Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy thanksgiving to you Canadians! I wonder why ours is later in the fall? Anyway, do you have turkey and cranberry sauce like we do?

    MoMo is doing pretty good on these expensive meds. She is back doing whatever she wants, when ever she wants and eats her treats and everyone else's if she can get to them. It is good to see her personality back to its normal uncooperative attitude.

    Getting ready for our son to show up. We usually wrap up gifts and have cards and cake on my special family cake plate/stand. When you have a small family, you have to make every effort to create a celebration.

    John is really mad because NBC will not be showing on our TV satellite setup. Some sort of corporate dust up that has caused a blackout. No Football in America on Sunday evening. Ooooooohhhh Noooooooo!,,
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oooooops! Forgot to sin my post. That's me above about John and MoMo.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You tried. Well give you credit for that hope your day is a
    Pleasant one. Maybe next year we can send you some those pills for your Birthday
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Thankgiving you ?canadian . I know Shirley will have 2 thanks giving celebration. Make that 3pf you. Gayla is dropping in moor.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost a long post and too fed up to start over so as it's my bedtime I'll just say I'll be back tomorrow with my take on keeping geraniums through the winter months as well as my sanity when the internet fails!!

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello All,

    I've busy getting all my medical records organized. For the past 5 or 6 years every time I have a test done or something like that I get a copy of the results from my doctor. I was just pilling them up but the last couple of days I organized them all by date and put them in a binder. I also have a great program for my iPhone and iPad that is called My Medical. You list all your meds, doctors appts, medical episodes, test results, etc. and etc. so good because now when I invariably have to fill in forms whenever I am scheduled for a test or have a new doctor, all that info is on my cell phone. My cell and iPad sync between each other as well. I entered a bunch more info so I think it is all up to date now.

    This has worked great as we now have a new family doctor but unfortunately they don't have all our records yet as our old doctor sold half of his practice and the records had to go with him. Gradually they are copying everything but it is slow.

    I have an appt next week and I am bringing my binder with blood tests to the doctors office. Some of them are screwy right now so he'll be able to see if there is any trend to it all.

    Lin - computers!!!!! I've always found that every time I get a new router, computer or set up a new network that it is a good idea to go have a coffee after you did your part. Sometimes it takes awhile for it all to sync. At least that's what I've found.

    Phoebe - my Mom saved her geraniums over winter too. Sometime a big pot in the patio window, other times tucked away in the garage.

    Gayla - so nice to see you back.

    Jake - happy birthday

    Sandy - good luck at the dermatologist. When I was organizing my medical records it brought back all sorts of things I've run into medically. I had some spots taken off my face a couple of years ago. Non cancerous, so hope yours is too.

    Patsy - I'm limping around too. Sore foot. Makes it hard to get all your steps in. Hope everything is great soon. We don't have a dog anymore but when we did we loved her so much. I still get misty when I see a. Ice Golden Retriever running and having fun.

    Buzz - nice to see you pop in.

    Marie - hugs

    Must run. Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes. We will celebrate tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    edited October 2015
    t3362.gif Jake declared today his best birthday ever. We had oatmeal and raisins together for breakfast, shared the dog walking, went to one of our favorite Chinese restaurants for lunch, ate the leftovers for supper and watched TV and a movie in between. He got a call from one daughter and a card from the other and a card and call from one brother.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2015

    For my Canadian sneaker friends, enjoy your celebrations!!

    A cool couple of days but I've still enjoyed walks on the moors and some garden tidying, in fact will be back out there in the next hour to continue but must have my cup of coffee first.

    Anne ~ In my lost post last night I mentioned that I'm sure you will be able to keep your geraniums if you pop them on a windowsill that isn't too exposed to hot sun through the glass or central heating. The article Phoebe found for you mentioned shaking off the compost and placing in a bag but I roll mine in newspaper and keep in my garden shed although appreciate your winters might be too cold for that so if you have a cool and dark space somewhere in the house pop them in there. An alternative would be to take cuttings, snip most of the leaves off and any flowers and sit in a glass of water, again in a coolish place but with plenty of light and you'll find by the end of winter they should have sent out roots. It does take a while but so long as you keep the water topped up they will come on.

