Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    LOL :D:D Just noticed I've been barred from using that word again, similar to the times I used to tell Charlie stories!! You'll know what I mean anyway.... Perhaps it's an English thing Anne :s

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Welcome to the naughty word club JACKIE! Or should I say naughty girls club. I presume, for those maybe not sure, that the word is what you would call a male chicken, or what you might do with a gun, or indeed lift your leg up.
    Thanks for a Monday morning laugh! I shall go and **** my leg up as I don my socks. I will not risk naming a certain white parrot beginning with C and ending with atoo!
    Have a lovely Monday everyone, it's a glorious day here!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    how well I remember Charlie you use to tell such i
    interesting stories of him I think we all miss that boy dang it I know <3 Marie

    period but can't find it? Time to ;leave this see you later
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Robby came early this morning but my son picked him up a little while ago. He didn't go to the office today but did some work at home so they gave me a break. I am kind of glad since I have a bit of an upset tummy. I am sure it is nothing, probably just something I ate, at least I hope so. I have no time to be sick.

    Anne, your clarification was so different from what I thought Jackie was telling us. I never heard it used that way with a dog lifting his leg. lol

    Jackie, between you and Anne and the English language, all I can do is smile. You both brighten our days. I did enjoy the time with Babe and Daisy, but have to admit it seems like Babe and I are just friends instead of husband and wife. I do still love him, but it seems different.

    Phyllis, it sounds like you had a wonderful time with your son and a great vacation planned for Christmas. It is always wonderful when adult children still remain close no matter how far apart they live.

    Buzz, I have thought about getting those ink cartridges but didn't really trust the colors. I prefer to stick with my brand of printer ink even though it is expensive, thus the change of buying cards from the dollar store rather than printing them.

    Phoebe, I agree that we have a lot to be grateful and should take it one day at a time.

    I am extra tired today, so I think I will try for a nap. I hope I am not coming down with anything.
    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy day with volunteering and must dress for a bus trip to a special Maine lobster restaurant, a rare treat these days!
    SANDY, I hope you are just having an "off day" and will be well. I sometimes believe there is a reason nature gives us babies while we are younger and in our prime. Taking care of little children requires lots of energy. Not that you are aren't in your best years!
    PHYLLIS, looks like you accomplished good tings with your family. Enjoy!
    JACKIE, interesting to read about how George acclimates to different situations! And I have learned my lesson regarding cartridges! (And certain words the MFP gatekeeper finds offensive! ;) )...
    Hi to ANNE and MARIE and gotta run!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,196 Member
    Hello friends - through the busy times and as predicted moving in the very slow lane. Slept in this morning, took a very long shower and just took my time getting ready for the day. Prepped food all morning long and after having my salad I drove my car to the dealership for a getting ready for winter inspection and to get the low tire pressure light attended to. I had an appointment but they were quite busy with people just stopping in with little things that had gone wrong--interesting to watch. After I was checked in I walked around for a while looking at all the new vehicles. They got everything fixed up for me and didn't charge me a penny!! Wow!!

    I hope everyone is doing okay. We have the darn flu going around here already. And it is not just the normal sick children. Several middle aged men have died from the flu in the last several weeks and a lady at my church got dreadfully I'll Friday evening with a 103 temp and my Sunday she was still sick in bed. Family members came to church so they were still well.

    I plan t o keep going slowly for a couple of days and plan to just stay home, rest and do a bit of laundry tomorrow. Later in the week I may go out with a couple of friends to celebrate a birthday. The birthday girl has not decided what she wants to do or if she would prefer to wait until the new Star Wars movie comes out.

    Saturday is the really big holiday craft show which is normally packed to the gills with people. I am planning on meeting either one of two friends at the show. But wow, we may have snow that morning. Maybe I'll get out my snow boots--that should keep the snow away. Haaaaaa.

    Jackie, I loved the walkies video!! George seems so well-behaved and somewhat confused as to why Scruffy just keeps running and squeaking that ball!! He is adorable.

    Sandy, I hope you are feeling better. Do you think you are fighting a cold?? Whatever it is, have a. Ice cup of hot tea and chase it away.

    Phyllis, so happy for the lovely visit and for your upcoming holiday plans.

    Buzz, I hope you are enjoying the outing to the lobster restaurant. Where are you volunteering? Helping your friends? An in-house program?

    Anne, interesting that you lost your picture again this morning. I will say you are always you when I see your posts while using my laptop or my iPad. It must be odd to see someone else's profile picture with your posts.

    And I always purchase new original manufacturers ink cartridges now as I had no luck with refills. I know it costs so much more but knock on wood I have not had any problems with them.

    Oh and I finally looked at lots of photos of chickens in sweaters. So funny. Apparently the chickens are okay with wearing them otherwise they would try to peck at then wouldn't they? Or couldn't they reach then? Anyway, I hope they are comfortable.

    Shirley, I see the mass choir performance has come and gone. Now is that it for the season? Or will there be more performances around Christmas? I have decided I don't want to drive over for the choir practices so I have stopped singing with the church choir. It is a small choir but several people are not happy having someone join in who has only rehearsed with them when they do the Sunday morning run-through. No need to cause anyone to get angry over the trivial.

