Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I am still tired from today but I will snap out of of sooner than later. I had Yoga class this morning and signed for more
    classes. Today is groceries and finishing up laundry. Last night I had choir rehearsal and don't home until close to
    10:30 so I was not up long before bedtime.

    BARBIE - I hope you get some answers on your leg pain. <3 We are all worried about you because you are my hero
    when it comes to walking. I barely got in 1 mile yesterday with babysitting and traveling back and forth.

    BUZZ- Your events are really done up with panasch, I am sure you are enjoying all the food.

    MARIE - Take care hon, I hope you find out about your kidneys.

    LIN - You are a good friend to your friend's husband and what he is going through. <3

    PHOEBE- I was calling Isaac's name as I was taking his picture. He is very alert and his brain
    is a little sponge taking in everything. We clapped to him every time the Blue Jays scored and
    Kathy said he was trying to clap in his crib the next morning. She never saw him do that before.

    SANDY, PHYLLIS, MARCELLA, ANNE hello to anyone I missed.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Foggy morning hello! Today it is back to the foot doctor. All is well so this is just a follow up appointment. One of the odd things about autumn here on the coast is we have very little fall colors. The leaves stay mainly green and fall off the trees. There is a faint rusty color on some of the leaves. We have largely hemlock and alders. These are used in the timber industry here.

    Good advice on the cars. I will stomp my foot in a determined way to insist on a car I feel comfortable in! Actually John wants me to like the car as well. But vehicles are John's passion so I will need to reign in his enthusiasm if I am not happy with his first choice for me.

    Lin: I am so glad you here on the planet. You spread a lot of sunshine. Thanks for being the good person you are.

    To the babysitting grandmothers...take lots of photos. Enjoy those adorable babies. They grow up way too soon!

    Jackie: well! You are an amazing strong woman. Stay strong my friend!
    Love to you all,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    t118024.gifMy visit to the doctor to find out about the leg pain and tingling feet I have when I'm walking provided some answers and more's not muscles, bones, circulation, blood clots or side effects from my new osteoporosis medicine. The next step will be a nerve conduction test. She also did some blood tests. But she didn't tell me to stop walking and dancing....the other good news is that the injury that the chiropractor had been treating is all cleared up....this is something new.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Had to go to Walmart to take Jim's prescriptions. I walked around shopped, then got bored, it was much longer than the 20 minutes they told me. Finally they called me, one med was not there so I go back again tomorrow. Tomorrow I have a Dr appt and we will put most of our things in the truck. Then I hope to give Honey a bath and walk her to dry.
    Felt yucky today. Hope I can get my flu shot tomorrow. Hugs for you all
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015
    Barbie Take care of them legs.Do as the doctor says

    take care sweetie

    Got to go find Bubba, he is hiding out somewhere. Sissy is asleep on the TV tray table.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow, lots to digest today. ANNE, welcoming back Jacean245!!! Could anything be weirder? I'll keep my fingers crossed MFP doesn't lose you again!
    PHOEBE, how long has Jim had diabetes? I wish you two could consider retirement and discover a second career close to home!
    SHIRLEY, that's some adorable baby! And yes, I savor the food specials here and my scale shows it!
    BARBIE, of course I'm concerned for you and the leg business, and I often wonder if the professionals know what they are talking about when they encourage moving over the edge! I kind of learned the hard way that I wish someone had told me moderation is the key to good health; perhaps I could walk today without pain! Or perhaps it's simply in the genes :D
    SANDY luv, busy as ever. I believe you have been right on the button with the life choices you made, and time is proving you did the right thing! ;)
    MARIE, has your doctor checked your potassium? Sometimes too much is a problem for diabetic kidneys to handle. And you are wise to cut back on meat and too much protein. I should follow your example on drinking water! I find it easier from a glass rather than those bottles it comes in. Mike's Doc prefers his sugar to be slightly on the high side rather than low! She says low is very dangerous. His kidney function is in stage 4, whatever that means, but they don't appear to bother him! I think stage 5 means dialysis, yet he has no problem eliminating !
    LIN, I hope you are feeling better today. You deserve a worry-free life now after all you've come through!
    Please excuse spelling mistakes you see here. I suddenly realize my typing pressure is dreadful, and I think I've clicked keys but actually miss many! Must run now and read the huge catalogs sent by our HMO, full of many changes. I guess medicine will be more costly next year...sigh! JACKIE, are you still hangin' in there? Hugs, sweetie!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, make sure to take your time test driving, and try reaching everything you'll ever need to reach, and make sure you have really great vision through every mirror and possible "blind spots"! Check that the dash is easy to read and doesn't reflect sun glare, and the rear window is fully visible! THEN, pick your color and don't settle! Darn I wish I were shopping for a new car >:) !!!
    <3 Buzz