    Lin ~ I have to agree with everyone who suggests you walk away from your router, firstly when you unplug it then about 15 minutes later when you have reconnected the power cable.... go get yourself a drink and potter for 10 minutes and hopefully you will be back on line. It happened to me on Friday evening when the boxes were lit up like Christmas trees telling me everything was in order but my laptop showed there wasn't a connection. It's far less stressful to find something else to do while the line clears!

    Jeri ~ Aren't you organised!! Little piles of papers are scattered about my home that every now and then get sorted into a few less piles waiting to be filed away but then blow me, they seem to grow again!!

    Barbie ~ Well done for giving Jake such an enjoyable birthday... leftovers in front of the tv sounds perfect!

    My coffee cup is now empty and the garden calls so I'll wish you all anenjoyable Sunday whatever you get up to.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning, it promises to be 20 deg today! It really is the perfect thanksgiving weather here. The flowers still blooming in the garden and the trees turning to glorious reds, yellows and oranges. We celebrate tomorrow, and I had to smile at your cartoon JACKIE!
    Wonderful suggestions for winterizing geraniums. I'm going to try them all, from the plants in the window, to cuttings, to one of the plants wrapped in newspaper, but not out in the garage. Rather in the cold un heated room in the basement. The one time I tried the garage, utter failure. Far too cold in Canada. Anyway, come spring it will be interesting to see if I manage to save anything. So thank you Jackie and Phoebe and also Lin who's gran managed to keep them alive in the window. No problems in the UK where I also would have a pot of Busy Lizzie's (impatiens) going all winter.

    Well, I hope the gremlins aren't listening but (whisper) I've not had a problem with the Internet or the iPad since Michael worked his magic on Friday afternoon! This is a minor miracle, so as well as being thankful this thanksgiving for family, friends and the roof over my head, I'm thankful for no internet stress! Your problem was mine Jackie. Everything lit up and seemingly working but the iPad saying no connection.

    And on that happy note I'll go and wash my hair before Roy in England phones for our hour long weekly chat, usually about Hull City Tigers Jackie of whom he is an avid fan. He's usually pulling his hair out in frustration poor lad. Beats me how men can get so worked up over a bunch of men kicking a ball. I shall be telling him about my geraniums, so I guess I'm as bad in the "what was all that about" stakes.
    Happy Sunday,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Good morning - had a lovely (if pretty darn chilly) evening with friends last night. We watched two movies in their
    movie *theater* and they had a wood fire going which was pretty to look at. They do DJ jobs for weddings and other events so have a projector and sound equipment and they constructed their own kind of large white board that serves as a screen. They also have a professional large popcorn maker just like at the movies where after dumping the cooked popcorn they can put it in bags and keep it heated or just wait until someone wants some and bag it on the spot. One of my friends was there and said she didn't have hardly any supper so she ate multiple bags of popcorn and a big cup of coffee. That would have been the combination to make me sick for a couple of days but she left after the first movie and seemed happy as a clam.

    Jackie, I love your graphic. Good ideas regarding the geraniums. I never tried to save any but I did like to try to start new violets by removing a leaf, putting some growth stuff on the stem, pinning it down to some growing medium, and then waiting. Some times I actually got a little plant, other times it rotted. Do you start plants this way as well??

    Anne, enjoy the phone call. And basements are quite handy aren't they? I keep potatoes and squash and onions as well as most of my non-perishable food down there and all keeps well. My garage is just too cold!

    Sorry, I've run out of time again. Sunday school, church, doing the communion set up and clean up so will likely be home late again.