    Marie, I hope you are feeling well and that Jerry is doing okay. Did Alice come to see you last weekend?? Hope the kitties are keeping you entertained.

    Jeri, any more pictures??

    Phoebe, I have lost track of where you are this week. On the road close to home?? Hope you are well.

    Marcella, are you still at your second home??

    I should finish my dishes and decide if I will be watching any TV tonight or if I will start up a DVD. Hugs to all.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin Jerry is doing well. His ankle was not even hurting him the next morning.
    Jerry is having to play nurse maid to me more and more All but fixing my meals
    I have r been eating more TV dinners
    Gluten free.
    Love Marie
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good evening everyone. I returned home from the camper late Saturday so that I would be home on Sunday to attend church services with a friend/neighbor that was being baptized. It was such a special time. Today my husband installed curtain rods in our great room so I could hang new curtains. This afternoon I went with my son, Jordan, to his vocal lesson in Atlanta. He has a lesson every Monday afternoon at 4pm. The drive from our house is about an hour each way. It gives us time to chat or sing and then we usually grab a bite to eat before returning home. While he is with his vocal coach, I get to enjoy a little quiet time in the waiting area catching up on my reading. Jordan is old enough to drive himself to the lesson, but I'm actually glad that he likes for me to join him. If nothing else, I worry less about him driving in the Atlanta traffic when I'm with him.
    It's been a busy day. As I type, our little girl kitty (Precious) is curled up next to me sleeping and I'm totally ready to join her in slumberland. Sweet dreams, Sneakers.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi Everyone,

    Catching up at home. I also have been engrossed in genealogy research - that can take up an entire day.

    Exciting news today - our daughter Melanie is expecting baby #9 in July. Another surprise for them, and us, but we are all excited.

    Lin - here's a couple of photos from our trip.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2015
    Love your pics Jerry thanks for sharing We have a big storm come thanks all is well here tho.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,196 Member
    Jeri - *love* the pictures. Thank you so much. And congrats on the big news!! Wahoo!!

    Marie - good to hear from you. I am sorry you aren't doing much but glad Jerry is able to help out some. Yipes!! Storm?? Stay safe. We are having our second rainy day but no storms today just cold rain I guess. Hugs.

    Morning Sneakers!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2015
    Morning Friends,

    Everyone seems very busy as we are too. The holidays are looming and we are planning our usual trip to
    Michigan to see friends and spend Thanksgiving with our friends and their daughter and her newly blended
    family since marrying again in the summer. It should be a great time and black friday shopping.

    Sunday was our concert opening of the Performing Arts Center. Our accompanist on the piano did not show up so our
    conductor had to play the piano and one of our soloist singers conducted. It was a challenge but we went on with the show.
    The massed choir at the end with all 6 choirs over 300 voices was awesome! It was a great day! I guess we find out
    what happened to him tonight at our practice which is tonight.

    Now back to reality. I am still purging the house and getting rid of things. My hubby cut up the carpeting downstairs and
    wanted to fix the sub floor and realized the previous owners used 1/4 in plywood which is too thin. So he is planning
    on adding another layer before the carpet get puts down on Wednesday. We also want to repaint the livingroom and
    remove the walllpaper on one wall and paint that too. That may come later. So all furniture is everywhere now.

    Today is a doctor apt. and choir practice tonight. I am planning on a walk today it is so nice out.

    ANNE - They are saying 25,000 into Canada and 10,000 into the US. I heard the US is halting on the
    entry now since this happened.
    SANDY - No too much going on to take a video. We sang in 5 different rooms throught out the day
    and a massed choir at the end with over 300 voices and did 5 songs. Too busy and hectic it was
    a tiring day.
    LIN - The massed choir performance was the opening of our new Performing Arts Center in St. Catharines,
    ON. Now we are continuing practicing for our Christmas performance in December.
    JERI - I LOVE the moose picture. I had to go to Nova Scota to see my first moose. We have them up
    at the cottage too but never seen one until last year after going up there for over 40 years.
    You take such wonderful pictures.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited November 2015
    Jerry - Your pictures are simply breathtaking! Just told my husband I want to see these mountains in person.
    Shirley - We also find that small projects become larger at our house when we do things. It's always surprising the shortcuts contractors and previous homeowners are willing to take. Thank goodness for husbands that are willing to do it right.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited November 2015
    SHIRLEY, and MARCELLA, I've lived in this house for 25 years, and we are only now really putting it all together properly; it's taken all those years!. You wouldn't BELIEVE what we found over the years! And yet, I love this little old house, but because it is now dwarfed by large houses, I fear it will be pulled down once I leave it.
    I think it's 10,000 immigrants in Ontario alone, Shirley. What worries me is not the number, but the SPEED of entry. In the next 45 days! For instance when my husband applied in the early 70's we where thoroughly checked out, and although my highly qualified husband was offered and accepted an engineering job here we and the engineering firm still had to wait over 6 months for entry. The problem is, where are the poor, genuine families to go with approaching winter here and in Europe? It's a terribly sad situation for all the peace loving, kind and tolerant countries. I read that 7 states in the USA have completely rejected all middle eastern refugees? And some here are asking for a cautionary "slow down" for thorough vetting.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Robby is napping so I thought I would drop in and say good morning. I am fine today, I think I was just overtired yesterday. I have decided not to drive to St. Louis after all. They are predicting snow Saturday and even though it could be gone by Wednesday, I just don't want to take the chance with our Chicago weather. Besides sitting for Robby 5 days a week I welcome my time alone. I made dinner reservations for Thanksgiving for Rob, Lisa, Robby and myself which will be much better than either of us cooking.

