Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Today we have our outing to the wine district restaurant and an outlet mall afterwards. I shall take note of JACKIES cold blast warning and enjoy my favourite light coloured pants etc for the last time this year because today is promised to be a glorious 23 degrees with lots of sun and falling leaves and ripe vines. I believe the cold front starts tonight with rain. Glad you'll be joining me on the pound loss challenge JACKIE, I need to be fit to be able to run away from certain situations! Lol.
    Tools for birthday boys PATSY. One year after being a broke and single mom, my friend Flo bought me a ladder, and the next year a sturdy tool box with a hammer inside. I have to admit, although taken aback at the time, they came in jolly useful. In fact Mark used the ladder last week for apple picking and the hammer to pound the lid back on the paint can.
    JERI, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as well as everybody else here. Good news be yours.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Guess what the gremlins are back. I've just lost half of the above post for no apparent reason!!! Posted it and only the top half showed up. I was chatting to all so apologies, but I won't press my luck further.
    Happy thanksgiving!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Must ask JACKiE one last question though. Since thanksgiving here and harvest festival in Britain are presumably entwined and originally an October festival to give thanks for the harvest gathered in, do the churches still decorate with flowers and wheat sheaves and are "corn dollies" still fashioned to ward off evil spirits in the winter? I was humming this morning the harvest festival hymn "we plough the fields and scatter" etc.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Thanksgiving in Canada + Columbus day in USA=Canadians thankful Columbus caught a southern wind!!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    No offense intended there. Just my ramblings.
    More coffee, then spending most of the day on a stepladder as I ruthlessly empty the top shelves in all my kitchen cabinets. What fun! May find hidden treasures, or not.

    Jeri, we love you! Healthy thoughts and prayers.
    Jackie, glad you saved the sheep from Scruff the terrible but adorable. George is a smart guy, even sensible when he chooses to be. o:)
    The scary moments come when you see a car straying Toward you, and when they pass by, you see them with their D**n phone in their hand! Jim was telling me about his recent visit to his brother's home. It was all countryside before. Now the chicken people have bought oodles of land and have built massive chicken houses, double decker even. They are egg houses. It made me think of your pets and the eggs available in stores. Free range and cage free eggs have a clearer picture now.
    Since my experience in Walmart last week, I haven't been able to buy any chicken, at any store. I'm sure I'll get over it.
    Patsy, glad your pets are doing well, and yes I agree with the others, tools are man's favorite gift. Jim calls Home Depot his toy store.
    Anne, hope it was a one time trick by your gremlins. I converted your 23c temp to Fahrenheit, 73 is perfect!
    Have a great Monday

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited October 2015
    Happy Monday!! :) Stew is in the crock pot, sheets are in the dryer and now I can try to catch up a little on the computer before getting ready for my doctor's appointment. Babe asked me to stop by to put up some new panels of his vertical blinds because Daisy keeps sleeping behind them and breaks them. He buys spares for when this happens but doesn't know how to put them up. I guess he is working things out with his kids, I knew he wouldn't stay angry with them, he never does. Whatever makes him happy.

    Phoebe, I searched back and cannot find any reference to chicken that you wrote so what happened at Walmart with the chicken?? I thought your Canadian, Columbus joke was funny. BTW, in searching I see you asked about Windows ten and my son the computer troubleshooter, told me to wait because it is still in Beta and not all the bugs are fixed. Some that have downloaded it are having problems.

    Anne, do you celebrate Thanksgiving now that you are in Canada? Your day at the wine district sounds wonderful, enjoy!!

    Jackie, those walks of yours with the dogs sound so wonderful and with such beautiful scenery, I don't blame you for taking them daily. Have fun with your friends and don't let them give George too many treats. lol

    Patsy, your son's birthday went great and kuddos for all of you for passing on cake when you didn't have a taste for sweets. Did MoMo also play with the dogs or did she just chill out? My SIL is like Phoebe's Jim, he loves Home Depot.

    Jeri, praying all goes well at the doctor.

