Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I walked Robby two miles today and ended up at the park for a short time. It was in the 70's so a beautiful day and we are expecting another beautiful day tomorrow. Hard to believe it is November but I am loving the sunshine.

    Where is everyone today??

    Phoebe, must be nap time for the sneakers.
    Shirley, I can't wait to see Issac as a pumpkin, he is such a darling boy I am sure he was as cute as a button.
    Buzz, glad all went well with the doctor and he gave you something to fix your problem.
    Jeri, sometimes having no wifi is a good thing. Old cemeteries are great to walk around even though I am sure it was sad at the same time.

    I have a group representative meeting tonight and even though I am not going to my meeting while sitting for Robby I will still go and pass on the information to someone who will be going Thursday. There is also an assembly on Saturday but haven't decided if I will go or not.

    I hope you are having a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hello, I was going to say everybody, but WHERE is everybody? Well it's been a glorious day, about 70 deg, here. I thought of that old poem by Thomas Hood, No!
    It starts something like this:-
    No sun - no moon!
    No morn - no noon
    No dawn - no dusk - no proper time of day
    And finishes up with NOVEMBER
    Well that didn't apply to sunny, balmy Ontario today, and I guess that's what happened to us sneakers, we're all out gambolling in the sun!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    this is the foot splint my doctor prescribed to be worn at night. I wore it on my left foot last night.

    It is the one they prescribe for plantar fasciitis, in fact, that's the only diagnosis that Medicare accepts for the boot even though my doctor said that it's recommended for nerve compression syndrome which is what she thinks it is. She recommended them on both feet but I started with the leg that bothered me the most. I slept OK but that might have been partly because the drug she prescribed for nerve pain has drowsiness as a possible side effect. It felt good to have my foot supported and I am considering getting one for the other foot. I'll wait another day to decide.

    I finally have an appointment for a nerve conduction test. It will be November 20 at a doctor about an hour from here. If I had wanted to see a doctor closer to home, I would have had to wait even longer.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello - it is quiet here today. We started out very foggy and finally the sun popped out and the temperature has been lovely. I took on several cooking projects and I had one disaster but in the end, I will still eat it!! My knife slipped as well and I Have two cuts on my thumb but they aren't bad.

    And yes, Sandy, I have purchased non-perishables in bulk for years. Since I need certified gluten free items with no additives most are not available locally. I order when things are on sale, when I can get free shipping, etc. But I always have a lot of everything because certified gluten free items have a history of being out of stock or back ordered.

    I do get a bit irritated about the availability of fresh produce here. I will have something I want to make and I run around to 3 or 4 stores to find something. For example the tricolor bell peppers I like are often out of stock at Trader Joe's for weeks on end. So today I needed two red bell peppers for this recipe and I had one in the refrigerator. I went to two stores before I found them but then cherry tomatoes were not available. I wonder why it is so difficult for suppliers to keep the pipeline going?

    Okay, rant over.

    Time to get the mail and wheels the trash and recycling carts back to the house.

    Hugs everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin You sweetheart you. Thanks for the lovly B'day card. Altho I do not want to turn 85 But if Buzz can do it so can I

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Oh it arrived already!! An early birthday wish for you here as well. Hugs my dear friend. <3

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Had morning meeting with Director, followed by a seated yoga class, for which both Mike and I stayed. We both felt very good and hope to make it a steady twice a week class. After dinner we attended a wonderful concert with a very professional baritone singing all my favorites: from the Fantasticks, Try to Remember; man from La Mancha; Songs from Les Mis, and Phantom of the Opera; Mack the Knife...everyone a winner, and of course he threw in New York, New York, since so many NYers live here! Anyhow, it's late again, and I'm so sleepy, and tomorrow's another busy day! Maybe we'll try Tai Chi?
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thsnk you Lin
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Morning! I go to the organic store. The lady next to me at the produce counter looks vaguely familiar. I tentatively ask "are you on television?"
    "Yes" she says, "we've just finished filming here". We shake hands. Neat eh!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Neat Anne!! I did some errands this morning but saw no one famous!!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    So, ANNE, who was she? I woe up in the middle of the night with such pain in my right foot from the arch to the instep it felt as if I broke something! I could not step on it so I hopped to where a walker was, found an elastic bandage and an ice pack and bound up the entire area, took a couple of Aleve, and went back to bed. Although there is still lots of pain, I can at least step on it now! I wonder if a certain position on the yoga class (seated!) might have twisted something . Anyway, my shopping for today is out of the question so I might as well straighten up my financial mess! MFP is quiet today, so I'll send hugs to MARIE, ANNE and LIN for listening to my tale of woe!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I've had that BUZZ, usually from being twisted in a funny position in the bedclothes, anyway it is painful so sympathies sent. I can't for the life of me remember the young woman's name, but she's a roving reporter with our local station. I'll watch tomorrow and catch it, she's on the breakfast show early in the morning, I was just a bit surprised to see her roving around my neck of the woods. I don't think you get Hamilton TV in the States? The camera crew had gone by the time the buggy and I trundled up as the store opened. It only sells purely organic, and this lady reporters specialty seems to be, well, specialty stores.
    It's a glorious 72 degrees here until Friday when we become normal again at 48 I believe, hence me and the shopping buggy going for walkies.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    ANNE - Are you referring to CHCH TV, that is out of Hamilton?

