Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2015
    This is Monday
    Please if any of you posted a recipe here would you be so kind to copy and paste it on our recipe topic Here is the link no matter what kind it is. I would appreciate it so much.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Miserable day here too, raining and temperatures are warming. I went to Yoga class today and I have
    an apt. at 1:30pm with my TM instructor so will be leaving shortly for that.

    Dave has gone to get Christmas food for our dishes we have to bring to Kathy's. Her cupboards are
    finally in and the counter top should be in today. Now just waiting for the new stove which they
    said won't be there until the 24th. Poor thing, it still has to be hooked to gas. Fraser can do it
    and then has to undo it and get a gas man to come out and do it properly so they can get a certificate
    in case there are any problems. Can't wait to see Isaac!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Dashing down to sit at the welcome desk, and thank goodness my cleaning gal came and left and things are looking decent for today!
    At 81 degrees, Christmas seems a long way off, but today IS Winter Solstice so I guess it's right around the corner! Have a super day everyone, and SANDY, Comcast is willing and able to compromise if you are assertive! Good luck!
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello everyone! Oh I am so envious of you who are going to see Star Wars. We usually avoid watching movies in theaters because John just cannot sit through an entire movie without a couple of breaks. It is so frustrating for him. But it is manageable if we plan our activities with this issue in mind. He is always ready to make our little home theater as comfortable and up to date as possible.

    We are having an extremely wet winter. We are under a high wind watch again.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ooooooooops things posted before I had a chance to wish you all a great day. Mopping floor, wrapping gifts, waiting in line at post office, thinking about what wonderful time of year. People getting together with friends and family, giving gifts, waiting in long lines chatting with strangers and of course, cooking food and sharing with people you love!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited December 2015
    long long day, another one tomorrow. The doctor has managed to get approval for my injection for my back, although I don't think it is what I am really looking for, but we will go one step at a time. It is a 6:00am tomorrow arrival time, and Jim gets to take our cat Boo to the discount clinic for her dental cleaning since I'll be busy. I'll be picking her up later in the day.
    Patsy, our theater has three screens for Star Wars. They all start at 9am and go until midnight!!
    Jim plans to go, sometime while we are off from work.
    Buzz, busy lady, glad you enjoyed the lights. Love the teddy bear, driedel and blue and white lights.
    Lin, enjoy your movie and time with your friends.
    I didn't order anything online for other people, but have lots of things scheduled to arrive this week. Nothing absolutely necessary. so far, everything I've ordered has arrived on time. Most of my orders are thru amazon.
    it is cool in this room, and I've been here for about two hours, filling out medical forms, etc.
    so I will say goodnight and have a great tomorrow
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,098 Member
    Phoebe, if your injections are what I had, you will be glad you had them, at least for a while. I had three shots but then had the lamanectomy which fixed everything . Good luck!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2015
    Wow, SANDY, I didn't know you had a laminectomy! It has been very successful for several of my friends. For some reason, or perhaps it really is our Comfortaire Air Mattress,
    neither of us has back problems, though 15 years ago, we were going through several mattresses a year trying to relieve our back pain! We are very convinced about the relief
    we got when we finally found out about this mattress from my DS! Anyway, PHOEBE, good luck with the shots. Like you, I have not been to a single store, sticking with
    Amazon and Chicos for so some incredible buys! I'm now waiting for my final package, a $109 jacket I snagged for $18.99, and no shipping charges! I find I need slightly
    more formal/less sloppy clothing here (no jeans in the dining room!) so I fill in when sales are the steepest! PATSY, I wish you more comfortable weather quick! Don't forget after
    today the days grow longer, lol!
    I hope to finish my cards for our fabulous staff by tomorrow. I am so slow! And I need sleep tonight. Have a lovely night, dear ones...
    <3 Buzz
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Aaaaaargh! Well, I just received my disappointing order from National Geographic. The items were pretty low quality of material and workmanship. Plus they were a full week to 10 days behind schedule. I used to get wonderful unusual gifts from national Geographic. I am somewhat disappointed with items from Smithsonian. Next year I need a different plan.

