Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A short walk this morning because as we chatted and threw balls for the dogs a HUGE black, thunderous cloud came over the horizon and headed in our direction. On the way back to the car George decided to wander off toward a dangerous area of collapsed mine shafts that although fenced off, dogs can squeeze under and he's done just that once before! He managed to lose the ball he was carrying but did come back to me before getting into the danger zone. Then my friend threw Scruff's ball into the air and although we heard it hit the ground and obviously bounce it too disappeared so two disappointed dogs arrived back at the car park just before the heavens opened! As I now prepare a shopping list for a local store that sells just about everything, I've added replacement tennis balls! A bit of Google searching has confirmed what I thought, Squeak appears to have suffered a stroke that has left a weakness on her left side but she does appear to be improving day by day and this morning made her way out of the hen house of her own accord before tucking into left over pasta from last night's meal. Hopefully if I can encourage her to use that left foot that is curled up into a claw she will gradually get strength back.... probably sounds bonkers to you all but she is very special to me!!

    Marie ~ We love you to bits and admire your commitment to eating healthily so don't like the idea of any forum "suggesting" you not use any sort of word, especially to do with food, after all that's why we are all here!! Spanish rice sounds delicious and colourful.... did you make it from scratch or find a packet at the store?

    Phoebe ~I'm often guessing what I'm saying too especially when my brain and mouth seem to part company in mid sentence!! Could you perhaps suggest Jim take Honey for a daily walk or is that too obvious? I was going to type that men can be stubborn but actually I think we women can be more so at times! It must be so frustrating when you know it would help in his recovery but you might find the pulmonologist will guide him in that direction. I do hope the appointment goes well and they can report the blood clots have dissolved.

    Lin ~Hooray, you found a filing cabinet you like and that sounds sturdy. Could your handyman make a base to sit it on and raise off the ground just a few inches to allow air to circulate? Something like a wooden pallet. Your roasting veggies have acted like a trigger for me but seeing as how I've a basket of carrots, onions and turnips from the allotment it seems an obvious dish for me too!

    Sandy ~ Poor Babe really has made a rod for his own back hasn't he. If he continues to pour his money down the drain trying to rescue his daughter and her other half from their financial mess they'll never sort themselves out but then if he doesn't they have a bigger problem and it sounds like they'll blame Babe for that. The only good thing about all this is you are now out of the way so they can't blame you anymore!! Busy, busy with Robby and bingo.... did you win that big prize?

    Anne ~ A blast from the past.... paddle boats in the shape of swans!! We had a park not too far away that had a lake with just such boats and we were given a number as we got in to paddle and try to get as far away from the pontoon as possible so we couldn't hear the man in charge shouting "Come in number 2, 3 or 4" when our time was up. When I revisited London on my return from living in Toronto and drove past the pond I was amazed at just how small it actually was but suppose as a child everything seems big!!

    Must get on with my shopping list, shopping and maybe some gardening if the clouds break.

    Have a lovely Thursday everyone.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am sitting on the boat having a coffee and the day is glorious. It's like summer and will be for the rest of this week and
    next according to the weatherman. Our friends just left with their boat for our home port. We had dinner last night
    together and I had peel and eat shrimp and a salad and a glass of wine. Trying to stay on track until I get home again and
    back to South Beach plan.

    It is so quiet here the people here at this port are waiting to haul their boats out for winter storage. We still have some time
    for that. We usally wait until our final club party Tom Turkey and stay overnight at the boat. Then Dave can get it hauled
    out anytime after that. I am ready to wind down now. Choir rehearsals have started and back to Yoga 3 times a week.
    Dave has some projects for winter lined up so he will be busy for a while. I don't want him to get bored Ha!

