Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ All I can think you may be doing when reading posts is inadvertently clicking on the little blue "quote" at the bottom of each post.... where it shows date, time, flag and then quote. If you do it will then appear in the box you type in. Give it a try and see if that's what you mean because I'm not 100% sure!! If I had any apples left they would be dropping like stones this afternoon but my crab apples are hanging on. When my neighbour came to collect George for his walk she dropped off a bowl of crab apples picked from her tree that had been baked in the oven for about an hour on a tray after being sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. They taste like sweet and sour candies so I'm going to have to try the same recipe when mine are ripe enough to pick.

    Sandy ~ yeah, you ARE cooking and the chicken in crock pot sounds delicious so do let us know how it works out. At first reading I thought the chicken was sitting on crumbed foil balls and couldn't think they'd taste too good!! Used as little feet to keep it off the base sounds a better idea!

    My multi fuel stove has been blacked (as were my hands by the time I finished!) and is looking good as new. I set the fire ready to light but although the sky is looking threatening and full of rain it's relatively mild because the wind is coming up from the Azores so I don't need it. Also George is now pooped after another walk and the cats, having been fed are all curled up on either my bed or the spare! When I fed the hens their evening corn mix little Squeak flew up on to the roof of their shelter and I could see she is now straightening her toes and almost walking normally so I had a long chat with her telling her how proud I am of such a clever girl!!!

    Time to cook although nothing as clever as Sandy's chicken, just a mushroom omelet with salad.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2015
    Yum, mushroom omelette, baked chicken, and beef stew! We are having vegetables today, then beef stew in the crockpot tomorrow. Sandy, I read the tip about aluminum foil balls too. I love baked ckn but don't get it much, coz I'm not going to bake it just for me if I have to cook something else for Jim. Did not go to the show today, although they haven't been rained out, yet. Tina in sales replied to my email and they will honor the tickets for next year. I told Jim about it and he said "if I'm still alive next year". I smacked him on the head.
    Anne, I often bump the quote mark with my clumsy fingers. Part of my problem in seeing my quoted selection over and over is that the webpage is not refreshing itself. Once you've highlighted the quoted text and deleted it, try refreshing the page. Hope it works for you. Apples thudding, right into a cooking pot? Barbie made homemade applesauce from a big batch of apples. Jim had a cup of homemade apple cider at the marble festival. It smelled sooo good, but it was too tart for me. It needed a little Honey, yummo!
    Yes, Shirley, a photo of Isaac in his winter wear, love it. Now that you've been doing yoga class for a while, do you think it's improving your ability to move about without pain?
    Marie, glad your kitties are happy and making you and Jerry happy with them. They can be so affectionate. I'll never forget your sweet Sammy though. Especially the photo where he is sitting on your back!
    Lin, hope tomorrow brings good results!
    Everyone be safe
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Grayson ready for the game tonight Is'nt he a big boy
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Look at that beautiful smile!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Yes Marie, he is a big boy and a handsome boy with a great smile!!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015
    What a wonderful day much warmer today and only needed a sweater to go outside.

    PHOEBE - I have had the SB bars before and they are good. We used them for snacks but now trying to stick to the
    plan and eat whole foods. On the Yoga and joint pain.......I have been doing Yoga for one year now 3 times a week, but in
    the summer it was scattered days due to not being home. I used to take Aleve more than twice a week for join pain
    but only take it once in a while now. It has made a big difference in my joint pain and arthritis. I plan on continuing
    there was a lady in my class in the summer who was 85 and still doing Yoga. She also played tennis in the summer.
    What a trouper! Yes it has made a difference in my pain.

    ANNE - The South Beach plan.....I try not to call it from a book which has planned meals for Phase 1, 2, and
    maintenance Phase 3. Right now I am on Phase 1 for as long as I think necessary and the weight starts moving down.
    Then I switch to Phase 2. Phase 3 is for goal and maintenance.
    I can't help with your computer problem, I have problems myself but you have gotten some good advice so far.

    SANDY - Look at you cooking!!! I made sauerkraut, sausage and carrots in the crockpot today. Not on the South Beach
    meal but Hubby wanted it and its still in range of good calories.

    It's my rest day of no exercise today so I started out ironing this morning and then my shower. After stripping the bed and
    washed the sheets I went grocery shopping. After that went to Marks Work Warehouse and bought a couple of tops
    for Fall since i changed my clothes around and needed some new tops. Then made the crockpot meal for dinner.
    I still have to make the bed while Dave watches football all day. Don't you love those Sundays with football.
    Anyway, going to play some computer games before dinner. My time, ha ha.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member

    Finally home and having a combined lunch/dinner. Loved all the posts and the lovely photo.

    I sure hope tomorrow afternoon's appointment results in a restored Internet connection. The data plan combined for my phone and this littletablet won't keep me going long!!

    Hugs .