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Going to has been a busy day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Waiting for Robby to arrive, so I thought I would sy good morning. I also wanted to tell Phyllis and Shirley how beautiful their grandchildren are. Time is shorty so I will check in later.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just popping in to say good morning, although it is looking pretty murky out there at the moment. I'm a bit nervous clocking in these days, but all is as it should be so far. It was really weird on the home page, every time I checked in my name remained the same, but my image kept changing, me being mainly SANDY, but also favouring LIN and PATSY. Finally, I was looking at Sandy but with my name, when the whole thing closed down. I nervously logged in, and lo and behold we were all back in place, because on my home page just about everyone was sometimes swapping whilst I had disappeared completely, photo, that is. I have to admit it's all making me a bit nervous, IS someone tampering or am I just paranoid!
    Enough! I just have to accept that me and computers don't jell.
    It's been a pretty dull week here. I seem to have spent most of my time paring apples for the freezer. Friend Flo took a pile home which she shared with her neighbours and both DILs are up to their ears baking apple pies and texting me photos!
    BUZZ, I saw a rather horrifying tv program about sink holes last evening and an explanation why Florida is plagued with them. Is this really true? So many I mean, with houses disappearing never to be seen again?
    BARBIE, like everyone else I'm concerned about your legs and I think Buzz is on the right path with moderation at the moment.
    I just wish us all a pleasant pain free day,
    Anne, nipping off before the next weird happening clocks in!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well as we grow older the more pain we endure. I have learn to deal with my aches and pain. I did ask the doctor fo some pain pills for my back But she said they would hurt my kidneys just stick to tynole Spelling my spellcheck not even helping me.I just do what I can . They really don't help me.
    Take care everyone Hugs to all.-M
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Morning dear sneakers! Soggy day here as usual. I have several raincoats and in many colors, not a worry. We are trying out another new car today. Buying a new car is an exciting business especially for John. I just want transportation that I can get into without needing a ladder.

    Oooooops! Mazzie just barfed up a bunch of grass and chewed up twigs. Why does she graze on the lawn like a sheep? She is a sheepdog....not a sheep. Off to get cleaning rags, paper towels and simple green!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015
    Morning Sneakers,

    I think after my weight challenge is done I will downsize some of my things on here on MFP. Since Dave retired we are
    always going here and there and my time is becoming too short on here. I have not been able to keep up like I want. So getting
    rid of some things I do on here will make things better and I can concentrate on the topics I want to like being here
    with you all. :) I seem to rush in and rush out and not much time to read everything.

    Dave has left for his flu shot this morning and was going to take his mom but she has already made her apt. at her
    local pharmacy to have it done. I had my doctor apt on Tuesday and all was well, made my next apt. for a pap test
    in November. Since my gyne doctor retired I will go to a lady general practitioner in the same office for that. The Government
    health care which we have, is every 3 years now. It used to be every 2 years I personally think that is too long.
    He gave me my sheet for blood work which will be in February. So I have some time to get this weight off so my numbers
    are good and continue. I also got my flu shot and my arm feels great. Last year a sore arm for 3 days and red.

    After Yoga class yesterday I went to Timmy's to get my decaff coffee and they were out. I couldn't believe it! I pulled over
    to the side while they made a fresh pot and they said 2 mins. It was much longer than that so when my coffee arrived
    I got a free coupon for $5 for waiting. Not bad!

    Today started out gloomy and raining but it seems to be clearing up now and the sun is trying to peak out.
    I have been on Pinterst getting recipes, I have one for Grandma's pumpkin Snack cake and Salmon patties which
    I think I will make tonight. Something different for a change. South Beach can be boring after a while.
    Now to get on my turbo trainer and do some biking.

    BARBIE B) - Happy to hear your chiro apts are successful and you are feeling better. I had to cancel mine to go and
    see Isaac but that was okay it was just a turn up treatment which I do once a month. Now you just have to get down
    to the mystery of the leg pain. I am sure they find out soon.

