Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Okay dear sneakers! I am on the road, so look out! Yes I love being more independent as well. John is one of those guys that will never turn loose of his car keys. I fear he will be the guy that just plows into a storefront while stareing straight ahead. Oh I need to get this image out of my head.

    Our son loves the fact that I have a new car and that it is comfy and somewhat easy to drive. The backup camera is strange for me. Heck! I will just ignore it. We must all embrace change because it is going to happen none the less. The change I am working toward is building strength, facing life's challenges without fear and from a position of strength. Get a new car with lots of bells and whistles and then just fearlessly drive it! Go to exercise class knowing that I can't do much of the exercises everyone else is doing. And currently buying a purple shirt with glittery stuff all over it. to love it!!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Great pics, great posts, getting late and DH requested I stay off the laptop tonight so we can watch some Netflix movie and I promised. Drove to Costco for a quick shopping trip this afternoon and we returned thoroughly exhausted! Could barely make it to our apartment. I wonder if I should start thinking about using Edgewater transportation and give my car to DD. Ugh, giving up the convenience is a huge decision not easily made! It is such a shock to recognize the tremendous changes in physical strength! PATSY, sounds like the car will be perfect! Good luck.
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A quick hello and catch you later because it's a glorious day so I'm doing an autumn tidy and making sure water pipes are protected before the cold arrives. I've just strimmed the edge of the footpath that runs behind 3 of our cottages because although other families are a good 20 years younger they don't bother to do their share and I can only look at it so long before getting out the necessary tools and doing it myself.... yet again! Our clocks went back last night so at the moment I'm feeling I've gained time but of course when it gets dark around 5.30 and I still haven't walked George I'll know different! A quick light lunch and then out to clean the hen house.

    Enjoy your Sunday whatever is planned.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Just a quick check in before leaving for the casino until Tuesday. I am not bringing my IPad so not sure if I will be checking in tomorrow or Tuesday. The convention was great and I won a sponge bob basket for Robby so he will be happy. Stopped by to see Babe and Daisy after Mass and Daisy was so excited to see me, it almost made me cry. Babe has new medicine so hopefully he will start feeling better soon.

    I am going to eat some breakfast and get moving. Enjoy your Sunday!!

    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015

    JACKIE - My DH is watching football at 9:30 am the Buffalo Bills, his team, is playing in London, England this morning.
    So I am on computer having my coffee and ready to start my day.

    PHYLLIS - your grandaughter is a lovely baby. I wish I could see Isaac more but they are 2 hr 15 min away from us so our
    trips are sporadic. We do get tons of pictures on our phones though. We are planning our next trip soon because they
    change so much from every visit.

    BUZZ- Giving up the independence of a car is hard. My MIL too is facing that delemma. She is 89 and says when she
    turns 90 she won't be driving anymore. We shall see she turns 90 in April we are thinking of having some kind of a party
    for her. It will be a busy month, Isaac turns one on April 3, my birthday is April 4th and MIL's is April 13th.

    PATSY - Hope you are enjoying your new vehicle.

    LIN - Those potatoe waffles sound interesting. I used to have a waffle maker but no longer.

    ANNE - Glad to hear you are on Foxfire and hope your computer woes are over.

    MARIE - How are you faring with the storm coming your way? Be safe We saw some areas being hit on the TV last night.
    We are getting the results here on Wednesday so we better batten down the hatches.