    Time is flying by and I still have other things to check and then shower. Have a great Holiday no matter where you are or if indeed there is one to celebrate.

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wrote a post and lost it may or may not be back Will post my daily weigh in tho

    10/8/15 193.4 ***Starting date
    !0/9/15 191.3
    10/10/15 190.5
    10/11/15 190.8 .......HAD A GAIN OF .3 OZ
    10/12/q15 190.0,,,,,, 8 0z lost...... yea no gain

    Almost to the 180's yea gotta go eat a very late beakfast.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hello Again,
    I have been at the beach at our chalet with my son, his wife and the 5 week old baby. Can't say that Talia, the baby, really enjoyed her first visit to the beach, but we had fun taking her with us and I loved playing and holding her as much as I could.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians! I had forgotten that they have it earlier than those in the other parts of the America's.
    Marie... Keep up the good work. and thanks for sharing your loss with us. Hope you see the 180"s soon. I am hoping to see the 130's! Seems like I am stuck at 145.... but slowly but surely we will succeed if we keep at it.

    I'm exhausted from traveling. Going to hit the hay! Phyllis
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sandy, sorry. Thought I posted about Walmart experience. Maybe I was trying to spare you all. Skip this message if you don't want a yucky story.
    Was in meat dept. Saw a sign for Special Buy - 1.88 per lb. for boneless chicken breast. That's the only kind I buy. It was the family packs, so I reached for a plastic bag to put the package in. Slip it in and saw I needed another bag coz the bags were too short. Got my hands wet handling the package too. Yuk to that! Well, I reached for another bag, and my hand passed in front of my nose.I got a whiff of an bad meat smell. It was my wet fingers. I kinda squeaked and threw the package down. I found hand sanitizer and those wipes for the carts and cleaned up. I reported it and I saw the girl call someone to check the meat. Now here's the thing. Those packages were wrapped in clear plastic wrap. No brand name printing on it anywhere. Like when you buy ground beef, just clear wrap and a label stuck on with dates, pounds, and price. I've Never seen or bought chicken that way. It always has the name of the company. Tyson or one of the zillion others. Jim and I think they were repackaged. I remember several years ago there was a big scandal with some grocery stores repackaging meat and changing the sell by date. So no fresh chicken for me, thank you., frozen , OK, but no fresh til I get over it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe makes a fellow keep to a bean and vegetables meal.. You may never get over it.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh yes SANDY, I've celebrated thanksgiving here in Canada for 45 years now, prior to that Harvest Festival in the UK. It is my very favourite festival and favourite time of year in both countries. The weather today couldn't have been more perfect. Beautiful setting and beautiful restaurant and food. I was treated which made the meal even more enjoyable! A long leisurely meal then we went over to the outlet mall, and although Mark and Derek stocked up on shirts old cheapskate me just bought a bag of peanuts. Mary Jo bought 5 bottles of her favorite shampoo and gave me one bottle. So I had an absolutely perfect day with people I love, a wonderful meal and a bag of peanuts for the grand total of $10! That's truly something to be thankful for!
    PHOEBE, that was one funny tongue in the cheek joke! Loved it! Ugh, what a horrid chicken story though. Like Marie I'll stick to organic fish, eggs and veggies! If I do ever buy chicken etc. I buy the Rowe Farms or the Yorkshire Farms brands which are organic. I think they are Canadian too. More expensive, but hopefully one is buying that which is printed on the package.
    Well, going to put my feet up, watch Coronation Street, have a few peanuts and a small glass of red currant and rum liquor and look forward to Columbus Day next.
    Cheers, Anne, the contented one.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello Friends,

    I just went through 30 posts and am caught up I think I missed a few short ones, I am just too tired to ready everyone's

    We just got back from the cottage and I had NO Wi Fi and couldn't post anything. I could play a few games without the
    Wi Fi. I don't know what happened we had it in the summer and now its not there. I feel like Lin without communication.

    We just got back today and I am tired. We had a great time with Isaac and that was Kathy's longest time away from him.
    She did text us once to see how he was and he was doing fine. We played most of the time and I fed him some cereal
    and his bottle and they came home to feed him and put his to bed. We left the next morning and picked up
    Kristina at the Go Bus station and we were off.