    There is a deserted light house not for form here. It is on a rock at the end of a headland. The winds and waves have been so fierce that the waves are up to 100 feet high as they crash against the Rock and lighthouse. It is an awesome sight. The bad part is that to see this, we have to walk down a steep Sandy cliff to a beach and look at it. It is called Tillamook Head Lighthouse. This is the time of year whale watching is a fun thing to do. They are slowly making their way north with the babies. We have seen them breach (leap up out of the water and flip their tail) once. I don't know why this is so exciting. There are hundreds of people that do this every year. The day after Christmas the viewing areas are filled with hopeful people.

    Making cranberry sauce today. We had a bumper crop this year in Washington, right across the bridge.
    Kiss your favorite Santa today.

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Well, today is going to be an odd one. Had some unexpected stuff come up to take care of. So I think I will just turn this into an errand day and maybe be able to stay home tomorrow instead.

    Patsy - Your description of the whales took me there with you. It sounds awesome.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Today is definitely odd. It will be 12 deg C this afternoon and here's me in summer pants and short sleeved shirt making mincepies for Christmas. Mikes just been with gifts for us all and little Cinders and I actually walked her down the street dressed like this! It's sort of scary. The snapdragons in particular are in full bloom. If this keeps up we will be growing palm trees around the Great Lakes!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,098 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) No plans again, but I think I will go to grocery store for ingredients. Looking for airfare for Phoenix in March, I am planning on taking Bryanna for her 21st birthday in February but can only go during Spring Break due to sitting. Would also like to take her to Florida when school is out but not sure where I am getting all this money. lol
    I think her mom would like to take her to Vegas and wanted me to go with them but I think that could be too expensive for me. Her mom has a habit of taking advantage of me.

    Anne, I had to google 12 deg C to find out it is about 50 degrees F. We are in the 40's, still warm for Chicago winters.

    Patsy, correct me if I am wrong but I think my son took me to Tillamook for some great ice cream. I would love to see the whales, I have never seen one in the ocean in person.

    Buzz, thanks for correcting my spelling, when it comes to medical terms I am a dummy.

    So my bell rang yesterday and a big box was delivered to me. To my surprise it said American Tourister Luggage so I thought it was not mine. After checking the name and reading the packing slip which told me it was a gift from my daughter and older son with a note that said use this for visiting us. I had mentioned to my daughter that I would like a new piece of luggage with four wheels for Christmas next year since they had already bought a present which is under my tree. It was a great surprise and a beautiful piece of luggage.

    Life is good, so many things to be grateful.
    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    SANDY, I didn't correct your spelling; actually I copied yours, and the website must have changed it after the spell check! Oh the wonders of current technology! We got up really late today
    and here it is after noon and I haven't eaten breakfast yet! No milk, berries or yogurt so I guess have to make eggs and go shopping. And yes, I recall how your dear Bryanna's mother took
    advantage of your generosity! Does she ever smile? PATSY, I loved whale watching off Kauai and Long Island. And I was the only one on board one of the boats who continued eating my liverwurst sandwich even after the baby whale spouted (or whatever it's called) and we never realized the odor they expel! Oh my! But they and dolphins are so awesome to watch! My relationship with food is really weird! I'm so sorry your orders were so disappointing. Years ago, their merchandising was top notch, but like everywhere else, it seems too much has been destroyed by the "bottom line"!
    I also never finished the cards I planned to make last night as I fell asleep at the computer. so my work is cut out for me today.
    I just read where Christmas will be in the 60s and 70 in many usually chilly areas! Welcome to 85 degree Florida Christmas!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Warm here today too Anne, raining most of the day and gloomy. No snow so I will enjoy it!

    Patsy - I saw a humpback whale, actually two at one time in Nova Scotia. There were two tour boats
    and one whale showed up for each boat like it was planned and they put on a show. Quite a spectacle.

    I had lunch today with my sister and she gave me a Yankee candle for Christmas even though she is
    not working, I didn't expect anything. She enjoyed my gift to her too. We went out for lunch at a
    restaurant but the service was awful. I have been to that particular restaurant before and never
    saw what was displayed. The owner was waiting on tables by himself and when a waitress finally showed up to help she was miserable to him right in front of us. She evidently was called in and
    didn't want to be there.

