Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited September 2015
    Lovely grand kids. , Sneakers

    Lin the wedding is this coming Saturday at 4 PM we won't get to to go to the rehearsal and
    dinner its
    Friday night at Kathy house? I guess next we have a baby is due in January.

  • Thank you for the photos, I love them. That old boot is a hoot! Corny me. Robby looks older in the photo with sunglasses, but sooo cute!
    Jim is using his oxygen, yay!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Anniversary, SANDY. Wish I had time to make a perfect graphic for you, but we have to meet the bus in our lobby at 8AM (for a few days on Florida's west coast) and I haven't packed yet! Skimmed all the posts, but cannot comment tonight. Love you all...
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2015
    My barometer is rapidly heading for stormy but managed to get a walk in first thing so now need to do some housework and sorting for my Autumn clear out. My bees are halfway through their winter feed and tomatoes and cucumbers still giving me lots of fruits so I'm hoping the coming storm isn't the start of a run of bad weather. Have read all your posts and so relieved Jim is using his oxygen.... it's been delivered for a reason!! Buzz have a wonderful trip on your west coast, somewhere I always wanted to visit!! Lin I've over 200 LP's, mostly from the 60's and 70's and am slowly working my way through listening to each and wiping with special cleaning fluid as I go. Rubber Soul is my favourite Beatles album at the moment and I keep going back to it. Also rediscovered Isaac Hayes..... remember him? Talk about silky soul music!! Patsy you're definitely between a rock and a hard place with your daughter and I'm not sure there's an answer because she's no doubt been advised by professionals on the adverse affects of being overweight so Mother isn't going to get anywhere! Just be there for her as I'm sure you already are. Anne a friend visited the Cotswolds last week and has been telling me about the crowds of Japanese tourists taking photos of the most bizarre things, even peoples front gardens and hanging baskets so they seem to have a fascination with all things Western and cute and your apple tree probably fits that description!!

    Wonderful photos and terrific looking families. Must now get on with chores before the storm arrives.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    HAve been up since 5:12 AM and doubt I have remembered to pack everything I need. Grabbed coffee, made the bed, and we're off. I hear thunder :s
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited September 2015
    Jackie re your friends visit to the Cotswolds and Japanese tourists taking photos of English hanging baskets, is it possible that if I go outside and sit under the apple tree with my knitting I could be immortalized in some oriental photo album with a caption that reads "ancient grandmother pursuing native craft under exotic apple tree". Now there's a thought!
    SandyThe cute photo of young Robbie had me thinking "Rock star in the making". He's got the good looks, the stance, the bare chest, the sun glasses and the obvious sound of a high note coming out of his little mouth. He just needs the guitar, minus the diaper, and one day he'll make you a fortune!
    What a super photo for the album Jeri, just love it!
    And that's me for the day with some of the thoughts rambling through my head as I ambled on my early walk.
    Hope everybodys day is a good day,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Yes Anne, I think you should go and sit under the apple tree. It would make a lovely picture.

    Sandy, loved the rock star picture of Robby.

    Buzz, safe travels.

    Jackie, so nice to hear from you. I got rid of most of my old lps but kept the Beatles albums and all my 45s so I have lots to listen to.

    Shirley, tomorrow is Thursday. Wahoo. Cannot come soon enough right? Now we need pictures from you too!

    Phoebe, glad Jim has decided to use oxygen as needed.

