Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited October 2015
    Happy Friday!! :) Short week with Robby but Fridays are always welcomed. Robby was great today, took two naps and was in Seventh Heaven with the lollipop I gave him. His mom approved this once since it is Halloween tomorrow.


    We won't get any kids in my complex, they had a party for the kids in the clubhouse a couple of weeks ago. Our buildings are secure and you have to be buzzed in to enter so I don't have to buy any candy. My son detailed my car for me today, including waxing and buffing. I gave him money but that is because Babe said he would pay for him to do it so it is protected through the winter.

    Marcella, congratulations on the new washing machine, you can tell we are seniors when we get excited about new appliances. :)

    Anne, your description of bacteria and microbes in our tummies was more information than I needed. lol
    Living alone I eat mostly Lean Cuisine or Smart One dinners which seem to be pretty healthy to me. It couldn't be any worse than all that fast food I ate when I was younger which eventually got me here. lol

    Patsy, that is a lot of rain you are expecting, I think it is good most of the houses there do not have basements. There would be an awful lot of flooding. I hope it lets up enough for the kids to enjoy some trick or treating.
    I love seeing the little ones in costume, but can't since I moved out of the house.

    Marie, hope you are feeling okay, I worry about you.

    Phoebe, at least your intent was good to help the man, did he get impatient?

    Lin, if I loved veggies as much as you do, your recipes sound wonderful. I wish I could be more disciplined with my eating but I just love food.

    Jackie, snoozing is good, discomfort is not, but your toll bridge story is funny.

    Buzz, I am so happy to hear Mike told his therapist he couldn't live without you, now you know he appreciates all that you do for him. I am more than happy that the poem is doing good and helping people understand what the patient is going though, helping one person makes me proud.

    Jeri, so glad your appointment went well and you can relax a little. Sorry about your sister and the fatigue but happy to hear the markers are down. Will keep her and you and your family in my prayers.

    If I have missed anyone I apologize, but know I care about each and everyone of you.

    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, succinct and to the point! I do remember when we appreciated our police forces and looked up to tem. Too many thoughtless killings today and one wonders exactly who is attracted to the career and why! I know so many wonderful "cops", but too many are gun crazy. We need new rules! By the way, with your native good common sense, I would never believe you were a poor student. You have such an inquisitive mind, and come up with answers to life's problems I would be incapable of imagining! Salud!
    JACKIE, it's always interesting reading your interpretations of culture differences. Especially since you have lived on both sides of the big pond! Are you getting news of the campaigns going on here? I'm curious about how we appear to the rest of the world. I really do think TV has colored our lives in ways we never imagined! By the way, with most of the fare on the media, falling asleep is probably just what the doctor ordered! You know we are all rooting for your complete healing!
    JERI, somehow I missed your post! I consider it terrific news and a huge relief! And with a bit of recovery time, we all hope Val's fatigue will lessen considerably! Have a relaxing and wonderful visit for you, Ed and your family!
    Hello, dear MARIE! What's going on that you are so quiet? Everything OK?
    LIN dear, I was thinking of you at dinner tonight where we had a choice of many many vegetables along with the main dish. The butternut squash soup was marvelous! The had fennel, kale , lima beans, onions, spinach, and I can't recall the 2 others. SInce I have cut out vitamins in pill form, I am delighted with the diverse offerings at the table!
    MARCELLA, I can relate to your excitement! Have fun with the wash!
    PHOEBE, Crazy story about opening car hoods! we need more of you!
    Oops, ere comes Blue Bloods! Can't miss Tom Selleck, even though I fall asleep immediately!
    <3 Buzz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :):) Today was the line dance Halloween party/class. I wore my pumpkin Halloween costume that I wear every year. Almost all of the 32 students who came wore costumes. We danced ten dances to Halloween theme music (Ghostbusters, Thriller, etc) and had a fabulous time. Before class and at the break people took pictures.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Our rains have started but so far not too much wind. I hear some high in the trees but so far so good. Loosing power makes me crazy. How did people get by with just candles. They didn't read much...that's for sure. Speaking of reading, I am in middle of Patrick Kennedy's new bio book. It is interesting. But not "riveting."

    Tomorrow is John's beloved college football game. If the power goes, he will be very fussy. He will try to take on some awful household task to while away until the power returns. Dog grooming is always a possibility. With our big battery lanterns We sit on the floor surrounded by combs, brushes, special fur conditioners, toe nail clippers and files. We also brush their teeth with chicken flavored toothpaste. Yuck! Dogs are not low maintenance, no matter the breed.

