Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited November 2015

    Sad that one fool of a terrorist can keep the refugees ever wandering. I hope they can find asylum soon. Their stories are terrible. We haven't learned enough from Ww 1 and 2?
    Got some mail to sort then blissful bedtime.

    Ah, PHOEBE, I fear we will never learn, and your sentiments are universal!
    What am I doing up so late? Researching Gout, relief, diet, etc.! I recall a painful foot following a yoga class several weeks ago. Bummer. (I think it wasn't the yoga!) Well, tonight, out of the clear blue sky (actually starry black!) I had the most unbelievable pain in the big toe of my left (other) foot, and it got worse and worse and I tried to sleep but the sheet was too painful! Suddenly, it hit me that this might be a gout attack, and since I couldn't sleep, here I am. I learned plenty! No more red meat, seafood, anything with fructose,----even the diuretic I took today was wrong! I can barely walk, but I will hobble over to my medications and grab the Aleve quick! ***Oh, yes! LOSE WEIGHT!!!
    Does it pay to try sleeping again after 5:12 AM?
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    High winds kept me on my toes during our walk this morning as I had to concentrate not to get blown off the track we were following! George had a great time, probably because he's so low to the ground the gusts went over his head! After a coffee and short time on the computer my plan is to continue to sort out the collected mess in the spare bedroom and find another home for what's accumulated over time. A friend told me yesterday that a local pub has a book collection box in their car park set up by a charity so that's a good place to lose boxes of unwanted novels and gardening books, then when I finally manage to put my garden storage box together I can clear everything else but having looked at the obscure directions several times and drawn a blank I think I will have to wait for a sunny and dry day to give myself time to work it all out without throwing the screwdriver across the lawn!

    Marie ~ Here's hoping your storm wasn't a nasty one and you are all safe. Although Charlie was a nuisance at times he certainly did keep me entertained although not when he was chasing me or pecking my bum when I was cleaning out the hen house!!

    Sandy ~ You've been through so much with Babe in the past couple of years it's not surprising you feel your relationship has changed and in your position I would certainly have built an emotional barrier to avoid getting hurt anymore so do understand. So long as you have loving family around you at Thanksgiving I'm sure you will have a lovely time, especially as the cooking is being done by someone else!!

    Lin ~ Back in July during our hottest weather a local store was selling snow boots in a sale so I purchased a pair ready for any winter weather and am now convinced our warm wet days are due to my boots sitting waiting to be worn!! Chickens in knitted coats are quite common in Britain because there is a large charity set up to rescue hens from those huge battery farms that keep thousands cramped in small cages that end up losing all their feathers. My neighbour took 6 on a few weeks ago that were supposedly from a producer of free range eggs and her birds were near to bald, not that she's knitted them coats yet!!

    Jeri ~ Wonderful photos as ever and I was thinking how lucky to have got so close to a moose, something I never managed to even glimpse during my stay in Canada, but then I never saw a bear either! I'm currently trying to trace my father's mother's family that cut off any relationship when she passed away because grandad remarried within a year. My dad had 2 half sisters that were never talked about but slowly I'm finding some information.... you're so right though, a day goes by and all I've achieved is a few written notes but hopefully I'll get there one of these days. It's a great pastime for a cold wet day!!

    Patsy ~ I'm so pleased for you as it sounds like you had a great time for John's birthday, made special by both kids turning up. You should find once Skype is set up you will soon get used to it because it's just a click on one symbol of a video camera and you're connected..... so much nicer to see the face of the person you're chatting to.

    Buzz ~ What a delightful community you live in surrounded by such thoughtful and giving people with all that volunteer work going on and of course I'd never doubt you would be in the middle of that side of things!! A quick google search showed me what you are up against in your diet if that is gout you're suffering from because it seems apart from lots of fruit and veggies you're not left with much else to eat although I remember before you moved there your diet was amazing and I was always envious of all the fresh fruits you were able to source.

    Phoebe ~ One of these days I'll have my camera with me when George and Scruff play their wrestling games... it really is amusing to see but generally like Honey, I'm sure he was never played with in his first home because he would watch a ball go past and never think to chase it. Scruff has her own ball as does George and they know not to touch each others, I just don't often throw George's because he leaves it in the most awkward places for me to retrieve and being a Lhasa Apso is I think, the most stubborn dog on the planet!! For all that, after nearly 2 years he now regularly has his zoomie moments, especially if a friend visits when he takes them a toy to throw for him so I expect Honey's fun side will show itself one of these days, I hope so anyway. Some of the group in Paris who carried out the atrocities were what we'd call "home grown" terrorists, much as the British men that did so much damage in the London underground system in 2007 so hopefully the genuine refugees won't be abandoned to their fate. It just needs European governments to work together in a concerted effort to quickly screen and house them.

