration with our friends and their daughter's family.

    Here is a picture of Isaac ,the other in laws baby sat so Kathy and Fraser could
    go out for their 5th anniversary dinner with a Town Car so they didn't
    have to drive.


    Enjoy the day!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2015
    Oh Shirley, he is just a darling! <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley that boy is growing up so fast . Such andorable baby.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I was thinking the same thing, Marie, he's a fast growing boy! Beautiful eyes too
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Monday's are hard aren't they? Maybe only for me since it is an early rising day! Robby is napping, he is either getting more teeth or fighting a cold. He is still happy though, so we are going to go to his mommy's work for lunch since she has teacher conferences today and tomorrow and has to stay for one after dinner parent. She hates being away from Robby too long, so it will help break up my day as well.

    Shirley, Issac has gotten so big and cuter everyday. I love his teeth, he has the best smile. Remind me again how old he is, I think he is six months younger than Robby, but I am probably wrong.

    I have to get things together to take with me. Have a great Monday!

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Good tips LIN, thank you.

    Shirley - what a cutie

    Sandy - your are impressive looking after Robbie, another real cutie.

    Forecasting snow today and tomorrow. Brrrrr

    Have a good one.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Barbie, how did your test go? Specifically, what did they do? I guess it's too early for the results. Have a good day everyone
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    I lost my post for the second time I keep hitting the back button. :s
    I will highlight what is happening:

    Friday night - We went to see a gallery showing of photography pictures from my friend's husband who had his own wall of pictures for showing. He does fabulous work.

    Saturday - My second session of TM (transcendental meditation) is going well.
    Much deeper meditation than the method I was using. A great stress reliever and very easy to do. Only 20 min in the morning and 20 mins in the afternoon.
    You really need some guidance to do it properly.
    Finished laundry room and all shelving in the basement with continuing purging and organizing.

    Sunday - Finished purging and organizing today and its all done!! The house feels so airy and spacious. I had my third session of TM and it was explained how stress effects the body and TM works to help. Tomorrow is my last session.

    We will leaving on Tuesday for London, ON and my friend and I will be doing some shopping for boat material to make boat curtains. Then Wednesday onto Michigan for Thanksgiving with their family and black friday shopping.

    Well Dave just made some popcorn so I better close for now. Don't know if I mentioned it but our carpeting downstairs is done and it looks fabulous.
    We will be painting and removing wallpaper when we come back from trip.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    I was thinking the same thing, Marie, he's a fast growing boy! Beautiful eyes too

    Not sure what is going on with the comment box...? I seem to be on the tail end of Shirley's post. I guess I will just say hello and try to figure this out later. Have a great afternoon everyone. I am making cranberry relish. Easy and fun. Just putting stuff into the food processor. Whirling it up and storing it in a plastic refrigerator container until thanksgiving. Onward!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - Isaac is 7 months old now and will be 8 months old on December 3rd.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I have the same problem as PATSY! I'm beginning to wonder if pictures being posted has anything
    to do with the problem, as ISAAC's picture came in really huge, and after that, everything spread way out
    beyond the boundaries.
    Having wakened and showered around 6 AM, I'm falling on my nose! I had a mammogram and Mike ultrasounds of his
    aortic aneurism Enjoyed dinner with 2 couples who just bought into our community, and because we recommended one
    couple, we get a nice little bonus when they move in.
    I'm really having trouble width this post!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BUZZ, my problems also seem to start after photos have been posted and I have wondered, but thought I was being paranoid. Everything started going wrong originally about 8 months ago when I was sent 22 photos on email, and they kept jumping over onto my posts on this site. It will be interesting if anyone else has noticed.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Since I primarily use my smartphone, I'm not seeing these issues. I'll check my laptop when I'm home.
    Which will be for more time than expected. They've started paying extra money for working on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. It's a great incentive, because they don't have a load for us! We will make some short trips to Tennessee this week. Then we will be home until next Wednesday at least, due to Dr. Appt on Tuesday. Ugh, I don't want to cook on Thursday. I may visit my aunt and eat out with her, then bring a plate home for Jim. He will happily watch football galore!

    Saturday, we will see our family at our get together with them. That will be easy, as I will bring bread, pie, tea, and sliced tomatoes. Fun!

    We saw friends this morning and they just got back from Chicago and Wisconsin. They said snow everywhere but the roads were in great shape.
    More later
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning. I am ready for a brand new week. I am waiting on Jerry to bring my coffee. I cannot handle a cup of coffee and my walker togerher.
    Have a great day Sneaker <3 Marie
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    BUZZ, my problems also seem to start after photos have been posted and I have wondered, but thought I was being paranoid. Everything started going wrong originally about 8 months ago when I was sent 22 photos on email, and they kept jumping over onto my posts on this site. It will be interesting if anyone else has noticed.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I've tried to catch up with all your posts but having to run back and forth on the bottom bar to scan such long lines is so time consuming I'm now needing to cook my evening meal so will just say I hope everyone is well and keeping warm. I'm fine!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    edited November 2015
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I only watched Robby until 1:00 today and now Lisa is off until next Monday which means I am too. They are going on a date night tonight and I am going to their house to sit however they aren't going until Robby is asleep so it will be an easy night with me chilling on their couch. Robby is still running a fever on and off, it is hard to tell if it is his teeth or a cold. His poor nose is running like a faucet. TMI???

    I have no problems with MFP, in fact there aren't any ads on my page and I am not paying for the premium service. Both sides of my reply box are solid white and everything is centered. I am on my desk top but I don't think I had any problems with my IPad either.

    I am giving all of us a bye week this Friday, even those who are not celebrating Thanksgiving unless you want me to post. I know I don't want to weigh in after Thanksgiving but of course if you want too, I will put down your loses.

    I hope you all are having a great Tuesday!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jerry and I got our haircut today. got our Thanksgiving dinner tuck away in the fridge. Ready for all of this rain we are suppose to get beggning tomorrow. I found me a real good enchiladas at Tom thumb. while shopping this morning made it for lunch and I love it. I will keep some on hand next time Mexican mood hit me.
    hate tis long posting gets me so confuse maybe soon they will get it fixed. in the means time I will be hiding out

    <3 marie