    It's so nice to have my sister back again and things are going well, and since she met Joe she has
    really changed for the good.

    I also got a text from my oldest daughter today saying I love you mom, just because. That made my

    Have a good evening.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited December 2015
    That was sweet of your daughter, Shirley. Little things.
    Marcella, it was very foggy this morning, I had a little trouble seeing the street numbers at the facility I was going to. Hope you had a safe day, and I think it's wise to avoid errands tomorrow because of the rain, hope you can. I must do a couple and we plan to eat out tomorrow night. I've decided to cook my favorite meal on Christmas eve, (turkey and dressing), and Jim's favorite Christmas day, Honey baked ham and sweet potato casserole.
    I've never been whale watching, but read about their migration habits.
    Patsy, that description of the Tillamook lighthouse is exciting but sad that it is abandoned. Of course, I wouldn't want to be in it with your weather! I had a similar experience with an online catalog order. It was supposed to be a college name spelled out in full and they abbreviated it! Returned it, had just enough time to do something else, but discovered the image I used was an old version. Sigh...
    Sandy, your kids love you dearly, as they should. That sounds like a great treat you got. Glad you are making plans to visit them.
    Had my injection, did fine. Had a good day with noticeably less pain! It is supposed to take a full two weeks. I disobeyed Dr's instructions and did several errands. I was told to go home and rest my back. It is bothering me a bit, but it's my fault. They said I would probably have a headache, and I do. All day. Hope to get to sleep and find it gone in the morning.
    Boo did well at her dental cleaning. Anesthesia is slow to wear off, she has been wobbly.
    Tomorrow is our company Christmas party, looks like I'm going to dress similar to Anne. Capri's t shirts sandals. Very warm, 68f, but raining, so it will mean wet feet. I think it's worth it! Anne, I took a small bite of mince pie that my aunt or uncle baked. Good thing it was my relatives and not you, because I had to spit it out, and it would be embarrassing to spit out Your pie! Yuck and proud of it, lol! I'm kidding. But I stand by Yuck!
    I'm going to clear my bed and collapse.
    Night, Phoebe
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,146 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good evening - I went out this morning and finished the few errands I didn't do on Monday. By the time I got finished I was thoroughly chilled. Brrrr.

    I spent quite a bit of time today washing, peeling, and chopping vegetables. Made a nice salad for lunch and cooked some fingerling purple sweet potatoes as well. I love them. They are tiny and tasty! I cooked a nice cauliflower and some green beans. I go through vegetables like crazy and my carrots are almost gone again!

    I've been fighting my ghosts of Christmas past. I had a quite miserable Sunday after delivering all my gifts I was somewhat surprised that several people were less than thrilled apparently to receive gifts. They told me I make them feel bad. Well that was just a bit shocking to me. Then it was family, family, family talk and events and plans and everyone in little groups discussing their afternoon plans and by the time I left church I was on the verge of tears and spent the remainder of the day feeling quite unhappy.

    Monday was a new day and I did enjoy my time with my friend and enjoyed the movie as well. We had a nice talk and lots of shopping.

    A bolt out of the blue, I did receive a phone call from a friend who I'd seen on Sunday. She must have had pity on me as we had said our "Merry Christmas" greetings but now she's invited me to join her family on Christmas day. No specific time, just come over whenever. So I don't care if it's charity, I am going.

    I have a funeral to attend on Saturday morning and the 26th is also my mother's birthday. I guess we all have our problems and struggles darn it! There seems to be more than enough hurt and grief to go around.

    Thank you for being my friends here. You are very much appreciated.

    I have signed up for adult coloring afternoon at the library (they are having it once a month), the scrapbooking and card maker events, told my friend who likes to go to movies all the time, that I'll go to some movies with her if she wants company (her husband often does not want to go), and I have my painting supplies. I've checked out a couple of books about painting with acrylics. Any suggestions?

    Well if this makes little sense, I've been trying to write this while texting with a friend. Another example of why multi-tasking is not one of my strong points.

    Good evening....