    Jeri, congratulations on the new grandchild and God bless your daughter and her husband. They must really love children to be having number 9. It has to be so much fun in their house chaotic or not!

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Windy, stormy and rainy here! Not my favorite kind of day. Hope everyone is safe and warm. We will stay buttoned up and tucked in for the next couple of days.

    We celebrated John's birthday this weekend. It was lovely to see both of our kids and John had a great time. We were also treated to lunch by a couple of friends on Saturday. It was a wonderful lunch with a 84 year old jazz musician. He still performs regularly in a jazz quartet and also the symphony. I love to see older creative people still involved in their artistic efforts. It is life-affirming for them and for their audience. I am not 84 but I don't want to give up doing what I love to do either. In fact, I am going to do more art shows and another book is in the works. Our friend is inspirational for me. John loves his salty jokes and naughty stories. He has had a colorful life in show bars, Vegas shows, movie stage bands and backstage romances. This guy still flirts with every woman and winks at the fool server. Wow!

    Thanksgiving will be a small family dinner but we will also be celebrating our daughters birthday. Hope to see our grandson as well. I want our daughter to have a nice birthday. Our son will be traveling so we are going to try to have a skype visit. I have down loaded but so far I haven't got it up and running. This is difficult for me. I am not a computer person. I barely know where the on and off button is. John is a little better than I am but not much.

    Loved the photos, Jeri. We lived in Alaska for 6 years and moose were scary and everywhere. They loved our neighbors yard and garden. We also had black bears constantly in our garbage cans. They were a big part of Anchorage life. We lived near a huge forested area.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    I made dinner reservations for Thanksgiving for Rob, Lisa, Robby and myself which will be much better than either of us cooking.

    Have a good day!
    One Day at a Time

    :) Sandy, after years of obligatory family Thanksgiving meals with a lot of cooking and cleaning, I was delighted to find out that going to a restaurant was an option. Jake and I have been to some casual and some fancy restaurants for Thanksgiving and loved it.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my goodness, JERI, how magnificent those pictures are! About genealogy, my DD#2 called me today to tell me my information about my Dad's family has been all wrong. She found a site that placed him and his family in the wrong country, wrong year, incorrect house address (close, but wrong) and that cures me of hunting genealogy online! Since there were indeed seven correct names, it could not simply be a different family! That family also had 9 children, and all turned out great!
    Last night's lobster turned out expensive, dry, and tasteless, and we let the owner know that even the butter was watered down! (Chowder was great!) Turns out the original owner had died at 50, and there were new owners who really don't understand their business. They gave us free coffee and 25% off the costly bill, and we will never return! Today I got email from a local Ale House for tomorrow night, with 1 1/4 lb lobster for $14.95! Oh well, I'm not rushing out soon again!
    Volunteering entails welcoming newcomers, sitting at the front lobby desk to greet people, shopping for those who cannot, driving people who no longer drive, helping busy staff prepare fore events, working at outside Kitchens for homeless people, teaching kids to read, and a dozen other things. Since I don't play cards, I try to help out wherever I can. For as long as I can o:) !!!
    Ordered one of those leg pedal exercisers today, thinking perhaps as I sit, I can pedal. Mike's PT suggested it for both of us. Can't hurt.
    MARIE be well and safe in that storm! Everyone stay well!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2015
    To.Sandy a good decision weather is. so crazy never know what you drive into.
    We are eating out too.. Alice and Jim are going out of Town so we will all meet for our thanksgiving eat out this Saturday
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    We'll be eating out too.. We will be working on Thanksgiving. It won't be home cooking, but that's OK.
    We are home for a night maybe two. Our already very loud truck is making a loud noise. I won't bore you further. Just hope they can get it fixed.

    I took advantage of Sam's club special Saturday event to get my vacuum cleaner I've wanted. Jim thinks I'm addicted to them. Lol! Truthfully, he may be right! I have several working vacuums. I make do with them, they all have something I don't like, except for my handheld Shark, great on pet hair.
    Jackie, didn't you get George as a rescue? I noticed that Honey doesn't play. If I throw a tennis ball, she may or may not investigate it. Once she sniffs that it isn't food, she has no interest. But she does like to get excited and run a bit. I've heard it called 'zoomies'. Hers are more 'mini zoomies'.
    Sandy, that sounds like a good plan. Will Lisa's parents be away? They must miss Robby. Will Babe be with his kids?
    Sad that one fool of a terrorist can keep the refugees ever wandering. I hope they can find asylum soon. Their stories are terrible. We haven't learned enough from Ww 1 and 2?
    Got some mail to sort then blissful bedtime.