Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited September 2015
    Happy Tuesday! :) Robby's nose is persistently running and now he has a cough, poor little guy. He is still a good boy and took two naps today. He just likes to be picked up when he doesn't feel well and he is heavy. I don't think they do much for colds for babies these days, just let them run their course. I gave my Vick's to Lisa or I would have put that on his feet with socks. They say it helps with a cough.
    The soap opera continues with Babe and I won't even bore you with the details. He was screaming so loud on the phone I just sat there until he was done. He came over later to bring me some more supplies and seemed to have calmed down, his only remarks were how awful his life is and no one should have to live like he does. I told him I wish I could help but he said don't even talk about it so I didn't.

    Shirley, Issac is a big boy for six months, a lot like Robby. I love that he is saying words and trying to learn new words everyday. Grandchildren are sure special and so are our furry children/grandchildren for those who don't have any.

    Lin, I have a problem with the TV in my office, it continually tells me the connection is lost and yet my main TV works fine. This one doesn't have box, just an adapter so that is probably the problem, but so frustrating. I have to unplug the adapter wait for a period of time and hope it works. I don't want to call Comcast because they will just tell me to do the same thing. Sometimes modern technology is a pain in the you know what.

    Jackie, when you say you have had two visits to the hospital in two days do you mean for yourself or to visit patients? I also smiled when you talked of George becoming a wolf, he would be miniature size. I tend to stay away from all chocolate especially bitter chocolate, but I used to love hot chocolate and whipped cream which I occasionally will have at the casino since they are so cold.

    Phoebe, he is a cutie isn't he, but I am a little prejudiced. How did Jim's sleep test go? I love paddle boats, they are really good exercise and fun at the same time. Have fun with yours.

    Buzz, I don't think I could live without Facebook, it is how I see all my family and friends pictures and find out about different events in their lives. I tend to post too much, but that is because I don't really have a life and it keeps me busy. Not so much now that I am watching Robby, so he is good for me and my health

    TV still won't turn on and I love watching Judge Judy while I am catching up on my computer. They are all reruns but still fun to watch. Will talk again tomorrow before I head to bingo.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Where are Anne and Marie today???
  • Marie hasn't logged in today. She worries me sometimes
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hey here I is

    We went grocer shopping this morning Had a nap this afternoon Woke up and Jerry was gone e went and pick up Hamburgers. I told him I could not eat the hamburgers for the gluten So he got a plate put the meat and tomatoes on it and said no gluten now.

    Sandy that boy is taking. Great and how cute. I am following a friend I met here when I first join MFP She as 2 Jack Russell . She video lots of pictures of he baby girl and she is a dorable . I get such joy in watching her grow up on facebook and has the cuteness laugh she is A scooter. As I do with all of our babies on The golden sneakers.Our future sneakers

    Phoebe check out the birdseyes frozen protein meals but they had white rice and I am on brown rice. So I by past them But looks good. I will be making my Spanish rice with brown rice tomorrow. I love tat stuff.

    Sissy and Bubba doing great. They are waiting at our bedroom door every morning.For us to pay some attention They take an afternoon nap in Jerry lap and he snooze with them, in fact all 4 of us take an afternoon nap.
    When Jerry goes out the back door they make a b line right behind him.

    Jerry loves your pics thank you for sharing
    Phoebe than you for the update on Jim
    Jackie thanks for your uodate.
    Buzz you take care of Mike. Jerry is taking pretty good care of me.or tries to.

    Lin how is your new haircut looking. Last week When I got my hair cut I let them style mine. and I may go back for another one

    Breakfast this morning was cottage cheese and pineapple coffee my lunch was I think I nibble thru it .....Dinner hamburger meat, , tomatoes and green beans tea.

    Bye for now
  • Thank you Marie, night all
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning! I am up but the brain has not turned on yet! Today John and and I are doing various errands most of the day. He wants to have lunch out but with the acid reflux thing, I wonder if this is a good idea. Finding stuff on the menu will be a challenge. I have a hair appointment as well. Just bopping around town today. Our sons birthday is in early October so there are a few galleries we might check out for something a bit unusual. He is hard to buy for...has darned near everything!