    ANNE - Whenever I have problems with wonkey things on the computer I just shut everything down and start again.
    It usually works.

    PATSY - Good luck with the car hunting and may you get a compromise on the car between you and DH.

    SANDY - Once busy grandma but loving it!

    PHOEBE - On the road again, and be safe.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Nearly time to cook my evening meal having just had a wonderful walk on the moor with George. We headed for those Hurlers because I knew he'd run round and round the ring with ears flapping and that was enough exercise while I perched my bottom on one of the shorter granite posts. We had only managed a short walk this morning because even getting up at 7am didn't leave much time to shower, walk and drive to Plymouth and in fact after stopping to chat to a lady in the village who had been strolling in her front garden with a cup of tea I wasn't left time for breakfast so just grabbed a banana before leaving. Pasta is on my mind for a meal tonight but knowing I'm weighing myself tomorrow for the pound a week club I'm going to try my best to avoid that cupboard and make a salad instead!

    Barbie ~ When I was in my mid 20's I had a problem similar to your leg pains and tingling and after many tests it was discovered I had a viral infection in my spine, goodness only knows how or why, but a strong course of antibiotics soon got me sorted sp I do hope you can find out soon what's going on. Please don't overdo the walking until you know..... everything in moderation is what we are all saying because we so admire your commitment to fitness and don't want to see you having to curtail what you love to do.

    Lin ~ What an amazing soul you are to think to take a meal to that gentleman whose awful situation must add to his depression and I do hope your bright presence will help him through his day. His story brought a tear to my eye.

    Anne ~ Sounds as if you'll still be eating those apples when the next crop arrives although there's obviously a good chance the tree will rest next year.... you can but hope!!!

    Buzz ~ All is good with my treatment and I must say it's fascinating to observe how it all comes together with measurements down to the last millimeter as bright green lights flash across my body before the technicians disappear through the door! A quick chat to an oncologist after today's "blast" confirmed they are pleased so as long as I keep drinking as much water as possible and using a cream they supplied I'm sure I'll soon be coming out the other side with my smile intact!!

    Patsy ~ Dear Mazzie seems to enjoy a bit of roughage but thank goodness she brings it back up even if it is deposited on your floor! My cat Hebe is expert at regurgitating her biscuits as she runs across a room so you can imagine!!! Happy hunting for that perfect car.... it's out there somewhere!

    Oh dear, it's getting dark already so I must shut the hens in (Squeak is still with me by the way and walking on that foot again) and prepare a meal.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Feeling yucky today.I must have eaten something bad when I went out to eat with some ladies yesterday. I don't usually ever get sick but oh my, Pharaohs Revenge really got me. I've just rested all day and stayed close to my throne!! Those cramps just keep attacking my tummy. It is not fun.
    Hope that tomorrow will be a better day. Phyllis
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I think I'm traveling north south east and west today. Not in that order though. Now I'm waiting for my flu shot. Then zig zag to Walmart for Jim's prescriptions. Then a few bits for travel from grocery and home to some kind of dinner.
    Phyllis, me too. Except I'm not at home near my throne! My stomach has been bothering me for a few days so maybe this is the result.
    See you later, and hugs
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good afternoon my friends – another day has pretty much melted away from me! I had run through my box of cherry tomatoes and needed to go pick some more for salad and roasted vegetables so first thing I was waiting at the door when Trader Joe’s unlocked! I bought a few other things as well, dropped off my library books on the way home and got started on my day’s food prep marathon! I made broccoli slaw, cooked a small head of cauliflower. I love cooking it whole, it looks so lovely. Then lots of washing, and chopping as I got a tray of vegetables ready to roast. Got those in the oven and cooked a pound of green beans. Then I made a salad with the odds and ends in the refrigerator that were not going to last much longer. By the time my lunch was ready it was afternoon! Then there was all the clean-up, watched a webinar on nutrition, and found I had a package at the door. I order a lot of my non-perishables online and got everything unpacked and put away. Then made a new pitcher full of Hibiscus water, printed out some recipes and other information that came to me today via email.

    That is where my day went. Oh, and I got in my 10,000+ steps and 13 flights of stairs so far.