    We arrived on Thursday and Friday it did rain a bit but cleared later in the day. On Saturday Kristina and myself went
    to a yoga class and then did some shopping at the Mall. We had our Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday but it wasn't
    turkey and all the trimmings, it was vegetarian lasagna because Kristina is a vegetarian so we made food
    around her for the weekend. It was all good but had too many snacks all weekend and I feel the sodium.
    Water retention here we come. We drove home today and traffic was good because we left at 8:30 am.
    A lot of people close down their cottages this weekend so traffic can be horrific. The colors of the trees
    was amazing and so bright. Some of trees are still green, its very late this year.

    GAYLA- I am just getting into Pinterest and inspite of my choices for information I am overwhelmed with
    information I do not need and don't have the time to read it all. I just have to pick and choose what I want and
    have had some good recipes on my board.

    ANNE - Glad your email is working again and you are in communication. As far as the geraniums go, I have two
    plants in the front of the house but I buy them every summer and don't try to save them year after year. I don't
    seem to have good luck with that sort of thing. What winery did you go to? We have our boat at Niagara On The Lake
    so I know it well and some of the wineries. There are quite a few of them. We also have a new Outlet Mall I
    imagine that is where you are going to shop. You should like it, I do and I am only 30 mins from there.

    SANDY- Good luck at the surgeon and hope all goes well.

    JACKIE - That apple sign was great and too bad you live so far we could all learn about apple pressing.

    JERI - You are one organized lady and good luck to you and your next apt.

    Well I am like Buzz my eye are closing so i will close. I'll see if I can find a picture of the colors this weekend.



    Not very clear but you get the idea.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good evening – dishes are washed and put away. Trash has been taken out and I’ve brushed my teeth. Laundry is finished for today---I have to wash everything that I wore or took with me the other night (Saturday) as everything smells of wood smoke which is nice when you are there but not so nice when it lingers. My trip to the dentist was okay. They found nothing to fix (yes!) and I had a conversation with them about not having X-rays so often. They have agreed to once every two years instead of each year unless a problem is found.

    Marie, I don’t know anything about the Zone plan. Best wishes to you! I hope it works well for you. Wishing you good health my friend (and that you get the scale results you are looking for too!).

    Phoebe, I’d leave the rose in place until next year and see what happens. I had a landscaping rose come up the next year from the root even though the top was seemingly as dead as a doornail. Good joke by the way. Ha. And I know what you mean about people with phones. When my friend was here last week, we were driving along when a guy just came over into our lane and she had to brake hard to avoid a crash---luckily there was no one on her back bumper. She then sped up to give him a dirty look or a honk----I looked over and it was a very old gentleman still messing with his phone. Totally oblivious to the fact that anyone else was on the road. Argh to the chicken story. Just nauseating.

    Sandy, the weather is so odd right? It was totally scorching hot yesterday and today is was still relatively warm but we had wind warnings all afternoon. In a couple of days it should be very chilly again. I just keep changing layers of clothing and mess with the thermostat all the time hoping to avoid getting sick. A number of people are fighting off colds and viruses already (or should I say again). How did your stew turn out??

    Anne, those pesky pounds sneak up on us. I hope the slice of pumpkin pie today was delicious although you didn’t mention it. So enjoy the peanuts and your glass of liquor. Perfectly economical day!!

    Buzz, good day to you my friend.

    Patsy, I am glad your son enjoyed his gift of tools. The visit sounds lovely with lots of conversation and a bit of champagne. My dad always gave extremely practical gifts. That didn’t sit well with me when I was young and wanted a locket or some other girlie thing. Later on new tires, carbon monoxide detectors, a car emergency kit---much appreciated.

    Jackie, a long stroll across the moors sounds just perfect to me. No strolling here. Walking through the suburbs is just not the same. No peace, no quiet, and too many car emissions. I am glad George just watched the Scruff episode. He is quite wise. And I hope he got just the right number of treats as you took him for a visit with your friends.

