Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    I've been so busy getting ready for Christmas. Baking, shopping, and everything else.

    We were supposed to babysit for our daughter while they went to see the new Star Wars movie. Unfortunately Lukas got sick and although we said we'd babysit anyway Melissa doesn't want to chance us getting sick -- we are cooking her Christmas dinner. LOL

    So Ed and I are using their tickets, they pre bought them some time ago. Looking forward.

    Everyone sounds as busy as Ed and I. I'll just say a big HELLO to you all.

    Off to get some more work done.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh Sandy, when will Babe ever learn..... probably never!!! A sing off sounds like an episode of one of Simon Cowell's talent shows so could be fun but I can understand you'd want to check with parents first LOL.

    Marie ~ It's such a relief to find easier ways around our computers isn't it and I'm delighted to read you've made life easier getting into your favourites.

    I've just enjoyed my first slice of marzipan Stollen with a cup of tea, the fire is lit and pets all tucked up in the warm as the wind continues to whistle and howl around the cottage. I've had to close the vents in the bedroom windows because they were literally screaming!!!

    Marcella ~ If your cats are anything like mine they will instantly take control of a dog coming into your home so there won't be any fractious behaviour. A lovely idea to volunteer at a local shelter so you'd get to know the pups before adopting although if it was me I'd probably end up with a house full of dogs, cats, bunnies and anything else looking for a home!!

    Shirley ~ that Christmas market sounds fun even if your weather is cold..... enjoy!

    I've just watched our local forecast on tv and it looks like dry tomorrow then rain, rain and more rain!!!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Update: I went and knocked on Ryley's door for the sing off, but no one was home. lol
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2015
    Wonderful, wonderful posts to read today, with everyone moving on with their lives. PATSY, it sounds trite, I know, but the big loss is not yours but your DD's!!! MARIE, as always, so clever about organization! I wish I had learned more about that end of computers before my habits became ingrained! Having never gone to a class, I know little about folders and files, and once I make one, I have trouble locating it! PHOEBE, fascinating post, and your varied interests are quite an insight! Hope things work out well, and Jim stops gaining, as it gets harder to lose as age creeps up.
    MARCELLA, are you a Floridian? I see where PHOEBE considers a coffee date so you must be not too far from her beloved Georgia!
    SANDY, I applaud your priorities!!! Christmas Eve should be a time of joy and wonder,...not apprehension! Poor Babe, he never learned from you how to grow!
    JERI, enjoy the gift tickets! Sorry about Lukas being sick, but Melissa is so thoughtful regarding you and ED remaining healthy!
    JACKIE, I'm picturing you with that marzipan stollen along with the tea, and thinking how relaxing a part of the day for you, who is always busy fixing, doing, and taking care of everyone! Hope your weather improves
    ANNE, I'm pretty frugal when it comes to adding anything to our digital package, but I'm thing the DVR might make sense, as I tend to fall asleep watching almost any programs, and seldom know the ending! I'm thinking.........!
    The chorus last night gave a super concert, not so much in talent as in enthusiasm! Our new director as such verve and such a great program choice, and she now has another assistant with tons of experience, a new resident who led choruses in NJ before moving to Florida. and she had all of us frog-voiced audience joining in on The 12 Days of Christmas in such an amusing way, everyone had a fabulous evening!
    The scale this morning showed a weight loss of 6 pounds over the last couple of weeks, but it usually just adds right back on so I'll wait and see if I can maintain it! With Christmas and New Year's Eve ahead, and my DS and bride arriving on the 30th, who know how I'll hold out!
    I think I'd better get a few cards finished before the dates are late, so have a marvelous weekend , y'all! 2216517opjrxacauo.gif
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We have seen the sun here for a couple of hours! Wow! I was wondering if it was still out there. There are a lot of retired people here who just fly the coop and head to Arizona for the winter. Good idea, really, but we are such homey folks. We would always be wanting this or that, which of course, was back at home. That was our problem with a second home or a cabin in some interesting location. I guess we are the traditional nest builders.

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions and understanding about my drama with our daughter. Christmas is such a magical time of year. The feelings of love and sentimental good will can't be denied. I wish some of it could last all year. But without the cookies and candy!