    Well I better get dressed and pick up some groceries for homemade soup today. Vegetarian minestrone from Lacey, the
    nutritionist, from the last yoga retreat I was on, she sends me her recipes.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I will be on the lookout for your youngest Anne. Every strange guy I I will ask him if his mom that crazy anne from Canada It is cloudy here so not so Pretty But since I plan staying in the house all day I doubt if that come about,
    my plans today
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited October 2015
    You should recognize Mark MARIE, he's the slim 51 year old who looks 35 years old, with a very very thick head of hair, probably wearing a suit and tie seeing it's business and probably looking a wee bit lost. Anybody up in the Sudbury area might spot my grandson who looks a bit like his dad, only even slimmer and taller but NOT in a business suit and looking younger than his 22 years and also probably looking a wee bit lost. Coincidently both flying out today from Torontos 2 airports for meetings etc. Meanwhile, DIL and I will both be wandering about looking a wee bit lost here for the next few days.
    Both should be flying home on Wednesday, so I'll be keeping a wary eye on the sky with that storm on the way.
    So, it would appear that most of the sneakers or family are tootling here and tootling there, PATSY in her new car, SANDY off to the casino, LIN off to the exotic sounding Trader Joes, me just hoofing it, well you get the picture.
    Happy wandering everybody,
    Anne (who so far, loves Firefox and is back to the old familiar formula!)
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello dear ones,
    Slept poorly last night, which is unusual for me, but I kept hearing a weird whistle sound every time I breathed and today it occurred to me I might be brewing something I wouldn't want to spread to others so I remained upstairs just reading the Sunday papers and generally lolling about! So far, nothing has developed, and I did take some kind of Vitamin C drink which may have nipped it in the bud. Wheezing kind of worries me as my Mom had lung cancer, and I think she had a wheeze and hacking cough. I'm sure I'll be fine.
    ANNE, although we couldn't wait for Trader Joe to open here, we seldom visit as my temptations are their Moscato wine, and their fabulous dark chocolate bars. Lots of "nosh" type things which I surely don't need, and the parking lot is always filled, making it a far walk, so once every few weeks we do Costco, which holds us for a month! JACKIE, you are a living history dweller! SANDY, hope your weekend sendoff from Daisy will bring you a great few days, and SHIRLEY, your MIL is only a year older than I, and I really feel for her with the car dilemma!
    LIN, I hope you will join the choir, or chorus, or whichever. I would get such pleasure from singing, if only I could sing! Mike is in the chorus here and loves it , and has almost developed an ear for singing on tune :D
    MARIE, did the storm come near your home? I guess we all worry about you!
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hi all! We are in Southern California. Just waiting for our appt time to load and head for Alabama. Marie, they want us up on I 40. Must be weather to route us that way. Funny to hear that your kits went out during the rain.
    This is a good place to walk, so I've just got back with Honey. It was warmer than I thought. We were both pooped out when we got back. I was weak and hot!
    Phyllis, glad you are better and what a sweet lil happy face, she must love her bath time.
    Jackie, our time change will be soon, first weekend in November. It's hard to get used to that early darkness. George will probably let you know it's time to go before the sun sets.
    Lin, how are your potatoes made? Do you use the peelings? I'm trying to picture your waffle iron, but I can't. Glad you like the potatoes!
    Sandy, sweet Daisy, she must be such a patient girl. Hope you enjoyed your visit with both of them! And have a wonderful pre winter trip with your friends. AND win!!
    Anne, maybe the apple a day from your blessed tree is keeping you healthy! I think Windows should be embarrassed that Internet Explorer has become such a problem, and I think they should Fix it! I also like Chrome. Firefox works for me too. Unlike Buzz, I'm going to be less courageous installing Windows 10. Mostly, all the time it will take. I've really learned small amounts of this version I have. I think it's windows 8 or 8.1.
    Buzz, yes, the assistance in transport but also a motorized shopping cart or at least shop at a smaller store. Got to keep up your strength dear one.
    Patsy, congrats on your car choice, sounds like a smart one. I often back into parking spaces because I'm not comfortable backing out of them. I worry about children running around. I'd like a back up camera or an alarm.
    Shirley, hope you get used to your travel to Isaac, else you be talking about moving closer to him!
    Barbie, thinking of you
    Have a great Sunday evening

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    edited October 2015
    Just a short note tonight. So nice to read all the posts. I need to get moving around. Sunday's are always odd days as far as my usual routine is concerned. Need to be up and dressed and ready for people by 7am tomorrow. The utility company is going to swap out my gas meter SOMETIME between 7am and noon. Way to nail that down right?? Then they have to come in, relight the pilot lights on my appliances and check to make sure all gas items are working. I have shut down the pilot on my gas fireplace. I am guessing that will be the most difficult to get going again with a very long supply pipe to bleed out.

    Here's a picture that includes a potato waffle. You select relatively small potatoes, zap them in the microwave until done (about 3 - 4 minutes) for a couple of them. Let them cool down to warm. Meanwhile heat up the Belgian waffle maker, when it is hot and the potatoes are warm, put a potato in one of the grids (up to four). Close the lid firmly until the waffle maker is totally closed. Set a timer for about 10 - 11 minutes. Then open up and remove them. They do not stick since you've left the skins/jackets on them. You can then serve with salsa or anything of your choice.

    Need to get up and move!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yum Lin looks good.

    phoebe, please take care. out on the road. I have not heard anything about I 40

    See you later

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Yes Lin, thanks for the pic. Yum, I'll have what You're having!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Almost Halloween! I have my costume ready. I just wish I had a Halloween party to go to. Anyway, not sure about our weather. We had lots of rain today. Tomorrow is to be rainy but not as much as today. Who knows about Halloween.

