Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    Lin Happy Birthday......the way to match strolling around the house and reading is to check out audio books from the library and listen with headphones while you can download to computer or phone and take your book with you wherever you go.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dearest LIN,
    and many more! You deserve the best of everything!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yikes, my day started at 6AM as Mike had an appointment with my dentist at 8:30 AM to repair his lower false teeth because the receptor for his implant had fallen out. We ate breakfast out before going to our doctor to remove his eyebrow stitches. Them, so it shouldn't be a wasted day, we stopped at COSTCO for blueberries. Ever buy jut what you shop for? Neither did we, so I ended up with a cuddly set of neck pillows, and a comfort mat for the floor in front of our sink. And I remembered eggs! When we returned, I noticed Mike was very wobbly and seemed ready to faint! We sat him down in our lobby for a bit before going upstairs. Maybe it was just too much for one day, but he received a call from a nurse in Humana about having a home health care specialist come here to work with him on exercises to build him up again. Must have been an angel watching over him! Monday, this fellow will contact the nurse in charge of therapy here to see about setting something up for Mike, who has refused to listen to my suggestions regarding exercise classes. I am thoroughly exhausted from today, and my inability to help my dear spouse make the right decisions for himself, so this opportunity sound wonderful to me!
    So sorry I keep putting off responding to questions and posts, but I seem so tired lately and I have to get to bed! I do hope PHOEBE's JIM will be OK. My love to each and every one of you!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes phoebe I have been quite. When my computer is down I am down.
    But I hit the right button this morning and all is fine, Alice was getting ready to come out to see if she could fix it now she can have the day off
    Sounds like Jim really needs to take care of hisself. how is his blood sugar running?. My little kittens are quite a handful now. But glad they are going in and out to potty by their self now So far they have not venture outside of our back yard. They love playing with those toys you sent 'em. the little stuff mouse looks real when are playing with them

    Lin Hope your birthday was a great one. I am getting closer to mine 85th one. Wow I did not think I would make that. haven't yet

    Buzz a lot of mike problems could be a low blood sugar. I am having a hard time adjusting my carbs to my insulin. I keep bottles milk shake beside my bed in case I have one at night and don't have to wake Jerry to help me. Working out fine for me. I can drink them without them being cold.

    Need to o clean the kitchen up a little bit.Hope my back and hips don't bother me to much.

    Love to all

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2015
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2015

    The pictures are still big but at least they are not so overblown as they were. I can live with this .
    this is a picrure of Jerry and a longhorn steer a my grandson wedding last sarurdayj4767kspb72g.jpg

    The youngest one is my great granddaughter the groom 's daughter
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,134 Member
    edited September 2015
    Happy Saturday! :) Another beautiful day!! My friend from my old apartment invited me and another friend over for a visit tonight and I am thinking of going. I will go to Mass at 5:00 and then to her house around 7:00. The other girl has been put on probation from her job as a CNA in a nursing home so really not sure I want to hear about all that. She supposedly was verbally abusive to a patient and if that is the case I agree she should be suspended. Then of course all they talk about is their love lives, so maybe I am talking myself out of this visit. lol

    Marie, glad you fixed your computer problem and are back with us. BTW, I could make your picture smaller but it is still to blurry, so you will have to take another when you make that dish again. The kitties sound smart to me if they use a kitty door to go outside, just so they don't run away.

    Buzz, it certainly does sound like Mike could use some therapy for strength. I hope he listens and does what they want him to do. I am sure you are exhausted, I know I am tired from watching Robby and he is easier than a grown man. Hang in there Buzz, but make sure you take care of yourself first.

    Phoebe, I hope Jim also listens to his doctors and uses that oxygen. Does he realize how serious this all is? I guess I am lucky that I don't have to do all that for Babe since his son has taken over all his health issues. My life is very serene and Robby keeps me smiling. Life is good.

    Lin, I hope your birthday was relaxing and you have fun with your friends today. All your birthday graphics are so pretty. When we think we have problems there is always someone who has it worse. Your friend's life doesn't sound much better than what I was living with and I agree, being around such chaos is too much, it is best to detach.

