Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited November 2015
    Update: So Babe just called me from the hospital. He went to his doctor and she said she thought he was having a heart attack so she called an ambulance and they met his heart doctor who cleared another artery that she said would have probably killed him in a few days. His son is with him so I am not going to the hospital, hopefully he will be home tomorrow or at least in a few days. No one ever listens to me. Sigh.

    One Minute at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,362 Member
    edited November 2015
    Patsy, I haven't had problems getting here other than the whole web site is odd from time to time. It will say I am not logged in to community and when I press login I never enter anything but suddenly I am logged in. Confusing. Good for you trying to advance with yoga. I have never made much progress with it.

    Jeri, you certainly have more than your share of people with preferences and/or special dietary requirements in your life!! Thank goodness I never darken your door! I would be a real pain. Ha!!

    Marie, how are you today? And the kitties?

    Phoebe, hope you are out of the snow now. We just had a little storm go through with wind and rain and lots of thunder. How it is much colder. Don't know if we will have more storms tonight but at least it is warm and no snow threat.

    Sandy, darn, I hope you don't come down with a cold. Little Robby seems to have his share of colds. Poor baby. Well poor Sandy too. It does seem odd that Babe has been ill for so long. Don't doctors help people these days??

    Shirley, glad your haircut turned out well. It is always a bit nerve wracking to let someone difference cut our hair isn't it? So where will you store the canoe until Christmas? I am sure they'll love their gift.

    Barbie, I have never used a boot like that. Are you sleeping well?? What do the dogs think of these boots? They sleep with you guys don't they!

    Buzz, I hope you are doing well today. I hate to hear you have any problems. I always wish for good days for my friends.

    Hello Phyllis, Jackie, Diane, Gayla, Karen, Nola, and many more, where are you hiding???

    It is Big Bang Theory tonight. Love that show.

    A package of mine went missing in the USPS system today. They said it has been delivered but not only was it not delivered here but we didn't get any mail at all. I have called and they opened a case number for it. I also contacted the vendor who shipped the package to let them know of the issue and to ask if it was an insured package. Hopefully it will surface and if not, that the vendor will replace it.

    Well, have a nice evening.



  • It was around Flagstaff AZ where most of the snow was. Should be clear and cold when we go back.
    Good to hear from all of you. Enjoy your warm ups, those that have them.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    t115003.gif Linand Jeri, Last night I slept with the foot splints on both feet. The dogs don't notice but the cat get freaked out because he's "nervous as a cat" but after he runs off, he comes back and settles in his regular spot. I have been sleeping OK but that might be partly because of the nerve pain med that I'm taking that has drowsiness as a side effect...interestingly, it doesn't make me drowsy during the day even though I take it three times a day.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I have been doing research about I'm the problems with MFP and sad to say...they are in the midst of big changes. I am having a great deal of difficulty loging in. I hope I can find a way to stay connected here. I do feel a strong bond with everyone.

    Buzz: has your dr. Ever mentioned cellulitis? A very painful condition that has some of the symptoms you mentioned. I had this and as annoying as it was treatable. Maybe it is what you are suffering from.

    Wishing everyone a great weekend. Ours will be cold and wet. But we have raincoats and umbrellas!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I, too, have a couple of those "splints" around somewhere from my plantar fasciitis, dropped metatarsal days. I'm sure they will eventually help, BARBIE. I've read everyone's posts and today was most interesting. SANDY, scary reading about Babe's latest problem! Hope he'll be OK. And hugs remembering your dear sister! LIN, such frustration with decent produce. I suspect you are a bit of a perfectionist, as well you should be! You put so much work into preparation! PATSY, I've heard cellulitis can be very serious. Which symptoms sound like it? I wrapped it over my compression stocking today and took Tylenol every 8 hours and it was possible to walk on it. PHOEBE, snow near Flagstaff doesn't surprise me at all! Just be careful! MARIE, how will you celebrate? SHIRLEY, you are among those whose life is brimming over! Plus yoga, Pilates and what else? JERI, always love to see you here! ANNE, sorry you've experienced the foot pain also! I feel like such a klutz!
    My eyes will not remain open, and I'm finally learning to recognize when to get to bed! Mike's report from the endocrinologist this morning was almost perfect! I'm off to more Tylenol and bed!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Thick fog, gale force wind and a driving rain met me for this morning's walk on the moors so my friend and I decided it was best to stay on a footpath rather than get lost. George was in doggy heaven because he loves to play in puddles and after heavy rain last night they were more lake-sized! Yesterday being November 5th was our annual Guy Fawkes celebration with bonfires and fireworks but a neighboring party upset George with its loud whiz-bang rockets which seemed to hurt his ears so he ended up behind the sofa for the evening. Back from his walk he's been quietly grumbling and woofing at nothing so I think is still unsettled by it all, poor little man.

