Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 Thank you all for such a nice greetings. this morning.
    The Sneakers are indeed a blessing. <3 Marie

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited November 2015
    Beautiful greetings this morning!!! Happy Thanksgiving. I am very grateful to have you as my friends. Wishing you happy and healthy days filled with all good things.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I went swimming at the local leisure centre for the first time in many weeks and feel a whole lot better for some exercise that doesn't impact on my muscles because lack of activity after my op and treatment has taken its toll. I'm determined to get myself back to where I was and today was a great start. I've tried everything to be able to view our sneakers forum without these long, long lines but nothing works. I even downloaded the free shrinkpic programme that should reduce the size of photos because checking other forums on MFP I see I don't have the problem, only on our pages that have photos! The arrors next to the message box give me an area in the middle of the screen but I can't scroll up to check what's been typed by others and Buzz, I can't find the style you mention so for now will struggle on but forgive me for not reading all posts properly at the moment.

    A grey day outside so my plan is to begin to decorate my dining room by fresh paint on the walls and woodwork before new flooring is laid in a couple of weeks. One wall a day is the goal so I'd best get started.

    To all my good friends in America

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member

    I too am grateful for all of you and for putting up with me all these years!! We are going for dinner at 3:00 this afternoon so I have a relaxing morning. I did not win at bingo but it was fun to be with friends. Enjoy your Thanksgiving or your Thursday!!!

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »
    I went swimming at the local leisure centre for the first time in many weeks and feel a whole lot better for some exercise that doesn't impact on my muscles because lack of activity after my op and treatment has taken its toll. I'm determined to get myself back to where I was and today was a great start. I've tried everything to be able to view our sneakers forum without these long, long lines but nothing works. I even downloaded the free shrinkpic programme that should reduce the size of photos because checking other forums on MFP I see I don't have the problem, only on our pages that have photos! The arrors next to the message box give me an area in the middle of the screen but I can't scroll up to check what's been typed by others and Buzz, I can't find the style you mention so for now will struggle on but forgive me for not reading all posts properly at the moment.

    A grey day outside so my plan is to begin to decorate my dining room by fresh paint on the walls and woodwork before new flooring is laid in a couple of weeks. One wall a day is the goal so I'd best get started.

    To all my good friends in America


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sorry, Patsy. We know you are trying to post. And we know you are super busy, so you just have a wonderful day!
    Going to eat in a bit, hope there's something left!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    If you have installed a menu bar, <3 the one with File...EDIT...VIEW...TOOLS, etc., click the dropdown menu in VIEW, and beneath ENCODING, there should be something called STYLE. I go to NO STYLE instead of DEFAULT. If you have not used the menu bar, right - click in the empty space above the address bar, and make certain the MENU bar is checked in the dropdown menu! I miss that in Chrome and in Edge, the new Windows 10 browser.
    I, too, feel blessed having you all as my dear friends, so I am very thankful finding you several years ago and recognizing you all as the people to remain with! May we have many more years together! AMEN...
    <3 Buzz
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Happy Black Friday!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Black Friday, oh no, say it isn't so PHOEBE! I'm going grocery shopping with my son, but, we'd also planned on dropping into Hikers Haven so I could treat him to some steel studded cleats to keep him upright when walking Cinders. He fell over during the week on icy grass! Does this mean, Black Friday, that we will be fighting through crowds of folks buying canoes and tents when all we want is a pair of cleats?
    With trepidation, Anne.
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    My goal for today is to stay away from stores and all of the shoppers in them. I'm looking forward to a quiet, peaceful day at home. o:) That is what will make my Black Friday Happy!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    I am staying home as well Marcella. We did get freezing rain overnight and it is just so chilly this morning. I've turned up the heat, have a stack of DVDs, the latest Janet Evanovich book "Tricky Twenty-Two" and I am going to make a new vegetable hot dish which will probably take forever to mix up since I always improvise!

    Anne, perhaps the store will not be flooded with people. Be brave my friend.

    Best wishes to all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited November 2015
    Have no intention of getting out in that mess. Too much weter outside. Heavy rain all night.long. So Jerry and I will just snuggle up here today and plan on making a beef stew. Got the stew going need to cook for 5 hours.. <3 Marie

    Hope don,t lose our lights.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I hit the arrows and things are better...yea! Text box is normal but I don't see my earlier post. Once again, I wish you all a delightful day of family, friends, food and fun! It seems like a plot for a TV movie...a bunch of close friends that most of us have never met, face to face. I don't say this very often....MFP makes it possible.

    Me again! Had a lovely thanksgiving! The food wasn't tooooo bad as far as calories, but the pie! Well you get the picture.

    Today we take Mazzy to the vet for her bump. She is such a sweetie. She and MoMo got a slice of turkey breast without any skin. Woof! Woof! Gone!

