Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Buzz, so you are our guinea pig for Windows 10! I was considering it, because of good reviews, but I'll struggle along in the crazy 8's. Hope your sister wasn't injured. Also hope she will listen to your advice.
    Phyllis, I'm sorry about your friends, I know you are remembering your days together. Hug your friends and family. <3
    Lin, is the Cinderella movie the cartoon where she is in a blue dress? Or is there another version? Tonight on Hallmark is a Tom Selleck as Jesse Stone movie, a new one. 9pm edt. I'm recording it. Ditto on the food and card making, that's silly. Should be a no food or drinks allowed, especially since you are sharing table space. No one spills on purpose, accidents will happen. I'd mention to the organizers, if there are more planned. You've been watching Burke's law, I'm watching some Midsomer Murders.

    Patsy, Jim loves the steamed veggies and shrimp from our favorite Chinese restaurant. They are listed under special diet. Quite by accident we discovered they serve two different sauces if you like to add it to the veggies. One is Brown, much like soy sauce but thicker, the other is slightly white, almost clear. It has a much milder flavor. I think they just called it white sauce. It may be the solution for John's tricky relux. I too suffer from severe reflux, and have reduced many foods that bother me.

    I've slept through the day, but don't regret it. I must have needed it. Tomorrow will be busy, and like Shirley, Tuesday has me scheduled for a few appts. Then we are supposed to return to work. (Sigh)
    Jackie, I'll be thinking of you. Feel free to complain if you want. :/
    Honey knows our usual route now. She thinks she doesn't need me to go with her! She goes down the steps so quickly, I'm not sure about gripping the leash, as she might pull me down. So I tried releasing it. Away she goes! I'm calling her, but she looks back at me and keeps walking. She is oblivious to cars, so I must control her. She did stop before the road, this time!
    Have a great evening
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited October 2015
    Phoebe, the Cinderella movie with actors, not cartoon. I believe the lead is an actress from Downton Abbey whose name escapes me. She played the part of the kind of wild child who got somewhat involved with the jazz musician. Also I think one of the stepsisters is also from Downton too. The cook's assistant? But I am less sure of that. I don't get the Hallmark channel so I will miss that movie. Hope it comes out on DVD. What's the title??? Honey is getting too adventuresome!! Sorry you have to go back to work.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Yoga this morning and the heading to my daughter's to babysit Isaac.

    Have a great day friends!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good morning - it is going to be hot and windy today. Burn bans pretty much all over the state. I have lots of errands to run today. See you later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy loves your Luau blouse. and you look very cute in it.
    Phoebe hate to hear you are going back to work

    ll for now got an doctor appt. this morning
    Love Marie.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    My goodness, one day being away and all the lovely posts to read! What interesting lives you all lead and you all sure enhance my day which is usually pretty ordinary. Well today isn't so ordinary, it's Election Day in Canada, but who to vote for? They all seem the same to my jaded eye.
    Now PHYLLIS you do realize don't you that to be a genuine bonafide witch one has to be born in October? I will now keep quiet on that subject! Very sorry about your friends though, I know what that's all about, it leaves one reeling.
    Wonderful news about Bonnie PHOEBE, she's a happy healthy normal dog now just like all the other dogs here on the Sneakers. What a carry on you had picking up the boys, never a dull moment, but it gave us all something to smile about.
    BUZZ, my pal Flo installed Windows 10 and gave up on her computer from that moment on. Mind you neither she or I are exactly computer savvy.
    Thinking of JACKIE today and hope all goes well for her.
    LIN, lovely long post from you. Lovely posts from EVERYBODY!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Heavens! I really am losing it! Why did I call HONEY, Bonnie! Apologies PHOEBE! Anne
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Robby will be up from his nap any second, but wanted to check in. It is supposed to be 70 here this afternoon, so I see a walk in our future. Babe is AGAIN fighting with his son, so what else is new? We had some great Henri garden planters at the house and now Babe wants to get rid of them. He was going to throw them out but I told him I would try to sell them on Craigs list and keep the money for myself. He agreed, so now I have to go take some pictures and get them posted. There are also some smaller statues that I might take and store in my garage until Rob and Lisa buy a house.

    I don't have time for personals right now, but read all the posts and love you all!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi all you good people
    went to the doctor and my kidney count is too high. my doctor wants me to drink more water and change one of my medication stay off of beef so making me a rice chicken casserole for lunch-M
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Yes, Marie, I'm glad you are keeping a close watch on your numbers. I don't remember if you like fish?
    Anne, I knew who Bonnie was, lol. Bonnie is a good name too.
    Lin, I think the name is Jesse Stone - Lost in Paradise.
    Staying home today, its only 60 F! Lots of little things that need doing, sorting, tossing, and filing. While I keep my feet under the covers.
    Tomorrow is 3 Dr appts. First one is Jim's, but I go too so he can let me remember what was said. So I'll get my errands done after the appts. Long day.
    Back to sorting, etc.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe, I am not too big a fan of fish I love it fried tho. I do like shrimp.
    But not baked.-M
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have not have a good day. Had a low blood sugar, and oould not get full. Wanted everything in the house. So a other set back. Did not feel like oooking so it turn out a snack day. Did not get my Spanish rice cook.=M
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    It happens to us all, Marie. Every day is a new start. Hugs
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sorry you've had a bad day Marie. I sure hope tomorrow is better.

