Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,362 Member
    Jackie - I wanted to mentioned I too kept falling out of the relaxing poses during a Tai Chi course I took. I also worked so hard to try to do the poses that I was a sweaty mess! Maybe it's worth another try one of these days. Enjoy your visit.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Today is a very gloomy, overcast, rainy sort of day, but I honestly can't say I feel any different in mood. After reading all the comments I will just assume I am extremely fortunate, because by everyone's experience SAD does appear to exist. One thing struck me though, does it also affect the unfortunate who are blind?
    I am fortunate too in our family. We always were a clannish bunch. I'm told the ones back in the UK still all meet up to play cards with the usual cheating, laughter and banter, as do my cousins 3 daughters and families in Australia who have get togethers regularly. But we aren't alone, Michaels partner here has 4 children from her previous marriage plus grandchildren and so there are usually 16 at her regular family gatherings! All is not lost in this present world of cell phones and computers!
    So what am I going to do on a gloomy, overcast, rainy sort of afternoon? I'm going to cuddle up on the sofa and finish a very interesting book I'm reading, and then on Thursday my friend Flo will be over rain or shine and I'll be out buying Christmas cards. T'is the season................
    Bye, Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Today I go to the eye clinic for another eye shot. It sort makes me "out of pocket" for the whole day and evening. The dilation and deadening meds do not wear off until morning. John has plans to get some accessory items for the new car while we are in the city where the eye clinic is located. It is funny, we have teased him mercilessly about his new car key fob. It is a leather fob with the image of his favorite football team. The Seahawks. They are not doing very well and he keeps telling me that we mustn't lose faith! People who love football are an interesting lot.

    It is now officially fall and winter is heading our way. Leaves are almost off the trees and everything outside is going to sleep. Seasons keep us from getting bored with our weather. Something new is always around the corner. First frost isn't too far away. Remember that ee commings poem about seasons...puddle-wonderful! Must get out my book with his poems for an evening page through.

    Keep up the good work and glad everyone is eating healthy. I will be heating up soup tonight. Tomorrow will be stuffed bell peppers. John loves them and it is easy to fix a couple of extra for the freezer.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Ha! I recall meditating many years ago when everyone was looking for peaceful time, and I don't recall if it worked for me. I merely think I know it surely didn't bring about peace globally! One of the things we heard at the talk we attended was that the media has had such a tremendous effect on living today that things will decided by Tweets and emails and polls rather than helped by journalists and others who really studied situations and brought to our attention outrageous statements made by those aspiring to the highest positions in our country and the world! It seems to be based on entertainment value and profits today! I must say the commercials discourage my TV time!
    I just read an article on weight and eating and sleep time; early to bed helps the most (my biggest error!) and eating all meals within the shortest time span during the day with early dinnertime and no "noshing" after dinner helping to lose weight and keep it off. My sleep patterns have been horrendous, so I'll try to reform.
    Tai Chi Chuh was a form of Tai Chi we took in Arizona for a week and we did it outdoors by a flowing river which may have added to the wonderful effects it had on me, but I just loved it. Unfortunately, other than a rather poor DVD, I have never found that version being taught locally, and my memory has dimmed. I recall it being one of those Elderhostel courses we used to love to attend. As their popularity increased, the cost became prohibitive for us, and they started using fancier hotels rather than school dorms!
    Hello to everybody, and I have read all of today's posts so far. I've so much to catch up on here I must grab what time I can while Mike is doing his thing in the "workshop" downstairs. So far he is doing things he loves, repairing things for residents who value his help. My foot is coming along better, though I now am using a metatarsal pad, which helps. Sad news among friends here, a bad fall, an entrance to the Lehman Center (Alzheimer Unit) for another. We make the most of whatever good time is left! Have a lovely Tuesday, y'all!
    <3 Buzz
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member

    Quick post View from our unit. Beautiful day and wifi appears to be working.

    Have a wonderful day everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I only have a minute because I am meeting some of my Al Anon group for pizza. The chair person wants to thank us all for our help. After I meet up with another friend since I am not sitting tomorrow. No school for Veterans Day which also is my grandson's birthday.

    Just wanted to check in and say hi.

    One Day at a Time
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Hello. Stopping in to say hi.
    Jeri - I love your picture. The mountains are so beautiful in the background with the sun hitting the snow on the tops.
    Tomorrow, I will be going back to our camper retreat for a few days to tidy up the yard there and learn how to winterize the camper for the cold weather that is sure to be coming along soon.
    I would love to get to sleep soon, but my son has a recording studio at our home and it seems the background vocalist is taking a bit longer to finish up than he was expecting. This doesn't happen often and I guess they will probably be finished by midnight. At least I like the song and the vocalist's voice is really nice.
    Sweet dreams everyone.
  • I'm sleepy too, Buzz. Way past my bedtime! Got my MRI today, now I'm pooped. So goodnight everyone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Walked and walked this morning across open moorland dotted with sheep and cattle..... the ponies appear to have moved deeper on to the moors, probably to get away from dog walkers like us who have naughty puppies who like to chase although my friend has been training with her whistle and it does seem to get some needed attention.