    My washing machine has now finished yet another cycle for muddy doggy towels so I'll get off my backside and get on with some chores then I won't feel guilty when I curl up on my sofa later to watch some tennis!

    Have a peaceful and enjoyable Wednesday.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wonderful hearing from all of you.. I am cutting my computer time way my post will be short/ I do read the post but admit I don't remember all I read.
    MarieAll is well here/
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2015
    Buzz, it sounds like gout to me, especially since you said the sheet hurts your toe.
    The pedal bike is a good idea, my MIL bought one and put it together herself and uses it. Its small so she
    can put under something and keep it out of the way.

    Phoebe, I think you like vacuums because of all the pets you have. Our Kathy vacuums all the time
    because she has two cats. I hope your truck is okay and fixable.

    Jackie, I remember those days cleaning paws from the muddy outside and all the towels we go
    through. I used to dip Molly's paws in a bucket and then wipe them off.

    I had Yoga class today and the carpet guy is here finishing up the rec room carpeting. We still have to put all the furniture
    back and dust everything and sweep and vacuum.

    I start my TM session (transcendental meditation) on Friday morning for 2 hours and then Sat, Sun and Monday the same.
    I had a doctor apt yesterday and my blood pressure was up a bit so I am looking forward to this process. It has been a stressful month so far. This is supposed to help with a lot of health things.

    I am still tidying the house I pretty much finished the upstairs, all closets, cupboards and cabinets. I am following the
    book THE LIFE CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING UP by Marie Kondo. When our downstairs is back to normal I will start
    the laundryroom cabinet and the many shelves in our basement.

    Another warmish day but I guess it will change as of tonight.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    I've been taking it semi easy the last few days. My darn foot is acting up again and I have learned the best way to fix that is to stop being so busy and stay off my feet. Boring and not inducive to weight loss but in the end it works the best. Darn.

    We had snow last night and today is bright and sunny. So pretty.

    Thank you all for your kind words about my pictures. It was so beautiful out there. Too bad my feet and the weather didn't allow us to hike as much as we wanted.

    Jackie, Buzz and anyone else interested in genealogy - I've been doing genealogy for almost 40 years on and off. Sometimes a dead end opens up with a simple comment or clue from a new or even an old source. I recommend keeping a notebook and files and relooking at at them every once in awhile. That is how I finally made my connection to the MacDonald family after about 30 years. In Nova Scotia there are so many of them it was almost impossible to find the correct ancestors as they all seemed to be named the same - hence all the nicknames. It was me rereading a simple comment Ed's mom had made 30 years ago about someone who might be a cousin that gave me the clue to make the family connection and find the right set of ancestors. We were so thrilled. The other thing that is SO important - DOCUMENT ALL YOUR SOURCES.

    Enough of all that, I ordered an electric pressure cooker today. Anyone use one and have any tips?

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited November 2015
    Canmore - a great place to wander around and a view around Spray Lakes.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) It is not cold but it is awfully windy so I am not going to bingo. Traffic is bad enough on a clear day so it will be a nightmare on a day like this. I am meeting the same friends for brunch on Sunday so because the brunch is expensive I decided not to spend money tonight.

    Jeri, love the little town, it looks so quaint. The mountains of course are outstanding especially when I come from a State that is so flat.

    Shirley, I sincerely hope your TM session helps with your stress and high blood pressure. With all the work you are doing in your house, you need to relax.

    Marie, you sure you are feeling okay? I can understand if too much time on the computer is hard on you, but want to be sure your health is okay. You are our monarch and we worry about you.

    Jackie, your explanation of how I feel was perfect, I don't want too but I am always waiting for the next crisis.

    Buzz, Babe's dad used to get gout and it is so painful. The doctor did give him something for it, but I have no idea what. I hope you feel better soon.

    Barbie, I also did a lot of cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas, so now that I am alone it is easier to go to a restaurant if there are only three of us. I used to enjoy the holidays but once I got my divorce things changed so much, it just wasn't the same.