    I started my errands this morning after a load of laundry and just got to the second one when I got light-headed in the store and there was a roaring in my ears and I couldn't really hear the conversation around me---I thought I was going to faint right there on the spot. I held onto a shelf for a little while, then finished my shopping and made my way home. Made some lunch and then got back to the errands. Walmart trip. Dropped off my packages then on to the credit union. Then a trip to Costco and home again. Got the trash and recycled paper ready to put out. Had my leftovers for supper. Tomorrow I need to hit Trader Joe's and then a haircut and lots of catch up cooking as I have little prepared in the refrigerator now. Wednesday I am going with another friend to take food etc. over to the poor guy who's not able to get out of his apartment.

    So there's my report for the day. Oh and I got numbers out together and mailed to the attorney for preparation of some needed return for my dad's probate.

    Thanks Phoebe, I will be looking for that Jesse Stone movie on DVD. I hope they put it out soon.

    Good night.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, what do you think caused it? Had you eaten? So glad you made it home. My goodness, you went out again! Lol, I'd have needed to be on the couch.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Lin, what do you think caused it? Had you eaten? So glad you made it home. My goodness, you went out again! Lol, I'd have needed to be on the couch.

    No idea Phoebe. Low blood pressure I think. Just hopes it doesn't happen again!!

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    wanted to send a updated pic of my little TALIA and me that I took last night when visiting her. Sure do enjoy having the grand daughter close by. Phyllis

    r c
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    She's adorable, Phyllis! I think she's ready to talk!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Darling baby, PHYLLIS! LIN, is there something you can carry with you for light-headed moments? How is your blood sugar? It almost sounds like hypoglycemia. Take care, luv! JACKIE, is today the day? Wishing you tons of luck and love! SANDY, yeah, Babe, so what else is new? PHOEBE, the more used to 10 I am, the more I like it. Is it intuitive? Well, I printed a list of keyboard commands, which are missing from Edge, as there is no menu bar that I can find. And it doesn't encourage adding toolbars, thus they don't support programs like LastPass so it makes signing in passwords a pain in the neck. However, like Mozilla Firefox and maybe Chrome, there is a dropdown menu on the right that allows us to use Internet Explorer instead of Edge, so that's how I get back to MFP! Without Tools and Internet Options, 10 will not automatically open here! I guess we had to adjust to all the other programs as they opened, and thinking back, I realized I must be using computers for over 20 years, as I started with my DD's discarded Compaq laptop before moving to Florida, several years before the millennium!..
    MARIE, take good care of those kidneys and keep them flushed! Mike attended a class about kidneys and dialysis and it made him behave for about 2 days! ANNE, are you hiding something about witches? My eldest was born in October and I never thought twice about it! I didn't see PATSY here today, but my eyes are crossed by this hour! Mike's first wife's half-brother visited us today and we had lunch at a kosher dairy restaurant since he wanted blintzes. When we got the menus, which were beautiful, with pictures of everything, I was hysterical because the entire menu was Italian food, Pizza, Pasta, Focaccia, blintzes! It was a pleasant visit, but it ate up many hours during which there were meetings we should have attended. Tonight, dinner hour was preceded by and Oktoberfest happy hour, accordion player, tuba accompaniment and all! The entire lobby area was transformed into an autumn festival with pumpkins and leaves of every color, and German type appetizers being served, even alcohol-free beer. But then, there's very little beer I enjoy! The sauerbraten on pretzels were surprisingly tasty!
    So now I will fall into bed and blow up from all the sodium, but tomorrow night is Passport Dinner Night and we "visit" Germany where the kitchen is attempting Weinerschnitzel. Having had it in St. Paul's square in Vienna, plus fabulous ones in Germany whenever we visited my son, I am a bit skeptical as it takes a really deft hand to keep it light, but Passport Dinners are always fun, no matter what. Hugs everybody ;)
    <3 Buzz
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Phyllis - What a beautiful baby!
    Lin - May the rest of your day go well. Sounds like the lunch was much needed.
    Buzz - Hearing about the Passport Dinners has inspired me. I think my family would get a real kick out of doing something like that. I'll post an update if I do anything interesting with this.

    Well, I'm working toward a clean house by day's end. That qualifies as my exercise for Tuesday.
    Have a wonderful day Sneakers,