    Sandy ~ You'd think by now Babe and his family would appreciate just how sensible you are and take notice of any advice sent in their direction but at least he's finally in the best place and I hope you get to see him some time soon because I know you do love him in spite of what's happened over the past couple of years. I'm sending hugs to you. <3

    Buzz ~ A while ago you asked after my bees and I've never responded. Well, I'm not sure what's happening with them because they're behaving as if it's midsummer flying out and about when there's little in the way of foraging plants available. I can only guess the queen is still laying eggs when she should be resting, probably because of the Indian summer we experienced so although I fed them a gallon of sugar syrup last month I can see I will have to make up more feed for them otherwise they'll starve before winter even gets started..... they certainly keep me on my toes!!

    All this talk of snow is giving me shivers in spite of our unusually mild weather. Hopefully you'll keep it on your side of the pond!!

    I'm heading for a hot shower before my last trip to the hospital for treatment, thank goodness! The traveling hasn't been good for my usual laid back temperament because the city drivers seem so self absorbed but my Canadian driving lessons all those years ago when I was first taught to drive what they called defensively have come to the fore although I do still find myself muttering a lot!! My Oncologist told me on Wednesday that he's happy with the results of my treatment so won't need to see me for 3 months and although there is now a fair amount of discomfort as it continues to take affect I know it was the right decision to have it.

    Hello to everyone I've not had time to acknowledge but I'm afraid "tempus fugit". You might think me clever knowing Latin but I've read it on the face of clocks!! B)


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Happiest of congratulations JACKIE, freedom at last. Not only will you be bouncing with joy, but George, the *kitten* cats, the chicks and the bees knowing they've got "mom" back full time, but, in the case of the bees, winter feed also on its way again. I AM pleased for you!

    Well it's a dull, dank, damp, dark morning here! I'm completely out of sync with it having got up later than normal. So......I've decided to go along with it and just have an ambly sort of day. This wouldn't work if I had George around of course. Maybe I need a demanding walkies dog or another cat after all, I'm really not used to doing exactly what I want. Feels terribly luxurious and lazy. There again, one could get used to it! Tomorrow we will get LINS colder weather which she is "enjoying".

    PATSY, maybe my gremlins have decided to move to the west coast because, keeping my fingers crossed everything is going along smoothly here after weeks of tribulation. It's terribly frustrating isn't it!

    I hope sincerely all the poor folk with foot problems are soon back to their normal selves, and Babe isn't sent home too early. Getting older isn't much fun is it. Who cares about a few wrinkles and greying hair, being active and healthy is worth a kings ransom!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Heavens I've been ***** for a normal English children's word for cats! What a crazy world we live in and shows how the same language we all talk isn't the same. Shaking my head in disbelief!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ho Ho Ho Anne! Confession time For me! I have been known to utter some pretty salty language when things are going in a bad direction. These words are used on purpose and I know they are not nice or useful. Frustration and anger is not well served by my profanity. The only saving grace is that I am not normally yelling and I am most generally alone and in my art dungeon.

    This is trash pick up day. I am getting rid of a lot of outdated food packages and things I will never cook or should cook. I have a nagging frugal feeling about it but it must be done. Too out dated to donate to the food bank here. The take away is that I have learned a lesson or two about these kinds of food choices.

    There must be something wrong with me. I have never enjoyed shopping. I have a list or I have a purchase in mind. I go with that list in hand. Buy it and go home! So new and interesting things often escape my notice. Christmas and birthdays often throw me into a tizzy. I wish I could enjoy the casual strolling along in stores looking at interesting items. Amazon shopping works for me.
  • Sandy, glad Babe did finally get help. Hope he will be okay. Sorry, but your post wasn't there late last night or I would have commented on it. Crazy days at mfp.
    Sunny in Arizona today. Nice change! Hugs to all.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I wish you'd had a go with the salty language PATSY to see what would happen, lol. I daren't, I'd probably get banned now. Not that I use much salty language in the real world, just "kippers and custard" etc and I presume that won't get *****!
    Hi PHOEBE.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    oh my gosh Phoebe I could not believe I got roses from you It took me 45 minutes to get them unwrap Still need to find a vase to put them in , and after the spread out some will take a picture of them to post hope the picture are making them smaller now
    Thanks you so much my forever friend did not know when we met on Lighten up we would be friends this long Been a long time I cherish your post then and cherish each one now Hope all of our ligthen up friends will post on my time line Would love to hear from each one of them I know I will hear from all of my friends here will post if not sandy will have to make it smaller off of facebook or here

    I am really bless with such wonderful friends Love each and every one of you
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    OH OMG Phoebe What a lovely bunch of roses/ so pretty My forever friend We been friends a very long time Cannot believe we are still posting together I will take a picture when they relax some and me too May have to get sandy to make them smaller off of facebook hoping to hear from all of our friends from lighten up Lots are on facebook And of course my friends here

    Very lovely vase too Thank you so much sweetie Love you too
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,362 Member
    edited November 2015
    Wow Marie - what a wonderful gift. Phoebe you are a great friend!! We will look forward to seeing a photo.

