Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Bless all of you for your loving support! Mike wants to go down to dinner amongst friends this evening, so we will try it. I also called my doctor and requested he have a sturdy walker with a seat delivered to us, as I got Mike to try using mine and he agreed he felt much better walking with aid! Three friends have fallen this week with various broken body parts, so I had facts on my side of the argument! I know people object to using walkers, but they make a huge difference in safety!
    PHOEBE, whatever that thing is, enjoy it and I'm so happy for you!
    To each and every one of you, I send HUGS and THANK YOUs for your caring! Must run now. I must say that this accident changed my perspective on my own crabbiness and Mike current abilities and what is important in our lives. And yes SANDY, I wish you ALL lived nearby, but only for enjoyment!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Hi - half the day was a washout but I had a very good time. Here are some of the tree houses currently on display at the gardens. el8j3w8b4i8c.jpg
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    And a quilt I really liked and it did win a v9vpuv2ei71k.jpg
    blue ribbon.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    A miniature railroad was also on display. The layout, buildings and all were entirely 4nuhg4037q90.jpg
    made out of natural materials. The actual trains were regular standard trains.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    lovely pictures Lin
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello friends

    There were 46 posts to read but I did get through most of them. I have regroup and read the rest.

    Buzz - So sorry about Mike's fall and I hope he is healing now. It was a quick response for him to get mended. I hope
    you survive this as I am sure it is very hard for you.

    We left on Thursday to see Isacc and enjoyed him thoroughly. He is the cutest, of course we are partial grandparents.!
    We waited for Fraser to come home from work and then we walked to dinner with Isaac in the buggy. It was a
    great night so warm. He slept all the way and most of the time through dinner. We walked back and not a peep from him.
    He had his doctor apt on Thursday and he weighs 19 pounds and is 28 inches long and 5 1/2 months old.
    We stayed overnight and had breakfast and waited for his nap before we left today.

    Now waiting for our company to arrive. We are supposed to go sailing tomorrow but the weather says rain so I think
    our plans will be changing.

    Enjoy your evening and I will catch up with the rest later.


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sweet baby, Isaac. Good for you, Marie, not worrying about the scale. I think your good test results are because of your healthy way of eating. Congratulations!
    My new toy is not charging:( . that's my luck.
    Lin, amazing creations, I love the last house photo, and the train setting, what a lot of work.
    Glad you had some fun, if only half.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good Evening All,

    It seems today was a busy busy day and not much time for anything. But now I've had a cup of tea and I'll sit down and relax.

    Shirley - oh, so cute!!!!! What a darling.

    Marie - glad all went well with the Doctor. Your new OA plan sounds very inspiring. Good for you.

    Lin - loved your pictures. I loved the quilt too. Gorgeous.

    Buzz - so glad Mike is doing well and you are right about the walker for sure. Mike is so lucky to have such a good strong willed partner like you. Two thumbs up.

    Phoebe - wow. Congrats on your win. I love new toys. Lola

    Phyllis - good for you and I agree about children. They make the world a better place.

    Patsy and Anne - I'm always on and off with exercise. I start a routine and then something gets in the way. I drop it and then come back to it again. I guess that's okay if I keep coming back to it.

    Sandy - I didn't get a chance to tell you how much I loved the picture of Robbie with the glasses. Just too cute.

    Jackie - enjoy your rugby games. lol

    Got to run. Have a wonderful day all. Jeri

    how! Here's a picture from our wonderful trip to the Kananaskis this week. hvd7jkuz33gl.jpeg

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thought I'd add a couple pics too of my grand daughters. the younger on is about the same age as Issac. Her name is Rayhana. Fayrouz is the 3 year old. gv6c7sircujk.jpg
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    and two of my newest little grand daughter Talia. She is almost 2 weeks old.kt3mb1bvxgxz.jpg
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Survived the storms and they were ferocious. I am glad I live on the second floor so I don't have to worry about any flooding. Today is going to be beautiful with sunshine and temps in the 60's. Great day for the birthday party.