    Well, radon guys have arrived. See ya.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) I don't have a lot of time as I must get ready for my friend's sister's memorial. There is a luncheon following the service so really not sure if I am going to bingo tonight. Will take it one minute at a time.
    I start sitting full time next week as Lisa's parents are leaving next Wednesday. They might take my Monday and Tuesday if they are organized and packed but we will see. I will have to start going to a different meeting since Bryanna won't be available for sitting on Thursdays. There is a Monday night one near my house and although I hate going out after dinner I will give it a try.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    This week is my week for strange happenings. So here I am, quietly eating my leftover homemade cheese and onion quiche, when a huge truck comes onto my drive and proceeds to drop off an equally large dumpster. I rush out to ask a large, hot, pink faced chap why he's dropping off a large dumpster. "Because my order form says drop off a large dumpster at your address" he says.
    I wonder if Mark has got another work project in store after the roof tiles and the new garage side door. Judging by the size of the dumpster, a very big dumpster, this could involve tearing the whole house down and rebuilding it.
    We both peer at his order form, he sees a one for part of the house number, and I see a three. "Oh" he says happily, I've forgotten my glasses. He's driving a huge truck for goodness sake!
    He reloads the dumpster and proceeds to the middle of the street where he unloads it.
    The moral of this story is - don't forget your glasses girls, and if you do venture forth don't be surprised at what you might find on your return.
    Anne, the finder of oriental people and pink faced men on her drive. Never a dull moment here! Sigh.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello sneakers! I have been thinking that there is so much conflicting information out there on vitamin and supplements it is difficult to form any informed opinions. We live in a small rural community so our health care options are limited. Our doctor doesn't like supplements or vitamins. But I keep reading about recent studies that show them to be advantageous for various conditions. I also like to read all the health news on the various news sites. The take away is that we do take various supplements and a daily multivitamin. If I read about these studies and recent research, then why can't the health care providers do the same? It has gotten to the point that we really hate to admit to our doctor that we take vitamins and supplements. Now this is just crazy! Do any of you have this issue? Just wondering....
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I don't take vitamins or supplements. For me a good balanced diet gives me everything I need and I personally think they are money down the drain (or maybe toilet!) My mother 91, cousin 92, aunt 96 etc in the UK never took vitamins or supplements and barring accidents were fit and healthy until they died of old age. So far, so good for me too. I have read it can be dangerous as well if you overload the system, but then what do I know seeing I haven't seen a doc for years! Wouldn't advise anybody else, different strokes for different folks. Interesting though to read everyone else's views. Anne.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Anne, think you have a valid point. I think genes are also in your favor, my lovely red haired friend. I love that you are so healthy, funny and positive. I dare say that these are also your personal vitamins for a good long happy life!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi patsy my lovely talented friend, I must put the record straight. Alas, the red highlights I once had are now a mousy brown intertwined with white or grey bits. The ravages of time.
  • Oh these lovely lukewarm sunny days!
    Working on my laundry, fighting a nap, and clueless for dinner, at least for Jim. I'm happy with leftovers, peas and Mac n cheese.
    Anne, you could have a photo of your apples hanging on a wall in China!
    Patsy, I take supplements but not all the time. I get in moods where I don't want them. My sis in law says you just 'p' them out again if they aren't absorbed.
    Sandy, I wouldn't want to go out after dark but maybe you'll make new friends there.
    Jackie, great to hear from you.
    Hi Lin I hope this radon thing is good for you. I'm not sure what it is. Will Google it.........,,.....fell asleep,!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I do take vitamins and supplements but I am very specific on what I will take. I purchase only products from Dr. Fuhrman who specializes in nutrition and studies all the time to make sure there is not *too* much of anything in them. I wouldn't take anything from off the shelf made by the big manufacturers. My doctor is fine with a multi-vitamin but really he could care less about what I take or how I eat.

    Okay, the radon guys were certified radon mitigation specialists. The State of Iowa has a huge problem with radon in our homes. In some places 3 out of 4 homes has higher than prescribed limits. I don't know if you believe it or not, but I'm not taking any chances at this point. I've not been a smoker and I would like to avoid lung cancer if possible. After having my dad's house checked this summer it put it in mind to have my house checked and the level was over the accepted level so I had a system installed today. I'll do a re-test in a week to assure the level has dropped. Meanwhile, the few things I did have to move are all put back in place. They did a very neat and tidy job and cleaned up after themselves quite well.