    Marie, I hope you can keep your water intake up and your proteins down. It seems doctors have so many orders but I guess they have our best interests at heart. Unfortunately for me, I often do not agree with conventional medicine which is why I am a problem patient! Hugs. I hate that we do have to tolerate more pain as we get older. I have a friend with a back problem and the only thing that is helping her now is an injection in her spine which I believe she can get every 4 to 6 months.

    Shirley, you are a busy lady! I sang with the church choir last Sunday and they said I could keep singing the easy weekly pieces with them if I did the just-before-service rehearsals. I would need to attend the formal practices in order to do the longer pieces for special occasions. I admire that you always get to choir practice. Since my church is a long drive away from me and I don’t feel safe in that neighborhood at night I doubt I will join back in 100%. Several people have asked me to do duets with them so I guess I will be more musical once again.

    Patsy, I hope the car hunting is going well and you are narrowing down the field. I had a friend who wasn’t very tall and her husband wanted a very TALL vehicle. Somehow or another they were able to order it with some type of assist step(s) so she was able to get into the thing. I doubt she ever drove it though. She was the passenger. Now have you mentioned what colors you have in mind? In my lifetime of driving a car I’ve had: green, yellow, weird beige/brown, white, green again, white again, black, red, grey and grey again. I didn’t know you were without the bold autumn colors. I adore the bright red maple trees right now. They are sooooo incredibly bright they make me smile.

    Barbie, so some good news and some continuing questions. I am glad you are still able to carry on with many of the activities you love. Wonderful! I am curious to know how they are sure it is not the new medication you are taking. It seems the only new thing in your life recently. I know, I am a pain, but I am always suspicious of prescription drugs. I hope whatever it may be that you will be back to normal soon.

    Phoebe, I am sorry you’re not feeling well. I hope today is a better day. But also sorry you have to go back on the road. No chance for short hauls near home where you could be home pretty much every evening? Hugs to you, and DH, and Honey, and all the rest of your lovely family. Whoops, I just saw your post and I am sorry you are not feeling better.

    Buzz, lovely to read your post. I hope your computer is all fixed up and you’re coping with Windows 10 well. Are you still making cards? I wanted to send one of my recent card-class projects to a friend who’s been too ill to come to church the last few weeks. It was over-sized and I had to hunt and hunt this morning to find an envelope that would work. Found it, called the post office to see how much postage a 6” X 9” envelope would need and they said I would have to come to the office. So, off I went to the post office and had the opportunity to stand in line for quite a while. When it was my turn they told me one regular 1st class stamp would be fine. Sigh.

    Sandy, hello my busy friend! I hope your day has been okay even with the sound of that fan that you mentioned on Facebook. So rude of your neighbor to let it run all day. Can Robby nap through that?

    Anne, glad nothing odd is going on with your iPad today. I always am happy to get up and have Internet service, a printer that will work and nothing strange going on. But I always wonder when I first get started! Yes, apples apples everywhere….I hope even with the over-abundance that you can enjoy them because it does seem to be feast or famine with fruit trees.

    Jackie, glad things are going well with your treatments. I hope that continues!! Hugs! And some hugs for George!! And avoiding pasta….well, best wishes on that as well. When we get an idea in our heads of something we want, it’s hard to dislodge it! Maybe you could make some on Saturday? I am going to cook vegetable spaghetti squash again. I adore it!! And I am happy that Squeak is still with you…..

    Phyllis, oh my goodness. I am sorry you’re feeling so poorly. Something you ate or a virus? Whatever it might be, I hope you’re over it soon.

    Time to get up and move again. Oh, and the visit yesterday went well. He seemed pleased to see us and happy with everything that I schlepped up all of those stairs! We stayed until I couldn’t stop coughing---they have two cats and a rabbit in that apartment and I happen to be allergic to both. With his appointment coming up on the 30th, I think part of his better humor was realizing compared to the length of time he’s been pretty much trapped up there, there aren’t many days left. And several people are going to help him get down the stairs, into a vehicle, and will go along to help him out of the car and into the doctor’s office and then whatever else is needed………tests or just a trip home. I think that relieved him a bit as well.

    I have another card to get ready for the mail tomorrow. My gosh this laptop battery drains so fast!

    Hugs to everyone.


