Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hurray Anne is back.

    To celebrate a couple photos from my walk today.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Absolutely beautiful JERI. You take wonderful photographs. I love the fall, sure it's a little nippy in the mornings, but nary a mosquito in sight. Wish you could photograph my front Courtland apple tree and the blue jays in with the red fruit. Do you blow up and frame some of your photos? You really should. Our local news and weather station has a local photo contest every Friday, and I wish you could enter some of your creations. This week two winners, just the face of a young deer and a sunflower with a bee diving in. Happy snapping, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne with a E I was missing you
    welcome back home.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY and MARIE, thank you for the pretty "cards". I gather LINS lost the internet now. This is so weird. Anne
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello everyone and welcome back Anne you have been sorely missed. I was thinking of you today as we bought a basket of
    MacIntosh apples they are so crisp and good this time of year and a wonderful snack. We also indulged in some hot apple
    cider and peanut brittle. Dave and I shared one large piece and gave the rest to his mom tonight at dinner. She is another
    lover of peanut brittle.

    Boy it is cold here in the 50's and we will be getting the remnants of the hurricane tomorrow Sunday and Monday. Yesterday
    was lunch with my sister and Joe her boyfriend. She bought a new/used Camaro a perfect car for her and Joe helped her
    pick it out. She seems much happier since she met him and looks rested. We did some shopping after that and then
    a tour of our sailing club before they went home. A nice visit and I am liking Joe more every time I see him.
    My sister is 8 years younger than me so I am the big sister with advice only when needed. ;)

    This morning was Yoga class with a lot of props, I thought of you BUZZ doing your seated yoga. She had us in some
    precarious postures today, just when you think ,I can't do that, I surprise myself. Always interesting and a challenge.
    Then after coming home and having some lunch Dave and I headed to the boat to put things away for the winter.
    We just have to get the cushions off and bring those home and we can haul out. It was so cold down there and
    windy I almost lost my tupperware large container into water and Dave was there to save it. We had dinner
    tonight with my MIL and BIL and got caught up on all the family business of kids and grandkids.

    PHYLLIS - My name is Shirley Bruce please friend me for Facebook and we can share pictures of the grandkids.
    Both my daughters are on there too.

    Have a good evening, the Blue Jays are playing and Dave is watching them so I can play some Candy Crush.
    I am on Level 100 and stuck, they said it was a hard level.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks SHIRLEY, very nice to be back!
    I've just read on the home page a message from LIN saying her old and new modems aren't working and she is without the internet until Monday. This is really weird. I wonder if it could be the updates we installed on settings, sort of over load? Hope she doesn't have to have a new jack like I did.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning, a quick note till I go yo the conputer great news the hurricane went out to sea. That's a relief to lots of folks , be back later

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just passing by on my way to my garden to plant bluebells and white wood anemone bulbs while the sun continues to shine. Another lovely walk this morning where we met lots of people and their dogs making the most of our glorious Indian summer and as I seem to have my mojo back I'm spending as much time as possible outside but trying not to feel daunted by all the work that needs doing. My bees are happy and little Squeak continues to stretch her stiff leg and toes in an effort to get them working again. The cats are snoozing under shrubs as George potters about generally getting under my feet!!

    Good morning Marie and to everyone, have a good weekend!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) The day that I can sleep in to catch up on my sleep. :) Had to put the heat on to take the chill out of the house, winter is coming. :# Nothing planned for the weekend other than Church and working on getting rid of the two pounds I gained. B)

    Jackie glad to hear you got your mojo back and getting to do all those outside things you love. Marie wonderful news about that awful hurricane, did you get any rain? Anne Lin has a terrible internet provider and they seem like they are as bad as comcast when fixing a problem. Shirley sounds like your sister is doing well, isn't it great you reconnected? Sad to hear the boat is being dry docked, the end of the summer has come. Glad you didn't lose your tupperware, did Dave have to jump in the water? Jeri maybe you should let Anne enter one of your photos in the contest, I am sure you would win as you have done in the past. Phoebe you really know how to work around a computer, we should be asking you for help. Patsy You are a great mom for looking for the perfect gift for your son. I am lazy, all I give are checks to my children and grandchildren, I have no idea what any of them would want or need. Phyliis I so agree with Phoebe about different religions getting along, why can't the rest of the world? Buzz it is sad to read about Mike but wonderful to read about how you take such good care of him. I know it is not easy but when you love someone as much as you do, it is just the right thing to do. I do hope your weight loss is good news and not because you are not taking care of yourself.
    I worry about you as much as I do Mike. I am so glad we had the chance to meet. <3