    Sandy: that little Robby is quite bright! It has been a few years since we have had any little ones around but I think I remember reading about children's development. The concept of being able to know amounts and numbers of things requires two kinds of reasoning. He is going beyond just learning words! You have a little genius. And he is a great looking kid!

    Lin: did you enjoy the latest Lee Child book? My husband loved it and was intrigued about the budding and ongoing romance.. John loves thrillers and Lee child books are his favorite.

    Shirley: little Isaac is a little love bug! I would want to hug and hold him 24/7! It is a strange urge that we grandmothers have. My grandson is 20 years old and I enjoy him actually more each time I see him. 6 months old is when they start to show amazing personality. So incredibly sweet!

    Making coffee and getting my list together. Have a good one everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    marie here reporting in . Stop off first for a couple rounds of bingo on the internet Won a few very few.

    have not been to the mail box yet need to do that. I am kind of planning for a little western cowboys quilt for our little cowboy due in January. I better hurry up for it will be here way too soon.

    Will be making My Mexican rice for dinner

    hope to get going on my sewing.project today.

    I have a question for Barbie. I notice you mention black rice in one of your post. I saw some last week at Kroger and wonder what advantage it has over brown rice?

    Have not had breakfast yet so off to get it prepare. Will be oatmeal this morning.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Robby is napping so I am trying to get a post in before he wakes. I am going to bingo to once again try for that big jackpot, wish me luck. It is cool here today and with Robby having a runny nose I don't think we will be walking today. I am so grateful he is so good which makes sitting much easier.

    Marie, glad you checked in, we worry when we don't hear from you.

    Patsy, yes, we feel Robby is a smart little boy, thank you for all the kind words. Have some fun on all your errands.

    I will try to get back later but if not, have a wonderful day!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Hello friends - a lovely sunny day here today. My CSA is delivering my last vegetable box today as they are ready to go on vacation after a long season. My laundry is done and I'm ready to start chopping vegetables for my salad.

    Patsy, I hope you can find something for the birthday boy. I understand having difficulty purchasing for people. I get things for a few friends from time to time but no longer have the pressure of purchasing for many family members as I did when I was married. I like the Jack Reacher series but I was not reading the newest release, just one I found on the new fiction shelf at the library which I noted is not the newest one. I'll wait until my name comes up at the library.

    Sandy, good luck at Bingo.

    Marie, so happy to hear from you and I know how you like your rice dishes. I like beans more than rice and cook them more often. I am not Barbie but I'll chime in with what I know. The darker the better with rice, potatoes etc. We eat a bright rainbow of foods to provide the best antioxidant load possible. That's one reason I order purple sweet potatoes. Unfortunately most black/purple rice comes from China which brings up the issue of arsenic.

    Phoebe, how are you today?

    Buzz, hugs to my very busy friend.

    Jeri, hello.

    Anne, where are you?

    Shirley, is the weather better today.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Post disappeared as I was ready to post it! Busy day with yoga, home care evaluation for Mike, changing linens, general housekeeping of my hurricane house! Where does the clutter come from? Anyway, falling way behind.
    Hugs to everybody!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hello and goodnight as I'm on my way to bed! We've had some beautiful weather for over a week now so I've been making the most although my energy levels are pretty low at the moment. Little Squeak is still with me and I have to say looking amazing so I continue to treat her with porridge, cous cous and pasta to help build up her strength to cope with the cooler nights. Unfortunately Poppy my Rhode Island Red succumbed to a nasty chesty cough on Sunday but she too had lived a long and fulfilled life and she was never the most friendly of birds so I wasn't quite as attached as I am to Squeak. Still sad to lose her of course. After Monday's visit to Oncologist and yesterday's CT scan I now have to wait while an individual plan is devised for my radiotherapy treatment but again everyone in this department seems friendly and supportive so I'm sure I'll sail through and then move on.