    Hello to everyone else, enjoy what is left of Wednesday.
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    It seems the coming holidays always make folks philosophical. Thanksgivings were such big family events when I was growing up, it was like a huge party that lasted for days and days. Food, drink, dancing non-stop music. Lots of musicians in the family. Lots of singers and everyone danced. Now they are all gone. We live in a completely different part of the country now.

    So I am devoted to having ,as fabulous as possible, holidays. I don't mind the effort and work of a family dinner and this year maybe card games or a board game. Great energetic music, elegant food. Big on taste, small servings, that's my goal for the dinner. John will love it. My daughter will like it, our grandson will tolerate it. I want to have a rock and roll thanksgiving! Our son is visiting his girlfriend in South America so he will be with us by skype. I will try again to post photos. I need to learn to get my thumb out of the focus area. Did I mention I am not a techie?

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    What a delightful reading today and I'll add to it by saying after an excruciatingly painful night. this gout thing is bearable and although the triage doctor gave me the 5-day prednisone pack to take, I feel well enough to use just rest, Aleve, lots of water, and to heck with medications that fill me with liquids, etc., as I think some of what I found in last night's research will help as much! I will search diets again, as I thinks they are the answer! Anyway, we came into our Dr.'s office just as everyone was sitting down to a Thanksgiving lunch in the waiting room, loaded with lovely decorations! So we waited 2 hours to be seen , and the doctor was concerned about my poor circulation in the left leg (and I thought that was the good leg!) So she sent me immediately for an ultrasound of my leg venous system. By the time we finished , I learned what I thought was my good leg had PAD and the other leg had better venous conditions. By the time they finished with everything, it was 4 PM and time to drive home for dinner! The office manager gave us pumpkin and blueberry pies to take home! Crazy day! And yes, it IS gout! But much better today!
    PATSY, your goal for the holiday is truly lovely! Should be a most enjoyable get-together!
    JERI, I was married to a lovely Macdonald of Nova Scotia (note the small "d"), originally from the Scottish Isles with the green plaid! We had planned to visit Scotland once he healed, but of course that never happened, poor dear. I cannot believe it's almost 40 years ago!
    JACKIE, I assume you are not pulling our legs about chickens in sweaters! Too funny! MARIE jogged my memories of your tales of Charlie! You truly should write a book,---a memoir! I'll see if I can find that uric acid prevention diet you recall!
    SANDY, good thinking regarding preventive weather behavior! Wind chill is miserable! We want you to stay well for your Florida visit!
    SHIRLEY, do you do windows? :D I get tired just reading about your tidying!
    PHOEBE, whatever your reason, I too, have a thing about vacuum cleaners, but dust busters are my passion right now. I have one in each room!
    Okay, about to check my email and get to sleep earlier than last night! I did not wake up today until after 9:30 AM!!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz, Jim takes allopurinol daily for gout. It's an inexpensive generic.
    Jeri, I'm afraid of pressure cookers, lol. My mother in law used hers often. I was there when one blew its top and the ceiling was coated with whatever it was. I bought a small microwave pressure cooker. It worked but I grew tired of fitting the gasket it required. I liked that it was inside the microwave, lol. Contained explosions.
    Marie, hope you're doing okay, we love you!
    Patsy, I'm glad you enjoy your holidays. I just don't anymore so I don't decorate and it feels like a weight off my shoulders. Now I just need to clear out all of the decorations in storage.
    Sandy, good plan to save for the brunch. My aunt plays bingo on Thursday. She said the prizes are small things.
    Speaking of my aunt, she tells me she is fine and that her tests were all clear. So I wait for the truth when her daughter updates me.
    We are leaving in the morning, so I'd better finish up and get ready for bed.
    Night, Phoebe
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello again. Jeri: I have an "instant pot" that is a slow cooker-pressure cooker-it will sauté as well. It is digitally programmable and just invaluable! I cook with it constantly. It feels safer that the old fashioned one on the stove. It is a bit pricey but I ordered it from Amazon. There is a stainless inner pot that can go in the dish washer. Everyone I know with one cannot live without it!

    Buzz: my dad suffered with gout as well as many of my relatives. We lived on a cattle ranch so of course everyone ate beef and pork, and a lot of it. Gout was a common complaint. The folk medicine that they all swore by was sour cherry juice. Not sure if it really worked but my dad was convinced it helped. I am sorry you are going through this. I know how painful it is. It does seem to sort of come and go. I do remember that. In those days, people didn't make a connection between what they ate and their ailments.

