Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited November 2015
    Buried in my long post yesterday I mentioned I would be out celebrating a friend's birthday this afternoon. Well as the snow started to fall I met my friends at an artsy place and the first big decision was what type of project to do---ceramics (painting free ware), glass, candles or painting. My friends worked with glass. I decided to make a candle to give as a gift. It was fun and we chatted quite a bit. We are going to try to go to one of the organized painting sessions but heading into winter and busy schedules I doubt it will be any time soon.

    By the time we finished there was a lot of heavy wet snow to brush off our vehicles and then a slow drive home but it was okay. Happy to get home before this all started to freeze on the roads.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member

    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    You are so right SANDY. Changing bedrooms is like a mini vacation. I can now say goodnight to the moon shining brightly through the window, and good morning to the sun rise! At least I will when the sun comes back. Gloomy out there today, I think you are sending us a few snow flurries. It's iffy on whether we get flakes or raindrops.
    Whatever, big hearty warming stew weather, on which I am about to get started.
    Happy day to everybody, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lost my post twice will try again later
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good morning. Cold day so I'm staying at home and will be cooking all day today. Have lots of little things in mind. Right now sweet potatoes are roasting in my tiny countertop oven and I have chickpeas all nicely seasoned and roasting in the larger oven. Bean burgers are mixed up and chilling in the refrigerator and will go in the oven next. Vegetables to chop and I might make some more cranberry/orange relish. And will cook quinoa and some oatmeal.

    I am happy in just one bedroom so I stay put. I do have a couple of friends who share a very small home and they like to keep it with a decorator look so EVERYTHING they need for each season is kept in one of those self-storage units. Honestly, if they need any warm clothes or a heavy jacket they have to make a trip to get it if the seasons haven't changed yet. They made a trip to Texas recently and didn't want to give up the light clothing so they've been in a bit of a bind. I hope this past week they got the seasons changed in their home.

    Hugs---good to see everyone!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) We got our snow and it is still falling.


    I will have to wait and see how the weather is before deciding if I am going to Church at 5:00, same for the brunch tomorrow. As long as the roads are good I don't mind driving but not if it is slippery.

    Lin, I am grateful for a walk in closet that fits both seasons of clothes so I don't have to do any changing of wardrobes. You are cooking, I am washing clothes, paying bills and finishing a project my granddaughter started two years ago. She started a fleece blanket with the tied ends but never finished and I am tired of looking at it, so will finish it off today.

    I don't want this day to get away from me so enjoy your Saturday and stay warm or cool depending on where you are.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    It's stay cool for me here in Yuma Arizona. 81 degrees. If I didn't have such junky bedrooms, I'd like to try sleeping upstairs. Looks like I'll never get them straight.
    Lin your cooking sounds SO Good. Roasting sweet potatoes and chickpeas, bean burgers, yummy!
    Sandy, hope you make brunch and mass. Lots of snow for you. We can't wish it away!
    Those tie blankets are fun. I made some cushions for the cats like that.
    We plan to work over Thanksgiving day. Our big family get together is the Saturday after that. So we may make it if we get home in time.
    I'm going to get an afternoon nap before dinner.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MFP coming in weird again tonight! Long long reply space! I found a "toggle" diagonal arrow which I clicked
    (all the way to the right!) and the reply section changed shape to square. Well, we'll see!
    Meanwhile, no vertical arrows or "post" button!
    The snow picture is just beautiful, SANDY! I can smell the freshness !
    PHOEBE, of course you'll make it home for your Saturday celebration. Be safe, dear friend...
    I can't see today's forum so I don't remember much, though I wondered what happened to the Happy Birthday I added to GAYLA's greeting!
    LIN, stay comfortable, warm and snug!
    ANNE, wish I could visualize your post, but hi, dear!
    I'm off to an early bedtime as I drove home from Costco this afternoon in one of those blinding Florida rainstorms where one cannot see
    beyond the windshield (yet several cars whizzed by me leaving their backsplash flying high in the air), and it was exhausting!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Previous post stretched way out, so I kept clicking the ENTER key to keep it normal!
    It worked! Now to bed!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY and MARCELLA, you did not use Glitter Graphics for Gayla's birthday greeting.
    Can you tell us what website it was? I was not able to reach it using "properties" and
    they were both attractive!
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Buzz, your glitter graphic did indeed work and is posted. I googled Happy Birthday Gayla and clicked on images. Saved the one I liked to my pictures. Just a change from glitter graphics.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sandy - I signed up for the Premium membership because I use MFP so much it just seemed like a nice thing to do. For me, the biggest benefit is that I don’t have to put up with advertising now. On my home page, I changed which nutrients I see tracked. I also have the option to not have calories added back in when I exercise. I don’t remember what comes with the membership, but those are some of the things that I like.