    Phyllis, your grandchildren are beautiful and the newest is just darling. I see she already has her ears pierced, did she cry?

    Jeri, you again are posting some beautiful pictures, you are a natural for capturing everything just right.

    Phoebe, did you new toy come with software or an explanation on how to charge? When you put in into your USB port go to your computer and see if is showing there. How is Jim, are you able to stay home with him for as long as it takes???

    Lin, hope you didn't get hit with our storms. Your pictures are amazing, love each and everyone of them. Glad you had a good time.

    Shirley, Issac is just so cute and will soon be catching up to Robby. On his first birthday I believe he was 26 pounds and nearly 30 inches long but I swear he gets taller each time I see him. His baby fat is leaving him as he gets taller so he has really thinned out.

    Buzz, I am so glad Mike has agreed to a walker, he will feel so much more secure in his walking. Sorry, you had to miss another trip but there is always next time. Give Mike a big hug from me and tell him I said to take it easy.

    Marie, so happy to hear all your tests were normal and you are so right about this weight thing being a daily battle. As long as we stay healthy and take care of ourselves that is the most important thing.

    Anne, you are late, did you bring a note?

    Jackie, hope all is dry in England. BTW, I went for a dental cleaning and my regular dentist wasn't there to check my teeth but his new associate was and what a handsome young dude he was. He spoke and melted my heart with his English accent. He is from near England but said he teases his clients and tells them he is just making up that accent. He tells them that after you cross a certain highway the accents change. Funny guy.

    That's all folks!!
    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi Sandy I guess your new dentist is either from Northumberland or the Scottish border. Just north of my birthplace and of some of my ancestors. I am a bit late aren't I, but instead of a note I can tell you a tale of the dentists of my childhood. I guess most dentists were in the armed forces, us Brits being embroiled in a war. So there was I, maybe five or six years old when the dreaded word got out, our school was to be examined by the traveling dentist. The first poor child was led off in alphabetical order. The first poor child came back howling her head off, but clutching a brand new penny. She showed us the gap in her baby teeth and the blood on her lip. I was one of the lucky ones having a surname beginning with B. I was led off, placed in a large chair, held down, pronounced to be the owner of one decaying baby tooth, saw what looked like fire tongs coming towards me, a bit of a cracking sound, a loud howl from me, given a brand new penny, and then led back to class, plus being told I was a brave girl. Now I ask you, brave? Did I have a choice? I don't think so. My ordeal was over, but can you imagine what all the Ws went through as they watched us early martyrs dabbing the blood! I no longer have a quaking fear of dentists, and I know modern technology makes a filling relatively painless, but that old memory lingers on. The funny thing is, any gaps in my teeth where all administered by British dentists in the sixties! Once I got here the rest of my choppers have been saved! Thank you Canada!!!!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wonderful pics / you are indeed bless Thank you so much for sharing
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, what fun and how inventive! Glad you treated yourself!
    SHIRLEY, what an adorable ISAAC! Thank you for best wishes!
    PHOEBE, always enjoy your posts and seeing your dimples!
    JERI, nice post but you photos are awesome, as usual! I want to be there!
    PHYLLIS, the kids are delicious, especially the ear with the pearl! Truly, you , too, have gorgeous grandchildren. Are we a special group or what?!

    Mike improves daily. Complains about his ribs, but he's entitled. The gal who fell on the bus trip now has an entire purple face. It took 2 days to emerge! Yikes. 3 more ladies have ended up in the medical area due to broken bones from falls! Was Mike lucky? I'd like to sit him in the sun for a bit of color as soon as the sun returns!
    Exhausted, so I'm saying goodnight all...
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    the Nurse pierced her ears in the hospital only a few hours after her birth. She cried for a very short time when they poked the ear ring in her ear but then stopped. It actually seemed she cried more from being awoken than anything else. I was amazed. They say that the longer you wait to get your ears pierced the more it hurts. ??? Don't know if that is true or not. but at least she will never remember of getting them pierced. Phyllis
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2015
    After a lovely walk in early morning mist with the sun slowly burning through I'm now channel hopping between international rugby and Davis cup tennis semi finals between Great Britain and Australia when I really should be getting on with all sorts of gardening jobs and housework.... oh well, manyana as the Spanish say!! I took my camera on our walk to try to capture the dogs playing but also captured the eerie atmosphere around the old engine houses that have sat empty for over 100 years.