    Come on this!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey girls I have a problem. I have so many e mails and I would like to cut down on some of them. well a lot How do I do it an easy way? I have so many I usally just delete them without reading them And I am aafraid I might delete a special one. What can I do to get rid of them.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Day 3 of on not eating between meals . ----Marie
  • Marie, I think there are different ways for different email providers. What I do daily to keep my junk mail sorted is I click the box to checkmark all emails at once, then I scroll down and unchecked what I want to save. Then I click on delete. Then I have only the ones I want to read.
    I want to tell you about Jim's doctor. She's very pretty, I noticed she had lost weight and I complimented her and asked about her plan. She is using medifast, not the shakes. She has five medifast snacks and one big but healthy meal. Lots of water. Walks 30 minutes per day. She's lost about 40 pounds.
    Lin I googled radon so your info makes sense to me, lol. I think I will order the test kit. Thanks. I wonder why Iowa has so much high radon levels?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Phoebe - I was told it is a big problem here due to geological formations. That's all I know. I didn't look into it further.

    Marie - I don't have any good ideas on sorting your mail. I have unsubscribed from many lists. That helped a bit. And for some reason for a long time I got no notifications from MFP when someone sent me a message or commented on a post. That really cut down! Now for some reason that has started up again.

    Nitey nite.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited September 2015
    A funny old day with all sorts of weather being thrown in my direction. First thing I was walking in sunshine with my friend and her dog but the minute I mentioned I was going to the car wash on the way home a big black cloud appeared and a misty mizzle with it but at least it was quiet at the car wash as I was the only silly person contemplating such a job in the rain!! Now the sun has reappeared the plan is to vacuum out the interior because George's mess that he carries into the car builds up and it's due an annual health check tomorrow to keep it on the road.

    Lin ~ You're right about geological influences creating radon gas because Cornwall is rife with it too.... too much granite in the ground! My property has been checked several times and I'm told the level is high although how high is never stipulated and I gather one would need to live in the house for 40 years before the risk of lung cancer so since I moved in when I was 39 I assume I'll probably be living elsewhere by the time the years have gone by because I can't see myself maintaining a 120' garden as I head for 80!!

    Patsy ~ Perhaps it's an English thing but like Anne I'm of the opinion that so long as you eat healthily you should get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. I've read several articles that state it's a waste of money to buy supplements although pregnant women, young children and the elderly might find them beneficial in certain circumstances. It's a multi million dollar/pound business so is bound to be pushed by manufacturers but common sense would say to me if I was lacking say vitamin C I'd buy a bag of oranges or if it was iron I'd stock up on green veggies. I know for a fact my GP would be aghast if I suggested wanting to take supplements and I'd be sent straight down the corridor to the dietary nurse for a lecture!! Perhaps like Lin you should seek advice from a nutritionist to see if you actually need to supplement your diet.

    Phoebe ~ Amazing that Jim's doctor would need to diet to lose weight when she must know all there is to know about healthy eating but then I've found during my recent hospital visits I received lots of pats on the back like a 10 year old for walking every day and eating healthily as if it just isn't the norm although the nurse I chatted to last week had me laughing because the department were holding a weekly baking competition and apparently 2 people had made chocolate cake that day so of course she had to try both and was thinking she'd have to skip lunch!! I admitted if cake was put in front of me I'd eat it too!!

    Anne ~ My garage is away from my property on a communal piece of parking area and I'm often finding parcels left in it for the property on the outer edge of the line of cottages but unfortunately never catch them at it!! A couple of months ago I hurt my back trying to lift out a couple of long packages that I didn't know weighed a ton until too late, something went ping in my spine!! Since then anything left in there gets dragged out unceremoniously and pushed round the corner out of my way rain or no rain, as much because that family is rude and inconsiderate at the best of times so a feeling of guilt doesn't arise!!

    The sun is still shining so I'm going to unravel my extension lead and plug in the mini vacuum cleaner to blitz my car. Have a good day everyone.