    Our front deck is made of that composition deck board. It looks good and doesn't rot. But the down side is that it is very slippery when wet. So I am now trying to figure out a creative solution. A trail of small welcome mats to the front door? Scatter sand and rocks all over the deck for traction? A small trail of duct tape? Put police tape reading, do not enter, across the entry and use the side garage door only? As the saying careful what you wish for. I always wished we didn't have to paint the front deck every year. We don't have to do that now but we have this other problem. Life's little challenges!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Patsy, I've seen strips that stick like duct tape they look like black sandpaper, very similar to the bathtub strips.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, I have the same problem with my slick wooden steps leading to the front door. PHOEBE's idea sounds a good one! Must try it. I've also tried old loose rubber ridged car mats cut in half and stuck to the wood. Quite effective unless it gets too icy, which it can here up north of course.
    Mostly, like LINS comment when she went to the store, I am similarly suited all year round for Halloween when I suddenly become normal for a day! Haven't got around to a pointy hat yet, just give me time. Remember, witches are only born in October so I qualify! Lucky me!
    Anne, now my little Tabitha Daisy is no more maybe I should look out for a black cat like my past Miss Becky?
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    It's a new week and I'm thrilled for it. I think I'm starting today off with everyone in our household cold, flu and infection free. We have a new washing machine purchased and scheduled to arrive on Friday. I can probably hand-wash anything that I'm desperate for until then. This morning, I signed into MFP and realized that I had not even logged into the site for days. That is so unlike me. Yes, it's a new week and I'm thrilled! Wishing all the Sneakers a terrific week.

    Love, love, love the pictures of the adorable grandchildren!!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Patsy, I've seen strips that stick like duct tape they look like black sandpaper, very similar to the bathtub strips.

    I got some at the hardware store to put on my basement steps a long time ago. At the time my dogs were making the wooden steps wet and slippery. The installation of the strips really worked. No more slipping!!

    Anne, I don't have a pointy hat either although I don't seem to miss having one. I am odd enough without it!

    Marcella, what a week you had last week. Here's hoping this week will be just fine.

    Meanwhile my gas meter is all updated and all gas appliances are functioning well. Thank goodness.

    We have a mild sunny day today so I zipped out and ran a couple of errands that could have waited but the temperature is forecast to decrease and rain is expected for a day or two. I think I will just stay home for a couple of days.

    Hugs for my friends. Stay safe.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015
    PHOEBE, stay safe on your next trip to Alabama, Honey must have loved the walk even though you are pooped now. MARIE-
    I see you are still having rain, stay indoors on those nasty days. BUZZ - Nice to see Mike is using his voice and loves to sing.
    I do too and our next rehearsal is tomorrow night. I have purchased our magazine holders from Amazon for the ladies
    who need it for their booklets. I will be bringing them tomorrow. LIN - Those potatoe waffles look very easy to make and
    I bet they are delicious. PATSEY - We have those strips on our boat stairs down to the salon. They really do work when
    the steps are wet and you always have some kind of wet on a boat. MARCELLA - I guess your household was sick last week.
    I hope all the germs are gone. Open your windows that's what I do and spray all doorknobs with Lysol. Feel better. ANNE,
    glad your Foxfire is working and have fun with your DIL whatever you are doing.

    Another beautiful day here in Ontario. I had Yoga this morning and then did some laundry and had a nice walk. My vegetarian minestrone soup turned out really good and we had some for lunch today. It was packed with veges, kale, beans, quinoa,
    tomatoes etc. Now to get ready for making dinner. Have a good evening.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dear PHOEBE, you surely do get around, and CA sounds like it's around the corner with you! I had forgotten we switch from Daylight Savings time shortly; I hate the earlier darkness, too, even though we seldom go out at night. This year I didn't even purchase the subscription to the concert series as we cannot know in advance how we will feel. I agree with you on backing into parking spaces, as I've witnessed too many drivers back out and drive off, unaware they've even clipped another car! By the way, I really like Windows 10 now that I've learned I can use any browser any tme! I think it's similar to using a smart Pad or notebook, and it's fun! I still don't know why it locked me out on the 3rd day, though! The fonts show up so clearly, and it's easier on my eyes! Hope weather holds up for you two!
    Last night I discovered I can fix TVs that don't work! We'd been waiting fora replacement cable box which snever arrived so I went behind the set and redid all the plugged in wires and all the colored IN and OUT wiring and suddenly Mike said "The cable box is rebooting itself" and sure enough everything is working fine again! Except another remote control died last night and we're awaiting a replacement for that! Yet, this morning while having blood samples taken at the lab, I was amazed by the newest examples of computer programming handling all the paperwork of those blood tests, tubes and other work that used to take forever to fill out ! We were in and out in no time !
    LIN, the waffles sound delicious but complicated! Your plate is very tempting! See, you have lots of talents you don't give yourself credit for!
    Only a couple of posts today, so I'll get myself ready for dinner.
    Looks like rain showers outside but definitely somewhat cooler today!
    <3 Buzz
    PS... all of a sudden this website is going crazy on me! And I was unaware I was on the wrong page! And when I tried to post, this notice appeared!\"Body is 6249 characters too long "?????
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I tried to post pictures but they are too large. Wish they would get it fixed.
    So just reporting in all is find here nice sunny day. for a change, But more rain coming back in this weekend.