    Have a great Saturday, take it one minute at a time.
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Me again, yes everything is still - GO! Just been to my mail box and nearly got blown away. My hair did, I came home looking as if a birds nest had landed on my head! Hurricane after effects?
    I don't think I could submit JERI'S pictures SANDY. They are supposed to be local and to state the location, and I think in the Great Lake and niagara region a picture of the Rockies would be a sort of give away, lol. However, it's the CBC station doing the weekly contest so I wondered if they have a similar contest in Jeri's area. Wasn't the picture of her family sitting on the boot just priceless. Wonderful keepsake when the children grow up.
    The wild wood anemone flowers JACKIE, I remember them well. Up north we called them wind flowers. Something to look forward to, the beautiful bluebells and the white wood anemones in the spring, because: if old winter seems unkind, Spring is never far behind!
    BUZZ, God bless you for taking care of Mike.
    Well girls, after the weeks trauma I am going to say to heck with diets! I am about to cook my very favourite fried eggs, chips and peas. So there!
    Don't get blown away now, those of you on this side, and wear your woollies.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Hello. Surprise. I just spent hours getting my non pay little tablet set up. It is suppose to be 4G but of course it is 3G. Ha. At least the screen is a bit bigger than my iPhone. Quite slow though. Just wanted to say I stopped by and of course I have been hiring around here with different cables etc in a vain hope to get the modem connected. Nothing will help.

    I will just read along andpray things will be better with this service soon.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    just flying bye again. The weather is perfect. My computer is acting naughty again. but manage to keep it running.
    Watch it when Alice get out here tomorrow it will behave itself. Hope she remembers where she found my spare phone for the one by my TV Chair does not work right and had to disconnect it. And I can not get to the nearest phone quick enough before they hang up on me. oh Wo is me always something Have to come to the computor room to check to see who was trying to call. I have a cell phone but no one call me on it. And I don't keep it charge up. I need to do that./
    Enough of my whinning
    see you guys later
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Our airshow was rained out and so we went to the marble festival today instead of tomorrow. It was raining there too, but it wasn't cancelled. Enjoyed our tour of the marble quarries. One we'd seen before and the other was actually underground. We didn't go into it. We had BBQ and splurged on tiny fried donuts. So cute and tasty. It was a one man operation, a small machine, we watched it cook our donuts, even flip them over, them flip them onto the wire rack.
    Now we're home, going to make a pizza for Jim.
    Me, leftover butter beans will do.
    Read posts, must cook now
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015
    All this talk of food. I am still on South Beach and trying my darnest to behave. I am doing pretty good but
    sometimes I get a craving. It is cold here today too and I went for a walk anyhow to get my exercise in for
    the day. I beat the rain but I had a toque on and gloves and a warm coat and I was comfortable.

    A productive day for me I changed my closets around from summer to winter and shoes too. I have two bags
    of clothes to give to the charity that just happened to call today. Lucky.

    I still have ironing to do and will do some of it tonight, Dave is watching the Blue Jays. They are really killing
    it this year in baseball. I hope they go to the playoffs.

    Kathy sent us some pictures of Isaac in his winter coat and hat, just adorable. As we go up to the cottage
    for Thanksgiving next week we will be babysitting him on Thursday night while Kathy and Fraser go to
    the Blue Jays game in the city. More pictures of him to come.

    Sandy- No, Dave did not end up of in the water and we never lost the container but it was a close call.
    He did get a call from one of our friends and said some boats had damage due to a surge of wind and
    water came into the basin and some boats have damage. Luckily ours is okay.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sorry Shirley, I shouldn't have mentioned the treats we had. Do you get any of the SBD snack bars, or are they for a later phase? I'm hooked on their whipped peanut butter bars.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015
    Phoebe oh how I love butterbeans May have to cook me some next week. I have never found a bar that I like yet. Are the SBD Bars gluten free?