    Phyllis, welcome home from the beach. I love that you have a chalet. It just is such a perfect word!! Get some rest.

    Shirley, welcome home. I definitely can understand your frustration at having no Wi-Fi at the cottage. Your holiday sounds good although snacks and sodium do NOT sound very good. Glad you’re home and hope you get some rest.

    Jeri, thinking of you. Hugs.

    Time to post this. I owe my cousin an email as well. Ack. Maybe tomorrow?

    Good evening to everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :'( I saw the chiropractor this morning and he confirmed that the inflammation continues and the pain I have is related to that but that my walking and dancing are fine in here I am with a ton of time and energy but can't walk as much as I want or lift weights or ride the exercise bike.....patience is very challenging

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif I walked the dogs for 134 minutes divided into four different walking sessions.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY, I can't for the life of me remember the name of the restaurant. Been there before too! I've put a text out to MJ and she hasn't responded as of yet. However it is located in Vinland, just down the road from the peanut store, and close to the new outlet mall. Lucky you getting brand names a little cheaper! I can now imagine you on your boat. Beautiful location to be at anchor.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my report

    10/8/15 193.4 ***Starting date
    !0/9/15 191.3
    10/10/15 190.5
    10/11/15 190.8 .......HAD A GAIN OF .3 OZ
    10/12/q15 190.0,,,,,, 8 0z lost...... yea no gain
    10/13/15 189.4 Broke into the 180's Hope it remains below the 190's I was in it for a long time/ way to long

    have a lab appt. this morning no coffee yet Have not got my menus work up yet will do that when we get back from the store and doctor office. I had a loe blood sugar on arising this morning so I had diet shake. not suppose to eat anything before lab so maybe she will not take it. I am suppose to get my gluten check out this morning/
    Be back later
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY, I've remembered! Peller Estates. The liqueur last night must have addled the little grey cells.
    Morning everybody,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Good morning and CONGRATULATIONS Marie!! Wahoo.............! Hope all goes well this morning with the lab work and menu planning.

    I have a trip to Trader Joe's on my agenda. And a stop at the library.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Yay Marie! I think you deserve a hug!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I woke up to a text this morning from my son who said I am staying home sick, take the day off. :) So I went back to sleep for another 2 hours. It is 52 degrees but feels like 44, they are predicting colder weather, so I think summer might just be over. :# I went to the plastic surgeon who told me my spots were basically age spots but he used a fancy medical term. I asked if I should go see a dermatologist but he said it wasn't necessary unless I wanted a full body scan Uh, no thanks. I am doing laundry and might try a new meeting since I have a day off and there is one close to my house at noon. My stew came out great so I have dinner and lunch for Robby for a couple of days.

    Marie, 3074002woh8f3z6s1.gif

    Anne, don't you just hate when you know something so well and the name just won't come to you?? Your Thanksgiving dinner sounds wonderful as does the shampoo and bag of peanuts with your glass liqueur.

    Barbie, just a question, wouldn't it be wise to see an orthopedic just in case you have a slipped and/or ruptured disc or even sciatica? I know you love your chiropractor but do they do MRI's? Just asking.

    Lin, odd isn't the word for our weather lately, one day hot, one day cold, who knows what to wear. I would like to tell my dentist the same thing about x-rays but since I have to go every four months I don't think he will agree.

    Shirley, hard to take a picture while driving, but the colors are beautiful. Sorry you had no Wifi, that is frustrating for us on Facebook and Candy Crush. lol So happy you had time with Issac, they grow so fast we need every minute we can with them.

    Phoebe, what a gross story about the chicken and that is where I buy my food. All of the chicken I bought does have brand labels so it doesn't sound like something was very wrong. I hope you are able to get over this experience and once again enjoy those chicken breasts, one of my favorite parts along with the wings.

    Phyllis, how wonderful to spend so much time with Talia playing and holding her, love those grandchildren.

    Jackie, hope you got your walk in today with George.

    Patsy, back to normal days with no celebrations for now.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time