    BUZZ - so happy to hear you are doing Yoga. We also do chair yoga at my studio, something different for change.
    I hope your foot problem is not from that. :o

    MARIE - did I miss your birthday? If so, Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest ladies I have been acquainted with.
    You are a gem.

    BARBIE - I have seen that boot before. A few years back I had plantarfacitis and was almost at the
    point of using the boot at night and then it got better. I had that pain for a couple of years.

    SANDY - Looks like I will have to have Kathy email Isaac's Halloween costume to me before I can
    post it..

    I had yoga class today and went and got my haircut from a different hairdresser. My old hairdresser, not old
    just had a lot of years with her, found a lump in her breast. She had it taken out and will get her results
    on Nov. 11th. The waiting is the worst. So Lisa did my hair and did a great job I must say. I think she
    was a little nervous about it, she didn't want to take off too much. She did a great job and it looks good.

    Just waiting for Dave to come home he is carrying a canoe on top of the car. He bought a used canoe
    to give to Kathy and Fraser for Christmas. They live near a lake so they will get use out of it.
    They use the one we have at the cottage every time they come and visit.

    We are having shrimp stir fry and brown rice so I better get prepping.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday Evening :) Another 2 mile walk with Robby, it was a beautiful day. Poor guy has a runny nose and loves to rub his nose on my clothes. :p I went to a meeting last night so did not go to bingo again, need to relax tonight.

    Shirley, Marie's birthday is on the 7th.....Lin sent her a hard copy card in the mail thus the confusion.

    I hope everyone is well, I just want to get off the computer so I will check in tomorrow with a longer post.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes, I am SHIRLEY. The young woman is the one with masses of glorious curly black hair. She was very nice and she is often shown in various stores etc around the Hamilton area.
  • Snowing! In New Mexico heading into Arizona and more snow! Good time for my nap. ;)
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Am I the only one having trouble pulling up community and golden sneakers? This is strange. I think I must have accidentally clicked. On something....who knows what I did.

    It is getting cold here. Dogs and I are feeling the chill. We are getting set for John's birthday. (Nov 14) Our son will be traveling so he will not be able to come for his dad's birthday. A couple of our friends are taking us out for a birthday lunch. Then I will try to dream up some interesting gifts and gift certificates. He is a hard one to buy for. Our daughters birthday is 3 days later.

    Shirley and Buzz: I do chair yoga and a version that uses the chair for support. I use a DVD and I am progressing to a bit more advanced (disk 3) I am getting better. It would really be good to be in a class with a teacher but I feel like I am not strong enough yet to really participate fully. John usually is near by because I topple over with disturbing regularity. As gentle as this kind of yoga is, I still have difficulty with a lot of the poses. It is still very beneficial.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) I am fighting getting Robby's cold, I am a firm believer in mind over matter. I will let you know if it works. Babe is still sick, going on 5 weeks. None of the antibiotics seem to be helping him. He is going back to the doctor this afternoon, I wish they would put him in the hospital and run some tests. They did a chest X-ray last week which showed clear lungs but he said his chest pain is getting worse. I worry about lung cancer and really hope they do an MRI or something. I feel bad for him but it is hard listening to him complain twice a day.

    Robby woke up from his morning nap after 45 minutes but fell back to sleep on the couch so I laid him back down. I really don't want him to take a long nap in the morning so he takes an afternoon nap. Hard to find the right balance.

    Phoebe, what part of Arizona has snow?

    Patsy, have fun with the birthday celebrations. My grandson, my DIL and my two sons have November Birthdays.

    Today is my sister's birthday, I miss her everyday as I know her six children do.

    Have a great day, the sun is shining and it is another beautiful day for a walk.

    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Snowing! In New Mexico heading into Arizona and more snow! Good time for my nap. ;)

    I certainly do miss you being home and posting more here. Enjoy the snow. Hope you do not have to drive in it.

    we are expectomg heavy storms this afternoon. I guess that is where your Snow came from. One of these days we will get some.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Checking in as I tend to get lost. In the midst of getting ready for a week away in the mountains and hubby invited friends over for supper. Was supposed to be very easy but one of the guests doesn't like chowder so I am making spaghetti and meat sauce for him as well. Oh well.

    Sandi - sorry Babe is still sick. I understand your concern.

    Patsy - it is cold here too. We've had a bit of snow since Sunday and it still hasn't all gone. Never warms up enough. Brrrr. I don't like winter at all.

    Phoebe - nice country you are in, but surprised about the snow.

    Shirley - shrimp stir fry sounds delicious. I was imagining wrapping the canoe. lol

    Buzz - oh dear. Sorry about he sore foot. Darn.

    Anne - fun to run into a celeb.

    Marie - birthdays!!! I refuse to become old, I can't help age each year, but surely I can stay young. And you do too.

    Barbie - I have a splint quite similar that I have to dig out from time to time. I have a nerve conduction test scheduled as well. Maybe I'll get to the bottom of my sore feet and ankles too.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Back to work.