    I am going to try to start ordering Christmas gifts right now. I always wait and I am a nervous wreck by the time Christmas comes. Thank God for those little colorful sacks and pretty tissue paper to scrunch around and hide the gifts. Easy and quick. And pretty!

    The storm is increasing, more wind now!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a couple of days of rain and more rain this morning was mild and the sun was trying to peep through high cloud so our walk was delightful, also blew a few cobwebs away as I'm beginning to feel slightly hot and bothered while my body fights back the radiation.... nothing nasty, just blah!! My journey to and from the hospital was horrendous yesterday due to holiday traffic on the move after our schools' half term because with all the problems in the Euro tunnel between our coast and Calais, France where migrants try all the time to sneak into the Uk illegally therefore constantly stopping trains, more and more are staying locally for holidays. I made it to the appointment with minutes to spare and when I'd changed into gown and walked towards the treatment room one of the radiologists was standing with arms crossed looking severe in a joking way which made us laugh and calmed me down! After 5 minutes on the table I was then back out into the fray to make my way home again which took nearly twice as long but luckily my neighbour had taken George for his late afternoon walk so I didn't have to venture back out in the dark.

    Patsy ~ That's an awful lot of rain so I do hope you both stay safe and dry. Dog grooming sounds like a great idea to keep your minds off what's going on outside; I've promised George much the same today and also, if he'll let me, a trim of his fringe because at the moment he looks like one of the Beetles!!

    Anne ~ That programme you watched about what we eat sounds similar to those we seem to get bombarded with here although few take much notice. Probiotic yogurt is the best answer to good and bad bacteria doing its job in the gut but sugary sweet pots are far more popular.... I wonder why?

    Buzz ~ When we hear of your gun lobbyists asking for teachers to be armed or police to stand guard in schools we tend to react with shock and horror but it is as you say, a completely different culture and something your country has been brought up with so who are we to criticize? Live by the sword, die by the sword comes to mind though!! At the moment there isn't a great deal of interest shown in our media for your political campaigns although Mr Trump gets quite a bit of attention because we know of him after he developed a golf course in Scotland and in his own interminable way did his best to buy out the local community and bully if he didn't get his own way. I think he's now moved his plans to Ireland after doing his best but failing to stop an offshore wind farm in sight of his luxury hotel.

    Lin ~ Following your example I spent time yesterday in the kitchen preparing veggies for a variety of meals. Today I'm going to enjoy a curried apple and pea soup for my lunch.... in the next half hour in fact!

    Barbie ~ Love your photos and great to see you are once again walking those frisky poodles and dancing so take it the aches and pains have gone?

    Sandy ~ Those photos of Robby are delightful too; hasn't he grown so quickly!!

    Marie ~ Missing you sweetheart and hope all is ok with you.

    Must get on and do something, just not sure what. The clouds are disappearing and the sun appearing so I think whatever it is it'll be outside!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    IAm fine Jackie, you might called it forgetful on my part to post.

    I got up at seven this morning. Had my coffee and thinking about another snooz befor dinner. My son made it in yesterday, so good seeing him. Him and my brother has gone fishing this morning.. Tomorrow they all go to the game. Dallas Cowboy going to get me a pot of beans going before I hopped back in be

    See you later

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    t111078.gif the dogs didn't want to walk before breakfast and they may not want to go after breakfast either.

    No, the aches and pains aren't gone. I have a prescription from the doctor, ibuprofen, and a referral for a nerve conduction test to find out what's wrong. But I'm still walking and dancing.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Barbie: our wet wild weather makes me creaky but you are so right about keeping up your activities. I try to get in a session of calisthenics and of course that yoga DVD. I really am not great at exercise so I have to have a variety of strategies to keep moving. I also have my exercise bike and light weights (8 lb) and (10 lb)....all to keep things from "rusting shut."

    We never have any little Halloween visitors but I have a few little sacks with toys inside. I can't give candy! I would gobble it up before the kids get to the door. Sad but true!

    Have a fun and safe Halloween everyone.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Happy Saturday!! :) I slept in today, guess I was tired. It is a raining day so I feel sad for the little kids who might not get to trick or treat. A lot of our little towns have parties in their park districts, so that would be ideal on a day like this. Me, I might just stay in my pj's all day and do nothing except ride the bike and play on my computer. Will also try to catch up on my TV shows that are recorded. I do have to pay some bills but that is about all I plan for today. Rainy days are for sleeping aren't they???