    Jeri, your life is so busy but also fun with all those grandchildren. Still praying for your sister.

    Good morning to Anne, Patsy, Jackie and Barbie. Have I missed anyone, I hope not!!

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    more pictures of the wedding165zaon54rer.jpg

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2015
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Wow MARIE, thanks for sharing the western wedding with us!
    I've got Mark here, so I expect I shall be either helping with that, or tying up branches, or starting to cut back and put my little plot to bed for the winter, but I just wanted to say how saddened I am by the plight, or rather health problems of Babe, Mike and Jim. Please take care of yourselves PHOEBE and BUZZ! SANDY, you have a slightly different problem having told Babes son to take care of his dad, but much as you love little Robby don't overdo it. My own grandsons where quite exhausting to mind when they were in the pre school toddler stage. Loads of fun, but.....
    Well the other slave driver, Marks wife has just shown up, so methinks I'll be pruning and bundling branches!
    Lovely day here, bye everybody, Anne.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Anne - happy bundling don't wear yourself out.

    Sandy - Have fun with with your coffee klatch with your friends or maybe wine will be consummed. ;)

    Buzz- My heart goes out to you and Mike. <3 I hope his therapy will go as planned and things get better. Take
    of you too!

    Phoebe - Also hope things with Jim improve. His condition sounds serious.

    Marie - Nice pictures of the wedding and they were just the right size for my tablet. :) Also glad
    you computer is cooperating.

    Lin - I hope you had a fabulous birthday and enjoy the craft show. My kind of shopping, I would join you
    if you lived closer. :)

    I went to Yoga class this morning and now down to the boat to saver another beautiful day. Time is
    getting short and only a few weeks and the boat will be out of the water.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just to let you know all's pretty much OK. Delightful wedding pictures, MARIE! Bless you all for your support. Gotta shower and down to dinner so see you next time!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just me saying I am feeling all my years! Exhausted, bushed! Mark got the first coat on the big garage door and side door, and it looks so pretty! With the cream siding, and this ever so pretty pale green, well sort of ice cream colours. At least the apples are almost picked, everybody who wandered past ended up with apples, kids, a long haired youth covered in tattoos, an Asian guy who actually said he'd never seen apples growing before (that accounts for the bus tour group) the little girls across the road, everybody! Including me with a sack full and Mary Jo with a sack full. She and I pruned and bundled branches with only a short break for lunch. 6 hours in all, and Marks putting on the final coat tomorrow. I am going to be one smart oldie, at least on the outside. Does this over abundance of fruit mean we are in for a wicked winter?
    Bye for now, I need a long soak in the tub!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Marie - loved the pictures.

    Sandy - thanks for your prayers. She really needs them as life can be very hard. She is sad right now, turning 65, Stage 4 Cancer, and no husband to help her through it. I'd be sad too.

    Buzz - you've had quite the time. Big hugs.

    Phoebe - hugs to you too. Men can be so frustrating with medical problems. Lots of good luck on that front too.

    Anne - busy, busy.

    Off to our dd's soon. The twins turn 9 today.

    Beautiful day here. I did the exercise bike this morning and just came back from a slow walk around the neighbourhood. Still having problems with my feet and can't walk fast and hard like I want too. Oh well, a little is better than none.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member

    No Intermet service again so am typing from my phone. Lovely day today at craft show and all the shopping and talking this afternoon. The picture is my new cutting board made by an Iowa craftsman. It is spalted Maple, Black Locust and Black Walnut.

    I found several cheapie bargains while shopping this afternoon. My first ever off the shoulder top and a light blue purse.

    I tried on a lovely fall jacket but the price had me reeling. Will have to think about that for a while.

    Patsy, few quilts at the show today so I was safe. One wall quilt started to call out to me but I walked away.

    Hugs my friends. Oh and I received a wonderful bracelet from one friend and she had made it for me. Just gorgeous and fit well even though she didn't measure my wrist. My other friend found me a special organic Haralson Apple and some tie-dyed socks.

    Sore tootsies tonight!!!

