Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Anne you have join the elite 80's group and I welcome you So we are the BAM  Sisters. Love you both marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    .. I am determined. Had a very sucessiful day , eating wise.just have to stick with it to make head ways
    Anne don't know wihere the n went

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks Marie and Lin that is the link I have but I get stuck after I put the link in. Don't know where to go after that.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2015
    < > is correct. Just DRAG your cursor across the link (between the < and the >) while holding the left button down and when the things all turns blue, right click it and click "copy" on the drop down menu and it turns it into a link when you open your browser and place your cursor in the address bar and then click Ctrl with the letter v (keyboard shortcut for PASTE.) Does anyone understand a word I just wrote? After copying it. click on ENTER!
    679775z29uksi0yq.gif ANNE dear!
    DD says WIndows 10 is terrific, so I am converting many of my folders to emails I'm sending myself to open in my mail once I download it. I'm so bad at backing up and although Carbonite does it for me, I can never locate what I need! I must get some sleep now but needed to read everyone's posts. Perhaps over the weekend I can catch up!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well here I am one day later, and waking up to the reality of making it to 80. Unbelievable, and to be honest, I don't feel 80! What does 80 feel like? What does 80 look like? I can remember the day after turning 70 and having the same thoughts. Will I be like this in maybe 10 years time, waking up bewildered and wondering where the time went? Time is man made after all. Born on a planet further from the sun, I guess I'd only be 40 but look the same and feel the same. Enough of the Einstein stuff, I sure ain't no Einstein, just back to dear old earth and GOOD MORNING SNEAKERS!
    The nice young man opposite asked if he could have the last few apples at the top of the front garden tree. He is taller than son Mark, so clambering up his ladder we now have an almost empty tree. I remarked to Flo that old departed Joe who planted it 40 years ago would have been thrilled that his apples have fed such a lot of people, but my more realistic friend said "no he wouldn't, he'd have had a table out front and sold them". This is probably true so he is likely turning in his grave viewing the passing number of people who have reached out and chewed on an apple. Even a city worker climbed out of his truck the other day, grabbed an apple and drove off happily chomping on an Anne apple. I guess most people don't realize a pair of beady eyes can watch them from the owners small LR window! Probably think it's a bedroom window!
    I now have no excuse for not learning graphics etc with BUZZ and MARIE as role models. I also have no excuse for the pesky 4 lbs that crept up on me over the summer. I'm convinced that these extra summer pounds are natures way of equipping us to face the coming winter! Hopefully we'll all be as skinny as rakes come spring.
    Sorry to bore you with my musings,
    Bye, your elderly friend Anne.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Buzz - When I enter the link in the address box it pops up with a list of titles. That is where I don't know where to go after that.
    We have Windows 10 on our laptop which my DH uses all the time. He seems to like it and I use my Samsung Tablet which
    I just figured out how to copy and paste but still can't figure our grapics.

    ANNE- Happy 80th again!

    On to Yoga class, just finished a smoked salmon frittata that I made from the South Beach book. Cleaning day today.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Anne - 80 is the new 40. Enjoy! As for the apples, it probably makes the peoples' day a little brighter to get to eat a piece of fruit that they had the pleasure of picking fresh instead of one that's been in a store for weeks. :)

    Marie - We are going to both be eating wise this weekend!

    Wishing all the sneakers a wonderful weekend.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    You are so right Marcella, and truthfully I'm glad people are enjoying the apples. I loved a cheerful plump middle aged Jamaican lady who passed by on her way to the corner church, "would you like some, I asked". She would, so off she went clutching a plastic bag full. She raised her eyes to the skies, spread out her arms and shouted "today is a good day, today the Lord gave me apples, hallelujah!!! You wouldn't believe the people I now know, all from a little old tree full of organic fruit!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Love that picture Anne the organic apple lady. Have been scooting around here all day doing bits of this and that once again. I got the Burke's Law DVDs in the mail and I've started binge watching!!

    I am going to a card making class this evening at the library. She usually has 2 specific projects with all the bits and pieces needed to make the cards look like the examples but never any directions. I am always the least experienced person at these things as most of the group scrap book at the day long sessions the library conducts.

    Shirley I know nothing about Windows 10 so I do not know what to suggest regarding resetting your days. I have resisted installing the update although I keep getting notices to do so.

    I hope everyone has a good day and an excellent weekend.