    The dogs ran so fast it was difficult to catch them for a photo until George found a muddy hole to play in until he ended up looking more like a moorland sheep.... a bit different to all those beautiful grandchildren being posted!! That's mud on his legs!!

    Anne ~ Unfortunately I was outbid on the ebay auction for the wardrobe because I had to restrict my amount to take into account the cost of courier but then someone sent a quote to move it for me for just £30 but by then I'd already lost out. Never mind I'm sure something will turn up and it gives me time to get more organised because I need to go through my clothes and get rid of items jI won't be wearing again.

    Buzz ~ Thank goodness Mike is recovering from that nasty fall which will hopefully take some pressure off you. Take care and do try to get some rest.

    Sandy ~ Your English dentist is exactly right, this small island is now geographically designed like a jigsaw puzzle with motorways going in all directions and either side will be a city or county where accents differ tremendously from the other side of the road, much the same as in America although yours is on a much grander scale!! My radiotherapy won't start until the surgery area has healed but I see an oncologist at the end of the month to chat over pros and cons.... more belts and braces I imagine so it will be my choice!

    Jeri ~ Great to see you are still producing such wonderful photos of your stunning Canadian scenery.

    Marie ~ You've got the right attitude, just eat healthily and don't worry to much about specific diets. You sound as if you are feeling better for it.

    Sorry to miss so many of you but must get back to tennis and rugby! Just leaving you with a final family photo, this of Boris and Hebe smooching in the porch!!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good. Morning Sneakers this Sunday morning . Woke up tired from our outling yesterday. But how
    A nice bowl of oatmeal. A
    Ready for some football later today.a cold orange, coffee. Have a nice

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) There is a chill in the air and I was tempted to put my heat on but opted for a winter bathrobe instead. The party was great yesterday and the weather was beautiful, the birthday boy was happy. I went to Mass by myself after the party as Babe is still in turmoil with his daughter. This afternoon the neighbors who live in my little section are having a picnic in our common area. They are calling it a get to know our neighbors. They will provide the grills and tables we are to bring our own meal to cook and/or eat and a dish to share. I am bringing a chicken breast, potato salad, chips and some cookies. It is supposed to warm up to 70 so it should be a great afternoon. Early to bed tonight and early to rise.

    Marie, your "cowboy" wedding looked like fun from your Facebook pictures. Did you wear cowboy boots as well?

    Jackie, great pictures especially of George with his muddy boots!! The cats are adorable but it looks like three cats, who is in the middle? Just to clarify, the dentist was making a joke when referring to his accent. What he meant was when the clients ask about his accent he tells them he is faking it. But then proceeds to add that here in Chicago when you cross to the other side of Route 55 accents change and his becomes English. I guess you had to be there. Sorry. He actually was from near London.

    Phyllis, I know my granddaughter got her ears pierced when she was a baby, about three months I think. I am such a coward it took me until I was 35 to get mine done. My three boys got circumcised before they left the hospital which is another painful experience they will never remember. Ouch!!

    Buzz, poor Mike, he sure is getting his share lately, which doesn't make it easy on you. Was it the same bus trip that the lady with the purple face fell? I think that is one of my worst fears is falling.

    Patsy, Anne, Barbie, Phoebe and whoever else I am missing, hope all is well.