    Jeri ~ Gorgeous, gorgeous with all that fresh snow and that blue expanse of sky which gives a warmth to your photo. I do hope you are both having a restful and enjoyable time.

    Phoebe ~ I don't suppose you'll be getting results from your MRI right away but wish you luck with it anyway and am thinking of you.

    Lin ~ It's good to know I'm not the only wobbly person when it comes to balance, something I never thought would happen to me! That mix of veggies for today's meal sounds lovely.... will they be baked?

    Patsy ~ Brave lady dealing with those injections that just the idea of makes me draw a deep breath. Hopefully today you've thrown off that feeling. Sounds as if John is loving your new car if a new fob has been purchased.... boys and their toys eh!!

    Buzz ~ After my failure to stand my ground in tai chi classes I did look on You Tube for videos to view at home and was interested to read comments stating just how many different forms there are, some apparently made up. I did tell myself that once I had the hang of a few moves I would use them at home but my discipline isn't good, as much as I tell myself I need to keep my limbs moving in all directions, so didn't keep to my own promise! My weekly swim is certainly being missed while I wait for my treatment area to heal and knowing it will get harder to regain fitness I'm going to do my best to try harder. Twitter and facebook accounts do have a lot to answer for don't they but worst of all is the celebrity culture that exists today making popularity more important than principles or talent.... I'm becoming that archetypal grumpy old woman!!!

    Sandy ~ Pizza!! Two days to shift the sodium before weigh in on Friday but I bet it was lovely!

    Anne ~ It's the seasons changing that apparently affects those prone to this form of depression so I'm guessing because blind people don't see the changes their brains don't react the same way. I'm no expert so looked at the NHS website and their explanation for the use of light boxes is thus ~ "It's thought the light may improve SAD by encouraging your brain to reduce the production of melatonin (a hormone that makes you sleepy) and increase the production of serotonin (a hormone that affects your mood)." Perhaps it's a placebo effect but so long as it works....!! After a few days of low cloud and drizzle I'm feeling a whole lot better to see bright skies this morning!!

    I'm going into the garden to see how much tidying I can get done before the next bout of rain hits us so will wish you all a happy Wednesday.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    That makes sense JACKIE, your explanation. Thank you. Another rainy morning here, and until after Friday I think.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey good morning Sneakers
    We are looking for some rain tody.
    My grandson came by last night an work on our leek In the kitchen ihe is a Plummer. Can"t used the sink for 24 hous. Which will b no cooking today

    Jerry and I are finding out we can't do what we used. To o. But we try

    Buzz I worry about you doing all this driving for your friends. I know you are still pretty sharp and have 20/20 visions but but there are some crazy drivers out there do be careful.

    Have a wonderful day you'll
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Marie ~ You and Jerry are amazing for what you do manage to do and I love you for your determination to carry on and be as healthy as you can.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    MARIE, my sentiments exactly, you are amazing and a great example to us all. Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning my lovelies! Up early to do a bit of exercise because I missed yesterday. The doctor appointment was very successful. My eye continues to improve. The timeline between the shots is continuing to be extended. I will go back in three months. Yea me! This procedure, while a bit nerve wracking, is a true medical marvel. There was a time when the diagnosis of macular degeneration meant certain blindness. But no more. I started out needing monthly injections. The doctor is so skilled, I never feel any pain. I have a bloodshot eye for a couple of days. That's it!

    We have another big storm headed our way. Big rains and wind. We are needing to get some firewood into the garage in case we need to fire up the wood stove. But other than that, I think we are ready. We always lose power during these storms, sometimes for a day or so. After living here for so long we have all of the necessary emergency equipment. It does keep us on our toes.

    we never run out of dog treats or their special food. Storm or no storm...MoMo and Mazzy do not tolerate any interruption to their daily scheduled treats and meals.

    Still plowing through the Patrick Kennedy book. I have several other new books piled up on the table next to my reading chair. John has had to resort to rereading some of his favorite thrillers until something new and intriguing tempts him. Next to his chair is the owners manual for the new car, several old novels and a tech manual on installing skype. Strange reading habits here.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Happy Wednesday! :) Grateful my boys were not in combat while they served, but proud of the fact they did.
    The pizza gathering was nice, only four of us were there so it was an easier conversation. I thought I would gain from the pizza but actually lost a couple of ounces. Will see if that holds until Friday. Babe is coming with Daisy this afternoon so we can walk her. Babe is trying to get his strength back so I don't think we will be walking far.
    He is still burdened with dizziness which doesn't want to go away. The doctors said it from bone spurs in his neck so he is going for pain management starting Friday. I might go to bingo tonight although they are calling for storms and if that is true I probably won't go. The lady who recently lost her sister now has lost her brother in law, her husband's brother. I will go to the wake tomorrow night as a gesture to him since I never met his brother.