    Off to search for more outerwear for this evening. It is a bit nippy today and will be quite cold this evening.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Realising I haven't checked in for nearly 3 days I'm posting to let you know all is well, I've been to a Goosey Fair but only caught sight of 2 geese, swimming, taken lots of rubbish to the tip, done some gardening, constructed a new metal wheelbarrow from the box of bits that arrived after an Amazon purchase, walked George, snoozed and read all your posts. Now it's late Friday evening, the fire is lit and I'm ready to nod off in front of the tv before bed. Will check in at the weekend when it should be quieter!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015
    Anne don't know why we can't grow apple trees here in Texas, i try some Cherries trees but just too hot down here. Your apple is perfect looking. Some people do have peach trees and pears trees tho. We can grow a good crop of weeds tho.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm exhausted just reading all your doings! JACKIE.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi MARIE, there are a lot of commercial apple, peach and cherry orchards here, and of course all the vineyards. Oh and fields of strawberries etc. If anyone's interested here's the full tree and I'll try and show the apples at the back. Anne.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Barbie - Have fun on your trip to Seattle. B)

    Not much to report today Yoga class this morning doing postures on chairs. Sounds easier, not so much.
    I had some cleaning to do and dinner with the family and our friend Tom.
    Now they are watching the Blue Jays game in Kansas City. Go Jays !

    Have a good evening.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Friday!! :) Busy day with Robby today and then when he left went for a mani/pedi and had to stop at Walmart for a few things. I haven't eaten dinner yet, but like Jackie just wanted to check in. Going to my niece's in the morning so Lisa and I can get our hair done, of course Robby goes with us and he will also get a haircut.
    All is well, just a busy weekend.

    Enjoy what is left of Friday.
    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Another sunny warm day here. Chilly nights. Jim wore his Cpap last night and slept well.
    Anne, what a healthy, beautiful tree! No wonder people enjoy it and your kindness. Reminds me to eat one before bedtime.
    Sandy, will this be Robby's first haircut? It's long gone now, but I remember the envelope in the family photos with a lock of my hair.
    Honey is loving the cooler days. She is dancing in circles and so happy to go walking.
    Jim says he will be hoping the cubs make the world series. Seems it's been a long time for them.
    Tomorrow night, Jim and his brother are going to a college football game in Athens, GA. They couldn't settle on parking, so I'm going with them, we'll meet at the mall, after dinner I will drop them off at the stadium. Then I'll have a few hours to do something. Probably see a movie. Woodlawn, I think. I've ordered some flannel sheets for my aunt. They are red and white stripes and kind of holiday-ish. I want to get some Christmas towels to go with the sheets. So, I may get to shop for those tomorrow, since the stores are stocking Christmas decorations already!
    Hope you are all well.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! Sounds like we are all busy and full of plans. John's acid reflux is better so we are trying a few additions to our food list. So far so good. He ate a slice of alvocado on top of his turkey at lunch. I have had so much turkey and chicken breast, I am in danger of sprouting feathers!

    Anne: your apples look amazing. We have these strange crab apples that aren't really crab apples. Obviously it was grafted to some other kind of apple and the crabapple part reverted. It is okay. The birds, deer and an occasional little brown bear gobble them up. We have squirrels that nibble on them, mice and big foot! We feed the neighborhood wildlife.

    I have been trying for months to learn how to use the graphics but so far...failure! I can't even get photos on the MFP now. I used to be able to do that. Something has happened to change things. What? How? Hummmmmm!

    Watched a fun documentary on Mary Tyler Moore on PBS. See it ifyou get a chance. Fun look back at tv when tv was fun. Also the documentary on elephants...The heart and soul of the elephant". Oh my! You'll never get over it. It was so beautiful.
    Green beans tonight and we are also trying cornbread for John. He loves cornbread! Doesn't everyone? Naturally I will need to grill John a chicken breast as well. Cluck cluck!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OMG, I finally installed WINDOWS 10, and it is a fantastic program which will take me some time to figure out where everything is! The 1st download took 3.5 hours, but it never really "took" so I had to repeat it, using a link DD sent, and as it approached 99% downloaded, I could feel my heart pound! Hoorah, another 3 or 4 hours while it replaced all the drivers and files and it works like a charm, except my Password program doesn't work with the new browser yet, so it's sort of learning all over again. But I think it's terrific. Anyway, I finally located MFP and all of you, and before I collapse, I send my love and will return if I can find you all again!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne The apple tree is breath taking. The most beautiful tree I have ever seen. Is it like that every year.?