    Hope I have an Internet connection tomorrow afternoon. Church and I have to stay after to help count offering.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited September 2015
    Lin, that is such a beautiful cutting board, I wouldn't want to use it! It looks like a great wall hanging.
    We got our boat today! Jim will pressure wash it tomorrow. Then we will let it dry and put the cover on it. Looks good!
    Having a achy day. Took tylenolpm so now I can do some sleeping

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Just finished making 5 greeting cards for birthdays coming round. I love doing them, but since each one is different and very personalized, it takes me ages to make them, and then I decorate the envelopes as well. I think I do it as much for myself as for the recipients! A silly expression of design I have not used in years! Like Sudoku, it totally absorbs my mind for whatever time I spend doing either one! I guess it becomes "me" time! So, here we are after 3:30, and I'll finally get to bed. JERI, so sorry about your DS, Life is not easy for many of us. PHOEBE, have you a lake nearby? What kind of boat did you get and are you slowing down on the driving? LIN, that board is magnificent, and I agree it would kill me when it gets the first knife scar! My cutting boards are such a mess!
    We enjoyed dinner tonight with 2 couples, and before going down, I asked Mike to please be more sociable rather than just tuning out, and you know what? He was delightful and talkative! Could I be imagining the decline? OK, eyes closing. ANNE, SANDY, MARIE, PATSY, and everyone else, I'll eventually sit here and write a decent post!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Morning everyone! Had a strange night. Up making a bathroom run every 2hours! (?) sorry TMI.

    John is suffering with acid reflux. I am constantly reading on the various medical sites about foods to avoid and what to fix and when! It has become the subject of every conversation. Poor guy is plagued by episodes of pain and the acid reflux. But I guess it could take 3 months to heal entirely.

    Watched a disappointing Oregon Ducks football game. I am getting a a few good sketches done during these games. I would use some of my charcoals and conte crayons but they are a bit messy to work with sitting in a TV chair. John can be totally absorbed in even a bad game. Our ducks are not making a good showing. We lost our really good coach to the NFL Eagles and things have been going steadily downhill since.

    Old MoMo gets very petulant and fussy at times. She is John's special friend and she is the alpha. We have to give her meds and she will only take meds from John. The pills must be encased in these very expensive doggie treats called "pill pockets". If we run out of pill pockets, the world comes to an abrupt END! Such drama! We doggie people are a strange group, for sure"

    Sunday is cool and sunny. We will chat with our son by phone and then a ride and walk on our river walk path. Enjoy the day, my friends.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Slept really late this morning so Brunch was perfect at noon. Then shopped for our anniversary cake for Wednesday night dinner with 2 favorite couples. Ordered a real no-no chocolate beauty with ganache. Who knows how many anniversaries we will have ahead to celebrate! And my weight has been fairly stable, losing an ounce or two instead of gaining! Oh but my face will fall once most of the extra comes off. However, in the market today, I saw a face you only see or read about in those horror columns, and I remembered that wife of a European jeweler whose face was altered into the ugliest one imaginable. Maybe I'll just keep a few extra pounds if I ever succeed in getting back to normal size again!
    PATSY, my Mike had a lifetime of acid reflux by the time we met, and the first 16 years were awful watching him suffer. Then he took a test for some kind of bacteria and lo and behold, he had it. I remember lots of medication to kill one or two kinds of known bacteria and after that he was like a new man. Once we moved to Florida, he was put on those miracle drugs now available over the counter, like Prilosec, and stayed on huge doses for years! Ate everything! Now they say these should be stopped fairly quickly. But they were a godsend! Good luck with finding help for your JOHN!
    I'll have a nice light salad for dinner (or supper?) and get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight! Though I want to see that "blood moon" tonight if the rain stops in time!
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I don't know where today went. I did watch the Cowboys play and they lost. Then I been during some research on cloth pads For my leaky problems. I am paying about 20,00 dollors a week on the disposable one and that really add up So I mad get jerry take me to the fabric store tomorrow.. occurring to what some of the review are they are quiet nice. to wear. Cook a pot of black eyes peas and added a can of season cabbage to them for my dinner, plus a chopped salad really like that. Jerry had a TV Dinner.
    About all I know now.

    Best of everything to each of you.