    My kitties are growing up . they spent the whole day outside except a brief visit for a bite to eat. Jerry keeps fresh water outside for them I miss them being underfoot all the time. They have their stuff mouse at the back door I suppose to take them outside to play with.

    How is Jim feeling? is he following the doctor orders?

    Shirley the dieting is really for the birds. My doctor is going to test me for gluten next week.i do stay on the gluten diet for I know what will happen if I eat food containing wheat. I tried the SBD Gluten free plan but I could not stick to it's I just eat my beans, oatmeal, and vegies, sweet potatoes. for some reason I am craving pea salads so that may be on my list to eat soon. I love the Cole slaw and apples that you told me about

    going to nihty nite
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    up early this morning. both of the kitties are still in the house. in fact up on the computer desk helping me type. And I admit I need help. But they are not the kind of help I need, Right now they are not walking around the keyboards but resting on top of my printer
    But I am thinking about going back and crawl back in bed with my honey too early to be up. yet.
    So will see you all later
    <3 marie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I think our Indian summer is over because this morning's walk was in thick fog and cool with it. Having spent an hour on the phone catching up with a friend I'm now going to have a light lunch..... crackers and pate with a tomato from my greenhouse, then neighbours have offered to take George for a stroll on the moors which will be his 2nd walk up there but at least the fog has lifted. I am going to finish off some garden tasks I began yesterday without Georgie getting under my feet.... oh bliss!! Brrr, I can hear the wind blowing through the window vents so think I'll need a warm jacket, not like yesterday when I could have sunbathed!

    Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi everybody, clueless Anne here, what am I doing wrong? Twice now, since I've been back on the internet I've somehow managed to get a quote showing. The latest, Marie's above post. Does anyone know why I can't delete it? and why I'm getting it in the first place as I'm not aware of pressing anything. Before it was a post from Shirley when I first returned. I think I might have deleted Marie's quote. I'll find out when I depart.
    After my gluttony attack of eggs, French fries or chips, and peas, I am now trying to behave myself SHIRLEY. What exactly is the South Beach diet?
    At least the gale force wind of yesterday has died down and it brought a bonus with it. Some of the un reachable apples at the top of the front apple tree got shaken down and are unblemished unlike a lot of the lower ones. We don't spray. It was funny, I kept hearing thud, thud yesterday!
    Bye for now,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Chilly again, I already miss Summer. I tried to put my fireplace on last night but it wouldn't go on so I called my landlady and she is coming today around noon to check it out. It could be a pilot light but it has a different kind of switch to turn it on so I don't want to mess with it. I think she likes when I call her for things, she likes being in charge. I went grocery shopping with the main purpose of buying yogurt for Robby and of course I bought everything else but forgot the yogurt. No problem though, Lisa will bring me some tomorrow.
    No plans today other than a video call with my kids, seems like a good day to curl up on the couch.

    Jackie I can feel the chill with your description, stay warm. Marie Must be too early for the kittens to go outside, they will probably sleep until you and Jerry get up for the day.Shirely Can't wait to see Issac in his winter coat and hat. Lisa had a hat on Robby the other day and he looked so cute but continues to try and take it off. Your mention of Canadian Thanksgiving only confirms winter is really close. :#Phoebe Do you plan on going back for the airshow today? Those mini donuts sound delicious, especially if they had powdered sugar on top. My favorite snack of the day is chocolate rice cakes, they are so good and low in calories. Lin I am glad at least you have something to check in with us. Doesn't matter if you can't reply, just say hi so we know you are okay. Anne Hope you are still on the internet and all is well. I do believe Jeri has won many photo contests in her area, as we all know she a great photographer. Patsy I think I will put up my Halloween decorations today. I have some lights for my balcony and some other indoor things.

    I found a crock pot recipe I am trying today and hope it turns out good. It is just a whole chicken salted and paprika placed on 4 crumbled aluminum foil balls. Cook on high for an hour and then to low for another 8 or until cooked. I am going to put it over egg noodles because I am hoping Robby will love the leftovers. I also bought the ingredients to make my beef stew in the crock pot. Look at me, I am cooking. lol

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time