    Marcella: I admire your idea of volunteering at the animal shelter. I would be exactly like Jackie. There would be no end to the number of animals I would be bringing home. In truth, I sometimes give old blankets and towels as well as other things to our shelter. I can't bear to go inside. I just leave bundles on the doorstep. If I see those dear homeless animals my heart hurts. Like everyone who loves animals, I try to do what I can, usually with a Christmas check. I know I am not giving what they really need, my time and personal care.

    I have to defrost the freezer part of our fridge today. Ice built up in the back. I think I inadvertently blocked a vent with too much stuff. What a mess! Horrible time to have to do this.

    Jeri: what a great treat to go to see Star Wars! The reviews say it is wonderful. We will be going after Christmas. Sorry your grandchild is ill however.

    Anne: you will enjoy your cable tv. You will also be disgusted by these new violent and overtly sexual movies out there. I read the reviews because I just cannot watch those super violent movies. I would have nightmares for weeks if I did. However there are a lot of wonderful Christmas specials going on now. I love the Charlie Brown Christmas movie.

    Well I guess I have put off my big task long enough. On to the freezer...
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Just popping in while dinner is cooking, in the instant pot! First time! Did turnip greens first, half of them. They aren't cooked through, so they're in a pot on the stove. Now the pinto beans are cooking in the IP. Hope they will be well done. Then I'll put them in a saucepan and add seasonings.
    I had a headache today so I've slept and haven't been online much. Will catch up later though.
    Marie, this pot is not exactly the same as the one in the funny video. There is no bolt to worry about. No loose parts at all. It beeps to let you know the lid is on correctly. It took about twenty minutes to preheat the first time. I'm using the infrared heater I mentioned. It seems like it keeps the heat pump from running so much.
    Almost time to let the steam off. Ha, kinda fun!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe i am cooking beef stew in the crock pot tomorrow so Alice and I wont have to go out to eat. if she makes it out. if not i will eat stew all week She says she still have some shopping to do and she is off between christmas and new year. and will be coming out then. And will be out Christmas day Then we will see about the Ip I can' t read the recipes in the booklet so i will have to relied on Kimble for my recipes or te internet.

    i am waiting for the cowboys game tonight

    Sneakers have a good weekend.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Just a quick note. I seem to have frittered away another day although I did get caught up on my laundry and have read most of a quite light-hearted cozy mystery. I have another book sitting in my stack that I would like to start reading but have determined to finish the current book first.

    Kind of tired today or at least not much energy or motivation. I have allergy and sinus issues most every day but right now my darn nose is just raw and starts bleeding at the drop of a hat and I a, sneezing and have swollen eyes. What a combo. I do not take any over the counter drugs and have given up all Rx that I used years ago. End of my whining for today but just trying to explain why I didn't seem to have much pep today.

    I am going to take my book upstairs now and try to sleep. I need to get up early tomorrow.

    See you tomorrow.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Checking in before bedtime and loved seeing Daisy! But can't figure out how to close it !
    Sleep well, everyone...
    <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2015
    daisy getting her exercise. Such a pretty puppy She is stilll a puppy to me for We watch her grow up. TO BE A FINE LADY. Well dasiy i Had my exercise to chopping up veggies for my beef soup. rough on the old back.. but WILL BE SOME MIGHTY GOOD EATING THIS WEEK.

    phoebe i AM DEPENDING ON YOU TO HELP ME GET USED TO my IP and lin too. I like how lin dump thing in her IP. My kind of cooking. i like recipes but I just used them as guild line.

    My typing is about as mixed up as i am this morning. But you all know me. I am not a typist or spellar. I am pretty crazy too. Got to go and throw some more stuff in the crock pot Love my Sneaker see you later
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Arf, arf, arf--Daisy is such a cutie!! Love it.

    Good morning all. Time to leave for church but wanted to say hello. Warmer today but cloudy all day I guess.

    Marie, I am sure your soup will be great. It took me a long time to get comfortable with my IP. In fact I didn't do much except get it out of the box at first. There are lots of IP people here. Patsy, Jeri, Phoebe, me and YOU! I don't think we all have the same model though. Don't know if that makes a difference.