    Have a great Sunday.
    One Day at a Time

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Jackie what is that about braces? Love your critters, Gorgeous George, part pig I think. 'Happy as a pig in a mud puddle'. Enjoy your sports.
    Sandy, is Babe still unwell? Is This turmoil with the daughter something new, or a repeat of her previous antics? So glad you have people that like to be friends with their neighbors. You met a chatty man earlier, is he still around?
    Lin, church today and what else? Hope you will have some internet. I don't hear you mention your landscape, do you have a lawn service? Do you grow any herbs? My green thumb is apparently a black thumb, coz nothing has been growing for me lately.
    Marie, if you ask Sandy, I'm sure she would scoop up your wedding photos from Facebook and post them here. I would too. That was a pretty color, was it teal? That's how it looked on my phone. I really like the photo of Jerry that has the cow in it. Bull I mean. I'd get that one enlarged and framed. Kayly is so cute. I imagine both girls loved dressing up.
    Buzz, so glad Mike is just a bit sore and not broken! Maybe it's a sign, ' Go Nowhere' 'Stay Put' lol, you've been given a big hint.
    I put a leash on Honey, and pulled Jim along, or was it vice versa? Anyway, we walked our dog walk to the mail station. No mail today but we read the bulletin board. Found a posting for a nice paddleboat, I've called and left our number. I've wanted one forever. Today would be a great day on our lake, even though Jim won't go because of football.
    I finally got my gadget charged. It doesn't have a long life per charge. I'm used to my smartphone which has a great battery life. It is more of a workout program than a progress monitor. I am going to try it today. I'll still use my pedometer for step count. It's appx 1000 steps going to the mailbox and back.
    Jim's boss gave him tickets to a game for his favorite college football team. He invited his brother to go along, and he is over the top excited.
    I was going to visit my aunt today. She is not answering her phone, and I no longer leave voicemail on it. So, it's either contact her daughter or drive the 1 1/2 hours to her. She doesn't know about Jim's health scare, maybe I should write to her.
    Hi to everyone, be safe, this is the last weekend of summer!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Phoebe - It may be the last weekend of summer but not sailing. We are going on our last sailing trip this week. The temps
    will be in the 70's and we are bringing our bikes. We are only going for 3 days probably the last hurrah of sailing. Happy
    to hear Jim is using the oxygen, I hope his health continues.

    I forgot to mention I loved all the pictures from Jeri, of course our beautiful Alberta. Lin - Loved your pictures and quilt.
    Phyllis - Your grandchildren are beautiful especially the little one that just arrived. A beautiful family!

    Sandy - I guess your pool time if done for now but maybe more socializing is in your future. I see the Babe and family
    drama continues. I am glad you are staying out of it and it will keep you mentally healthy. Robby's picture with
    the sunglasses was so cool. I bet he thought he was really cool.

    Buzz - I see Mike is using a walker now, I hope this relieves your mind from him falling. My MIL is still going on her own
    without help. She is a tough cookie!

    Marie - I will check your FB to see some pictures of the wedding. We had company all weekend so I am just now
    catching up.

    Jackie - Such cute and cuddly cats and poor George all muddy. He sure does look like a sheep I almost didn't
    recognize him. HA!

    Anne - Your dentist sorry was funny but scary. Poor little kids having their teeth yanked out. We have come
    a long way baby!

    We had company for the weekend our friends from London, ON. They arrived Friday night and we stayed up
    until 1:30 am talking. We haven't stayed up that long in ages. We were supposed to go sailing the next day
    but the weather was not good and the skys were black. We did not want to be on Lake Ontario in a storm,.
    So my girlfriend and I went shopping at one of our new outlet malls. We did get some good deals and
    had a nice lunch. On Sunday I took her to my yoga class and she really enjoyed it and enjoyed the instructor.
    After that we checked out some the of stores that were open and had a bite of lunch. We did find a great
    bookstore and all vintage items. The store was packed with many memories of things we used to have
    growing up. I found some books for Isaac and I will put them away for Christmas. A real find. I know I
    will be returning to that store again.

    Better get dinner ready so have a good evening.