    Buzz - I found the birthday image using a google search, saved it to my computer and then simply attached it to my post.

    Lin - I agree with the convenience of fitting into my space. It works for me to keep it simple and convenient. If it doesn't fit, I probably don't need it.

    Phoebe - 81 degrees sounds awesome!

    Camper Update - I started to winterize the camper on Friday. Realized there was one tool that I didn’t have. Had to drive into town to get it. Three stores later, I was finally back at the camper. I also had to install a winterizing kit. That part was a little scary. But, after a call to the camper service department, I felt confident to proceed. Saturday, I was able to complete the winterizing tasks and pack up to come home. Happy to be home sipping coffee this morning!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Well done Marcella!! It is great that you were able to complete that job yourself. And thank you for the description of the premium service. Not seeing the ads would be very welcomed many days! Enjoy the coffee.....

    I'm off to church. Another communion prep Sunday for me, and selling crafts after church so it will be a long day. The heat is kept rather low since they are always trying to save money so I have on my cuddle duds under a warm set of clothing, a fleece vest, little fleece-lined boots, and one of my heavier parkas. I'm ready.

    Wishing everyone a great day.

    My alma mater UNI (University of Northern Iowa) had a major score yesterday. The men' basketball team won over top-ranked North Carolina yesterday!!! Go Panthers!!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Going to Mass and then to brunch. Will try to get back later, enjoy your Sunday.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    Haven't done much as my feet continue to bother me. So I do lots of sitting and I have put on weight. Some of that because I worry about my sister and eat more than I want too. Now WHY would I do that when I know I shouldn't. She was doing pretty good but is on her last week of her ibrance and has fatigue, low blood count, nose bleeds, depression, etc. Poor darling. We will go back down to see her in January.

    I should get my electric pressure cooker tomorrow.

    LIN, PATSY - I ordered the Instant Pot - can you tell me your favorite recipes and what you like to cook in it?
    Looking for ideas.

    I got my hair cut this week and don't like it. New hairdresser and she cut it shorter than I like. Good news is that it will grow out at least.

    Sandy - Wow - quite the picture, so pretty. Keep warm. We have some snow, not much though.

    Marcella - good job. Impressive for sure.

    Buzz - we have snow and you awful rain. That is very nasty to drive in too. Keep safe.

    Phoebe - drive safe and hope you are home for your family Thanksgiving as planned

    Oh, Ed wants to do our morning crossword puzzle. We do them everyday. Got to run.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Brrr, a beautiful day but I've just come in from finally putting together my garden storage box and realised just how cold it is outside. The frustration of silly directions in obscure drawings was keeping me warm with increased blood pressure but apart from needing to replace 3 supplied screws that were too big for the job it was almost idiot proof and I've already put a large collection of glass jars in it ready for a good supply of honey next year. I imagine the cats will love it as a seat once the sun reaches it in the Spring! A purge has begun to clear books, magazines and papers that haven't been looked at for at least 2 years so I'm pacing myself so as not to get too tired as am aware my energy levels are flat. MFP still playing up and Sandy's photo nearly enveloped me in a huge snow drift as I tried to find my way from top to bottom and side to side!! Sandy thanks for posting the link to those beautiful beehives.... wouldn't I just LOVE one but it seems they don't post abroad!! Thanks Diane if you read this.