    Cannot linger.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I am still at Kristina's and waiting for them, John and her, to get up and we are going to breakfast at
    the corner restaurant. Then I will take off for home.

    Here is a picture of our day yesterday at the market. I had Schnitzel on a bun with onions and peppers,
    mulled wine and hot chocoate with Amarula. I didn't buy any wares just looked around. It was really


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited December 2015
    I Love Daisy! Give her a hug from me.
    Marcella, that sounds like a plan! I admit most of my ventures your way are for Dr.appts. Tower Rd.!
    Funny that you mentioned the shelter, etc. My cousins in Hawaii sent packages to us and the card says they have been volunteers with the Maui Humane Society this year. Our gifts are from there, she tells me. I too, would want to bring them home.. Used to Never look at them, only drop off donations.
    Lin, Shirley,Jeri,Sandy, stay safe and warm, no slipping! Do you ever put those things on your shoes, yak something? I wonder if they work.
    Marie, my beans weren't done enough on the bean cycle, which was 30 minutes. Trial and error but I expected it. Next time 40 on beans should be good. 8 minutes on turnip greens and a natural release is good. That just means not releasing steam let the pot slowly cool down first. ( while I take a nap!) I didn't season at all because I freeze the greens in small servings. That's your IP lesson , lol.
    Off to finish cleaning our truck inside and bring home everything washable.
    Pretty day!

    P.s. oops, Marie, just about every vegetable can be purchased already sliced and diced. Fresh and frozen. I keep green pepper in the freezer. You can buy frozen sliced carrots. Then peel potatoes while sitting. Beef can be bought cut for stew, but I prefer a piece of steak, lean, that I slice myself. I also buy bags of vegetable soup frozen vegetables, everything is in the bag.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Managed to get our hair done and make it to Church on time and then dinner. Daisy is such a clown I had to share her antics, she just cracks me up. Nothing planned today although I do have to go to the bank and the dollar store for a couple of gift card holders, but will probably wait until tomorrow when the crowds are less. Now that I have some time to myself I can start getting back on my recumbent to try to shed these last five pounds. I wish I didn't like to eat so much. B) BTW, I got a note from Ryley when I got home and he said sorry I had to go for a haircut. Kids, you gotta love them. <3

    Phoebe, consider the hug done next time I see Daisy. I ask her for kisses all the time. :)

    Shirley, great picture of you and your daughter, you both look cold though. I love mulled wine with a cinnamon stick when it is cold outside. Loved it even better when I used to ski.

    Lin, have a great day, you seem so happy. I am sorry about your nose, do you have a humidfier in your home or at least your bedroom?

    Marie, I am sure you will love your new IP and with all the sneakers helping you will make some delicious meals. You sound much better these days, must mean you are feeling better.

    Buzz, putting the mouse on the video shows the controls where you are able to shut it off.
    I think you were just sleepy. o:)

    Patsy, it is sad about your daughter, do you get to see your grandchildren? Life is so short, it is hard when the younger people don't understand this. I would love to see my step sons daughter as it has been three years but they just understand they are hurting her as much as they try to hurt me. I have no idea what they told her about me, for all I know they told her I died. Anyway, I like your positive attitude and knowing you have no control over no one.

    Jackie, I just love when you describe your cottage with a fire going and the pets snuggled while you have your tea. You are so English!!! <3 Downton Abby is coming back here in January, did you enjoy the final season without giving anything away???

    Jeri, with all those grandkids and all those menus, I can just imagine how busy you are. I hope you enjoyed the movie although sad that your grandson got sick.

    Marcella, my problem in volunteering in a shelter would be I would want to take them ALL home. I admire anyone who volunteers for anything, whether with animals or in a hospital, those are good people.

    I think I have over extended my writing on here, but now I should be caught up. (I think)
    Enjoy your day as I plan on doing.

    One Day at a Time

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Well, I have had a delightfully quiet weekend. Baked a chicken for Friday dinner, made a bone broth with the leftovers and then used the broth yesterday for a wonderful chicken and rice stew with some carrots thrown in for good measure. All that said, I’m not completely certain what dinner will be tonight. I may send the hubby out to pick something up.