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Another day is almost gone and where does the time go. Thankfully our days are starting to cool down a bit to the low 80s here in N. Calif. I am done with our hot summer. We did have a couple of days with light showers accompanied by some very loud thunder and lighting one night. The fresh air scent from the rain the next morning was delightful and my plants are starting to thrive again with the changes in our weather. I do love autumn....
    Looking after our 4 1/2 yr old granddaughter has kept me on my toes either running her to transitional kindergarden, picking her up from school, running her to her gymnastics class or just keeping her busy. We do this on Tues- Thurs; however I also have her tomorrow. By 5:45 I am beat. I am really enjoying her though and taking advantage of introducing her to some new things. I have started putting on classical music, which has inspired her to dance. She has had maybe 8 ballet classes in her life, so she loves to dance. Yesterday I found a Swan Lake ballet being preformed on Amazon, so I put it on. She danced and danced and watched the whole thing. Nutcracker in a few months I suspect because she is loving it. Today she was working on a childs mosiac kit and she started singing. She has a very pretty little voice; she starts singing Somewhere over the Rainbow though she only gets thru 4 sentences. Thank goodness for the computer cause I found all of the words and we sang and sang over and over again to pick up some of it. It has been a fun week with her. Saturday we are off to watching soccer and flag football with her siblings and then on Sunday our daughter and family and son and family are joining us up at Apple Hill for the festivities of fall harvest, plus we will stop by a winery that has a great picnic area as well. Should be a fun day.
    My dh and I took a bit of a break last night to go out to dinner at the local casino and enjoy ourselves just to be able to relax for a bit. Not a lucky night as usual. Don't seem to have Sandys luck.
    Though I do not respond often I do play catch up on everyones life a couple of times of week. I wish everyone the best and am concerned about everyones health issues these days. It is a nice change to be able to see some of these darling grandbabies that are coming into everyones lives now. And Sandy I too copied that great poem that you put on here. Like I said to my husband when I read it to him....we have no idea of our futures, but this little poem read periodically may come in handy to make those years a bit easier. Thanks Sandy...
    Well it is getting late. Need some much needed rest to keep up with Aubrey tomorrow though it will be a short day. If I only had half of her energy. She just goes and goes and goes.
    Thinking of everyone and until next time......

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2015
    Mid afternoon and I'm planning to whip the vacuum cleaner about the place before lighting the fire. It's not cold, just a bit grey and dismal outside so I want to make it cosy for the evening and it also reminded me to make a phone order for a delivery of coal just in case we get some cold temperatures. George has been grumbling and woofing at something and nothing for the past hour which I'm thinking is either Violet the ghost teasing him or my little cat Hebe who on Wednesday managed to lose her magnetic collar that works the cat flap and although I ordered a new one off Ebay and paid extra for 1st class next day delivery there's no sign of it so she sits outside looking through the glass at me until I open the door which seems to unnerve George!

    Phoebe ~ Hopefully you're avoiding Walmart chicken these days. I'm wondering about your upset stomach because chicken sold in our Asda stores that are owned by Walmart have the highest percentage of contaminated birds amongst all the supermarkets that cause food poisoning. Look after yourself and don't overdo things you don't have to.

    Phyllis ~ No fear any meat in your meal was old enough to become contaminated from what you've described but I do hope whatever is going on will soon leave you alone.

    Diane ~ Lovely to hear from you and how great that your temperatures are creeping down and you even experienced some rain showers! What fun you're having with granddaughter, the sort of times I'm sure she'll always remember.

    Lin ~ I managed to resist that pasta meal last night and instead had a jacket potato with some salad but that still didn't help because my weight is all over the place at the moment! Your visit to that poor man must have cheered him as well as the rabbit and cats!! Let's hope he can get his doctor to continue to sign him off work so his boss won't give him a hard time.

    That's me, must get on with some housework.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi again ladies.
    I've stayed pretty much home again today today. I did go out to church in the morning for a few hours.
    I THOUGHT I was on the improve! Except I was still having sporadic cramping that about knocked my socks off.
    So I took a walk to the pharmacy ( it's only a few blocks from my house) to see if I should be taking something else for the cramping since the meds I am on said anti-diarhea. Got almost home and BOOM! EXPLOSION! NO WARNING... I was glad to say the least that I was right around the corner from my house and also glad I was wearing a LONG SKIRT. I guess I'll keep taking the anti-diarhea meds for a few more days.
    HOPE you have all have or will have a better day than I did. Whatever I have is a MEAN ONE!!!