    Hugs to all.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    My lucky day. Talked to Roy in UK and he never mentioned soccer once because he's won $400 on the lottery and he was full of that, plus how to keep geraniums which he finds difficult. He's sending me $80of his winnings! Like I said my lucky day! Just like you LIN, I too keep potatoes, onions etc in the cold room. Cold rooms are useful! Glad you had a fun if chilly evening with your friends.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I keep my meals and weight charts on he One one groups. It is so much like the zone and nobody else is using that site so i am taking advantage of it for my zone diet So here is a copy of it

    10/8/15 193.4 ***Starting date
    !0/9/15 191.3
    10/10/15 190.5
    10/11/15 190.8 HAD A GAIN OF .3 OZ

    I was hoping I would break into the 180's this morning. I have two days to go till my first week maybe by then.

    how is your walking challenge going Connie?

    My breakfast Cottage cheese, chopped pecans and pineapple canned in own juice. Coffee
    Lunch will be cooking a pork loin today so 2 oz of pork loin 1/2 of sweet potatoe, pat of butter, green beans, tea
    Dinner the same as lunch
    snack before bed a Kroger chocolate shake. If I could find some good wine I would have that for a snack with a slice of cheese. The book says that is a good snack Wine is my carb, chesse is my fat and protein. And make you sleep like a baby.

    Today is football day Wont be spending much time in the kitchen


    happy thanksgiving to all of all who are celebrating today.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015
    Who is roy Anne? your brother?
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie, are you keeping the one ONE one gluten free too? I do like the one ONE one plan. No numbers to keep up with, except for 'one' :)

    I don't know why my phone capitalized the middle ONE up there ∆.
    Jackie, you are getting in lots of walking while weather permits. I think of Barbie and her no stopping me attitude. I don't mind walking in some kinds of weather, but I don't trust cars on rainy days. They slip and slide and screech their tires.
    Hi Lin, hope you are issue free now! Anne, you too.
    Re: cold rooms. My grandparents stored potatoes under the house. I was happy to fetch some, as long as they were near the opening. I never went under there, but I still remember that earthy smell. And those delicious potatoes!

    I tried rooting hydrangeas from cuttings. It was working great until a long trip and they weren't watered. I decided it will be on my bucket list of things to do when I don't travel anymore.

    My summer rose did not survive, although I'm leaving it in place until spring, on Jackie's advice. Didn't help that all the critters like to 'p' in that area. Wrong liquid for plants. I even put tomato cages around the area, but they got thru or moved them. Next spring I'm planting lantana, a move forgiving dry climate plant.

    Kitchen is calling, have a great Sunday.

    Gayla put the cutest Thanksgiving image on Facebook, if she doesn't put it here by tomorrow, I will.

    P.s. Anne, your Roy, and my Jim. I got home from grocer yesterday, he met me with ’ They're Really P-ing me off!'. I thought he meant the critters, but it was his favorite college football team, lol.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) A beautiful day here, although this morning I had my heat on and this afternoon all my windows are open. Going to catch up on some of my computer games, pay a couple of bills and then just chill out.
    I should think about going for a walk but that might be all that I do is think about it. lol

    Phoebe, you made me laugh with Jim being -issed off, men are so funny.

    Marie, good job on your numbers, not sure what one, one, one is but if it works and your diabetes is under control then good for you.

    Anne, Roy must like you if he is sending some winnings. Is romance in the air????

    Lin, I do love movie popcorn but won't eat it with all those calories. I do buy the pop secret 100 calories individual bags to satisfy my taste for popcorn.

    Jackie, glad you are still in good spirits with your treatments, how much longer???

    Barbie, glad Jake had the 'best' birthday ever, I am sure because he has you he appreciates all that you do for him.

    Jeri, you are indeed organized which will be very helpful to your new doctor. I do keep all my papers in folders in my desk drawer so if anything ever happens to me, my kids will know where everything is and what to do.

    Patsy, hooray for MoMo, glad the new meds are working. I am sure your son appreciates all the special treatment for his birthday, I know I would.