    My son and his wife from Portland are going to be in St. Louis Illinois for Thanksgiving. It is a four hour drive from my house and I am thinking of going to celebrate Thanksgiving with them since their daughter will also be there from Baltimore. I am undecided as I don't know if I like the idea of Rob, Lisa and Robby being alone although they are celebrating with her out of town relatives the Saturday before. They said they are fine if I go, so I am still thinking about it.

    Today is my grandsons 17th birthday, he was adopted from Russia and is the baby of my daughter's family.

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member

    We do live in a gorgeous area.

    Having fun.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Had a very moving Veteran's Day service and program today; not a dry eye in the packed auditorium! Our Chaplain's wife did the most splendid job of producing a video with every veteran's picture in it , followed by those deceased the past year. A group of bell players played all the patriotic American songs,---just bells! WOW! We have a number of women veterans living here, and they are truly special! Mike received a call from his Honor Flight guardian this morning, wanting to arrange a get-together. Mike was thrilled! At noon there was a hot-dog BBQ and tonight we have our Passport Dinner, celebrating America again. I thought I saw Chturkengoose on the menu, plus lobster bisque and some special kind of beef. So far, we have enjoyed these monthly special meals. My waistline proves it!
    PHOEBE, when will you hear results from your MRI? Good for you, catching up on needed sleep. I'm finally recognizing how important sleep is!
    SANDY, hope the pizza was yummy, and I'm sure the day off was very welcome! And a happy birthday to Robby!
    JERI, your photo shows you live in a winter wonderland! How have you been feeling?
    MARCELLA, do you need soundproofing in your home? Suggest it might be helpful!
    JACKIE, just don't feel rushed to get back to the type of exercise you think you "should" be doing! I have in the past pushed too hard too soon, and gotten infections at the surgery sites that put me back months! Allow yourself recovery time! AS far as celebrity culture, we finally found the debate channel last night (a rather difficult task), and wondered as I listened what has happened to all the statesmen of yore? Move over, "grumpy old woman"! You'll need a long couch for all the company you have! :s Am I ever glad I'm not having to look forward to too many more years of these entertainers!
    Hi, ANNE, hope you are having a lovely day.
    LIN, just in case you are reading this, I recall you were not going to be around a few days? Whether my recall is correct or not, I miss you!
    PATSY, please explain again what those injections in your eye are for. I recall reading your post but can't find it now and my memory is in the pits! I hope you don't need too many!
    Gotta run. Hugs to all, including our missing friends...

    <3 Buzz
  • Buzz, I think the eye injections are for macular degeneration, not positive though.
    Still got a few things to do tonight, then back to work in the morning. Sandy, you don't see as much of your son from Portland, and I'm sure Rob and Lisa understand that.
    Hugs to all of you, thank you Jeri, I've missed your beautiful photos.
    Night all, Phoebe
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,362 Member
    Love you my friends. It seems to have been a day of small things going wrong so I spent a lot of time trying to make them right again. Lots of laundry as well. After much fooling around the curried butternut chili was ready and I did have a bowl with lunch today. We had a storm go through this afternoon so I shutdown my electronics for a while and prepared to head to the basement with the sirens blaring. I did stay away from the windows as the winds were extremely strong. The temperature has fallen and more wind may be on the way tonight. I want to use my food processor tomorrow and it has been forever since I used it. It wouldn't run and it took me forever to realize the bottom container was not locked in solidly. So now I am set for tomorrow!

    I love your photo Jeri.

    I hope you get your test results quickly Phoebe.

    So glad the shots are helping your macular degeneration Patsy. Also glad the interval is increasing.

    Did the plumbing problem get fixed Marie?

    Have the storms reached you Sandy?

    You have such wonderful events Buzz. I understand that you enjoy the food. It suits your tastes.

    I hope you've had a lovely day Anne.

    Once again my attempt to find a wonderful bargain have been thwarted and I have made myself more work. I like to wear black activewear slacks almost every day and I have found some at Land's End that I particularly like. I saw a close out on a similar item on that web site and I ordered them. Hiss!!! They didn't work out and now I need to make a trip across town to return them. I should have known! The ones I like are Talls and the ones on sale were Average length but being much looser In design I thought they would be long enough. Oh well.

    See you again soon.