    These long, long lines of type are such a nuisance so I'm going to make myself a cup of tea and perhaps pop back later this evening to see if it's sorted out.

    Have a lovely Sunday.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    linder4866 wrote: »
    Good morning. Cold day so I'm staying at home and will be cooking all day today. Have lots of little things in mind. Right now sweet potatoes are roasting in my tiny countertop oven and I have chickpeas all nicely seasoned and roasting in the larger oven. Bean burgers are mixed up and chilling in the refrigerator and will go in the oven next. Vegetables to chop and I might make some more cranberry/orange relish. And will cook quinoa and some oatmeal.

    I am happy in just one bedroom so I stay put. I do have a couple of friends who share a very small home and they like to keep it with a decorator look so EVERYTHING they need for each season is kept in one of those self-storage units. Honestly, if they need any warm clothes or a heavy jacket they have to make a trip to get it if the seasons haven't changed yet. They made a trip to Texas recently and didn't want to give up the light clothing so they've been in a bit of a bind. I hope this past week they got the seasons changed in their home.

    Hugs---good to see everyone!


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello again! I tried clicking on that little arrow do-dad at the extreme right hand side and the text box returned to normal. At least, I think that's what made it happen..?

    We are getting prepped for thanksgiving. And cold front is arriving on Monday night along with icy conditions. We all need to be careful these days.

    The sun came out today, beautiful! It also showed up some really dirty Windows. Not sure if I will be able to get to them before Christmas. I do love seeing our forest and the sunlight through clean glass.

    Jackie: one of our family funny stories is the one when I put together an art supply cabinet. It has wheels. I could not get them on no matter how I fiddled with the screws and metal plates to hold the wheels. My husband walked into my art dungeon and took one look and collapsed laughing. I had the whole cabinet cobbled together upside down and things were not ever going to work in that configuration. I knew something didn't look right...

    Anne: one of my moms favorite recipes was mulagatauney (? Sp). It was a sort of chicken stew with Lima beans. She tossed a massive amount of interesting things in a huge pot with water and several bay leaves and off she went to complete her day. The smell was so wonderful! Do you use bay leaves in your stew?

    Phone calls to family and football games today. I might wash one window...we'll see if my ambition holds up.
    Thinking of you all as I go about my day,
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello everybody, I am feeling guilty. I WAS going to start writing my overseas Christmas cards, but......along came my youngest with an offer to take me to a far far far away (no car remember) grocery store AND a super bakery who sell REAL English fruit scones AND crusty sour dough bread. Who could resist such an offer! His wife, MJ has flown to Montreal for a business trip and so dear old Mom benefitted! Oh well, there's always next Sunday for the dreaded cards.

    Mulligatawny, no I'm not brilliant, I looked it up in Websters PATSY, is apparently, according to them, an East Indian curried soup which was news to me because I thought it was a chicken stew as well. THEY say the stew is called Mulligan! And it was originally prepared by hobos. I tell you, one learns something new every day! Well hobo's or not mine smells wonderful and I start with onions and stock and then just shove in anything that's lurking in the fridge. Today, chicken, potatoes, carrots, a stray parsnip, peas, thyme, some rice etc. etc. Its definitely hearty and the reason I probably can't budge these 4 lbs on the hips! Made enough for 4 dinners.

    Well none of us can complain about leading boring lives when confronted with the antics of MFP! I'm going through a lull at the moment, but it only seems to last 4 or 5 days and 'here we go again". I don't appear to HAVE a little arrow do-dad to click on!

    I just cut my own hair JERRI, seeing nobody seems to be able to do much with it including me! Have you considered Ed having a go?

    Well, you can all see I am procrastinating from writing the dreaded cards! I've managed it too, because it's teatime with one of those lovely buttered and strawberry jammed scones awaiting me in the kitchen. Mmm Mmm.
    Enjoy the rest of Sunday everybody,
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    There's white stuff floating down outside, and I don't mean goose feathers.