Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited October 2015
    I'm concerned about Jeri. I'll keep her in my thoughts.
    Buzz, that was probably the ultra smart Windows 10 suggesting you talk/type too much. But don't you believe it! Lol. Teasing you
    Lin and Anne, I think you both would light up the room sporting pointy hats!
    Hi Marcella, hope you'll be healthy for the rest of the winter to come.
    Time to nap
    P.s. a dog at my back, lying on my hair and a cat on my pillow filtering my air! A rhyme!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PHOEBE! You are indeed a poet! I love it! Can you complete another two lines?
    A dog at my back lying on my hair,
    And a cat on my pillow filtering my air.
    One more at my feet sweaty and damp,
    I wonder why I suffer from cramp?

    Sort of thing!

    I think LIN and I should go looking for woolly hats with pointy tops for the coming winter. (Little girls wore these in the forties, we called them "pixie hats" I believe). We both seem to love parsnips and carrots so we could push one into the point, thus making them stand up. Just think, annoying kiddies will quieten down in restaurants etc. AND we'll get faster service in the stores. Added bonus. Should we ever run into each other, we'll know each other immediately!
    I think I've woken up in a giddy frame of mind this morning and should eliminate the above, but there again just another aspect of this old dears warped sense of humour. Mind you it might make for an idea if I decide to try my hand at writing children's stories again.
    Oh dear Sneakers, hope you are all feeling more sober and sensible than
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Anne - love your poem!!! Although I don't have a pointy hat I do have a sock monkey hat that I wore for several winters. People laughed at that when they saw me.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    There you go LIN, we are on the same wave length! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Truly we are Anne!!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,317 Member
    Oh Dear, bad me.

    Phoebe, I am here sitting down before we run out for an appointment with our financial advisor for our annual meeting. Thank you for thinking of me.

    I've been a little on edge because my 6 month breast cancer check up is tomorrow. Even though I am sure everything will be alright I am always on edge before the appointment. With My sister Val having breast cancer for the 3rd time, this check up,has me more on edge than usual.

    I've been keeping myself busy trying to forget such things. We had 3 grandson this weekend for a sleep over. Fun, but very tiring. Kids are great to keep you thinking of other things aren't they.

    Hope everyone has a great day,

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    JERI - Good to hear from you and my thoughts are with you at your apt. <3

    Here is the latest picture of Isaac his mom took.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) I am home, got here a couple of hours ago but catching up on things. We had a great time and even though I lost some money I did come home with half of what I took with me. I ate too much, stayed up too late and will be in bed early tonight. Robby comes tomorrow and also a repairman for my fireplace so I need to get some sleep.

    Shirley, Issac is just darling, love his outfit.

    Jeri, prayers being said for a good checkup and I agree kids keep our minds busy.

    My eyes are really heavy and it is only 5:00 so I think I will go rest on the couch. I also am sharing a picture of Robby because his mom said "Robby chased this minion around saying "hug hug".....cutest thing ever."

    Will be back tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,199 Member
    Wishing you well tomorrow Jeri. I am sure this is nerve wracking. I will be thinking of you all day.

    Shirley, love the latest Isaac photos. Great costume.

    Sandy, welcome home. Get some rest and love the Minion photo. How cute!!

    Back to the dishes. They do not wash themselves. Ha.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hi JERI, I'm wishing you well for tomorrow too. Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,001 Member
    t4622.gifJeri sending you hugs and best wishes for your check-up tomorrow
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    The for checking in, Jeri. We're with you!
    Peas in pods, Anne and Lin. No Anne, I drew a blank on rhyming after that! Yours is great.
    Love Isaac and Robby, adorable. Hope Robby will hug Santa too!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello again, naturally this MFP is acting up again. I know everyone saw the news article about red meat and processed meats being cancer causing. I have been avoiding those items for years but I have been opting for chicken, turkey and fish. We also still eat some eggs and dairy. After talking with John, he is willing to try to give up the chicken and turkey except on rare occasions. Giving up Eggs and dairy is still too radicle for John. As we get older we seem to be giving up more and more of the foods we used to enjoy. However, the challenge now is to use some of the fabulous recipes like Lin and Anne use.

    I do feel certain that Jeri will see good reports. The medical protocol now is so much more successful. I am so grateful for these advances. When I was going through my little drama, I thought I was doomed. Then the doctors looked at me like I had completely lost my mind. Of course we can do something for this problem. And they did! We are all sending positive thoughts and prayers for Jeri and Jackie.

    The grandbabies are so incredibly cute. I can understand why the Grams are having a difficult time staying away from those sweet Cherubs.

    Tonight will be cornbread, black beans, onions and green peppers and red grapes for dessert. Hope John doesn't turn up his nose. I still have to watch the spices because of John's acid reflux. That has been doing well, by the way.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    m been Missing today. jerry and I have been running around all day looking for pool noodles finally gave up and call a pool store and they have some. Would you believe a block from our house.. So will make a quick run there in the morning Still eating cabbage casseroles Will b freezing it in the morning and start on something else.