    Phoebe: safe travels my friend. The weather is so crazy lately, we all need to take extra care on the road.
    Sleep tight dear sneakers, don't let the bedbugs bite.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Sneakers had a good night sleep and go the doctor this morning to see how my kidneys are doing?

    Phoebe I am trying to grow older gracefull. Hate to be a burden on my family. My Girls are having to come by to to filled my pill box out once a week. But not making much head ways

    Buzz you are handling growing older better than me.

    Patsy I had thought about getting me a instant pot. They look fantastic but my little crock pot is better for me I do not have to try to remember to keep an eye ion it. I just used the oven toaster and the microwave. Mostly TV dinners or things I can grab out of The fridge

    Sandy when do you go to Florida?
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Interestingly I've struggled to get in to the sneakers page today and have had to travel a long roundabout way even though I was logged on to the site. I found a message Patsy had typed on November 5th saying much the same and know Anne got barred and not just for her language!!!

    Buzz ~ I read about Patsy's sour cherries on a site giving advice about gout and there does seem to be scientific evidence in its favour.
    When I first knew you your breakfast was made up of refreshing blueberries, yogurt and the occasional spinach omlette and anything after that was light. Easier said than done surrounded as you are with so many temptations!!!

    Jeri ~ Pressure cookers have the same affect on me as they do on Phoebe, they terrify me probably because they sound so ANGRY so I'm sticking to my slow cooker! The town in your latest photo looks just as I'd expect and is like stepping back in time apart from the vehicles.

    Patsy ~ A rock 'n roll Thanksgiving sounds perfect so you go for it. Hotel California is playing on the radio in the background at the moment which makes me wonder what happened to our music that today seems so homogenized!

    Marie ~ Computers can be exhausting when they don't do as we ask but do stay in touch with us, even for a short message just so we know you're alright.

    Sandy ~ Bad weather is best avoided so you've done the right thing to stay home. Yesterday walking the dogs with my friend we were both nearly blown off the side of the moors by strong gusts and we're big girls!!! The trouble is Sandy, a next crisis there will be, it's inevitable with that family so of course you must keep your guard up so as not to get hurt yet again. <3

    Phoebe ~ Safe journey!

    I've just phoned a local carvery called The Highwayman to book an evening meal for a group of 8 friends in the first week of December so that's a small start to our Christmas celebrations. Now it's time to check the hens are alright and feed them their afternoon corn before bedtime.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well, I've found this much changed site, but it's vastly different than before. Very difficult to see because the print is extremely small and won't expand for me.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just expanded the print, which helps!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Checking to see if I can get on to Sneakers and now each post showing as one long line so having to use right arrow to move page.... not happy; what's going on??
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning sneakers. The format for MFP seems to have changed. It will take a bit of getting used to, but we are all smart determined women, we will figure it out! I am still fussing with skype. There is some magic thing that is eluding me. Aaaaaargh! I will start over after I get some help from a google query.

    Starting my Christmas-thanksgiving lists. I am on the hunt for a pretty centerpiece for the thanksgiving dinner table. I might do a flower arrangement in a small pumpkin. I think my grandson will think that's funny. I am baking small cranberry orange bread loafs to send home with any leftovers. It is such fun for me to do these funny little holiday preps. As you can plainly see, I tend to go overboard.

    Our old doggie girls seem to be holding their own these days. MoMo has to have the occasional pain pill for her arthritis but she still insists on coming downstairs to watch tv with us as we exercise or watch football games. She stands at the foot of the stairs and looks at us meaningfully. That means, she would appreciate a bit of help getting up the stairs. We walk behind her to help lift her if she stumbles. She is such a strong personality. Still the alpha dog, still organizing the household!

    Don't get discouraged about the new MFP format, don't give up on connecting with each other. I think our sneakers group is special and important to each of us in special way.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I've no idea, Jackie. No problems on my side, yet. Anne, missed you, glad you are here. Now for Lin??

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I thought I had posted but do not see it
    So went to the doctor this morning for my report on my kidneys. They are better But another problems show up. My sodium is out of whack. she said I been drinking too much water cut me down to between 40 and 50 oz. so yes Phoebe you can drink too much water, Said it that doesn't do it I will have to go into the hospital. I am so confuse. about it all.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I go back in 2 weeks for another lab