Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Busy day catching up on things I've not kept up-to-date and cannot believe how I have fallen behind in everyday components. So a Quick one, now. Mike had his first PT lesson today. Same exercises I got after hip surgery! I'll do them with him.
    GAYLA, so fantastic to hear all your good news, and yes, MIKE says he definitely remembers our lunch together!
    Lots of luck with the forthcoming new baby!
    Must dash, best to all,
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    PATSY- I had to smile when you mentioned Shirley Temple. She was my name sake, my mom named me after her.

    GAYLA - Congratulations Grandma again! So nice to see you check in with us and see your boating season was
    a success. We were really busy this summer too with sailing and weddings and Isaac. He has been down to the
    boat but not on the boat as yet. Maybe next summer. :)

    LIN - So happy you are getting to the bottom of your computer woes. Maybe a new router and you will be set!
    Just wanted to mention love the pictures you put on Facebook, so spiritual some of them.

    We are at Kathy's right now babysitting Isaac and they are at the Blue Jays game and they are losing.
    I don't know we have the cutest grandson and boy he is growing. He is napping right now.
    We leave in the morning to pick up Kristina and then head for the cottage.

    BUZZ - Glad to hear you have peace with that poem. Thank you Sandy again for posting it.

    JERI - My thoughts are with you on your doctor apt. may all go well. <3

    MARIE - I have to agreer with Lin I think the kitties are ready for spaying. They must be so cute by now!

    Well we are getting ready for dinner so I better close. Have a good evening.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Thursday!! Another great day for a walk and park. Tomorrow will be much cooler so might not be able to get our walk. I put up some paper pumpkins on my double patio doors and also some twinkling orange lights with felt pumpkins from my balcony railing. Robby loves pumpkins so it is festive for him.

    I again don't have time for a longer post but wanted Buzz to know I am putting the printed poem in the mail.
    Hope it was you wanted, if not no worries. '

    Gayla, just wanted to say how good it is to see you on here after a long absence. Glad you are on Facebook for the times in between.

    The big jackpot went last night, not to me but to someone deserving. A little lady in a wheel chair comes with her daughter, a friend and a caretaker. The daughter won and split it with the four of them, which was so nice of her.
    Not sure if it was her ticket that won or the lady in the wheelchair but either way I was happy for them. Will wait and see how I feel next week on my return to bingo, I still feel I need some time off and I am always so tired on Thursdays.

    Have a good evening, will be back sometime tomorrow.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    I'm having a day similar to Lin's. Refilled Jim's medicine. We put his meds in containers with lids. 40 days done! Cleaned off a small shelf so I can now put aforementioned meds on it, along with diabetes medicine bag. Vacuumed and shampooed the area rug. Fell asleep watching monuments men. Jim went to his brother's today. They are doing a brake job on his pick up truck. Haven't heard from him, so I have no supper to cook. If he wants something, I'll just wait until I hear from him.
    Sandy we had homemade beef stew two nights this week. Cool weather is the only time I make it. Now it's warm here, up to 80 today.
    Have a good night.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thanks SANDY. I've had so many requests for that poem. Saw a documentary about Iris Apfel, the fashion doyenne in her 90's and in it, her husband Carl celebrates his 100th birthday. He appears to have dementia, and her kindness, acceptance and poise in dealing with his celebration were so admirable it reminded me once more about the remaining humanness beneath the condition! I still am at a loss for patience several times a day, but so much improved, it's amazing to me! PHOEBE, so you prepare JIM's medication for weeks at a time, too. I pack 4 weeks at a time, so I am not faced with repeating it too often.
    Bit by bit, our culinary department is starting to replace regular flour with whole grain!. I pays to speak up!
    Late hours are beginning to catch up and my eyes will not remain open! Hugs to you all!
    <3 Buzz
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Here I am two days in a row! I didn't update you on my back issues, still there and range from annoying to very sore. I had physiotherapy today so it is very sore tonight. I had X-Rays done and apparently it shows that I have something called DISH which involves arthritis and other issues. It won't get better but hoping to tame the monster with physio and drugs. I had to google DISH as it was a new one for me.

    Marie -- Neil still lives in the Group Home and is mostly happy there. He still comes home most weekends. I am such a food site junkie so not sure which one you are thinking of. Perhaps it is Sparkpeople. I haven't been there for awhile but have found some good diet friendly recipes there. I also use If you go there you will find my recipes under GaylaV. Lately I have become hooked on Pinterest which people here may find useful but a lot of stuff to distract you as you search for things.