    Buzz - While I am originally from North Florida, I currently live in Marietta, GA. Since Phoebe lives in Georgia, I figured that when she mentioned being in Marietta shopping, she was most likely referring to the town where I currently live in Georgia. Small world.

    Sandy - Daisy is quite the photogenic girl!

    Shirley - Beautiful picture. That is a serious size Christmas Tree behind you!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful week,
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We are still going to the post office (Saturday) waiting endlessly in line to get all those gifts I ordered on line. My big plan to shop online has a few hiccups! Oh well, I have a backup plan. I will print pictures of the gifts and put it in a gift box and wrap it for under the tree. Not exactly original, but I think it will have to do. A note to tell them it is on way might be useful as well. As I feared, everything will come late, broken or just wrong! Ho Ho is all good, none the less.

    John keeps cycling around the TV looking at the football game. I told him to just give it up...sit down and watch. He loves to watch but feels guilty unless he gets a few tasks done before settling in on the couch. Not sure what this strange obsession is. I can be lazy without any residual guilt or shame.

    I just had to laugh at the video of Daisy. I will send a picture of Mazzie doing the exact same thing. I think these girls are distantly related. Mazzy is very old but still active and full of sheepdog jokes!
    It is almost better be better watch out!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sweet Sunday. You all sound basically good today. Had a charming day. Signed up unexpectedly for an evening tour of the best Christmas light displays in Boca Raton. It was definitely worth the $3 bus charge to enjoy seeing all those Royal Palm trees gussied up in every color light imaginable, and design efforts that went into some of these homes and areas was truly exciting! Amidst all the reindeer and Santas and crèches and sparkling lights was one lovely home dressed in blue and white lights, with a huge setting of blue bulb menorah (Hanukkah candelabra) and nearby, a tremendous Santa-like Teddy Bear with a huge dreidle (top) in his arms, ready to spin on the imagined Ice. I came home sleepy and happy. Now designing my special; cards for the staff, and 4 others for friends. A unique one for that couple who has had nothing but bad luck since moving in 2 years ago; he was admitted to the hospital 4 weeks ago, with a diagnoses that this was the end. He is now back here in our medical center with round the clock nurses, and the prognosis has improved immeasurably! Our hopes and wishes are with him all the way!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Good morning. Overcast and cloudy here today. I plan to be out most of the day, I have a package to mail (a return item), need gas for the vehicle, meeting a friend to see Star Wars, and I want to browse in the stores a bit. I am in need of a 2016 weekly paper appointment book. Yes, I still like to have a paper book given all the electronic glitches over the years.

    Buzz, what a wonderful tour. I am so glad that you decided to go.

    Patsy, I have two online orders, but just for myself, that were suddenly delayed. Both were to arrive last Saturday and the latest update is Tuesday and Wednesday. We'll see. Also a return package is not the best timing is it? Ha. Luckily I am going to the UPS store which is usually faster than the Post Office.

    Wishing everyone well.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,093 Member
    edited December 2015
    Happy Monday!! :) Rainy, miserable day, will probably stay in and do nothing. Washing my sheets and my cleaning girl is coming later. I was going to go to grocery store to buy ingredients for my monkey bread and artichoke dip but might wait until Wednesday since I also want to buy shrimp and cocktail sauce and am hoping to find it fresh. I finally got on my recumbent last night and if felt good, also helped me loose some ounces this morning.
    I am already looking for airfare for Phoenix during Spring break in March. I want to visit my son since I have been to both my daughter and other son's house this year.

    I am waiting for one online order, tracking says it should be here tomorrow so I hope they are right. It is actually for me, a pair of pants I want to wear Christmas Eve.

    Buzz, it was different for me to see all the Christmas lights in Florida. St. Augustine was just beautiful as well as the houses including my daughters.

    Going to try to fight with Comcast to lower Babe's bill, he is paying way to much and basically just watches the same show over and over. Hopefully, they will talk to me since I no longer live in that house.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time