    I'm swimming in the morning and then hoping to get a couple of flower beds tidied before the weather changes.
    Good luck at bingo Sandy, I'll think of you as I nod off and Patsy enjoy your mooch around town with John.
    Lin, Marie, Phoebe, Buzz and everyone else enjoy the rest of your Wednesday.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JACKIE dearest, I guess we were all hoping no treatment was necessary, but everyone I know in your circumstances,, early, small, vigorous health, etcetera, has sailed through the radiation, which is so finely focused these days; and no nausea , thank heaven! I wish we were nearby, but you know we are a super support team, and we'll send cheer, love, hugs (Mike wants to be included) and whatever else it takes.
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Good morning - time to run errands but my friends has anyone heard from Anne? I sent her a message on MFP and she hasn't looked at it. Does anyone have another email address or phone number for her?


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hope she is having computer problems. I am so glad I have this I pad for a back up. Even tho I don' like using it. I like using it early in the morning like now

    We go to the doctor this afternoon to sign a document for a new hand Walter for home used.i have one but the wheels don'
    roll right
    The kitties are outside playing. They love to go out with Jerry early in the morning. My friend little grand baby is getting treated to built his strenuous to take como treatment. The mother got to hold <3 him for the first time the other day.. So sad.. I have not been to face look yet for the las test news.

    The cats just came in checking us out to see what we are eating and drinking.
    Have a nice day I if Anne is having conputer
    problems her sons will never by thi weekend to fixed it.
    She is such a lovely person.

    Barbie we missed you too. Hope all is well with you and Jake

    Lone all of you
    By the way Lin I bought some li lrntils

    with the hope of making cjhili have you made chile before?

  • Oh dear, we can say a prayer for her and hope it is only a computer problem. I don't have any additional information about her.

    Today belongs to the cats and dog. Dropped off Honey for her bath, took three cats for shots, supposed to have been four cats, one got away from me. This afternoon I am taking Okie in for shots, while there I will pick up Honey and on the way home, stop at the other vet, if I catch Dolly, so she can get her shots! Whew. I use the local vet to support local business. The other vet is our original vet for more than 25 years.

    In the meantime, hope you all feel good and enjoy your fall weather.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Good morning Marie - I just got home from the grocery store with lots of lovely additions......will be starting to cut things up for roast vegetables soon.

    Yes, I hope it's just a computer problem that she will have fixed soon.

    I have made chili with lentils but I don't really have a recipe for you. I love lentils. I'll cook them and eat them just plain straight out of the refrigerator. But then I'll do that with beans too. :smiley:

    Time to put the rest of my stuff away. Found some great vegetable spaghetti squash today. Yum. But that's for another day.


  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Everyone.
    Have been busy with my sons little baby the last few days. His wife is still afraid to bath the baby alone so I get to go over and help her with that fun task. I love bathing babies and this little girl loves the water so it is a pleasant task. she has been fussy the last couple of days and really cries a lot like she is in pain, so last night we took her to the doctor and he said it is Colic. Poor little girl. but the doc gave us a prescription and hopefully that will help.
    The weather is cooling a bit and there is a nice breeze in the morning when I jog so I love that. I have been trying to improve on my amounts and I'm up to 3 miles of jogging a day. I swim every other day in an attempt to preserve my knees.
    Glad it is the week end.
    Have a nice one everyone. Phyllis
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone. Since I tend to be an alarmist, I emailed Anne as well, Lin. No answer. Okay! Now I am officially worried about her. I have no personal information to contact her. Wow! I hope she is okay. She did mention that she might be putting in a new floor in her basement. Maybe that messed up her WiFi somehow. Isn't it odd that we feel so connected to people we have never met and in my case, I don't even know Anne's last name or where she lives in Canada. I hold you in my heart and fear for your safety. If anyone knows more about Anne, please tell her we all miss her.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another lovely day, swimming first thing at the local pool, some gardening and then a leisurely stroll across the moors late afternoon with dogs and friend.

    I emailed Anne yesterday but haven't heard back so must assume she is having computer problems because she wouldn't ignore us intentionally.

    Buzz ~ Your graphic is very sweet so thank you for the thought. I've known since the first diagnosis that I would be facing radiotherapy treatment so it hasn't come as a surprise, I just don't dwell on the procedures or talk that much about them but take it all a day at a time. It's being done for all the right reasons!! Hugs to you and Mike for being there for me! <3

    There's an international rugby match on tv between Canada and France right now so I'm making this a short post because I have to cheer on the Canucks!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    buzz how did you find that lovely graphic so nice