    Buzz -- glad Mike remembers our visit. Dave and I enjoyed it so much.

    Shirley -- I am guessing the picture beside your name is your grandson. What a cutie he is!

    Sandy -- are you still looking after your little sweetie? Oh how they enrich our lives.

    Phoebe -- you are doing such a good job looking after Jim!

    Time for bed. I really need some discipline in my life! Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadian folks here.
    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday Jake. I know its not until tomorrow So I am a day early

    Have a great one Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Sneakers Have a lovely day.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Morning all! Jim spent the night with his brother to finish working on his truck today. I was falling asleep by 9 last night so I made it to bed by 10 and felt refreshed this morning. Also, yesterday was the first time I remembered to take the B12 injection in Months! So it may be helping me after all, when I use it. Only supposed to reach 78 today, so perfect to begin a long overdue kitchen cabinets clean out! If I kept only what I use, I would have a few empty cabinets.
    Buzz, I've never filled 40 days of pills before, usually 28. I switched to a different way to store them, and was able to stretch it out to 40 days. I bought gladware 1/2 cup containers( they didn't make them any smaller). With a huge fish oil or flax oil softgels, and a few other large supplements, those 7 day pill minders were packed and the lids popped open. This way, the container is also his pill cup, and the lids are tight fitting.
    Gayla, always glad to see a post from you, Marie might have meant Lighten Up on ez board. Remember the Wendy plan?
    Marie, yes, better get kitties fixed sooner rather than later. Females can have their first litter at an early age, less than 1 year old! The sooner the male is neutered, the less likely he will be to have bad behavior, like spraying, UGH! and aggression.
    Lin, hope that your router arrives and fixes your phantom internet! I found Ruth Rendell mysteries on Roku, forgot which one, amazon prime or acorntv. The first ones weren't Wexford, but now I'm getting into the Wexford episodes.
    Did anyone watch The Widower on PBS? Gave me chills. I'm enjoying Home Fires.
    Jeri, you are having some stressful times, sleep may be hard to maintain, but we love you and we are with you, hugs.
    Sandy, hope you get some rest, glad someone deserving won bingo if it couldn't be you <3
    Kitchen calling!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Phoebe, I just finished watching the Ken Burns World War II documentary about a week ago. It made watching Home Fires on PBS even more interesting.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello everybody, I hardly dare say it but I appear to be back in business. Michael came along, I left him fiddling with my iPad, goodness knows what he did, but it appears to be working, because suddenly three lovely long newsy emails burst forth. He says MFP has nothing to do with the mail and message system, and I must admit MFP appears to have been okay since yesterday before Mike did his magic. I just have to accept the fact that I am a complete idiot when it comes to all this technical stuff and long for those long ago days when you peeped shyly from behind your fan as you wrestled with your feather tipped pen and ink.
    Such a lot of posts to catch up on. It will take me the rest of the afternoon with a cup of tea to digest all the goings on. I'm not sure if LIN is back in business, but I hope so.
    Kettles boiling, bye for now,
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cloudy today and we are to have rain all weekend. Our son is coming from Portland for a little birthday celebration. We are such a small family, it is hard to dream up a celebration...but not impossible.

    MoMo continues to be a pill even in her old age. She insists on going downstairs to watch football with John. Then we have the problem of getting her back upstairs after the game. She gets scared and screams if we try to help her up the stairs. She hates the ramp outside. She is scared of the dark. We have lights outside but she is still Leary. We spend an hour working out a strategy that she will agree to. And that changes day to day. It is clear we love this cranky old dog. We are all doing our best. In truth she was never very cooperative. That continues!!

    Buzz: I am looking up the Kennedy book. Should be interesting. I read The Ted Kennedy book,
    True Compass. It is odd, I know, but I wish I had more of that stiff upper lip thing. I am a wimp and cry at the drop of a hat. My John is sort of like that. Never complain...never explain! Aaaaaaargh. Drives me crazy!

    I am limping around after my foot doctor appointment. These appointments are supposed to HELP! Little growths at the end of a couple of my toes (corns) but why? My shoes are not the problem. My toes just decide to do this for some reason. Like I said, my dancing career never took off! My singing career is confined to the shower. I love to write and paint. I have no shame, I just keep doing it. Stay strong, my sneakers,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Hi friends The new router is installed and ALL devices are up and working with it!! Took a little while to get the Windows laptop to print Finally blew the printer off and then rein stalled it and I am back in business Love Apple devices they just connect and work right away! My old laptop even is connected to the new network.