    Jeri My prayers are with you
    Shirley that boy looks so alert. And cute as a frog that he has on.
    Robby . too is adorable as usual. Jeri saw a bunch of Batman at Walmart this morning reminded me of your grandkids Aren't kids great.
    See you all tomorrow.
    Time to get ready for bed


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Our November mini magazine came out today and everybody is stopping me to say thank yu for submitting the poem, for which I owe SANDY a huge thank you! It hit a special spot inside everyone who's read it!
    PHOEBE, your new identity is P.P. (for poetic Phoebe!)
    ANNE and LIN have a whole thing going between them, and it sounds like fun!
    SHIRLEY, besides Isaac being adorable (as you already know), I'm impressed by his cover suit made with colors that never would have been used together when my kids were little (I love blue and green!) and the cute antennaed bug on the front!
    JERI, we are all anxious to hear your good news about your check up! And my admiration extended on caring for your 3 grandsons! Just reading about it exhausted me! How is Val doing now? Our thoughts are with both of you...
    SANDY, at least you came home with pockets half full! I'm out of things; what is your cute kid hugging? What the heck is a minion?
    PATSY, I sort of tell myself I got to 88 in fairly decent shape even though once in awhile I include red meat or bacon, which I love with my eggs! As long as I have lived, there have been scare announcements about this, that, or the other being bad for us, so for years I ate only egg whites even though I never believed yolks were bad! I now believe unless something really disagrees with me, I will continue to enjoy it , in moderation, as eventually the story might change again! Your dinner for tonight makes my mouth water as I adore cornbread and any kind of beans. Let people snicker; beans have never made me gassy and they are so good for us!
    I have been distressed enough over the young fellow here in Florida; the drummer who is no longer alive due to an unbelievably bungled approach by an out of uniform police officer in an unmarked car at 3 AM, after the drummer's car had broken down after his nightly gig. But today we were treated to a show of pure rage when an officer kept slamming the desk/chair plus student up into the air, then crashing and dragging them across the floor. It is so outrageous to see such out of control behavior on the part of our peacekeepers! I think I'll get some sleep and perhaps dream of answers to this dilemma!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I wish they would quit messing with the time. I am not very good at time management as it is. I know it is only an hour but it takes me a couple of weeks to get my internal clock set. I know....whine ! Whine!

    Soggy day but I still want to get a few errands done. Driving the new car with John sitting beside me is the thing of situation comedies on tv. We are that crazy old couple going down the road with the car manual in hand. Some of the new advances are perplexing and I have grave doubts about their actual effectiveness.

    Thanks everyone for the heads up on the adhesive strips to put on our slippery deck. I think that will keep me upright. I noticed the UPS man walked up on the deck with a bit more confidence as well.

    I think shopping is such a chore, I wish we were in an area that has that Amazon grocery delivery service. Our son has some grocery delivery service, not sure what it is. He is pretty busy most of the time so things like shopping for food is last on his list. I think it connected to Whole Foods.

    I think we will do the same thing with our current book as we did on the last one. Market it locally. It has a totally local Oregon coastal flavor. I love the fact that it is considered a local cultural icon. Onward!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I hear you BUZZ on the incident in the school with the policeman and the disrespectful student, but what do you do when a student refuses to leave her desk and continues with a conversation on a cell phone thus showing the rest of the students that yes, we can all ignore the rules of a civilized life and just do what the heck we like while enjoying a free education. It's a real dilemma of our times. Gone are the days when we feared the cane or a visit to the principals office, but we appear to have swung totally the other way. Yes, the officer was wrong in using such excessive force but it must be terribly frustrating as a law enforcer to be met with such a wilful disregard to authority and respect to an elder. Beats me what the answer is. I wish we could go back in time and put right the mess now surrounding us.
    Meanwhile back to the beans. I love beans, they don't love me! I never gave up the yolks of eggs, for that's where the nutrition is. My eldest thinks all these dire warnings are merely a ploy to get us to eat what is convenient and profitable for the authorities. As for taking vitamins, I've never taken them or supplements of any kind, and I'm still around. I eat as I was taught as a child in the WW2 years, and it's been said that GB was at its healthiest in those years of rationing.
    Wow, it's unusual for me to get on my soapbox, must be the weather which is extremely wet and miserable.
    Again I wonder if I should delete the above, but that's how the old grey cells are working today,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,138 Member
    edited October 2015
    Happy Wednesday!! :) I went to bed at 9pm last night and got 8 hours and 48 minutes of sleep according to my Fit Bit. It was great to see Robby again and the day flew by even though he only took an hour and a half nap. The fireplace man was here and said the pilot light was out but it is hard to light so he was glad my landlady called him.
    He also cleaned it, checked for any gas leaks and fixed some sort of plate that gives me a better flame than I had. I am happy.

    I think if we listened to every warning they give us about food there would be nothing to eat. One year it is no eggs, then no red meat, no butter etc etc etc. The next year they say the same food is good for us. I eat what I like but try to eat healthy low calorie meals with exceptions once in a while. That is just me, I am not giving advice to anyone.

    Jeri, hope you will let us know how it went at the doctor today, of course sometimes it takes a while to get results.

    Time to relax and play some games. Have a good evening.

    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I've just seen on the news that the police officer is fired. Fair enough, but has the student been suspended? Anne
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Anne, I'm glad you didn't delete your post. I would've wanted to toss the idiot in the chair out a window. No time for babysitting. That aside, my school had two effective threats. Suspension and Expulsion. The first was limited and the second was not. Kick em out and they'll be free to do nothing on someone else's time.
    I'd say your health is maintained by apples! I agree about eggs.
    Sandy, glad your repair was made by a knowledgeable service person. The other day I removed the timer for one of our lamps so I could adjust the settings for the darker earlier days. There was a brown burned area near the plug. I showed it to Jim and he got a new one. That's kind of creepy to see what might have caused a fire.
    We didn't go to Alabama. We swapped with someone who needed to go home. We went to Phoenix AZ. We're now in Yuma AZ and will be heading toward North Carolina, unless they swap us again!
    We saw quite a sight in Phoenix. The canopy over the gas pumps was blown over and it crushed the gas pumps too! They said it was a microburst that caused it. I remember when Phoenix had those heavy rains, but I never saw anything like that! Then we learned that everything we could see would soon be gone. A new freeway is taking a wide path of businesses. They just take what they want? I hope the businesses are paid well. Always changes.
    Enough gabbing for today.