    Sandy - I didn't see your post last night either. Darn MFP. I am glad Babe got help and hope he is now on the mend.

    Jackie - glad you are just about finished with treatment. You have been doing great. The mixed up weather must be causing problems with your bees. Hugs to you and I hope George is calmed down now after all the excitement.

    Anne - the MFP editing is so silly. They cannot monitor context so many words get bleeped. Hope your afternoon is going pleasantly.

    Barbie - enjoy your little trip.

    I can't get back a page to review the posts so I am sorry for everyone I have missed.

    This morning I decided to try to go to the Grand Opening of the first in Iowa REI store. It was insane. No parking places in the entire development and hordes of people standing in line in the cold an hour before opening so I just cruised on through and moved on. I got a gift certificate I needed for a wedding I am attending tomorrow. And I also stopped by a grocery store that I had not been in since they remodeled. I was quite pleasantly surprised as the produce section has really upgraded and I found a number of things (of very good quality) that I would purchase. So this store is back on my list of sources of fresh produce. And it. Is very close to 2 others I frequent so I was happy even though I didn't get to the store opening.

    Oh and my neighbor stopped over with all of my mail and packages from yesterday. Apparently the post office dropped everything there. Thankfully my neighbors are honest people. I am very happy about that.

    Time to move along. Hugs to everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy so sorry to hear about Babe I been expecting something like that would happen to him Blame it on his kids
    babe needed you more than he needed those kids Hope they can live with this you would done have him to the doctor long time ago/ Hope for babe sake it all turns out OK You did all you could and then some more
    Love you
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A little late but here is Isaac's Halloween costume. I will comment later going for dinner with my MIL now. ij9x8rk8h2cv.jpg
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello again, just wanted to say how sorry I was to hear about Babes health problems. That said! My daughter was in desperate condition with extreme obesity and cardiac issues. With good medical care, there is help for folks who are even in bad shape. Sounds like Babe is finally getting the care he needs. Sandy, there are times when those we love turn a deaf ear to our concerns. In some way, I think they know how much we care. My thoughts are with you, Sandy, and your family. I am feeling sure Babe will get better now with good medical care.

    Lin: once the big grand opening thing is over, you will love REI. My son buys all his clothing and shoes at the one in Portland. John likes their clothing as well. Great rain gear...and you know we need that!

    Marie: you may have realized this already. You are a special lady in everyone's heart. All my best wishes for a happy birthday. I can't seem to get the lovely graphics to work on my iPad. Wish I could send you one of the lovely cards. I see on here. Have a wonderful day, birthday girl!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    TGIF!! :) I am like all the other working people and welcome Fridays!! Robby was very good taking a half hour nap this morning so I could shower and get ready and a two hour nap this afternoon so I could just rest. I called Babe before 7am this morning but he didn't answer, he called back later and said they were doing an ultra sound of his heart. I asked if he wanted me to come and visit after Robby left but he said his son would probably be there all day. He called later in the afternoon and he was home. He said his heart doctor told him that one more day he probably would have had a massive heart attack so next time he feels chest pains he should see her immediately. I did mention to him that I asked him to go to the ER and he agreed he should have but at least he is ok and home.
    I asked again if I should come and see him and he said maybe later tonight. I am waiting for him to call and will tell him I am not coming tonight and will try tomorrow. I don't want to be mean, but I am still hurt that neither he or his son didn't call me before the heart procedure. I would have tried to get to the hospital in case there were complications. It just makes me wonder what will happen if something does happen to Babe, will no one let me know? Sorry, didn't mean to rant, but you are my family.

    Phoebe, what a great friend you are to send Marie roses, I know she loves you and really appreciates all that you do for her. Lin, you are also a great new friend sending Marie a birthday card. Marie, my mind is just not thinking lately and I apologize for not sending a card to your house, but will certainly make it up to you tomorrow. Shirley, love the Halloween picture of Issac, he makes a great pumpkin. Patsy I am sure Babe will be okay now that he finally ended up in the hospital. I love his heart doctor she is very knowledgeable.
    Lin I also like REI, although they are not cheap. Jackie So glad you are on the final treatment, but sorry you have some discomfort. It has to be worth the pain though if your doctor said it all went well. You are one tough cookie.Anne I could be wrong but I think a lot of English use a lot of colorful language. The actors and actresses I see on TV interview do it all the

    Babe just called and I told him I would see him tomorrow, he is tired anyway and I am still fighting a cold.
    Have a great evening.
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Dear MARIE, a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. I will try to send a "card", but like PATSY I'm not sure it will work. Have a wonderful special day, lovely lady. Anne.