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,098 Member
    Lin, you are our family and we love you!! Christmas can be hard and lonely sometimes, but remember the true meaning and you will be happy!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Sandy, you are right! I think Lin remembered it better than some did. Giving goes both ways. Or should in the heart of God's people.
    Yes Lin, I miss your posts until you make it here. You are much loved, appreciated, and valued.
    I know you've probably heard of an 'Angel unaware'. Well consider, while a person was receiving your gift, there was someone else seeing and learning from you.
    Yes you should consider buying a case or two, if they would sell that way to you. I wonder if they would special order for you.
    OK I'm going back to Not sleeping.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Well, well I've sipped a large mug of coffee while catching up on your posts and thought I must check in before another day disappears. Today we have sunshine which after days of rain and high winds is a treat. My friend and I walked the dogs to the top of the moors where we enjoyed spectacular views, something we miss when walking with our heads in the clouds. I've been out and about this week visiting and dropping off cards and best Christmas wishes but today, apart from one card for the local dog sitter, I've nothing to do but housework, make carrot soup because I've a huge bag to use up and probably clean out the hen house before the next storm arrives. It seems we are all enduring unusually mild weather which is upsetting nature. Anne we have daffodils appearing everywhere and last night our local news station had a feature about a Ringed Dove that has layed eggs in her nest in someone's hedge and sitting happily hoping they'll hatch! We've been averaging 14C degrees and my bees are a worry because they haven't rested this winter so I'm definitely going to make that promised batch of sugar candy to help them keep their store cupboard full.

    Lin ~ This is one big family and you are loved by us all. As ever Phoebe said it better than I ever could and certainly accepting a gift graciously whatever one's feelings is something your church friends should be aware of. Your invitation to join your friends on Christmas day won't be out of pity I'm sure Lin but rather acknowledgment that some people at church didn't do themselves any favours behaving the way they did and she'll want you to know she saw it.

    Phoebe ~ Naughty girl, not doing as the doctor told you but that's great that you are feeling some relief already. Now try to take things easy so as not to undo the good your injections have achieved.

    Patsy ~ The cinema is a place I haven't visited for at least 20 years, mostly because I was getting fed up with the noise of people chatting, answering their phones and generally behaving as they would at home rummaging into crackly bags of food and slurping drinks in my ear!! Grumpy old woman made her appearance at that stage and I decided I could wait for movies to be shown on tv or our local community hall that has a monthly film evening.

    Sandy ~ Downton was a programme that used to send me to sleep so I stopped watching a couple of series ago but do know the last episodes were about the decline of our aristocracy which they were a part of but lots of smiling faces anyway!!! We have a special Christmas day episode that I'll probably watch but promise I won't give anything away!

    I've been interrupted by my old boss I worked with in the late 70's early 80's that wants me to help him write a book and now it's lunchtime so I'll get on before the sun goes down. Hello to everyone I missed and all have an enjoyable Wednesday.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Dear LIN, you are a wonderful, warm hearted lady, and you must be aware that you are much wanted and appreciated by this group. Christmas can be the best of times and the worst of times, especially if people we once loved and who cherished us are no longer with us. I have silently wondered how you would manage this particular Christmas. Being the LIN you are, everything will turn out well and I agree with JACKIE the lady who asked you to spend Christmas will NOT have asked you for any other reason except suddenly realizing this year will be difficult for you. I think that's the problem with most people, we are so full of our own families and plans that we stick our heads in the sand about people who have suffered loss. I do wish you could pop into my place and you could have a PHOEBES dreaded mince pie with me.

    PHOEBE, PHOEBE, PHOEBE, how can you NOT love a mince pie. Melt in your mouth flaky pastry enclosing brandy soaked fruit, me, I just saliva at the thought! Just kidding, to each his or her own eh! I shall think of you at break time when I have one with my morning coffee.

    I'm going to peer at the ground and see if our daffs are showing JACKIE. Wouldn't be surprised, it is foggy and will be another balmy 56Deg F. by noon. All this warm weather is wearing my summer clothes out! I long to wear my thicker pants and sweaters which are in remarkable good condition! Fancy I actually bought cleats for my heavy boots!

    Well everyone I'm running late today, but I do wish everyone a wonderful Wednesday, and don't forget the sun tan lotion!