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks for the tip girls! I suspected that's what I was doing JACKIE and PHOEBE. I'm letting you all know I lost the internet again for 5 hours. Dead as a dodo. Well, I was sitting here cursing it when Mark and Mary Jo came by, borrowed my ladder and hared up the apple trees. I've never seen so many apples! They took home bags and bags, I've got bags and bags, I'm giving away bags and bags. Anyway they finally came inside, and after much fiddling by son No. 2, here I am on the internet again. Mark wonders if it might be the iPad after all, SO if I disappear again you will at least know I'm out of commission. I can't easily get to an Apple Store. (More apples!!! As in Apple iPad.)
    I will try your recipe JACKIE, the one for crab apples.
    I'm so scared the server goes again, so I'm off!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I found out how to make pumpkin bread out of gluten free cake mixed. Yum. marie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    9:45 PM and I'm falling asleep at my desk! Just wanted to say amen to SANDY's remark regarding PHOEBE's remark about PHYLLIS being in the minority within her Egyptian Family and feeling loved and loving by all! I do wish our media would stop spreading propaganda regarding the people of... "other" cultures! It has enriched us in the past and will do the same in the future. I had several points to post but became fascinated by the 60 Minutes segment on Patrick Kennedy, his "condition ", addiction, and how his family refused to discuss or recognize any problems, including grief! I think SHIRLEY's return to the South Beach way of life was heartening to me, and often I will eat accordingly .There was something else but my mind is blank....AGAIN!. Comcast is sending me a new modem, as they think mine is dying. Does that mean something like system restore? I remember fighting to keep the old one, way back when!!!
    Oh, I remember! I had to change the battery in my scale and my weight changed almost back to the old one; it went up 3 lbs! So here I go again!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I hope this gets attached! It's Mike and me at our 38th anniversary dinner table!
    <3 Buzz
    IMG.jpg 426.6K
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I didn't mean to make it so large!!!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    I didn't mean to make it so large!!!

    It is just fine. Wonderful picture. Congratulations


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BUZZ, words of wisdom from you regarding other cultures. I witnessed first hand the bullying of a Muslim chap last week and I guess all non Muslims now have a bad name amongst his community. I defended him but what do I know being "just a woman".
    You are getting a new modem! That makes 3 of us. It's starting to look suspicious don't you think!
    Must look up SHIRLEYS South Beach way of life, meanwhile back to apple munching! Waste not want not they say but a banana is starting to look enticing and exotic.
    Good luck today LIN. I believe you recently acquired a new modem? Hope you don't need a new jack and a new hole in the wall.
    Well: Enjoy wash day everybody,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015

    I love this pic of Grayson
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2015
    Anne, you make me smile. South Beach begins with very little carbohydrates, then you can add them selectively and in small amounts.
    There is probably a recipe for apples in every food related website at this time of year. Baked sounds good to me, I love apple jelly, it is my favorite, although I'm sure it's basically apple juice and sugar. Go ahead, have a banana, with an apple chaser!
    Buzz, your photo is perfect, thank you for sharing it, you are beautiful! Watched a movie last night with Ellen Burstyn and ......? Well its a blank, anyway it showed just how devastating dementia is, by giving us doses of things that really can happen. Hugs sweetie.
    I'm the early bird aren't I?!! Jim is getting labwork done, then we'll go for breakfast and his next appt. Hopefully he'll get his sleep study results today, and all the paraphernalia!
    We are seeing the sun, the beautiful sun this morning, and lots of blue sky! No matter the forecast for rain, it is wonderful now!
    PS Marie, I love that picture too <3
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Phoebe - We were also happy to wake up to the sun this morning. We had planned to spend a few days at the camper in Cleveland, GA but obviously stayed home because of all the rain and possible flooding over the weekend.
    Buzz - Thank you for sharing your anniversary picture. It's gorgeous!
    Marie - What a happy looking little boy. How adorable.

    Starting the day with a cup of coffee and some special time with my 2 kitties as I do my MFP logging. Guess it's time to get dressed for the day and then off to do morning errands.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Buzz, saw this on Facebook and thought of you!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wash day Anne!! If I'd remembered I could have taken my bundle up on to the moors this morning and just waved in the air as wet low clouds drove past in a horizontal blast!! George got soaked, I got soaked, the cattle, sheep and ponies were dripping and we came close to getting lost in the fog amongst the Hurlers, a Bronze Age group of rings of upright stones where legend has it local men were playing a game on the Sabbath called hurling and were turned to stone as a punishment.... only in Cornwall!!! Hurricane Joaquin is apparently about to hurtle across the Atlantic in our direction so that could be interesting. What with floods in southern France and terrifying storms in south China it seems to me Mother Nature is getting her own back!!

    Buzz ~ What a delightful photo and you both look as if you were thoroughly enjoying your celebration. A line of empty glasses is always a good sign! Blame that new battery for the extra weight, perhaps it was a heavy replacement!! :) You're so right about the possibilities of us all living in peace together if only a few mindless individuals didn't feel the need to "inflict" their beliefs. We're all the same under the skin.... look at our sneakers group and how we genuinely care about each other without most of us having met face to face.

    Not much I can do outside today so I'm contemplating clearing out the spare bedroom that's been used to collect a variety of "bits", beekeeping paraphernalia and items to be taken to a local charity shop belonging to the animal rescue centre where I found dear George. First a cup of tea and then a mental kick up the rear to motivate myself!!

    Happy Monday to everyone and special thoughts for Lin that you might finally get your internet connection sorted!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Beautiful picture BUZZ, beautiful little Grayson MARIE, beautiful words SANDY, boy I feel quite weepy.
    I sympathize JACKIE, batten down the hatches! We used to get those drizzly, drizzly mornings in Yorkshire, when cloudy was the weather. The only good news for George at least, he didn't t need another bath, just a towel dry!
    Well, I'm just about to have my mid morning snack. No prizes for guessing, but it begins with A. Can one overdose on vitamin C?