    Enjoy your day and don't forget to turn those clocks back tonight.

    One Day at a Time
  • Barbie, you are looking Younger! Love both photos. I was thinking of you as I walked Honey in the rain. Now I read the dogs refuse to go out in it this morning. Lol! Still working
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi and Happy Halloween everyone. Just catching a moment while Mike went down to the main lobby to bring his son upstairs. People get lost the first few times! JACKIE, I laugh about Trump and Scotland! He keeps trying to sue Palm Beach because some airplanes fly over his fancy club here! Oh well, laughter is good for the soul! BARBIE you look wonderful! And PHOEBE is right, you look younger! Everybody have a great weekend,,,
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited November 2015
    Haaaa, love the pictures Sandy. Great costumes!! Happy Halloween to everyone. We were done with that here last night. I did go to Trader Joe's this morning and all the employees were in costume. It was pretty neat.

    So you probably saw on the news feed that I lost my Internet service and it was not a matter of unhooking everyone and hooking it up again. It was off for quite a while and I finally got on the phone and worked through it with the automated system. They apparently cam communicate with this new modem more effectively than they could with the old one. Anyway I got back on again but meanwhile my printer messed up and I had to figure out how to get that going. Then while running Windows Defender it freaked out saying an unauthorized browser plug - in was installed which was a threat. Had to get that blown off my system and re-ran a scan and had another copy of it. Anyway, that was resolved. Today my iPad froze up and I couldn't even power down at first.

    Other than that I have been cooking and getting organized for my very long Sunday. I probably won't post anything tomorrow.

    Jackie, I am sorry you got in that traffic snare. I detest that!!!! Make sure George takes good care of you.

    Marie, happy football Sunday. Some friends of mine just drove to Texas for a week of vacation. I think maybe Padre Island area? They said it pretty much rained all the way on their drive from Iowa to Texas.

    Patsy, I hope you don't get that much rain. I must admit I have had many dogs and I never did brush their teeth. I got various things for their dental health---products to chew and left it at that.

    Sandy, cannot believe you had trick or treaters!!

    Phoebe, safe travels. Hello to Honey!!

    Marcella, happy for your new appliance. How's it working??

    Buzz, always a busy lady. Glad you are finding some vegetable options. I think vegetables are just grand and so tasty!!

    Anne, did you wear a pointy hat???? Or maybe you have it on now.

    All best wishes flying out to everyone.

    And Shirley safe travels as you return from your yoga retreat.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just lost my post so I will write when I get home. Sitting in my bed right now and hit
    the wrong key. I will write later and I am caught up on all the news.

  • Ahh, home for two nights. Long day of laundering tomorrow. Brought home All bedclothes, pillows too. Sandy, are you the green thing? Robby looks almost thrilled with this trick or treat stuff, like just gimme another lollipop!
    I tell ya, I'm glad I wasn't out and about with the Halloween party types. Everyone is wearing awful grisly costumes and makeup. I don't like zombies and I don't know why everyone wants to be morbid. I remember well my Casper the friendly ghost costume.
    I think the kids were able to trick or treat without rain, but it is here now!
    Lin, I thought you had the wayward signal beat, sorry it isn't. Stay with us!
    Patsy, hope you are safe across the map over there.
    I can't remember if my new clocks will automatically change the time. I usually look on the cable TV for the exact time. I'll set all the clocks by that tomorrow.
    Night all
  • HINT

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    No Phoebe, the dragon is Robby's mother, I never left my house today.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Just lost my post... :/ Getting late so Happy Halloween everyone.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Gorgeous, glorious day so I'm outside while it lasts.... feels more like August than November!!
    Wishing you all a peaceful and safe Sunday. I'm with you Phoebe, never did understand all that ghoulish dressing up.... even Violet my ghost would disapprove!! :o

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited November 2015
    And here's me at 7.04 just after my walk. I set my clocks back on Friday because I love early walks and watching the dawn. Nobody about! Of course I spent Friday and Saturday not knowing which end was up after doing this, but an early walk in the daylight comes first for me and all the other "wild things". Enjoy today, "All Saints Day", after yesterday's "Hallowed Evening" when all the - quote- ghosties and ghoulies, and long legged beasties and things that go bump in the night" were frightened back to where they came from for one more year.
    Anybody spot the giant asteroid just missing earth last night? Next time it returns, 100 years.