    Today we will walk and then ride our bikes to a micro brewery in town for dinner. I want to be back before it gets dark
    because riding on the main roads. We did purchase flashing red lights for our bikes.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well, that's the groceries done for a little while, and what a gorgeous day to toddle along with the old buggy. I LOVE this weather, squirrels everywhere, dropped acorns to crunch on and I even spotted Mrs raccoon walking along my back fence. Out late for her!
    Oh I agree PHOEBE, lots of folks have trouble with my written words, and it gets worse when I talk. Be very glad you will probably never get to hear me talk. I've been here in Canada for 42 years and still haven't lost the accent and dialect. People recognize me as soon as I open my mouth on the phone. I have no wish to become a crook, but if I did I would be caught immediately. One "ee bah gum" and I'd be jailed for life. For those of you not in the know, that means "oh my word"! There, you've learnt something useless today!
    SANDY, the saga continues! I can't wait for the next episode! DID you win the big prize?
    JACKIE, I loved those paddle boats, and even as a little tot you could actually wade back to base if something went wrong! My sort of "lake".
    LINS found her filing cabinet, MARIE refuses to bow to the censor crew and good for her! Let's all yell CAKE, CAKE, CAKE!
    Little SQUEAK is still with us, brave, feisty little chick,
    It's a great day to enjoy for US ALL,
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Good morning. It's wonderful to be feeling better. Today, I return to logging, exercising, and eating the non-processed stuff.

    Jackie - I’ve been following Squeaks progress in your posts and am happy to hear that she is improving. I enjoyed having bantam chickens when I was growing up. They do have personality. We had this one rooster that could never crow right. I am pretty certain that he knew he had “crow” issues because he would get a bit bad tempered when we would laugh at him.

    Shirley - I could feel myself relax as I read your post describing coffee on your boat as you enjoyed the glorious day. It’s relaxing in the quiet of my sunroom right now with aquarium bubbles in the background. But, nothing compares to the feeling of being outside, on the water. Enjoy!

    Lin - No, you have not missed any of my posts. I mostly stayed off-line while I was not feeling well. I am happy to return to cyber-land.

    Have a wonderful day, Sneakers!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Cloudy cool day here, but I have so much indoors to do, I'll not even notice the clouds.
    Jackie: there are times when I wonder if I have lost all my senses. I worry and fuss over our dear old dogs and I know you are in the same frame of mind. I have a friend that looks at me quizzically and says...Patsy, it's only a dog! In truth, since she said that, I have felt she is lacking in character and empathy a bit. A nice person, but without any empathy toward animals.

    Anne: I would love to hear your accent. Do your sons have an accent as well? My grandmother was Irish and her accent was almost like a different language. She was also a fiery red haired beauty. She ran the ranch like a field marshal. But she could not put a decent meal together. My aunts did the cooking. I do believe she would have accidently poisoned us if she had been left in charge of the kitchen.

    Lin: as I have mentioned many times, neatness doesn't come naturally to me. I am forever struggling with my clutter. However, having space and access does make organization easier. I have a filing cabinet in the dungeon. I actually have stuff in there and know where to find it if I need to. These things are essential to modern living.

    Marie: I think I understand what your group was aiming for. The trigger words. I have to keep certain things out of sight and away. I have cake in the freezer. My freezer is in the basement. It requires a hike and defrosting to sneak a treat. Not worth it to me. It is mainly for guests.

    Enjoy the day sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Good day - so glad to see your posts! I hope I am able to stay online for a while. Today has been interesting. I did some laundry (sheets, etc.) and while I was at it I flipped over my noodle of a mattress as instructed by the salesperson. Quite difficult for one person and I knocked over some furniture and had to put things back together. So onward to the laundry and started micro chopping red kale and making a salad when oh my, my garbage disposal wasn't working. I don't put much through it, just tiny pieces of things after washing them or a few green worms from my produce. But I wanted it to work so time out to get it going again. I keep the proper wrench in the kitchen to get it turning again and after the second try it started up again.

    Had a great salad (finally).

    Then did the conditioning for my salad bowl, and the ulu chopper bowl.

    Now I've just made up the bed again and will soon be heading down to pick up my vegetables for the week. I think this may be the last box of the season.

    Jackie, I'm glad the dogs did not into anything dangerous! And I hope Squeak continues to improve. Yes!!