    Today I have to drink a lot of water and see if I can cut way back on everything. Veggie soup and hot tea. Very frosty here. Roads must be a nightmare. Black ice and deadly. I will be shopping online. I love that
    I can sit in a warm house with my iPad and order Christmas. Fighting the crowds for a discount in the middle of the night seems shear lunacy to me. If I had to do it, I guess I would and try to get into the spirit of it. We will have at least one shopping trip to get a few last minute things. Online shopping can get frustrating. There is a glass blowing artist in a small town near here. I will pick up a couple of hand-blown pieces of glass for a couple of family members who are collectors.
    Have a great day dear sneakers.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    My only shopping today is for some grocery staples, milk bread etc. And my only Black Friday excursion will be to petsmart to pick up a large online order. A years worth of dry cat food I think. Good but not great prices. Didn't even get a newspaper yesterday!
    Just got back from the vet with Sonny. He's been limping and doesn't want to bear weight on his left front. Not yet sure, no visible wound but he has a fever and his leg is swollen and inflamed. He got meds and is supposed to stay indoors. He wants to go out badly. We will be hearing a lot from him today. :/
    Finally put the new vacuum together. Now I want to vacuum but won't because Sonny's been thru enough today.
    We almost missed our Thanksgiving dinner! I fell asleep, woke about 3pm, and the restaurant was closing at 4! Ended up getting our dinner take out style. Put the vegetables in their own containers so we had plenty to share with Honey. She is allowed green beans and loves them. Large sweet potatoes prepared as yams ,along with cornbread dressing, all delicious. And Marcella I had two deviled eggs as well. It was a blessed day.
    I think I am supposed to print the email for the petsmart pick up, so I'd better head for the stairs.
    Anne, I know it's too late now, but FYI, most of the stores try to get the shoppers at their store first, thus the earlybird specials. A good reason to go later in the day.
    Barbie, have you done any research into this nerve problem? Just curious about what it might be. Hope you're not having too much pain.
    I'm sorry those of you are having bad weather.
    Marie, the news was forecasting ice or sleet your way, so heavy rain sounds better. Bad for travelers. Hug the kitties for me and enjoy your stew.
    Lin, good for you, staying put! Books and movies! A good day for sure.
    Sandy, hope you will have a safe day if you get out. Did you speak to your kids yesterday?
    Oh Barbie, I saw a photo of the Space Needle on my TV's screensaver. Does it really have a Christmas tree on top? It's beautiful, but how in the world did they put it there?
    Shirley, Jeri, Jackie, Patsy, Buzz, and all I've missed, have a warm wonderful day
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited November 2015
    Happy "Black" Friday!! :) I don't go near any stores this whole weekend if I can help it. Babe mentioned yesterday that we should do something today but I told him I would just like to stay home and have the day to myself. Since it is raining again, he was happy to agree, we will go to Mass and dinner tomorrow. Our Thanksgiving dinner was great but of course too many calories. Robby had his own turkey dinner of which he ate very little but it was a great Thanksgiving.

    Phoebe, I hope Sonny will be okay, did they have any idea what kind of infection? Yes, I had a wonderful video call with my two sons yesterday and my daughter called on the phone. (what a concept) I am glad you at least got to take food home and didn't sleep through the whole day.

    Patsy, like you I am staying home and try to shed these extra pounds. I only bought a few toys for Robby and his cousin which I always do online. The rest of my gifts consist of cash, check or gift cards. Shopping for the holidays is brutal, the stores are hot, the people are cranky and the lines are long. This is one time I am very grateful for technology.

    Marie, we too are being drowned in rain, it could be worse and be snow, so I am grateful for that. Only another two weeks and I will be in, I hope, sunny Florida.

    Lin, I hope to also curl up on my couch and chill out today but if I get the bug I will start putting up my Christmas decorations. We had one warm day last week so I put up the outside balcony decorations but today will set the timer.

    Marcella, I am with you, a quiet peaceful day.

    Anne, hopefully, the store you go to for those cleats won't be crowded and you can get in and out. I do my grocery shopping at Walmart so I won't go near there today. Luckily, I have enough food to last for a while.

    Have a wonderful Friday.
    One Day at a Time

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Well girls, chicken that I am, I didn't venture forth to Hikers Haven, joint decision by Michael and me! We did get enough groceries to last me a whole week but the traffic was awful. Mikes now on his way home, and like all of you I'm staying warm and snug inside because the temperature is starting to plummet and it's raining. A shopper I am not at the best of times. SANDY your delightful family pictures have come in small on my gadget. Did you do something? It's a first for ages!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    SANDY your delightful family pictures have come in small on my gadget. Did you do something? It's a first for ages!

    Yes Anne, I reduced the size to 235/314 pixels through Office Microsoft Picture Manager.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sandy, vet says when cats get injured, they scab over quickly(sorry, TMI). The infection sets up and can't get out. That's why they swell, develop abscesses, fevers, etc. It could have been from fighting or even a scratch. He goes where he pleases, so the possibilities could go on forever, even an insect bite.
    heading into the fray!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Sandy, vet says when cats get injured, they scab over quickly(sorry, TMI). The infection sets up and can't get out. That's why they swell, develop abscesses, fevers, etc. It could have been from fighting or even a scratch. He goes where he pleases, so the possibilities could go on forever, even an insect bite.
    heading into the fray!!
