Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I thought I could not get on but kept messing with it and here I am.

    Alice feel sick this morning and will not be out today. So I will have to make my own lunch. I really like those lean cuisine gluten free TV dinners but try to have them at night when my brain don't work any more/
    Son is going to the Cowboy game and e will not be by. But I got Jerry and he is trying to get all the clocks crank up . What a job.
    or at least he is making it one.


    Oct. was good to me I lost some weight and really feel good about that. Still got a long way to go tho.

    I think I will make me a tapioca pudding for lunch. Its has egg, milk for my protein I will get my fat and carbs in it too. and I love it. Been years since I made any. I think we have forgotten how we used to cook. Or maybe just too tired to do so. Most cook some rice today too.

    Love to all

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just remembered: one of the best costumes I ever saw. 4 people wearing running shoes and bare legs stood in a line, bent over, and with a green plastic covering their back, the front person with a green face thus becoming a giant caterpillar walking down the street to a party. When they got to the party house, after shuffling in a circle for a bit they threw off the plastic covering and emerged individually as butterflies, which was very funny seeing 2 were bearded husbands. That was a good memory!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Just dropping in to say hi!! Going to 12:15 Mass, then to dollar store and grocery shopping.
    It is beautiful and sunny and a good day for errands. Not to freak anyone out but I do have to post a picture of Bryanna and her boyfriend with their Halloween makeup. It is scary but awesome at the same time. Sorry, hope I don't offend anyone.


    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Nah, takes more than that to scare us old dears. Lol. Very clever though and must have taken hours.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I agree with Anne
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi, home and trying to catch up a bit. I scare very easily. I never watch frightening movies, I hate all the vampire and ghouls and walking dead stuff. I avoid it all. I've never even liked a haunted house. Label me WEENIE! I apparently find just regular life frightening enough. Ha.

    Long day, ready to get a bit more moving around accomplished and then settle in with a book to read.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    This is right in there with trying to do any thing complicated with the computer. I am going to sit out in the driveway, in our new car and try to figure out how to turn on the radio and how to operate the Bluetooth thingie. I feel like such an old fogie. Our son is coming to help us with Skype next weekend. He said he wants to see us when we have our little chats. He was saying that most of the civilized world uses skype regularly. But! I remind him, I can operate a sewing machine, I can mix an exact shade of paint to match anything. I can cook anything, if I set my mind to it. And I know by heart at least 100 nursery rhymes.
    So I remind him, I am not without skills!!!!! I thank God our kids keep a watch on us. I need all the help I can get.
    Nov. 1st, All Saints Day.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Great Halloween pictures! We had a quiet meal at a lovely restaurant with Mike's son, daughter and her husband and son (the 35 year old who lives on disability). His son had a nasty fall at the Boston airport, but he came down anyway, and we enjoyed seeing him. He had business today in Miami, and plans to visit us again in December. Mike was quite animated! I'm trying to figure out what to do about my water retention, as nothing seems to help much any longer. I guess there is more sodium than we are told, as I usually order low sodium dishes. Anyway, I hope LIN gets her internet/phone/etc systems working better now that she has different equipment! The frustration must be intense! Doctors appointments tomorrow, and I somehow lost time today when we were supposed to gain, but I screwed up somewhere, I guess. My automatic clocks did not catch the signal, though my watches did. Go figure. 3 people here wore Donald Trump masks last night, and they looked hysterical. Otherwise all was calm. Be well, back manana...
    <3 Buzz
  • Buzz, I hope you'll go to the doctor about the retention. Your body is talking to you. A day of laundry, just finished, so it's goodnight and back to work tomorrow. Lots of rain here. Glad we had these two nights at home. Be safe this week.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    So far I'm loving the new washing machine. It doesn't have a lot of bells and whistles, but I can get it to wash my clothes with enough water to do the job. That may sound odd, but in the good ole' USA, finding a washing machine that will let you decide for yourself how much water to use is difficult.

    I didn't make the best choices this past week with my nutrition and while I didn't really gain much, I certainly didn't lose any. Will be making better choices this week. I am looking forward to spending a few days at the camper this week. Planning to get my hair permed while I'm away. It's been straight for a long time now. I figure, if I don't like it, I can go back to short and straight soon enough. (It's kind of fun having my hairstylist in the town where the camper is. It makes the "hair" trips seem a bit more like spa trips.)

    Have a great week everyone!
  • Marcella, I think that is why my clothes come from the washer with spots on them. I end up choosing extra rinse, and I suppose it defeats the purpose!
    Marie, hope Alice feels better
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe I am waiting on my son to show up. I surprise he is at the gym working off some of that tailgate food. He had yesterday. But he should be here around noon. Looks like they had fun tho.even if the Cowboys did los Jim doing ok Alice is ok now just an upset tummy and as long as I stay gluten free I am doing fine really love those Lean crushing gluten free TV Dinners
    Love Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well I hope this post doesn't go poof today.

    Lots going on in my head right now and will share. Ordered a book on tidying your space from clutter so when
    I get that I will doing a big clean up here at home and donating to get rid of most of it. I got a jewelery holder made
    of wood rather large to hang on the wall. Dave put it up for me today and I sorted and downsized all jewelery and its up and
    looks great. Now to empty out the TV room upstairs and get it painted, I will be turning that into a
    meditation room, and practice my music. My next project with my daughter too, is an introduction to
    transcendental meditation. You remember that from the 70's and the Beatles they were all doing it.
    I don't know if any one of you do that besides LIN, I know she had done it in the past. So making some
    changes for the better.