    Patsy, I don't even keep anything in my house that would be very objectionable because I do not have guests, ever. Anything I have would just torture me. I have no problem going to the basement!!

    Marcella, I am so glad that you are now feeling better and are back with us!

    Anne, I would love to hear your speaking voice but will admit I'd likely not understand a word. Ha.

    Sandy, how did the bingo turn out?

    Buzz, are you okay?

    Barbie, is your hip better now?

    Shirley, I am glad you are enjoying the wonderful weather and being on your boat.

    Phoebe, any progress on getting the pedal boat home? I keep thinking about it--it sounds like so much fun. DH will walk when and if he decides it is something he wants to do. I hope he decides to.

    Marie, hope you are feeling well. I like the quilts you are posting on Facebook.

    Time to try to post and get MOVING! Hugs.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) After our mile or so walk and a little time at the park, I am now trying to put Robby down for his afternoon nap. The big pot did not go again last night, so I will be going again next week. I do want that $4000 as does everyone else.
    I will try to get back later when I am on my desktop.

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Answer to LIN, I'm fine, dear. It's just that by the time I get to posting, everyone has said everything and better than I could so I get to dress for dinner or whatever instead! That means no jeans in the dining room. Mike's walker came yesterday and it's exactly like my green one only his is fire engine red. He feels more secure walking with it. His injuries are no longer visible, but he now talks almost in a whisper. Is he playing games? I feel so ignorant. PHOEBE, and everyone else here, shall I ever understand how men think or operate? Am I really asking that at the age of 88? :s Anyway, the dryer just signaled, which means he has clean pants for dinner, so have a lovely, y'all.....Oh, PATSY, every one I ever knew who was connected to the arts has always been deficient in the organization of "good housekeeping"!!! Seems to go together!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Sorry LIN I can't do graphics on this new format, but I do wish you:
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Happy Birthday, Lin!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Lin - Happy Birthday.

    Wow - I'm away for awhile and lots goes on.

    Running out soon but stopped to at least read everyone's posts.

    Our DD and her family got home from their cross country trip. We saw them yesterday and got all caught up. So much fun.

    Going out in a bit for breakfast, well Ed will have a sausage and egger, I just finished oatmeal. Coffee for me. Then blood tests later for a check up. We have a new doctor as ours sold his practice. I was worried but the new guy is so nice.

    I need to get new walking shoes too as mine are now worn out.

    Have a wonderful day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin happy Birthday. I scan,t get yo my web sites on my. Pic . Hopr Alice can come out this weekend to fix it. For I hate typing on this I pad
    Love Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited September 2015
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Dear Lin! A very happy birthday, my friend! In these internet relationships, there happens occasionally a friendship that seems special. You are a very sensitive caring person. If we were only closer, we would enjoy the day with you. I hope you have a lovely day, Remembering good years and planning for more. Whatever your plans for the day, we are glad you are sharing your world with us. All my best wishes, Lin.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    Add me to the list of losing posts...for some reason I clicked on shock wave has crashed and lost my whole post.
    I will try again but gosh it is frustrating.

    Happy Friday! :) I do not have Robby today and I slept for 9 hours, do you think I was tired? My son did ask me to come and watch Robby while he puts up a fan so I will go a little later. I have some grocery shopping to do but no plans for the weekend except Church. Babe is going to the neck doctor today to find out about the spurs in his neck. He is convinced they are what is causing the double vision, the dizziness and migraines. His son's test came back without cancer but he was told to quit drinking, quit smoking and to eat healthy. They want him to eat fish four times a week and he never eats fish. He does have some sort of problem with his pancreas and might require surgery but Babe isn't sure. Babe did say his son is very depressed because they want to take away all that he loves. Excuse me? What about your life for your wife and daughter??? As far as his daughter, I knew Babe wouldn't follow through on all his threats. He would never throw her out of the house and take away her animals. He will not sell the house to them after all because he is afraid they will lose it. Instead he is making them send him the mortgage payments and he had his SIL take his daughters name off of all accounts so she has no access to money.
    Does it sound like you are reading a soap opera? I feel like I am living one. LOL

    Lin, happy birthday dear friend!! I wish I could take you to lunch but know that we are all here wishing you the best birthday ever!! <3

    I better get moving to get to Robby's house. Have a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    I do hope you have something enjoyable to do on your special day and send you my very best wishes, hugs and love.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Hello dear friends, it is so wonderful to receive birthday wishes from dear friends. I am smiling as I read your greetings and see the graphics. You are so thoughtful! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. I have heard from two of my friends IRL today. One by email and the other actually took time to make a real phone call and we chatted for a while. Heavenly. Very few people are willing to take the time to call these days.