    I am using my bluetooth keyboard with my iPad because I am watching a live webinar on my laptop.

    Anne, I am glad you have your email working again! Wahoo!!

    Now I cannot get to prior pages but I am glad to see Gayla again, and an early happy birthday to Jake. God to hear from you too Marcella and Buzz and Sandy!! Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadian friends....have a wonderful weekend celebration.

    I went to Costco this morning to pick up paper supplies for the church. It was so busy when it opened! And a stop at the library on the way home. Saving my trip to Trader Joe's until tomorrow morning. The best vegetables woul already have been gone if I had stopped on my way home.

    Some church friends are having movie night tomorrow evening and I *think* I will go. I still don't have a lawn chair but if I go I'll take my folding chair and plenty of clothes because it is going to be cold tomorrow evening. But I might chicken out, depends on how I feel. Some days are more filled with aches and pains so I'll decide then. I also have my one Rx to pick up tomorrow afternoon. It takes about a day and a half to get a refill now. Once upon a time it was only a few hours.

    Well I need to pay attention to this webinar or I will not learn a thing!


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Lin, I am thrilled that you are back online. Would anyone ever believe all you've endured?
    Marcella, I haven't watched the Ken Burns documentary. I love all things from that era but mostly fiction or 'based on' dramas. I should give the Burns film a look, he makes good stuff and I Might be able to understand it! Lol.
    Looks like I'm only going to get thru the bottom cabinets today. My counters are too cluttered with bottom cabinets extras, so they'll have to be cleaned off before I can begin pulling out all of the top shelf mess. Whew, do I ever have enough Rubbermaid!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    P.S. I think this is nationwide. A health fair at Walmart this Saturday. It's only for a couple of hours in each store. Screenings, samples, etc.
    Check your local Walmart Pharmacy. FYI
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello, thanks PHOEBE for info on pill management. Crazy day, too much to fix and manage so I'll be back tomorrow! Hugs, everybody...
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited October 2015
    Happy Friday! :) Robby is napping so thought I would try to post. Cooler day today so will see if it warms up for a walk. Lost 1.1 pounds of those pesky two I gained last week, so walking and riding the recumbent is working.

    Gaya, sorry you have back issues. Mine is okay since surgery except from lifting Robby it gets sore. Indeed our grandchildren enrich our lives, we are blessed.

    Buzz, don't thank me until you receive the poem, you might not like the way I did it. B)

    Phoebe, I am making my stew Monday so it will be ready for Robby on Tuesday. Lisa is off Monday for Columbus Day and I have an appointment with a plastic surgeon for this "freckle" on my cheek. Hoping it isn't skin cancer but didn't want a dermotogist messing with my face.

    Started this post this morning and now Robby is down for his afternoon nap. We did walk over a mile and a half and stopped at park. He was staving when he ate his lunch.

    TGIF.....three days off to catch up on sleep and rest.

    Hope your day was good.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, here's the notice mentioned in my message that I found hanging on a rose hedge of a property I pass each evening when I take George for his evening stroll. See why I thought of you? What a shame you live so far away otherwise you could have taken all of your apples to the village a couple of miles from where I live and been shown how to produce apple cider, make toffee apples or just displayed the best of the bunch!!


    I've caught up with everyone's posts but am now heading for my bed because I've had a busy day including getting my hair cut so it's no longer a mop! Jasper my ginger cat is asleep in George's favourite bed and Boris is snoozing on his favourite blanket on the sofa so he's had to downgrade to his lumpy duvet bed! Hebe has just rushed upstairs so is probably stretched out in the middle of my bed which means I'll have a battle of my own!!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh my, if only! JACKIE. I'd have needed to borrow your wheelbarrow though. Apple cider sounds good for a real old fashioned boozy Christmas! Guess what, I've been invited to go with my younger sons family to thanksgiving dinner at a rather posh winery restaurant near Niagara on the Lake. Problem, gals, what to wear seeing I spend most of my life in shirts and jeans. I shall have to hunt through my old posher work clothes. Totally out of date of course, but better than jeans. Wish you all lived closer so I could borrow!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Love that sign Jackie~~!

    Well, will be off line again for a while. They are digging in my new cable line and they have to shut me down as they trim the cable and re-attach it. The drop is cut really long so you can pick it up and move it to mow. Keeping my fingers crossed. Please Lord, let this last thing go well.
