Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Dear friends
    Thanks Sandy and Phoebe. If I keep this up will be back to the pound a week with you guys. I did have a great week.
    :wink: ove you guys
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SHIRLEY, what a yummy Isaac! And I love your hair! Nice picture!
    MARIE, fantastic , sis! You are doing so great
    SANDY, your envelope arrived today and the prints of the Alzheimer's Poem are just gorgeous! You are a doll to go to all that research and trouble for me, and I appreciate your work beyond your imagination! Thank you. luv!

    I am falling on my nose. Up at 5:55AM. Showered and finished breakfast by 7:30 to be ready for a long Doctor day. 10:30 appointment almost missed for the injection for Mike's eye as I could not get him to stop dawdling! Home for a quick lunch, and a drive up to our favorite bagel shop where I had left an order for a couple of dozen mini bialys ... only they did not have them when I arrived. Eventually they settled on 2 dozen regular size at the same price as the minis. A Bialy is chewier than a bagel and is sprinkled with onion. They are delicious toasted and eaten with coffee and very few shops know how to make the Brooklyn version of this treat. We just made the dermatology appointment where the odor of our burned flesh showed we were getting rid of many years of sun damage! Stopped in for whipped cream cheese at Publix, where we bought lots of items and left the store without the cream cheese, and as we went back for it I suddenly remembered with horror we had an appointment at 3:30 for our flu shots up in that area (our old habitat) so I flew across town hoping there were no sheriff cars watching, and we just got in in the nick of time! Finally made it home with 10 minutes to get my eyebrows back on
    and make it to the dining room for our reservation! No more appointment one on top of another! Now must wake DH to help me put on fresh sheets. My cleaning helper was due tomorrow morning, but a sign in the elevator says my building will not have water between 10 and 12 tomorrow, so I'll just finish the bed I stripped this morning and flop down!
    BARBIE, yes, I would get a second opinion also! Good luck!
    PATSY, you were practicing for Halloween?
    LIN and ANNE and PHOEBE, big hugs to all, and JACKIE and all the rest. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    <3 Buzz
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Buzz, What a busy day you had. I got tired just hearing all about your BUZZING around. No wonder you said someone breath for you!!
    Shirley, How old is Issac. I love the pic of both of you . thanks for sharing.
    Marie, How do you know you are balancing the protein, carbs and everything? You are doing great. Stay in those 180 for a while and soon you will see the 170's
    Phoebe, My husband goes to the market and buys the live chickens, they kill them right on the spot and clean them up. When he brings them home to me they are still warm. so I know they are fresh. I feel bad for the chickens at the moment but one they are frozen and then later thawed and cooked, I enjoy every bite.
    Barbie, Glad to have you as a friend on FB. At first I was confused and didn't know who BARBARA was then I got a brain wave and remembered. LOL
    Sandy, the stew sounds good. I need to get a bit more creative in the kitchen. Lin Always does such a good job too on preparing her veggies and making them sound so good.
    Well I have been for an hour swim this morning, ate a bowl of frozen Pomegranates. I love throwing them in the freezer after I have taken them out of the peels or whatever they are called, and then once they are frozen I just eat them up by the spoonfuls. YUM.
    Little Talia is doing great. Her mom however is so worried about every little peep or sound that she makes. She doesn't ever want her to cry. Last night she was sure there was something wrong with her. Took her temp and she was completely normal. I went over and held the baby for her and let her take a shower and get a little bit done. She just is always afraid that something will happen to her baby so she doesn't let her out of her sight. I guess that is normal for a new mother. I keep assuring her that the baby is NORMAL. Babies cry, sleep sometimes long periods and sometimes for shorter breaks.
    Jackie, Jeri, Patsy, Lin, Anne, and everyone else. HAVE A GREAT DAY.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    edited October 2015
    Anne -

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2015


    Up early again today we are having a road torn up and redone just a street over from us and it has been going on
    all summer and they are still at it. Since our windows are open at night they start at 7am and we are not early
    risers but now we are. So much for whining.

    Today is lunch with my friend Donna across the border in Buffalo and meeting her for lunch at Panera Bread. I usually
    order the avocado cobb salad with coffee. I only eat half of it since I am cutting my portions and see if this scale
    will be kind to me. >:) I did lose .02 lbs. this week and this was after Thanksgiving weekend so not bad but
    not where I want it.

    Yesterday all the flower beds and vegetable garden have been cut back for the winter and cleaned up. I just
    have to take down all my chimes on the back patio and clean up the ornaments and I am ready for Old Man Winter. :|

    Dave is going to the boat to put up the frame so the tarps can go on and then haul out anytime.
    That sure is a sign of the seasons.

    Well still have to get breakfast so have a great day everyone!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member


    Have a wonderful day!


  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Happy Birthday, Anne!!!
    Enjoy your day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Does anyone have the link for reseting your days? I guess I have the old one and its not working.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited October 2015
    Shirley I open up a topic on Thanksgiving group but it mush have been deleted now I can find it
    But goe to tech problems and see if you can find it They keep changing things up Maybe Barbie can help she is a super looking upper
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    My dearest Anne! A very happy birthday to you my friend. You are the lovely friend that gives support, good cheer, philosophical thoughts and views. You enrich our lives, you bring a smiles to cloudy day! All my best wishes for lovely day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin that looks right but it won,t let me copy it so I can try too save it. Any easy way to locate the link
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne I am on my iPad now and don't know how to used graphic here so I will catch you later
    Happy Birthday anyway. Have a great one
    Love Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
  • ANNE

  • The cpap man brought a brand new machine for Jim to use. If he doesn't use it, I will!! He is so stubborn. Why do men do that? it is for his health, it might save his life. arrrghhh

    part of my back pain is gone, yay! its hurting on the other side though, ugg.. but it will be ok, just glad the other side has eased up.

    I forgot who asked Marie about her plan. She is on the ONE, ONE ONE plan. One protein, one carb one fat.. so it makes meals filling and simpler. I got the book, but I never find time to read.

    speaking of time, back to my sorting stuff.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe yes I am on the one one one plan and also the zone diet. they are basically the same. I am trying to do some fine tuning on both of them. to suit me.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy birthday Anne. I went back and read some of your early post on the Golden years. I am so glad you came on over to the Sneakers group. this is the right group for you For you are loved by all. including me
    Love Marie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Oh sneakers, I am absolutely overwhelmed by the wonderful "cards" and well wishes. Thank you all so very much, you've made one old gal very, very happy. I had a super day with my old friend Flo. She doesn't like driving any more, but she risked the traffic to spend several hours with me, and it was great catching up on all the gossip and family news. I even got some groceries in. The cards made me so happy that I really must learn to do these lovely images on this new MFP format. Mike says he'll look into it next week.
    I can't believe I am now an octogenarian along with our BUZZ and MARIE. Buzz, Anne, Marie, the BAM sisters!!! Ive just read that people by the end of the century will be retiring at the age of 100! I started work at the age of 14. It's hard to imagine retiring 86 years later! The work will be in the less strenuous category of greeters in places like Walmart, the theory being that one is less likely to be attacked at 100 years than at 50. Not so sure, especially if the store is selling repackaged decomposing chicken parts PHOEBE!! Tweety looks very healthy on your "card"!
    Well, I'm expecting the local family to pop in after work, so I'll love you all and leave you.
    Again, thank you!
    Blessed and grateful, Anne.❤️