    Patsy, I wish we lived closer as well. I would adore seeing more of your art work. Thank you for your special words today.

    Sandy, yes indeed, I think you were tired and I cannot believe the ongoing soap opera of Babe’s family. I always think to myself you are indeed wise to stay clear of this craziness. I have a friend (and her husband) that I care for and like to visit with them but it reminds me a bit of Babe’s life but in their case they seem to careen from one disaster to another without much time between episodes. This week the husband was taken to the hospital and all of his children assembled as they said he was being admitted. Then no update until a day later when they finally said, no, he had been dismissed from the emergency room. Last night it was my friend out on her own doing errands and she ran out of gas and had to walk somewhere to get some gas in a gas can that she carries in the vehicle when some guy tried to give her a ride. She wouldn’t take the ride but the guy followed her to her vehicle and she finally got in and locked the doors. Maybe he was helpful, maybe not but such drama as she kept posting on Facebook. And last week one of her children came home with a note that he was far behind in band and hadn’t been bringing the required book for the class. I got that ordered for her on Amazon so it was delivered right away. And she didn’t have new clothes for the kids for picture day. You get it right? I’ve had to back away a bit because it is always so disturbing.

    Jackie, tomorrow I am going to a great craft show and in the afternoon I am meeting two of my friends for an afternoon of shopping. That will be a lot of fun!

    Anne, Marie, Jeri, Marcella---thank you!!

    So I did quite a bit of cooking this morning, a load of laundry, got my post mitigation radon test kit set up, and the big event of the day---the handyman arrived with my new file cabinet and it is firmly installed in the basement all shimmed to perfection (or close to it).

    Hugs my friends, I am going to putter around here for a while and maybe will sit down with a cup of tea and read for a while. I read the new James Bond novel, then one of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher books, next up is “Ripped From the Pages” by Kate Carlisle. If I could only perfect the method of reading and strolling about the house life would be even better. Ha.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy Birthday, Sweet Lin


    with love
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Pardon my absence, I had a real time out! I've slept and slept. So today, I'm actually doing something besides sleep. Hope to stay awake until bedtime!
    Jim saw the pulmonologist. Unfortunately, the computers were not working, but we got thru it. They still had copies of his hospital discharge and test results. She said he had clots in every lobe and it was pretty bad. She said if it happens again, ignore his protests and call 911. OK!
    Monday, we pick up a home sleep study gadget. Then we can decide if he's ready to go back to work. The clip on finger oxygen and heart rate meter reads lower oxygen than our meter reads. Lower oxygen is not good. She encouraged him to use the oxygen at least at night. :/
    Marie, you have been too quiet. Hope you can get your computer behaving.
    Shirley, glad you've had good end of season sails. It seems it was a short season. It is getting dark much earlier.
    Sandy, I'm glad the drama is not so stressful for you, it took a while to reach this comfortable place. Hope you are happy, coz you deserve it.
    Jeri! Hi there! Hope your sister is feeling as good as she can, thinking of you and her. Now I'm craving oatmeal. Lol.
    And now I'm thinking of Chris. Hope she is doing well with weight watchers. It wasn't really too long ago that this area only had dial up internet service and it was terrible. I feel for those of you who are having connection problems.
    Hi Marcella, hope you've enjoyed the rain, and stayed safe.
    Buzz, hope you and Mike are racing your walkers just for fun! Racing Red and his gal! Lol.
    Lin, all of those books sound good.
    Be safe
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member