    Have a great Sunday, funday.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    MARIE, Roy is my late cousins husband. We just like to keep in touch now all my family of our age are gone. So no SANDY, romance is most definitely NOT in the air, lol. He used my lucky number in his winning ticket, hence the %. He won on 7 lines and two more numbers and he would have been a millionaire. I said, "no you wouldn't, you would have had a heart attack".
    I've just been trying on my "posher" out of date clothes for tomorrow's dinner, they are most definitely tight! I've been happily puttering around in my comfy jeans, and oh calamity I suspect I haven't been maintaining at all, but slowly putting back some of those pounds I worked hard to lose! I'm not going to get weighed until Tuesday, but I strongly suspect I'll be back on the lose site again with SANDY and SHIRLEY who seem to be the faithfuls. Unbelievable, I thought I was doing great, but back to weighing things again I guess, grrrrrrrr. I wouldn't mind but rarely, if ever, eat sugar!
    Grouse over, I'm definitely still going to have a slice of pumpkin pie and cream tomorrow! My sugar dose until the Christmas pud.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Birthday, Jake. At least you can still try!
    SANDY's poem was in tremendous use this weekend. Up and down...
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA

    Gayla posted it on Facebook.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Wow! Thanksgiving in Canada...I have just said goodbye to our son, he headed back to Portand this evening. We had a lovely birthday and visit. It is so funny. I bought this very fancy birthday cake and we didn't feel like eating anything sweet. So I froze the cake and we will use it for John's birthday which is in about a month. We did drink champagne and we reminisced about our sons childhood and how he was susposed to be born on Columbus Day. He decided to make his grand entrance into the world a day early. Hello! Happy to see you, little boy!

    Mazzy the amazing sheepdog played games with my sons dogs. They chased and ran in and out of the house endlessly.
    John decided to chose the birthday gifts. He bought tools and our son was thrilled. I don't think tools are great gifts but our son said I just don't understand. Tools are fabulous gifts. Hummmmmm?

    Ready for bed. Take care, my friends.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited October 2015
    A gorgeous day with wall to wall sunshine and I've just returned from a long stroll across the moors. We could see for miles but still managed to miss a group of sheep snoozing amongst the bracken but Scruff spotted them and off she went chasing as we shouted and squeaked her toy ball to get her attention..... nothing but barking in the distance until suddenly she appeared behind us and her lead was rapidly clipped on before she took off again!! Dear George just stood and watched bemused by the whole incident thank goodness and at least there are no lambs around this time of year otherwise Scruff could be shot by a farmer if caught. Training in progress!!!

    A little bit of gardening and then I'm taking George to visit my friends that looked after him for a few days around my hospital visit. He adores them and will get spoiled rotten and I always enjoy a cup of tea and catch up chat with them.

    Yesterday evening I watched a weather forecast for the coming week which showed the jet stream will alter by next weekend and run above the UK which means high pressure for us but the more interesting point was the reasons for it..... a freezing cold blast arriving over eastern Canada and possibly further south that seemed to have everything in it and is therefore sending the stream into a tizz so if those of you in that area weren't aware, be warned and stock up your cupboards!

    Phoebe ~ When I walk George in the evening I always wear a bright yellow reflective jacket so I can be seen by drivers but still some of them seem to want to knock me off the road and send me into the hedges. No pavements (sidewalks) around my way so it's life in my hands time, hence the long morning walks on the moors where we only have to contend with the livestock!

    Sandy ~ No news, still waiting for a schedule to arrive but my surgery still not 100% healed so have to wait.

    Anne ~ You'll be covered in your favourite geraniums next year!! I did smile at the suggestion you might marry Roy... would't he be a happy man!! I'll be joining you on the pound a week club because the scales show I've gained about 4 lbs in the past couple of months and that's a slippery slide I don't want!

    Lin ~ My father showed me many many years ago how to propagate violets the way you describe and I've also managed just once to get an indoor Begonia started from a held down leaf so it is hit and miss for me.

    Jeri ~ I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and holding my breath with you. Stay positive. <3

    Buzz ~ Seems that poem is helping an awful lot of your friends which is fantastic....keep spreading the word!

    The sunshine is calling and I have one project I've set myself to finish before I go out so socks and wellies on then out I go!