    We had a great weekend at the Yoga retreat and the vegetaran dishes were fabulous.
    I did really well except when I went to the chiropractor that day before her daughter was selling girl scout cookies so
    I thought oh great will take them to share with Kristina. Not so, she was being good and did not want any so guess who
    ate most of them. ME! I have not had them for years and will not again for years.
    Friday- Yoga from 5 until 6:30 and 7pm dinner. After that relaxing and saw a movie on the Ice Man, Wim Hoff from Amsterdam.
    Sat - 7:30 am meditation (not on schedule) and 8am breakfast, light, 9-11am Yoga session, 11am walk (optional) and
    personal time, 1200noon lunch, free time, 3-4pm worshop-the healing power of yoga, 4:30-6pm yoga and meditation,
    6pm dinner, 7:30pm the healing power of sound: it was a sing a long on mantras,
    Sun - 8am light breakfast, 9-10:30 gentle yoga, 11am brunch and then departure to catch the ferry off the island.

    So you were pretty much kept busy, the weather was good we did get some rain on Saturday night and they did
    distribute Halloween candy for us. We did stop on the way home to this place called The Big Apple Pie, everything
    apple that you could eat. Then after dropping off Kristina I had another 1 hr and 40 min drive home but she did
    most of the driving which was nice for me.

    So back to reality and my Zen mood still hanging on, doing laundry and just finished lunch.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon - it was laundry morning along with preparing some paperwork and cards to go in the mail. Then made a gigantic salad for lunch. Now I am trying to catch up on email. A friend directed me to a web site where you can order many food products organic/non-organic at quite advantageous prices. Most things come in packages of 6 or 12 or something like that. Anyway if you are a bulk buyer check it out. The site is -

    Marcella - I have an old washer and I have always loved picking out my own idea of the load size. I didn't know it was difficult to find one like that now.

    Patsy - did you figure out your Bluetooth? Getting something new always requires patience in the learning curve. A new vehicle has so many things to learn. Hope you are making progress.

    Marie - did your son arrive? Hooe you are having a good visit.

    Phoebe - I don't know how you keep caught up on everything. And off you go again!!

    Buzz - I hope you are well today.

    Barbie - I hope your weather is nice now. I cannot believe we are having a little streak of sunny weather with temperatures in the 70's. It would be perfect for walking a dog or two.

    Anne - are you enjoying your apples? The ones around here now have already fallen off in quality a bit. The peak season is over. Boooo.

    Shirley - your weekend sounds just wonderful. Love your changeover of the room! Such incredibly healthy things to do.

    Hello to everyone I have missed.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Afternoon all. Yes LIN, I'm still eating the apples and will be until Christmas I reckon at 1 a day. Then I have the frozen ones and the frozen red currants. The weather here is pretty neat too. In the sixties. Our Indian summer I think.
    I had a very productive busy day today, even got a bit of gardening done if you can count cutting back the hostas and mums. The geraniums are still with us, inside. Cross fingers. So far they look quite healthy. I enjoyed today, but not exactly news worthy!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) We too, are having Indian Summer and it was a beautiful day for a walk with Robby. He is getting a cold I think, because he has a runny nose and had a hard time sleeping. I am in trouble with his mom because I am honest and told her when he woke up after a half hour he was still very tired and cranky so I laid down with him in on my trundle bed which is in his room. He slept another half hour but she was not happy that I laid with him. Oh well, lesson learned and I don't feel guilty since I am not a paid babysitter but a grandma. <3

    Anne, I asked Bryanna how long it took to paint her face and she said about an hour but that was with doing her hair also. I told her next Halloween she should charge money and paint faces for extra income. :)

    Shirley, medication is one of the best forms of serenity, I admire your commitment. Did Issac have a Halloween costume this year???

    Lin, will you buy in bulk for yourself? Sounds like a good deal.

    Marie, I hope your son came and you had a wonderful time with him.

    Marcella, the washer I have has small, medium or large loads, does that count??

    Phoebe, today was my wash day also, Robby helps. LOL

    Buzz, I agree with Phoebe and hope you will talk to your doctor about the water retention. My alarm clock is automatic but I wasn't sure so set the time back and of course it set itself so I thought I was waking too early but actually it was an hour later.

    Patsy, skype videos calls will be wonderful, my family and I use google+ every Sunday. It is a great way to see the out of town family, my oldest son doesn't like to miss a week no matter how short the call might be.

    Enjoy the rest of Monday, Tuesdays are better sometimes.

    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello all,

    No I wasn't lost, just up at my cousins place in rural Alberta. They don't have wifi so I was trying not to use much data. (Not too successfully). We are going away next week for a week and it maybe the same situation.

    Had such a good time. It is where I grew up and I also went out to the rural cemetery to where Mom and Dad are buried as well. Beautiful old rural cemetery tucked away off the main road. Saw my aunt and two of my closest cousins as well. Fun times

    Ate way more than I wanted I'll have to be good this week.

    We got some snow brrrrr

    Catch up later,


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I saw Doc today, Lab reports show we are both in good condition....he upped my furosemide (diuretic) when needed, and all else seems good. It's my weight behind my discomfort! Driving home, the traffic was as bad as NY. Here it is 10:10 and I cannot stay awake, so stay well, and I'll be back tomorrow
    <3 B uzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers,

    Just finishing laundry from the weekend and did get some errands and picked up some aloe vera juice for my drink in the
    morning (before coffee).

    We are meeting our friend Tom today at 4:30pm and going to the grave site of my friend Ellie who passed away today
    one year from cancer. We have been invited over for dinner at one their daughter's and since I have choir practice
    tonight I will leave from there.

    SANDY - Yes Isaac had a Halloween costume and was hoping Dave would take it off his phone and
    put it in drop box. I will check and see if it's there. He was a pumpkin.

  • Shhhh- it's quiet here today